コード例 #1
  * Instanciantes the image converter with a set of filters
  * @param array(ezcImageFilter) $filter Filters to add to the image converter
  * @return void
  * @throws ezcBaseSettingValueException Error adding the transformation
 public function __construct($filter)
     $imageINI = eZINI::instance('image.ini');
     // we get an array of handlers, where order of entries in array gives priority
     // for each entry, we need to check if the matching handler is enabled, and this has to be manual
     $imageHandlers = $imageINI->variable('ImageConverterSettings', 'ImageConverters');
     foreach ($imageHandlers as $imageHandler) {
         switch ($imageHandler) {
             case 'ImageMagick':
                 $hasImageMagick = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'IsEnabled') == 'true';
                 if ($hasImageMagick) {
                     break 2;
                 // GD2 is required for the image editor
                 // @todo Make the image editor degrade as nicely as possible if GD is not bundled
             // GD2 is required for the image editor
             // @todo Make the image editor degrade as nicely as possible if GD is not bundled
             case 'GD':
                 $hasGD2 = $imageINI->variable('GD', 'IsEnabled') == 'true' && $imageINI->variable('GDSettings', 'HasGD2' == 'true');
                 if ($hasGD2) {
                     break 2;
     if ($hasImageMagick) {
         // we need to use the ImageMagick path configured in the image.ini file
         $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'Executable');
         if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' && $imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableWin32')) {
             $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableWin32');
         } else {
             if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' && $imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableMac')) {
                 $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableMac');
             } else {
                 if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' && $imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableUnix')) {
                     $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableUnix');
         if ($imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath') && $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath')) {
             $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath') . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable;
         // @todo Remove if ezc indeed do it automatically
         // if ( eZSys::osType() == 'win32' )
         //    $executable = "\"$executable\"";
         $imageHandlerSettings = new ezcImageHandlerSettings('ImageMagick', 'eZIEEzcImageMagickHandler', array('binary' => $executable));
         $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings(array($imageHandlerSettings));
     } else {
         $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings(array(new ezcImageHandlerSettings('GD', 'eZIEEzcGDHandler')));
     $this->converter = new ezcImageConverter($settings);
     $mimeType = $imageINI->variable('OutputSettings', 'AllowedOutputFormat');
     $this->converter->createTransformation('transformation', $filter, $mimeType);
コード例 #2
 function getStore()
     $varDirPath = realpath(eZSys::varDirectory());
     $store_path = $varDirPath . eZSys::fileSeparator() . 'openid_consumer';
     if (!file_exists($store_path) && !mkdir($store_path)) {
         //throw error
     $store = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore($store_path);
     return $store;
コード例 #3
ファイル: spdf2png.php プロジェクト: stevoland/ez_sbase
 function sPdf2png()
     $ini = eZINI::instance('spdf2png.ini');
     $this->cacheEnabled = $ini->variable('CacheSettings', 'Cache') == 'enabled';
     $this->debugEnabled = $ini->variable('DebugSettings', 'DebugPDF') == 'enabled';
     $this->javaExec = $ini->variable('BinarySettings', 'JavaExecutable');
     $this->cacheTTL = $ini->variable('CacheSettings', 'TTL');
     $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator();
     $this->fileSep = $fileSep;
     $this->extensionDir = eZSys::rootDir() . $fileSep . eZExtension::baseDirectory() . $fileSep . 'pdf2png';
     //$this->paradoxPDFExec = $this->pdf2pngExtensionDir.$fileSep.'bin'.$fileSep.'paradoxpdf.jar';
     $this->tmpDir = eZSys::rootDir() . $fileSep . 'var' . $fileSep . 'cache' . $fileSep . 'public' . $fileSep . 'pdf2png';
コード例 #4
ファイル: ezmultiparser.php プロジェクト: kaliop-uk/eztika
 function parseFile($fileName)
     if (!$fileName) {
         eZDebug::writeError("eztika cannot find the file {$fileName}; skipping", 'eztika class eZMultiParser');
         return false;
