コード例 #1
function save_hunt_group()
    //Hunt Group Lua Notes:
    //get the domain
    //loop through all Hunt Groups
    //get the Hunt Group information such as the name and description
    //add each Hunt Group to the dialplan
    //get the list of destinations then build the Hunt Group lua
    //get the domain
    global $db, $domain_uuid, $host, $config;
    $tmp = "";
    $tmp .= "\n";
    $tmp .= " domain_name = \"" . $domain . "\"; //by default this is the ipv4 address of FreeSWITCH used for transfer to voicemail\n";
    $tmp .= "\n";
    $tmp .= "\n";
    //prepare for hunt group .lua files to be written. delete all hunt groups that are prefixed with huntgroup_ and have a file extension of .lua
    $v_prefix = 'v_huntgroup_';
    if ($dh = opendir($_SESSION['switch']['scripts']['dir'])) {
        $files = array();
        while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
            if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') {
                if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) {
                    //this is a directory
                } else {
                    if (substr($file, 0, strlen($v_prefix)) == $v_prefix && substr($file, -4) == '.lua') {
                        if ($file != "huntgroup_originate.lua") {
                            unlink($_SESSION['switch']['scripts']['dir'] . '/' . $file);
    //loop through all Hunt Groups
    $x = 0;
    $sql = "select * from v_hunt_groups ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        //get the Hunt Group information such as the name and description
        $domain_uuid = $row['domain_uuid'];
        $dialplan_uuid = $row['dialplan_uuid'];
        //add each hunt group to the dialplan
        if (strlen($row['hunt_group_uuid']) > 0) {
            //set default action to add
            $action = 'add';
            //check whether the dialplan entry exists in the database
            $action = 'add';
            //set default action to add
            $i = 0;
            $sql = "select count(*) as num_rows from v_dialplans ";
            $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' ";
            $sql .= "and dialplan_uuid = '" . $dialplan_uuid . "' ";
            $prep_statement_2 = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
            if ($prep_statement_2) {
                $row2 = $prep_statement_2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                if ($row2['num_rows'] > 0) {
                    //$num_rows = $row2['num_rows'];
                    $action = 'update';
            unset($prep_statement, $result);
            if ($action == 'add') {
                //create dialplan entry for each huntgroup
                $app_uuid = '0610f841-2e27-4c5f-7926-08ab3aad02e0';
                if ($row['hunt_group_enabled'] == "false") {
                    $dialplan_enabled = 'false';
                } else {
                    $dialplan_enabled = 'true';
                if (strlen($dialplan_uuid) == 0) {
                    //create a dialplan uuid
                    $dialplan_uuid = uuid();
                    //update the hunt groups table with the database
                    $sql = "update v_hunt_groups ";
                    $sql .= "set dialplan_uuid = '" . $dialplan_uuid . "' ";
                    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' ";
                    $sql .= "and hunt_group_uuid = '" . $row['hunt_group_uuid'] . "' ";
                require_once "resources/classes/dialplan.php";
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->app_uuid = $app_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_name = $row['hunt_group_name'];
                //$dialplan->dialplan_continue = $dialplan_continue;
                $dialplan->dialplan_order = '330';
                $dialplan->dialplan_context = $_SESSION['context'];
                $dialplan->dialplan_enabled = $dialplan_enabled;
                $dialplan->dialplan_description = $row['hunt_group_description'];
            if ($action == 'update') {
                //update the huntgroup fifo
                $dialplan_name = $row['hunt_group_name'];
                $dialplan_order = '330';
                $context = $row['hunt_group_context'];
                if ($row['hunt_group_enabled'] == "false") {
                    $enabled = 'false';
                } else {
                    $enabled = 'true';
                $description = $row['hunt_group_description'];
                $hunt_group_uuid = $row['hunt_group_uuid'];
                $sql = "update v_dialplans set ";
