コード例 #1
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('soaplog', 'Soap logs');
     $info->htmlLabel = 'Soap ';
     $messages = jLog::getMessages(array('soap'));
     $c = count($messages);
     $info->htmlLabel .= $c;
     if ($c == 0) {
         $info->label = 'no message';
     } else {
         $c = jLog::getMessagesCount('soap');
         if ($c > count($messages)) {
             $info->popupContent .= '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">There are ' . $c . ' soap requests. Only ' . count($messages) . ' first of them are shown.</p>';
         $info->popupContent .= '<ul id="jxdb-soaplog" class="jxdb-list">';
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             if (get_class($msg) != 'jLogSoapMessage') {
             $info->popupContent .= '<li>
             <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</span></a></h5>
             $info->popupContent .= "Duration: " . $msg->getDuration() . "s<br />";
             $info->popupContent .= "<h6>Headers</h6><pre>" . $msg->getHeaders() . "</pre>";
             $info->popupContent .= "<h6>Request</h6><pre>" . $this->xmlprettyprint($msg->getRequest()) . "</pre>";
             $info->popupContent .= "<h6>Response</h6><pre>" . $this->xmlprettyprint($msg->getResponse()) . "</pre>";
             $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
コード例 #2
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sqllog', 'SQL queries');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages('sql');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="" alt="SQL queries" title="SQL queries"/> ';
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'sql')) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '?';
         $info->label .= 'memory logger is not active';
     } else {
         $realCount = jLog::getMessagesCount('sql');
         $currentCount = count($messages);
         $info->htmlLabel .= $realCount;
         if ($realCount) {
             if ($realCount > $currentCount) {
                 $info->popupContent = '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">Too many queries (' . $realCount . '). Only first ' . $currentCount . ' queries are shown.</p>';
             $sqlDetailsContent = '<ul id="jxdb-sqllog" class="jxdb-list">';
             $totalTime = 0;
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (get_class($msg) != 'jSQLLogMessage') {
                 $dao = $msg->getDao();
                 if ($dao) {
                     $m = 'DAO ' . $dao;
                 } else {
                     $m = substr($msg->getMessage(), 0, 50) . ' [...]';
                 $msgTime = $msg->getTime();
                 $totalTime += $msgTime;
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<li>
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($m) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <p>Time: ' . $msgTime . 's</p>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 if ($msg->getMessage() != $msg->originalQuery) {
                     $sqlDetailsContent .= '<p>Original query: </p><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->originalQuery) . '</pre>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= $debugbar->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '</div></li>';
             $sqlDetailsContent .= '</ul>';
             $info->popupContent .= '<div>Total SQL time&nbsp;: ' . $totalTime . 's</div>';
             $info->popupContent .= $sqlDetailsContent;
コード例 #3
ファイル: sqllog.debugbar.php プロジェクト: mdouchin/jelix
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sqllog', 'SQL queries');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages('sql');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../htmlresponse/debugbar/icons/database.png')) . '" alt="SQL queries" title="SQL queries"/> ';
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'sql')) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '?';
         $info->label .= 'memory logger is not active';
     } else {
         $realCount = jLog::getMessagesCount('sql');
         $currentCount = count($messages);
         $info->htmlLabel .= $realCount;
         if ($realCount) {
             if ($realCount > $currentCount) {
                 $info->popupContent = '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">Too many queries (' . $realCount . '). Only first ' . $currentCount . ' queries are shown.</p>';
             $sqlDetailsContent = '<ul id="jxdb-sqllog" class="jxdb-list">';
             $totalTime = 0;
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (get_class($msg) != 'jSQLLogMessage') {
                 $dao = $msg->getDao();
                 if ($dao) {
                     $m = 'DAO ' . $dao;
                 } else {
                     $m = substr($msg->getMessage(), 0, 50) . ' [...]';
                 $msgTime = $msg->getTime();
                 $totalTime += $msgTime;
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<li>
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($m) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <p>Time: ' . $msgTime . 's</p>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 if ($msg->getMessage() != $msg->originalQuery) {
                     $sqlDetailsContent .= '<p>Original query: </p><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->originalQuery) . '</pre>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= $debugbar->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '</div></li>';
             $sqlDetailsContent .= '</ul>';
             $info->popupContent .= '<div>Total SQL time&nbsp;: ' . $totalTime . 's</div>';
             $info->popupContent .= $sqlDetailsContent;
コード例 #4
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('defaultlog', 'General logs');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../htmlresponse/debugbar/icons/book_open.png')) . '" alt="General logs" title="General logs"/> ';
     $messages = jLog::getMessages(array('default', 'debug'));
     $c = count($messages);
     $info->htmlLabel .= $c;
     if ($c == 0) {
         $info->label = 'no message';
     } else {
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-defaultlog" class="jxdb-list">';