     $originalFileSize = filesize($fileName);
     $this->writeEzTikaLog('[START] eZMultiParser for File: ' . round($originalFileSize / 1024, 2) . ' KByte ' . $fileName);
     $binaryINI = eZINI::instance('binaryfile.ini');
     $textExtractionTool = $binaryINI->variable('MultiHandlerSettings', 'TextExtractionTool');
     $startTime = mktime();
     $tmpName = eZSys::cacheDirectory() . eZSys::fileSeparator() . 'eztika_' . md5($startTime) . '.txt';
     $handle = fopen($tmpName, "w");
     chmod($tmpName, 0777);
     $cmd = "{$textExtractionTool} {$fileName} > {$tmpName}";
     $this->writeEzTikaLog('exec: ' . $cmd);
     // perform eztika command
     exec($cmd, $returnArray, $returnCode);
     $this->writeEzTikaLog("exec returnCode: {$returnCode}");
     $metaData = '';
     if (file_exists($tmpName)) {
         $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
         $fileSize = filesize($tmpName);
         $metaData = fread($fp, $fileSize);
         // keep tempfile in debugmode
         if ($this->DebugKeepTempFiles === true) {
             $this->writeEzTikaLog('keep tempfile for debugging extracted metadata: ' . $tmpName);
         } else {
             $this->writeEzTikaLog('unlink tempfile: ' . $tmpName);
         if ($fileSize === false || $fileSize === 0) {
             $this->writeEzTikaLog("[ERROR] no metadata was extracted! Check if eztika is working correctly");
         } else {
             $this->writeEzTikaLog('metadata read from tempfile ' . round($fileSize / 1024, 2) . ' KByte');
     } else {
         $this->writeEzTikaLog("[ERROR] no tempfile '{$tmpName}' for eztika output exists,\n                check if eztika command is working,\n                check if eztika is executeable");
     // write an error message to error.log if no data could be extracted
     if ($metaData == '' && $originalFileSize > 0) {
         eZDebug::writeError("eztika can not extract content from binaryfile for searchindex \nexec( {$cmd} )", 'eztika class eZMultiParser');
     $endTime = mktime();
     $seconds = $endTime - $startTime;
     $this->writeEzTikaLog("[END] after {$seconds} s");
     return $metaData;
コード例 #5
  * tmp dir for mail parser
  *    ezvardir / cjw_newsletter/tmp/
  * @return string dirname
 public function getTmpDir($createDirIfNotExists = true)
     $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory();
     // $dir = $varDir . "/cjw_newsletter/tmp/";
     $dir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'cjw_newsletter', 'tmp'));
     $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator();
     $filePath = $dir . $fileSep;
     if ($createDirIfNotExists === true) {
         if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
             eZDir::mkdir($filePath, false, true);
     return $filePath;
コード例 #6
function eZSetupPrvtAreDirAndFilesWritable($dir)
    if (!eZDir::isWriteable($dir)) {
        return FALSE;
    // Check if all files within a given directory are writeable
    $files = eZDir::findSubitems($dir, 'f');
    // find only files, skip dirs and symlinks
    $fileSeparator = eZSys::fileSeparator();
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (!eZFile::isWriteable($dir . $fileSeparator . $file)) {
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
コード例 #7
  * create the dir and filename for the current mailboxItem
  * @return array array( 'file_path' => $filePath,
  *                 'file_dir'  => $dir,
  *                 'file_name' => $fileName )
 public function getFilePathArray()
     $mailboxItemId = $this->attribute('id');
     $mailboxId = $this->attribute('mailbox_id');
     $messageId = $this->attribute('message_id');
     $messageIdentifier = $this->attribute('message_identifier');
     $createTimestamp = $this->attribute('created');
     $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory();
     $year = date('Y', $createTimestamp);
     $month = date('m', $createTimestamp);
     $day = date('d', $createTimestamp);
     // $dir = $varDir . "/cjw_newsletter/mailbox/$mailboxId/$year/$month/$day/";
     $dir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'cjw_newsletter', 'mailbox', $mailboxId, $year, $month, $day));
     $fileName = "{$mailboxId}-{$year}{$month}{$day}-{$mailboxItemId}.mail";
     $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator();
     $filePath = $dir . $fileSep . $fileName;
     return array('file_path' => $filePath, 'file_dir' => $dir, 'file_name' => $fileName);
コード例 #8
ファイル: ezdir.php プロジェクト: nottavi/ezpublish
    static function isWriteable( $dirname )
        if ( eZSys::osType() != 'win32' )
            return is_writable( $dirname );

        /* PHP function is_writable() doesn't work correctly on Windows NT descendants.
         * So we have to use the following hack on those OSes.