                $sql .= "dialplan_name = '{$dialplan_name}', ";
                $sql .= "dialplan_order = '{$dialplan_order}', ";
                $sql .= "dialplan_context = '{$context}', ";
                $sql .= "dialplan_enabled = '{$enabled}', ";
                $sql .= "dialplan_description = '{$description}' ";
                $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' ";
                $sql .= "and dialplan_uuid = '" . $dialplan_uuid . "' ";
                $sql = "delete from v_dialplan_details ";
                $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
                $sql .= "and dialplan_uuid = '{$dialplan_uuid}' ";
            //if action is add or update
            if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'update') {
                require_once "resources/classes/dialplan.php";
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_tag = 'condition';
                //condition, action, antiaction
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'destination_number';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = '^' . $row['hunt_group_extension'] . '$';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '1';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '010';
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_tag = 'action';
                //condition, action, antiaction
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'lua';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = 'v_huntgroup_' . $_SESSION['domains'][$domain_uuid]['domain_name'] . '_' . $row['hunt_group_extension'] . '.lua';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '1';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '020';
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_tag = 'condition';
                //condition, action, antiaction
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'destination_number';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = '^\\*' . $row['hunt_group_extension'] . '$';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = 'on-true';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '2';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '020';
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_tag = 'action';
                //condition, action, antiaction
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'set';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = 'fifo_music=$${hold_music}';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '2';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '020';
                $hunt_group_timeout_type = $row['hunt_group_timeout_type'];
                $hunt_group_timeout_destination = $row['hunt_group_timeout_destination'];
                if ($hunt_group_timeout_type == "voicemail") {
                    $hunt_group_timeout_destination = '*99' . $hunt_group_timeout_destination;
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_tag = 'action';
                //condition, action, antiaction
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'set';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = 'fifo_orbit_exten=' . $hunt_group_timeout_destination . ':' . $row['hunt_group_timeout'];
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '2';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '030';
                $dialplan = new dialplan();
                $dialplan->domain_uuid = $domain_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid;
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_tag = 'action';
                //condition, action, antiaction
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'fifo';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = $row['hunt_group_extension'] . '@${domain_name} in';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
                //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '2';
                $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '040';
        //end if strlen hunt_group_uuid; add the Hunt Group to the dialplan
        //get the list of destinations then build the Hunt Group Lua
        $tmp = "\n";
        $tmp .= "session:preAnswer();\n";
        $tmp .= "extension = '" . $row['hunt_group_extension'] . "';\n";
        $tmp .= "result = '';\n";
        $tmp .= "timeoutpin = 7500;\n";
        $tmp .= "sip_profile = 'internal';\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "function extension_registered(domain_name, sip_profile, extension)\n";
        $tmp .= "\tapi = freeswitch.API();\n";
