コード例 #1
     * Creates a new version and returns it as an eZContentObjectVersion object.
     * If version number is given as argument that version is used to create a copy.
     * Transaction unsafe. If you call several transaction unsafe methods you must enclose
     * the calls within a db transaction; thus within db->begin and db->commit.
     * @param eZContentObject $newObject
     * @param eZContentObjectVersion $version
     * @param int $newVersionNumber
     * @param int|bool $contentObjectID
     * @param int $status
     * @param string|bool $languageCode If false all languages will be copied, otherwise only specified by the locale code string or an array of the locale code strings.
     * @param string|bool $copyFromLanguageCode
     * @return eZContentObjectVersion
    function copyVersion( &$newObject, &$version, $newVersionNumber, $contentObjectID = false, $status = eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT, $languageCode = false, $copyFromLanguageCode = false )
        $user = eZUser::currentUser();
        $userID = $user->attribute( 'contentobject_id' );

        $nodeAssignmentList = $version->attribute( 'node_assignments' );

        $db = eZDB::instance();

        // This is part of the new 3.8 code.
        foreach ( $nodeAssignmentList as $nodeAssignment )
            // Only copy assignments which has a remote_id since it will be used in template code.
            if ( $nodeAssignment->attribute( 'remote_id' ) == 0 )
            $clonedAssignment = $nodeAssignment->cloneNodeAssignment( $newVersionNumber, $contentObjectID );
            $clonedAssignment->setAttribute( 'op_code', eZNodeAssignment::OP_CODE_SET ); // Make sure op_code is marked to 'set' the data.

        $currentVersionNumber = $version->attribute( "version" );
        $contentObjectTranslations = $version->translations();

        $clonedVersion = $version->cloneVersion( $newVersionNumber, $userID, $contentObjectID, $status );

        if ( $contentObjectID != false )
            if ( $clonedVersion->attribute( 'status' ) == eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_PUBLISHED )
                $clonedVersion->setAttribute( 'status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT );


        // We copy related objects before the attributes, this means that the related objects
        // are available once the datatype code is run.
        $this->copyContentObjectRelations( $currentVersionNumber, $newVersionNumber, $contentObjectID );

        $languageCodeToCopy = false;
        if ( $languageCode && in_array( $languageCode, $this->availableLanguages() ) )
            $languageCodeToCopy = $languageCode;
        if ( $copyFromLanguageCode && in_array( $copyFromLanguageCode, $this->availableLanguages() ) )
            $languageCodeToCopy = $copyFromLanguageCode;

        $haveCopied = false;
        if ( !$languageCode || $languageCodeToCopy )
            foreach ( $contentObjectTranslations as $contentObjectTranslation )
                if ( $languageCode != false && $contentObjectTranslation->attribute( 'language_code' ) != $languageCodeToCopy )

                $contentObjectAttributes = $contentObjectTranslation->objectAttributes();

                foreach ( $contentObjectAttributes as $attribute )
                    $clonedAttribute = $attribute->cloneContentObjectAttribute( $newVersionNumber, $currentVersionNumber, $contentObjectID, $languageCode );
                    eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-content-object-copy', $clonedAttribute, 'copyVersion:cloned attribute' );

                $haveCopied = true;

        if ( !$haveCopied && $languageCode )
            $class = $this->contentClass();
            $classAttributes = $class->fetchAttributes();
            foreach ( $classAttributes as $classAttribute )
                if ( $classAttribute->attribute( 'can_translate' ) == 1 )
                    $classAttribute->instantiate( $contentObjectID? $contentObjectID: $this->attribute( 'id' ), $languageCode, $newVersionNumber );
                    // If attribute is NOT Translatable we should check isAlwaysAvailable(),
                    // For example,
                    // if initial_language_id is 4 and the attribute is always available
                    // language_id will be 5 in ezcontentobject_version/ezcontentobject_attribute,
                    // this means it uses language ID 4 but also has the bit 0 set to 1 (a reservered bit),
                    // You can read about this in the document in doc/features/3.8/.
                    $initialLangID = !$this->isAlwaysAvailable() ? $this->attribute( 'initial_language_id' ) : $this->attribute( 'initial_language_id' ) | 1;
                    $contentAttribute = eZContentObjectAttribute::fetchByClassAttributeID( $classAttribute->attribute( 'id' ),
                                                                                           $this->attribute( 'id' ),
                                                                                           $this->attribute( 'current_version' ),
                                                                                           $initialLangID );
                    if ( $contentAttribute )
                        $newAttribute = $contentAttribute->cloneContentObjectAttribute( $newVersionNumber, $currentVersionNumber, $contentObjectID, $languageCode );
                        $classAttribute->instantiate( $contentObjectID? $contentObjectID: $this->attribute( 'id' ), $languageCode, $newVersionNumber );

        if ( $languageCode )
            $clonedVersion->setAttribute( 'initial_language_id', eZContentLanguage::idByLocale( $languageCode ) );


        return $clonedVersion;