コード例 #1
 * @copyright Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * @license For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
 * @version //autogentag//
require_once 'autoload.php';
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
$script = eZScript::instance(array('description' => "Deletes cache records from the DFS storage table.\n" . "Can be used on a live site to cleanup cache leftovers in ezdfsfile.", 'use-session' => true, 'use-modules' => false, 'use-extensions' => true));
$options = $script->getOptions("[iteration-sleep:][iteration-limit:]", "", array('iteration-sleep' => 'Sleep duration between batches, in milliseconds (default: 100)', 'iteration-limit' => 'Batch size (default: 1000)'));
$optIterationSleep = (int) $options['iteration-sleep'] ?: 100;
$optIterationLimit = (int) $options['iteration-limit'] ?: 1000;
$mysqliDFSBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerMySQLiBackend();
try {
} catch (eZClusterHandlerDBNoConnectionException $e) {
    $script->shutdown(2, "Unable to connect to the cluster database. Is this instance configured to use the feature ?");
$clusterHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
try {
    while ($deletedCount = $mysqliDFSBackend->deleteCacheFiles($optIterationLimit)) {
        $cli->output("Deleted {$deletedCount} cache record(s)");
        usleep($optIterationSleep * 1000);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $script->shutdown(0, "The cache and storage tables are identical, nothing to do");
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    $script->shutdown(1, "A database error occured:\n" . $e->getMessage());
コード例 #2

$dbHandler = new eZDFSFileHandlerMySQLiBackend();

/* @type $db mysqli */
$db = $dbHandler->db;

$limit = 100;
$offset = 0;
$count = 0;
do {
    $query = "SELECT name FROM ezdfsfile
WHERE scope = 'template-block'
AND	mtime > 0
AND mtime < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 3600 * 24 * 2)
LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($query);
    $count = $result->num_rows;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $name = $row['name'];
        $fileHandler = new eZDFSFileHandler($name);
    $offset += $limit;
} while($count > 0);
コード例 #3
    public static function cssPackCacheCleanUp( $cacheIdentifier )
        $versionsToKeep = eZINI::instance( 'kless.ini' )->variable( 'KLessSettings', 'KeepPackedCssVersionNumber' );

        if ( $versionsToKeep <= 0 )

        $clusterFileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();

        /* Sic.... */
        switch( get_class($clusterFileHandler) )
            case 'eZFSFileHandler':
            case 'eZFS2FileHandler':
                $files = glob( self::cssPackedFilesDirectory() . '/k' . $cacheIdentifier . '*' );
                sort( $files );

                foreach( array_slice( $files, 0, count($files) - 1 - $versionsToKeep ) as $cssPackFile )
                    $clusterFile = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $cssPackFile );
            case 'eZDFSFileHandler':
                $dfsDBHandler = new eZDFSFileHandlerMySQLiBackend();

                $db = $dfsDBHandler->db;

                $query = sprintf(
                    "SELECT name FROM ezdfsfile WHERE scope = 'klesspack' AND name LIKE '%s' SORT BY mtime DESC",
                    mysqli_escape_string( $db, self::cssPackedFilesDirectory() . '/k' . $cacheIdentifier . '%' )
                $result = mysqli_query($db, $query);
                $inc = 0;
                while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) )
                    if ( ++$inc < $versionsToKeep )

                    $clusterFile = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $row['name'] );
                throw new Exception('Not implemented');