        $tmp .= "\tresult = api:execute(\"sofia_contact\", sip_profile..\"/\"..extension..\"@\"..domain_name);\n";
        $tmp .= "\tif (result == \"error/user_not_registered\") then\n";
        $tmp .= "\t\treturn false;\n";
        $tmp .= "\telse\n";
        $tmp .= "\t\treturn true;\n";
        $tmp .= "\tend\n";
        $tmp .= "end\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "sounds_dir = session:getVariable(\"sounds_dir\");\n";
        $tmp .= "uuid = session:getVariable(\"uuid\");\n";
        $tmp .= "dialed_extension = session:getVariable(\"dialed_extension\");\n";
        $tmp .= "domain_name = session:getVariable(\"domain_name\");\n";
        $tmp .= "caller_id_name = session:getVariable(\"caller_id_name\");\n";
        $tmp .= "caller_id_number = session:getVariable(\"caller_id_number\");\n";
        $tmp .= "outbound_caller_id_name = session:getVariable(\"outbound_caller_id_name\");\n";
        $tmp .= "outbound_caller_id_number = session:getVariable(\"outbound_caller_id_number\");\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "--set the sounds path for the language, dialect and voice\n";
        $tmp .= "\tdefault_language = session:getVariable(\"default_language\");\n";
        $tmp .= "\tdefault_dialect = session:getVariable(\"default_dialect\");\n";
        $tmp .= "\tdefault_voice = session:getVariable(\"default_voice\");\n";
        $tmp .= "\tif (not default_language) then default_language = 'en'; end\n";
        $tmp .= "\tif (not default_dialect) then default_dialect = 'us'; end\n";
        $tmp .= "\tif (not default_voice) then default_voice = 'callie'; end\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        //pin number requested from caller if provided
        if (strlen($row['hunt_group_pin']) > 0) {
            $tmp .= "pin = '" . $row['hunt_group_pin'] . "';\n";
            $tmp .= "digits = session:playAndGetDigits(" . strlen($row['hunt_group_pin']) . ", " . strlen($row['hunt_group_pin']) . ", 3, 3000, \"#\", sounds_dir..\"/\"..default_language..\"/\"..default_dialect..\"/\"..default_voice..\"/custom/please_enter_the_pin_number.wav\", \"\", \"\\\\d+\");\n";
            $tmp .= "\n";
            $tmp .= "\n";
            $tmp .= "if (digits == pin) then\n";
            $tmp .= "\t--continue\n";
            $tmp .= "\n";
        //caller announce requested from caller if provided
        if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true" || $row['hunt_group_call_prompt'] == "true") {
            if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true") {
                $tmp .= "function originate(domain_name, session, sipuri, extension, caller_id_name, caller_id_number, caller_announce) \n";
            } else {
                $tmp .= "function originate(domain_name, session, sipuri, extension, caller_id_name, caller_id_number) \n";
            $tmp .= "\t--caller_id_name = caller_id_name.replace(\" \", \"..\");\n";
            $tmp .= "\tcaller_id_name = string.gsub(caller_id_name, \" \", \"..\");\n";
            //$tmp .=	"	--session:execute(\"luarun\", \"huntgroup_originate.lua \"..domain_name..\" \"..uuid..\" \"..sipuri..\" \"..extension..\" \"..caller_id_name..\" \"..caller_id_number..\" \"..caller_announce);\n";
            $tmp .= "\tapi = freeswitch.API();\n";
            if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true") {
                $tmp .= "\tresult = api:execute(\"luarun\", \"huntgroup_originate.lua \"..domain_name..\" \"..uuid..\" \"..sipuri..\" \"..extension..\" \"..caller_id_name..\" \"..caller_id_number..\" \"..caller_announce);\n";
            } else {
                $tmp .= "\tresult = api:execute(\"luarun\", \"huntgroup_originate.lua \"..domain_name..\" \"..uuid..\" \"..sipuri..\" \"..extension..\" \"..caller_id_name..\" \"..caller_id_number..\"\");\n";
            $tmp .= "end";
            $tmp .= "\n";
            if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true") {
                $tmp .= "caller_announce = \"" . $tmp_dir . "/\"..extension..\"_\"..uuid..\".wav\";\n";
                $tmp .= "session:streamFile(sounds_dir..\"/\"..default_language..\"/\"..default_dialect..\"/\"..default_voice..\"/custom/please_say_your_name_and_reason_for_calling.wav\");\n";
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"gentones\", \"%(1000, 0, 640)\");\n";
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"playback_terminators=#\");\n";
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"record\", caller_announce..\" 180 200\");\n";
            $tmp .= "\n";
            $tmp .= "session:setAutoHangup(false);\n";