        $tmpfname = $dirname . eZSys::fileSeparator() . "ezsetup_" . md5( microtime() ) . ".tmp";

        // try to create temporary file
        if ( !( $fp = @fopen( $tmpfname, "w" ) ) )
            return FALSE;

        fclose( $fp );
        unlink( $tmpfname );

        return TRUE;
コード例 #9
function getImportResultFilePath($importId)
    $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator();
    $dir = eZSys::varDirectory() . $fileSep . 'cjw_newsletter' . $fileSep . 'csvimport';
    $file = $importId . '-import_result.serialize';
    return $dir . $fileSep . $file;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ezimageshellhandler.php プロジェクト: legende91/ez
 function convert($manager, $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $filters = false)
     $argumentList = array();
     $executable = $this->Executable;
     if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' and $this->ExecutableWin32) {
         $executable = $this->ExecutableWin32;
     } else {
         if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' and $this->ExecutableMac) {
             $executable = $this->ExecutableMac;
         } else {
             if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' and $this->ExecutableUnix) {
                 $executable = $this->ExecutableUnix;
     if ($this->Path) {
         $executable = $this->Path . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable;
     if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32') {
         $executable = "\"{$executable}\"";
     $argumentList[] = $executable;
     if ($this->PreParameters) {
         $argumentList[] = $this->PreParameters;
     $frameRangeParameters = $this->FrameRangeParameters;
     if ($frameRangeParameters && isset($frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']])) {
         $sourceMimeData['url'] .= $frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']];
     $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($sourceMimeData['url']);
     $qualityParameters = $this->QualityParameters;
     if ($qualityParameters and isset($qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']])) {
         $qualityParameter = $qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']];
         $outputQuality = $manager->qualityValue($destinationMimeData['name']);
         if ($outputQuality) {
             $qualityArgument = eZSys::createShellArgument($qualityParameter, array('%1' => $outputQuality));
             $argumentList[] = $qualityArgument;
     if ($filters !== false) {
         foreach ($filters as $filterData) {
             $argumentList[] = $this->textForFilter($filterData);
     $destinationURL = $destinationMimeData['url'];
     if ($this->UseTypeTag) {
         $destinationURL = $this->tagForMIMEType($destinationMimeData) . $this->UseTypeTag . $destinationURL;
     $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($destinationURL);
     if ($this->PostParameters) {
         $argumentList[] = $this->PostParameters;
     $systemString = implode(' ', $argumentList);
     system($systemString, $returnCode);
     if ($returnCode == 0) {
         if (!file_exists($destinationMimeData['url'])) {
             eZDebug::writeError('Unknown destination file: ' . $destinationMimeData['url'] . " when executing '{$systemString}'", 'eZImageShellHandler(' . $this->HandlerName . ')');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         eZDebug::writeWarning("Failed executing: {$systemString}, Error code: {$returnCode}", __METHOD__);
         return false;
コード例 #11
 function convert($manager, $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $filters = false)
     $argumentList = array();
     $executable = $this->Executable;
     if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' and $this->ExecutableWin32) {
         $executable = $this->ExecutableWin32;
     } else {
         if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' and $this->ExecutableMac) {
             $executable = $this->ExecutableMac;
         } else {
             if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' and $this->ExecutableUnix) {
                 $executable = $this->ExecutableUnix;
     if ($this->Path) {
         $executable = $this->Path . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable;
     if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32') {
         $executable = "\"{$executable}\"";
     $argumentList[] = $executable;
     if ($this->PreParameters) {
         $argumentList[] = $this->PreParameters;
     $frameRangeParameters = $this->FrameRangeParameters;
     if ($frameRangeParameters && isset($frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']])) {
         $sourceMimeData['url'] .= $frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']];
     // Issue EZP-21357:
     // ImageMagick has it's own meta-characters support, hence:
     //     $ convert 'File*.jpg'' ...
     // Still expand File*.jpg as the shell would do, however, this is only true for the file's basename part and not
     // for the whole path.
     $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($sourceMimeData['dirpath'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . addcslashes($sourceMimeData['filename'], '~*?[]{}<>'));
     $qualityParameters = $this->QualityParameters;
     if ($qualityParameters and isset($qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']])) {
         $qualityParameter = $qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']];
         $outputQuality = $manager->qualityValue($destinationMimeData['name']);
         if ($outputQuality) {
             $qualityArgument = eZSys::createShellArgument($qualityParameter, array('%1' => $outputQuality));
             $argumentList[] = $qualityArgument;
     if ($filters !== false) {
         foreach ($filters as $filterData) {
             $argumentList[] = $this->textForFilter($filterData);
