<?php /** * Rotate logs of ws calls: since we store them in the per-sa dir, eZ will not do it on its own. * * We are very nice people, and allow a custom max file size to be specified * instead of relying on eZ default one, and a number of rotated files to be kept, too! * * @author G. Giunta * @copyright (C) 2009-2016 G. Giunta */ $ini = eZINI::instance('wsproviders.ini'); $maxFileSize = $ini->variable('GeneralSettings', 'MaxLogSize'); if ($maxFileSize <= 0) { // in case ini setting is missing $maxFileSize = eZDebug::maxLogSize(); } if ($ini->hasVariable('GeneralSettings', 'MaxLogrotateFiles') && $ini->variable('GeneralSettings', 'MaxLogrotateFiles') > 0) { $defaultrotate = eZDebug::maxLogrotateFiles(); eZDebug::setLogrotateFiles($ini->variable('GeneralSettings', 'MaxLogrotateFiles')); } $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $logDir = 'log'; $logName = 'webservices.log'; $fileName = $varDir . '/' . $logDir . '/' . $logName; if (file_exists($fileName) && filesize($fileName) > $maxFileSize) { eZDebug::rotateLog($fileName); } if (isset($defaultrotate)) { eZDebug::setLogrotateFiles($defaultrotate); }