         $currentCount = array('default' => 0, 'debug' => 0);
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             $cat = $msg->getCategory();
             $title = $msg->getFormatedMessage();
             $truncated = false;
             if (strlen($title) > 60) {
                 $truncated = true;
                 $title = substr($title, 0, 60) . '...';
             $info->popupContent .= '<li>
             <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</span></a></h5>
             if ($truncated) {
                 if ($msg instanceof jLogDumpMessage) {
                     $info->popupContent .= "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 } else {
                     $info->popupContent .= htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage());
             $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
         foreach ($currentCount as $type => $count) {
             if (($c = jLog::getMessagesCount($type)) > $count) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">There are ' . $c . ' ' . ($type == 'default' ? '' : $type) . ' messages. Only first ' . $count . ' messages are shown.</p>';
コード例 #5
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('defaultlog', 'General logs');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="" alt="General logs" title="General logs"/> ';
     $messages = jLog::getMessages(array('default', 'debug'));
     $c = count($messages);
     $info->htmlLabel .= $c;
     if ($c == 0) {
         $info->label = 'no message';
     } else {
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-defaultlog" class="jxdb-list">';
         $currentCount = array('default' => 0, 'debug' => 0);
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             $cat = $msg->getCategory();
             $title = $msg->getFormatedMessage();
             $truncated = false;
             if (strlen($title) > 60) {
                 $truncated = true;
                 $title = substr($title, 0, 60) . '...';
             $info->popupContent .= '<li>
             <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</span></a></h5>
             if ($truncated) {
                 if ($msg instanceof jLogDumpMessage) {
                     $info->popupContent .= "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 } else {
                     $info->popupContent .= htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage());
             $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
         foreach ($currentCount as $type => $count) {
             if (($c = jLog::getMessagesCount($type)) > $count) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">There are ' . $c . ' ' . ($type == 'default' ? '' : $type) . ' messages. Only first ' . $count . ' messages are shown.</p>';
コード例 #6
ファイル: sqllog.debugbar.php プロジェクト: hadrienl/jelix
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sqllog', 'SQL queries');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages('sql');
     #expand             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,__LOGOSQLLOG__" alt="SQL queries" title="SQL queries"/> ';
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'sql')) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '?';
         $info->label .= 'memory logger is not active';
     } else {
         $realCount = jLog::getMessagesCount('sql');
         $currentCount = count($messages);
         $info->htmlLabel .= $realCount;
         if ($realCount) {
             if ($realCount > $currentCount) {
                 $info->popupContent = '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">Too many queries (' . $realCount . '). Only first ' . $currentCount . ' queries are shown.</p>';
             $info->popupContent .= '<ul id="jxdb-sqllog" class="jxdb-list">';
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 $dao = $msg->getDao();
                 if ($dao) {
                     $m = 'DAO ' . $dao;
                 } else {
                     $m = substr($msg->getMessage(), 0, 50) . ' [...]';
                 $info->popupContent .= '<li>
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($m) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <p>Time: ' . $msg->getTime() . 's</p>';
                 $info->popupContent .= '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 $info->popupContent .= $debugbar->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
             $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
コード例 #7
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sessiondata', 'Session');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../htmlresponse/debugbar/icons/drive_user.png')) . '" alt="Session data" title="Session data"/> ';
     if (!isset($_SESSION) || count($_SESSION) == 0) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '0';
     } else {
         $info->htmlLabel .= count($_SESSION);
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-sessiondata" class="jxdb-list">';
         foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) {
             $info->popupContent .= '<li> ';
             $pre = false;
             $title = $value;
             if (is_scalar($value)) {
                 if (is_string($value)) {
                     if (strlen($value) > 40) {
                         $title = '"' . substr($value, 0, 40) . '..."';
                         $pre = true;
                     } else {
                         $title = '"' . $value . '"';
                 } else {
                     if (is_bool($value)) {
                         $title = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
             } else {
                 if (is_null($value)) {
                     $title = 'null';
                 } else {
                     $pre = true;
             if ($pre) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . $key . '</span></a></h5>
                 if ($key == 'JFORMS') {
                     $info->popupContent .= '<dl class="jxdb-jform-dump">';
                     foreach ($value as $selector => $formlist) {
                         foreach ($formlist as $formid => $form) {