            $tmp .= "session:execute(\"transfer\", \"*\"..extension..\" XML " . $_SESSION["context"] . "\");\n";
            $tmp .= "\n";
        //set caller id
        if (strlen($row['hunt_group_cid_name_prefix']) > 0) {
            $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"effective_caller_id_name=" . $row['hunt_group_cid_name_prefix'] . "#\"..caller_id_name);\n";
            $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"outbound_caller_id_name=" . $row['hunt_group_cid_name_prefix'] . "#\"..caller_id_name);\n";
        //set ring back
        if (isset($row['hunt_group_ringback'])) {
            if ($row['hunt_group_ringback'] == "music") {
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"ringback=\${hold_music}\");          --set to music\n";
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"transfer_ringback=\${hold_music}\"); --set to music\n";
            } else {
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"ringback=" . $row['hunt_group_ringback'] . "\"); --set to ringtone\n";
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"transfer_ringback=" . $row['hunt_group_ringback'] . "\"); --set to ringtone\n";
            if ($row['hunt_group_ringback'] == "ring") {
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"ringback=\${us-ring}\"); --set to ringtone\n";
                $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"transfer_ringback=\${us-ring}\"); --set to ringtone\n";
        } else {
            $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"ringback=\${hold_music}\");          --set to ringtone\n";
            $tmp .= "session:execute(\"set\", \"transfer_ringback=\${hold_music}\"); --set to ringtone\n";
        if ($row['hunt_group_timeout'] > 0) {
            //$tmp .= "session:setVariable(\"call_timeout\", \"".$row['hunt_group_timeout']."\");\n";
            $tmp .= "session:setVariable(\"continue_on_fail\", \"true\");\n";
        $tmp .= "session:setVariable(\"hangup_after_bridge\", \"true\");\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "--freeswitch.consoleLog( \"info\", \"dialed extension:\"..dialed_extension..\"\\n\" );\n";
        $tmp .= "--freeswitch.consoleLog( \"info\", \"domain: \"..domain..\"\\n\" );\n";
        $tmp .= "--freeswitch.consoleLog( \"info\", \"us_ring: \"..us_ring..\"\\n\" );\n";
        $tmp .= "--freeswitch.consoleLog( \"info\", \"domain_name: \"..domain_name..\"\\n\" );\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "--freeswitch.consoleLog( \"info\", \"action call now don't wait for dtmf\\n\" );\n";
        if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true" || $row['hunt_group_call_prompt'] == "true") {
            //do nothing
        } else {
            $tmp .= "if session:ready() then\n";
            //$tmp .= "	session.answer();\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $i = 0;
        $sql = "select * from v_hunt_group_destinations ";
        $sql .= "where hunt_group_uuid = '" . $row['hunt_group_uuid'] . "' ";
        $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
        //$sql .= "and destination_enabled = 'true' ";
        $sql .= "order by destination_order asc ";
        $prep_statement_2 = $db->prepare($sql);
        while ($ent = $prep_statement_2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $destination_timeout = $ent['destination_timeout'];
            $hunt_group_cid_name_prefix = $row['hunt_group_cid_name_prefix'];
            if (strlen($hunt_group_cid_name_prefix) > 0) {
                $hunt_group_cid_name_prefix .= "#";
            if (strlen($destination_timeout) == 0) {
                if (strlen($row['hunt_group_timeout']) == 0) {
                    $destination_timeout = '30';
                } else {
                    $destination_timeout = $row['hunt_group_timeout'];
            //set the default profile
            if (strlen($ent['destination_data']) == 0) {
                $ent['destination_data'] = "internal";
            if ($ent['destination_type'] == "extension") {
                //$tmp .= "	sofia_contact_".$ent['destination_data']." = \"\${sofia_contact(".$ent['destination_profile']."/".$ent['destination_data']."@\"..domain_name..\")}\";\n";
                $tmp_sub_array["application"] = "bridge";
                $tmp_sub_array["type"] = "extension";
                $tmp_sub_array["extension"] = $ent['destination_data'];
                //$tmp_sub_array["data"] = "\"[leg_timeout=$destination_timeout]\"..sofia_contact_".$ent['destination_data'];