     $destinationURL = $destinationMimeData['url'];
     if ($this->UseTypeTag) {
         $destinationURL = $this->tagForMIMEType($destinationMimeData) . $this->UseTypeTag . $destinationURL;
     $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($destinationURL);
     if ($this->PostParameters) {
         $argumentList[] = $this->PostParameters;
     $systemString = implode(' ', $argumentList);
     system($systemString, $returnCode);
     if ($returnCode == 0) {
         if (!file_exists($destinationMimeData['url'])) {
             eZDebug::writeError('Unknown destination file: ' . $destinationMimeData['url'] . " when executing '{$systemString}'", 'eZImageShellHandler(' . $this->HandlerName . ')');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         eZDebug::writeWarning("Failed executing: {$systemString}, Error code: {$returnCode}", __METHOD__);
         return false;
コード例 #12
         $cli->error("Could not open package " . $commandItem['name']);
 } else {
     if ($command == 'export') {
         if (isset($createdPackages[$commandItem['name']])) {
             $package =& $createdPackages[$commandItem['name']];
         } else {
             $package = eZPackage::fetch($commandItem['name']);
         if ($package) {
             if (isset($commandItem['export-directory'])) {
                 $exportDirectory = $commandItem['export-directory'];
                 if (!file_exists($exportDirectory)) {
                     $cli->warning("The directory " . $cli->style('dir') . $exportDirectory . $cli->style('dir-end') . " does not exist, cannot export package");
                 } else {
                     $package->exportToArchive($exportDirectory . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $package->exportName());
                     $cli->output("Package " . $cli->stylize('symbol', $package->attribute('name')) . " exported to directory " . $cli->stylize('dir', $exportDirectory));
             } else {
                 $exportPath = $package->exportToArchive($package->exportName());
                 $cli->output("Package " . $cli->stylize('symbol', $package->attribute('name')) . " exported to file " . $cli->stylize('file', $exportPath));
         } else {
             $cli->error("Could not locate package " . $cli->stylize('emphasize', $commandItem['name']));
     } else {
         if ($command == 'create') {
             if ($alreadyCreated) {
             $package = eZPackage::create($commandItem['name'], array('summary' => $commandItem['summary']), false, $repositoryID);
コード例 #13
  * Generate text html of a output for preview and sending email
  * @see classes/cjwnewslettermail.php getAllOutputFormatTextByContentObjectVersion()
  * @see modules/newsletter/preview.php
  * @param unknown_type $editionContentObjectId
  * @param unknown_type $versionId
  * @param unknown_type $outputFormat
  * @param string $siteAccess
  * @param string $skinName
  * @param int $forceImageIncludeSettings -1 - use default settings
  *                                       1 - force do not render all img to file://settings from newsletterContentArray['html_mail_image_include'] will be used
  *                                       0 - force renders all img to file://
  * @return array
 static function getOutput($editionContentObjectId, $versionId, $outputFormat, $siteAccess, $skinName = 'default', $forceSettingImageIncludeTo = -1)
     if ($skinName == '') {
         $skinName = 'default';
     $cjwNewsletterIni = eZINI::instance('cjw_newsletter.ini');
     $phpCli = $cjwNewsletterIni->variable('NewsletterSettings', 'PhpCli');
     $currentHostName = eZSys::hostname();
     $wwwDir = eZSys::wwwDir();
     //$wwwDir = 'tmp';
     $wwwDirString = '';
     if ($wwwDir != '') {
         $wwwDirString = "--www_dir={$wwwDir} ";
     $cmd = "\"{$phpCli}\" extension/cjw_newsletter/bin/php/createoutput.php --object_id={$editionContentObjectId} --object_version={$versionId} --output_format_id={$outputFormat} {$wwwDirString}--current_hostname={$currentHostName} --skin_name={$skinName} -s {$siteAccess}";
     $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator();
     $cmd = str_replace('/', $fileSep, $cmd);
     eZDebug::writeDebug("shell_exec( {$cmd} )", 'newsletter/preview');
     // echo "<hr>$cmd<hr>";
     $returnValue = shell_exec(escapeshellcmd($cmd));
     $newsletterContentArray = unserialize(trim($returnValue));
     if (CjwNewsletterEdition::imageIncludeIsEnabled()) {
         $htmlMailImageInclude = 1;
     // forpreview
     $imageInclude = false;
     // render file:// if we want to force it
     // or use setting from $newsletterContentArray['html_mail_image_include']
     if ($forceSettingImageIncludeTo === -1 && $newsletterContentArray['html_mail_image_include'] === 1) {
         $imageInclude = true;
     } elseif ($forceSettingImageIncludeTo === 1) {
         $imageInclude = true;
     } elseif ($forceSettingImageIncludeTo === 0) {
         // $imageInclude = false;
     if ($imageInclude === true) {
         $newsletterContentArray = CjwNewsletterEdition::prepareImageInclude($newsletterContentArray);
     return $newsletterContentArray;
コード例 #14
  * @param string $siteAccess
  * @return object
 function getSiteIniObjectBySiteAccessName($siteAccess)
     $iniObject = NULL;
     // $phpCli = 'php';
     $cjwNewsletterIni = eZINI::instance('cjw_newsletter.ini');
     $phpCli = $cjwNewsletterIni->variable('NewsletterSettings', 'PhpCli');
     $cmd = "\"{$phpCli}\" extension/cjw_newsletter/bin/php/iniloader.php -s {$siteAccess} site.ini";
     // for WINDOWS replace   / => \
     $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator();
     $cmd = str_replace('/', $fileSep, $cmd);
     eZDebug::writeDebug("shell_exec( {$cmd} )", 'CjwNewsletterList::getSiteIniObjectBySiteAccessName()');
     $returnValue = shell_exec(escapeshellcmd($cmd));
     $iniObject = unserialize(trim($returnValue));
     return $iniObject;