コード例 #1
  * login function
  * login using $username and $password, and optional addinational $options
  * @author albertdiones@gmail.com
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 public static function login()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $username = $args[0];
     $password = $args[1];
     $group = $args[2];
     if (!$username) {
         throw new e_user_input("Input your " . $this->term_username());
     if (!$password) {
         throw new e_user_input("Input your " . $this->term_password());
     $ldap_result = static::ldap()->bind($username, $password);
     if (!$ldap_result) {
         throw new e_user_input("Failed to login: Invalid " . self::term_username() . " and " . self::term_password());
     if ($group) {
         # You have to declare ::validate_group_membership() on the late static class
         $late_static_class = get_called_class();
         e_developer::assert(method_exists($late_static_class, 'validate_group_membership'), $late_static_class . '::validate_group_membership() function is not declared');
         if (!static::validate_group_membership($username, $group)) {
             throw new e_user_input("Failed to login: invalid group");
     $member = static::singleton();
     $member->username = $username;
     $member->group = $group;
     return $member;
コード例 #2
  * Gets an instance that represent the row from the table
  * @param array $pks an array of pks produced by model_multi_pk::serialize_pk_array
  * @version 0.1
  * @since version 0.1
 public static function get_instance($pks)
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (count($pks) === 1) {
         e_developer::assert(is_array($pks), "Multiple PK must be used on " . get_called_class() . "::" . __FUNCTION__ . " " . json_encode($pks));
     return call_user_func_array(array('parent', 'get_instance'), $args);
  * Here we change the path to layouts/path
  * @since ADD MVC 0.10
 public function getAttributes($compiler, $void)
     $result = call_user_func_array('parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());
     $result['file'] = preg_replace('/^(\\\'|\\")/', '$0includes/', $result['file']);
     $result['file'] = preg_replace('/(\\\'|\\")$/', '.tpl$0', $result['file']);
     e_developer::assert($compiler->smarty->TemplateExists(trim($result['file'], '\'"')), "{$result['file']} Does not exist!");
     return $result;
コード例 #4
  * Deprecated function
  * @param string $table
  * @param string $field
  * @param string $field_value
  * @deprecated use get_row_instance()
 static function db_row_array($table, $field, $field_value)
     e_developer::assert(is_object(static::db()), get_called_class() . ' $D is not an object');
     $row = static::db()->getRow("\r\n            SELECT * FROM " . static::db()->meta_quote($table) . "\r\n            WHERE " . static::db()->meta_quote($field) . " = " . static::db()->quote($field_value));
     return $row;
コード例 #5
  * Autoload class function
  * @param string $classname
  * @todo on 1.0, move the ifs() and deprecate filename without .class.
  * @author albertdiones@gmail.com
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
  * @version 1.0
 static function load_class($classname)
     global $C;
     if (class_exists('e_developer', false)) {
         e_developer::assert($classname, "Blank classname");
     # Iterate it through classes directories
     foreach (add::config()->classes_dirs as $classes_dir) {
         # Load it from the application's class dir
         $class_filepath_wildcard = "{$classes_dir}/{,*/}{$classname}.class.php";
         $class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard, GLOB_BRACE);
         # Backward support to 0.2 (without .class)
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = "{$classes_dir}/{,*/}{$classname}.php";
             $class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard, GLOB_BRACE);
         if ($class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath = $class_filepath_search[0];
     if (!empty($class_filepath)) {
         $class_loaded = (include_once $class_filepath);
         $class_loaded &= class_exists($classname) || interface_exists($classname);
     } else {
         $class_loaded = false;
     # Check if the class is actually loaded
     if (!empty($class_filepath) && !$class_loaded) {
         $e_class = 'e_developer';
         if (class_exists($e_class)) {
             throw new $e_class("{$classname} not found from {$class_filepath}");
         } else {
             throw new Exception("{$classname} not found from {$class_filepath}");
     # ADD MVC Class Loaded Event
     if ($class_loaded && method_exists($classname, '__add_loaded')) {
     return $class_loaded;
コード例 #6
  * Logs string to the log file
  * @param string $string the string to log
  * @since ADD MVC 0.5
 public function log($string)
     e_developer::assert(method_exists($this, 'log_filepath'), __CLASS__ . " log file is not set");
     file_put_contents($this->log_filepath(), $string . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
コード例 #7
  * recursive compact($array_keys)
  * Returns an array of GPC from the $array_keys
  * @since ADD MVC 0.1, ctrl_tpl_page 0.1
 public static function recursive_compact($gpc_array_keys)
     $compact_array = array();
     foreach ($gpc_array_keys as $gpc_key => $array_keys) {
         e_developer::assert(isset($GLOBALS[$gpc_key]), "Invalid GPC key {$gpc_key}");
         $gpc_array = $GLOBALS[$gpc_key];
         foreach ($array_keys as $array_key) {
             e_developer::assert(is_scalar($array_key), "Invalid GPC array key {$array_key}");
             $compact_array[$array_key] = empty($gpc_array[$array_key]) ? null : $gpc_array[$array_key];
     return $compact_array;
コード例 #8
  * set_password
  * @param string $password
  * @param string $confirm_password
  * @since ADD MVC 0.3
 public function set_password($password, $confirm_password = false)
     e_developer::assert(is_string($password), "Password argument is not string", func_get_args());
     if ($confirm_password !== false && $password !== $confirm_password) {
         throw new e_user("Password confirmation incorrect");
     $this->{static::PASSWORD_FIELD} = $this->hash_password($password);
コード例 #9
  * Autoload class function
  * @param string $classname
  * @todo on 1.0, move the ifs() and deprecate filename without .class.