                $tmp_sub_array["data"] = "\"[leg_timeout={$destination_timeout},origination_caller_id_name='" . $hunt_group_cid_name_prefix . "\"..caller_id_name..\"',origination_caller_id_number=\"..caller_id_number..\"]user/" . $ent['destination_data'] . "@\"..domain_name";
                $tmp_array[$i] = $tmp_sub_array;
            if ($ent['destination_type'] == "voicemail") {
                $tmp_sub_array["application"] = "voicemail";
                $tmp_sub_array["type"] = "voicemail";
                $tmp .= "\tsession:answer();\n";
                $tmp .= "\tsession:execute(\"transfer\", \"*99" . $ent['destination_data'] . " XML " . $_SESSION["context"] . " \");\n";
                //$tmp_sub_array["application"] = "voicemail";
                //$tmp_sub_array["data"] = "default \${domain_name} ".$ent['destination_data'];
                //$tmp_array[$i] = $tmp_sub_array;
            if ($ent['destination_type'] == "sip uri") {
                $tmp_sub_array["application"] = "bridge";
                $tmp_sub_array["type"] = "sip uri";
                //$destination_data = "{user=foo}loopback/".$ent['destination_data']."/default/XML";
                $bridge_array = outbound_route_to_bridge($domain_uuid, $ent['destination_data']);
                $destination_data = $bridge_array[0];
                $tmp_sub_array["application"] = "bridge";
                $tmp_sub_array["data"] = "\"[leg_timeout={$destination_timeout},origination_caller_id_name='" . $hunt_group_cid_name_prefix . "\"..caller_id_name..\"',origination_caller_id_number=\"..caller_id_number..\"]" . $destination_data . "\"";
                $tmp_array[$i] = $tmp_sub_array;
        //end while
        unset($sql, $prep_statement_2);
        unset($i, $ent);
        $i = 0;
        if (count($tmp_array) > 0) {
            foreach ($tmp_array as $ent) {
                $tmpdata = $ent["data"];
                if ($ent["application"] == "voicemail") {
                    $tmpdata = "*99" . $tmpdata;
                if ($i < 1) {
                    $tmp_buffer = $tmpdata;
                } else {
                    $tmp_buffer .= "..\",\".." . $tmpdata;
        $tmp_application = $tmp_array[0]["application"];
        if ($row['hunt_group_type'] == "simultaneous" || $row['hunt_group_type'] == "follow_me_simultaneous" || $row['hunt_group_type'] == "call_forward") {
            $tmp_switch = "simultaneous";
        if ($row['hunt_group_type'] == "sequence" || $row['hunt_group_type'] == "follow_me_sequence" || $row['hunt_group_type'] == "sequentially") {
            $tmp_switch = "sequence";
        switch ($tmp_switch) {
            case "simultaneous":
                if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true" || $row['hunt_group_call_prompt'] == "true") {
                    $i = 0;
                    if (count($tmp_array) > 0) {
                        foreach ($tmp_array as $tmp_row) {
                            $tmpdata = $tmp_row["data"];
                            if ($tmp_row["application"] == "voicemail") {
                                $tmpdata = "*99" . $tmpdata;
                            } else {
                                if ($tmp_row["type"] == "extension") {
                                    $tmp .= "if (extension_registered(domain_name, sip_profile, '" . $tmp_row["extension"] . "')) then\n";
                                    $tmp .= "\t";
                                if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true") {
                                    $tmp .= "result = originate (domain_name, session, " . $tmpdata . ", extension, caller_id_name, caller_id_number, caller_announce);\n";
                                } else {
                                    $tmp .= "result = originate (domain_name, session, " . $tmpdata . ", extension, caller_id_name, caller_id_number);\n";
                                if ($tmp_row["type"] == "extension") {
                                    $tmp .= "end\n";
                } else {
                    $tmp .= "\n";
                    if (strlen($tmp_buffer) > 0) {
                        $tmp .= "\tsession:execute(\"" . $tmp_application . "\", {$tmp_buffer});\n";
            case "sequence":
                $tmp .= "\n";
                $i = 0;
                if (count($tmp_array) > 0) {
                    if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true" || $row['hunt_group_call_prompt'] == "true") {
                        $i = 0;
                        if (count($tmp_array) > 0) {
                            foreach ($tmp_array as $tmp_row) {