                             $info->popupContent .= "<dt>" . $selector . " (" . $formid . ")</dt>";
                             $info->popupContent .= "<dd>Data:<table style=''><tr><th>name</th><th>value</th><th>original value</th><th>RO</th><th>Deact.</th></tr>";
                             foreach ($form->data as $dn => $dv) {
                                 if (is_array($dv)) {
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<tr><td>{$dn}</td><td>" . var_export($dv, true) . "</td>";
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . (isset($form->originalData[$dn]) ? var_export($form->originalData[$dn], true) : '') . "</td>";
                                 } else {
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<tr><td>{$dn}</td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($dv) . "</td>";
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . (isset($form->originalData[$dn]) ? htmlspecialchars($form->originalData[$dn]) : '') . "</td>";
                                 $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . ($form->isReadOnly($dn) ? 'Y' : '') . "</td>";
                                 $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . ($form->isActivated($dn) ? '' : 'Y') . "</td></tr>";
                             $info->popupContent .= "</table>";
                             $info->popupContent .= "<br/>Update Time: " . ($form->updatetime ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $form->updatetime) : '');
                             $info->popupContent .= "<br/>Token: " . $form->token;
                             $info->popupContent .= "<br/>Ref count: " . $form->refcount;
                             $info->popupContent .= "</dd>";
                     $info->popupContent .= "</dl>";
                 } else {
                     $info->popupContent .= '<pre>';
                     $info->popupContent .= var_export($value, true);
                     $info->popupContent .= '</pre>';
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
             } else {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . $key . ' = ' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</span></a></h5><div></div>';
                 $info->popupContent .= '</li>';
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
コード例 #8
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sessiondata', 'Session');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="" alt="Session data" title="Session data"/> ';
     if (!isset($_SESSION) || count($_SESSION) == 0) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '0';
     } else {
         $info->htmlLabel .= count($_SESSION);
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-sessiondata" class="jxdb-list">';
         foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) {
             $info->popupContent .= '<li> ';
             $pre = false;
             $title = $value;
             if (is_scalar($value)) {
                 if (is_string($value)) {
                     if (strlen($value) > 40) {
                         $title = '"' . substr($value, 0, 40) . '..."';
                         $pre = true;
                     } else {
                         $title = '"' . $value . '"';
                 } else {
                     if (is_bool($value)) {
                         $title = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
             } else {
                 if (is_null($value)) {
                     $title = 'null';
                 } else {
                     $pre = true;
             if ($pre) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . $key . '</span></a></h5>
                 if ($key == 'JFORMS') {
                     $info->popupContent .= '<dl class="jxdb-jform-dump">';
                     foreach ($value as $selector => $formlist) {
                         foreach ($formlist as $formid => $form) {
                             $info->popupContent .= "<dt>" . $selector . " (" . $formid . ")</dt>";
                             $info->popupContent .= "<dd>Data:<table style=''><tr><th>name</th><th>value</th><th>original value</th><th>RO</th><th>Deact.</th></tr>";
                             foreach ($form->data as $dn => $dv) {
                                 if (is_array($dv)) {
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<tr><td>{$dn}</td><td>" . var_export($dv, true) . "</td>";
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . (isset($form->originalData[$dn]) ? var_export($form->originalData[$dn], true) : '') . "</td>";
                                 } else {
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<tr><td>{$dn}</td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($dv) . "</td>";
                                     $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . (isset($form->originalData[$dn]) ? htmlspecialchars($form->originalData[$dn]) : '') . "</td>";
                                 $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . ($form->isReadOnly($dn) ? 'Y' : '') . "</td>";
                                 $info->popupContent .= "<td>" . ($form->isActivated($dn) ? '' : 'Y') . "</td></tr>";
                             $info->popupContent .= "</table>";
                             $info->popupContent .= "<br/>Update Time: " . ($form->updatetime ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $form->updatetime) : '');
                             $info->popupContent .= "<br/>Token: " . $form->token;
                             $info->popupContent .= "<br/>Ref count: " . $form->refcount;
                             $info->popupContent .= "</dd>";
                     $info->popupContent .= "</dl>";
                 } else {
                     $info->popupContent .= '<pre>';
                     $info->popupContent .= var_export($value, true);
                     $info->popupContent .= '</pre>';
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
             } else {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . $key . ' = ' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</span></a></h5><div></div>';
                 $info->popupContent .= '</li>';
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';