  * @author albertdiones@gmail.com
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
  * @version 1.0
 static function load_class($classname)
     global $C;
     if (class_exists('e_developer', false)) {
         e_developer::assert($classname, "Blank classname");
     $incs_class_filepath = add::config()->classes_dir . "/{$classname}.class.php";
     if (file_exists($incs_class_filepath)) {
         $class_filepath = $incs_class_filepath;
     # Backward support to 0.0
     if (empty($class_filepath)) {
         $incs_class_filepath = add::config()->classes_dir . "/{$classname}.php";
         if (file_exists($incs_class_filepath)) {
             $class_filepath = $incs_class_filepath;
             trigger_error("{$class_filepath} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
     if (empty($class_filepath)) {
         $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->incs_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.class.php';
         $class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard);
         # Backward support to 0.0
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->incs_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.php';
             if ($class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard)) {
                 trigger_error("{$class_filepath_search[0]} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->add_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.class.php';
             $class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard);
         # Backward support to 0.0
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->add_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.php';
             if ($class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard)) {
                 trigger_error("{$class_filepath_search[0]} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
         if ($class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath = $class_filepath_search[0];
     # Backward support to 0.2
     if (empty($class_filepath)) {
         $class_filepath = $C->add_dir . '/classes/' . $classname . '.php';
         if (file_exists($class_filepath)) {
             trigger_error("{$class_filepath} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
         if (!file_exists($class_filepath)) {
             $class_filepath = null;
     /*if (empty($class_filepath)) {
          $e_class = 'e_developer';
          if (class_exists($e_class)) {
             throw new $e_class("$classname not found",array($C->add_dir,add::config()->classes_dir));
          else {
             throw new Exception("$classname not found" . $C->add_dir . " " . add::config()->classes_dir );
     if ($class_filepath) {
         include_once $class_filepath;
     if ($class_filepath && !class_exists($classname) && !interface_exists($classname)) {
         $e_class = 'e_developer';
         if (class_exists($e_class)) {
             throw new $e_class("{$classname} not found from {$class_filepath}");
         } else {
             throw new Exception("{$classname} not found from {$class_filepath}");
     return class_exists($classname);
コード例 #10
  * cache path of the current url
  * @since ADD MVC 0.5
 public function cache_path()
     e_developer::assert($this->cache_dir, "Cache directory is blank");
     $cache_file_name = sha1($this->url);
     if ($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL]) {
         $cache_file_name .= sha1($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY]);
     return $this->cache_dir . '/' . $cache_file_name;
コード例 #11
  * Accepts 2 dimensional array of keys to be fetched from global variables
  * Returns a multi dimension array of the global variables value of $gpc_array_keys
  * @param array $gpc_array_keys - 2 dimension array of keys
  * @see ctrl_abstract::process_mode()
  * <code>
  * if (!$_GET['foo']) {
  *   add:redirect('?foo=bar');
  * }
  * debug::var_dump($_GET, ctrl_abstract::recursive_compact( array( '_GET' => array('foo') ) ));
  * </code>
  * @since ADD MVC 0.1, ctrl_tpl_page 0.1
 public static function recursive_compact($gpc_array_keys)
     $compact_array = array();
     # Magic quotes backward support https://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=118
     $magic_quotes_on = get_magic_quotes_gpc() && ($real_gpcs = array('_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_REQUEST'));
     foreach ($gpc_array_keys as $gpc_key => $array_keys) {
         e_developer::assert(isset($GLOBALS[$gpc_key]), "Invalid GPC key {$gpc_key}");
         $gpc_array = $GLOBALS[$gpc_key];
         foreach ($array_keys as $array_key) {
             e_developer::assert(is_scalar($array_key), "Invalid GPC array key {$array_key}");
             $compact_array[$array_key] = empty($gpc_array[$array_key]) ? null : $gpc_array[$array_key];
         # stripslahes if magic quotes is on https://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=118
         if ($magic_quotes_on && in_array($gpc_key, $real_gpcs)) {
             array_walk_recursive($compact_array, function (&$value, $key) {
                 $value = stripslashes($value);
     return $compact_array;
コード例 #12
  * cache path of the current url
  * @since ADD MVC 0.5
 public function cache_path()
     # Fix https://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=152
     if (!$this->enable_cache) {
         return null;
     if (empty($this->cache_dir)) {
         $this->cache_dir = add::config()->caches_dir . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W+/', '_', get_called_class()) . '.class.cache';
         if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir)) {
             mkdir($this->cache_dir, 0777);
     # ^ Fix https://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=152
     e_developer::assert($this->cache_dir, "Cache directory variable is blank");
     $cache_file_name = sha1($this->url);
     if ($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL]) {
         $cache_file_name .= sha1($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY]);
     return $this->cache_dir . '/' . $cache_file_name;
コード例 #13
  * cache path of the current url
  * @since ADD MVC 0.5
 public function cache_path()
     e_developer::assert($this->cache_dir, "Cache directory is blank");
     return $this->cache_dir . '/' . sha1($this->url);