                                $tmpdata = $tmp_row["data"];
                                if ($tmp_row["application"] == "voicemail") {
                                    $tmpdata = "*99" . $tmpdata;
                                } else {
                                    if ($tmp_row["type"] == "extension") {
                                        $tmp .= "if (extension_registered(domain_name, sip_profile, '" . $tmp_row["extension"] . "')) then\n";
                                        $tmp .= "\t";
                                    if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true") {
                                        $tmp .= "result = originate (domain_name, session, " . $tmpdata . ", extension, caller_id_name, caller_id_number, caller_announce);\n";
                                    } else {
                                        $tmp .= "result = originate (domain_name, session, " . $tmpdata . ", extension, caller_id_name, caller_id_number);\n";
                                    if ($tmp_row["type"] == "extension") {
                                        $tmp .= "end\n";
                    } else {
                        foreach ($tmp_array as $tmp_row) {
                            if (strlen($tmp_row["data"]) > 0) {
                                $tmp .= "\tsession:execute(\"" . $tmp_application . "\", " . $tmp_row["data"] . ");\n";
        unset($tmp_switch, $tmp_buffer, $tmp_array);
        //set the timeout destination
        $hunt_group_timeout_destination = $row['hunt_group_timeout_destination'];
        if ($row['hunt_group_timeout_type'] == "extension") {
            $hunt_group_timeout_type = "transfer";
        if ($row['hunt_group_timeout_type'] == "voicemail") {
            $hunt_group_timeout_type = "transfer";
            $hunt_group_timeout_destination = "*99" . $hunt_group_timeout_destination . " XML " . $_SESSION["context"];
        if ($row['hunt_group_timeout_type'] == "sip uri") {
            $hunt_group_timeout_type = "bridge";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true" || $row['hunt_group_call_prompt'] == "true") {
            //do nothing
        } else {
            $tmp .= "\t--timeout\n";
            if ($row['hunt_group_type'] != 'dnd') {
                $tmp .= "\toriginate_disposition = session:getVariable(\"originate_disposition\");\n";
                $tmp .= "\tif originate_disposition ~= \"SUCCESS\" then\n";
            if ($row['hunt_group_timeout_type'] == "voicemail") {
                $tmp .= "\t\t\tsession:answer();\n";
            $tmp .= "\t\t\tsession:execute(\"" . $hunt_group_timeout_type . "\", \"" . $hunt_group_timeout_destination . "\");\n";
            if ($row['hunt_group_type'] != 'dnd') {
                $tmp .= "\tend\n";
        if ($row['hunt_group_caller_announce'] == "true" || $row['hunt_group_call_prompt'] == "true") {
            //do nothing
        } else {
            $tmp .= "end --end if session:ready\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        //pin number requested from caller if provided
        if (strlen($row['hunt_group_pin']) > 0) {
            $tmp .= "else \n";
            $tmp .= "\tsession:streamFile(sounds_dir..\"/\"..default_language..\"/\"..default_dialect..\"/\"..default_voice..\"/custom/your_pin_number_is_incorect_goodbye.wav\");\n";
            $tmp .= "\tsession:hangup();\n";
            $tmp .= "end\n";
            $tmp .= "\n";
        //unset variables
        $tmp .= "\n";
        $tmp .= "--clear variables\n";
        $tmp .= "dialed_extension = \"\";\n";
        $tmp .= "new_extension = \"\";\n";
        $tmp .= "domain_name = \"\";\n";
        $tmp .= "\n";
        //remove invalid characters from the file names
        $huntgroup_extension = $row['hunt_group_extension'];
        $huntgroup_extension = str_replace(" ", "_", $huntgroup_extension);
        $huntgroup_extension = preg_replace("/[\\*\\:\\/\\<\\>\\|\\'\"\\?]/", "", $huntgroup_extension);
        //write the hungroup lua script
        if (strlen($row['hunt_group_extension']) > 0) {
            if ($row['hunt_group_enabled'] != "false") {
                $hunt_group_filename = "v_huntgroup_" . $_SESSION['domains'][$domain_uuid]['domain_name'] . "_" . $huntgroup_extension . ".lua";
                //echo "location".$_SESSION['switch']['scripts']['dir']."/".$hunt_group_filename;
                $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['scripts']['dir'] . "/" . $hunt_group_filename, "w");
                fwrite($fout, $tmp);
    //end while
    //save the dialplan xml files