function check($username, $password) { $q = "select * from er_login where username='******'and password='******'"; $ob = new dbase(); $res = $ob->execute($q); if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) { $r = mysqli_fetch_array($res); $_SESSION['userid'] = $r['login_id']; if ($r['type'] == 1) { echo '<script>window.location="Admin/AdminHome.php";</script>'; //header("location:../Admin/AdminHome.php"); } if ($r['type'] == 2) { echo '<script>window.location="Company/CompanyHome.php";</script>'; //header("location:../Company/CompanyHome.php"); } if ($r['type'] == 3) { echo '<script>window.location="seeker/SeekerHome.php";</script>'; //header("location:../seeker/SeekerHome.php"); } //return $n=1; } else { $_SESSION['error'] = "Invalid Username or Password"; echo '<script>window.location="index.php";</script>'; } }
<?php if ($_POST) { require_once 'lib/lib-cli.php'; $security = new Security(); $dbase = new dbase(); $number = $security->StringFiltrate($_POST['number']); $text = $security->StringFiltrate($_POST['text']); $time = Date('H') . " : " . Date('i') . " : " . Date('s'); if (strlen($number) > 0 && strlen($text) > 0) { if ($con = $dbase->connect_database()) { if ($db = $dbase->select_db($con)) { if ($dbase->query("insert into tews_send_gsm_log(command,receiver,month,day,year,time,marks) values('" . $text . "','" . $number . "','" . Date('m') . "','" . Date('d') . "','" . Date('Y') . "','" . $time . "','saved')")) { header("location: lgu_control.php"); $dbase->close(); } else { $dbase->close(); echo "cant save!"; } } else { $dbase->close(); echo "cant select/found database"; } } else { $dbase->close(); echo "cant connect to server"; } //die("<script type='text/javascript'> window.location = 'lgu_control.php'; </script>"); } else { header("location: lgu_control.php?err=no data found!"); }
require_once '../inc/config.php'; if (isset($_POST['id'], $_POST['object'], $_POST['field'], $_POST['value'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $case = $_POST['object']; $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; if ($value == 0) { $new_value = 1; if ($case == 'page' && $field == 'default') { $objDbase = new dbase(); $objPage = new Page(); $page = $objPage->getPages(array('id' => $id))[0]; $pages = $objPage->getPages(array('default' => 1, 'group_id' => $page['group_id'])); foreach ($pages as $page) { $objDbase->changeField('page', $page['id'], array('default' => 0)); } } } if ($value == 1) { $new_value = 0; } $objDbase = new dbase(); $params = array($field => $new_value); if ($objDbase->changeField($case, $id, array($field => $new_value))) { echo Helper::json(array('success' => true)); } else { echo Helper::json(array('success' => false)); } } else { echo Helper::json(array('success' => false)); }
function select_qualification() { $qry = "select * from er_education"; $ob = new dbase(); return $ob->execute($qry); }
<?php require_once '../inc/config.php'; if (isset($_POST['object'])) { $case = $_POST['object']; $params = isset($_POST['params']) ? $_POST['params'] : ''; $objDbase = new dbase(); $result = $objDbase->get($case, $params); if (!empty($result)) { echo Helper::json(array('success' => true, 'result' => $result)); } else { echo Helper::json(array('success' => false, 'case' => 1)); } } else { echo Helper::json(array('success' => false, 'case' => 2)); }
<?php require_once '../inc/config.php'; $objDbase = new dbase(); $objMember = new Member(); $members = $objMember->getMembers(); foreach ($members as $member) { $entity = $objMember->generateURLentity($member['name']); $sql = "UPDATE `members` SET `entity` = '" . $entity . "' WHERE `id` = " . $member['id']; $objDbase->query($sql); }
function update_seeker($full_name, $mobile_number, $experience, $skill, $education, $master_education, $certification, $id) { echo $qry = "update er_seeker set full_name='{$full_name}', mobile_number={$mobile_number},`experience`='{$experience}',`skill`='{$skill}', `education`='{$education}',`master_education`={$master_education},`certification`='{$certification}' where login_id={$id}"; $ob = new dbase(); $ob->execute($qry); }
function update_company($first_name, $last_name, $designation, $contact_no, $company_id) { echo $q = "update er_company set first_name='{$first_name}',last_name='{$last_name}',designation='{$designation}',contact_number='{$contact_no}' where login_id={$company_id}"; $ob = new dbase(); return $ob->execute($q); }
<?php require_once '../inc/config.php'; if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['object']) && isset($_POST['params'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $case = $_POST['object']; $params = $_POST['params']; $objDbase = new dbase(); // HANDLE SERIALIZE ARRAY if (array_key_exists(0, $params)) { $temp = array(); foreach ($params as $array) { if (isset($array['value'])) { $temp[$array['name']] = $array['value']; } else { $temp[$array['name']] = ''; } } $params = $temp; } switch ($case) { case 'recruitment': if (array_key_exists('deadline', $params)) { $deadline = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($params['deadline'])); $params['deadline'] = $deadline; } break; case 'question': if ($params['type'] == 'radio' || $params['type'] == 'checkbox' || $params['type'] == 'dropdown') { foreach ($params['existing_choices'] as $choice) { $objDbase->changeField('choice', $choice['id'], array('label' => $choice['label']));
function applycheck($user_id, $vacancy_id) { $qry = "select * from er_applay where vacancy_id={$vacancy_id} and user_id={$user_id} "; $ob = new dbase(); $res = $ob->execute($qry); if ($res) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }
<?php if (isset($data['params']['question_id'])) { $params = $data['params']; $id = $params['question_id']; $objDbase = new dbase(); $question = $objDbase->get('question', array('id' => $id)); if (empty($question)) { $record = false; } else { $record = true; $question = $question[0]; } } else { $record = false; } if ($record) { ?> <h2 class=" borderBottom">Edit Question :: Question #<?php echo $id; ?> <a href="#" class="h2rightlink closeQuestion">Close</a></h2> <div class="sectionParams" data-params="question_id=<?php echo $id; ?> "></div> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $question['recruitment_id']; ?> " name="recruitment_id" /> <input type="hidden" value="<?php
<?php require_once '../inc/config.php'; if (isset($_POST['params']) && isset($_POST['object'])) { $case = $_POST['object']; $errors = array(); $params = explode('&', $_POST['params']); $objDbase = new dbase(); foreach ($params as $order => $row) { $field = str_replace('[]', '', explode('=', $row)[0]); $id = explode('=', $row)[1]; $order++; if (!$objDbase->changeField($case, $id, array($field => $order))) { $errors[] = $id; } } if (empty($errors)) { echo Helper::json(array('error' => false)); } else { throw new Exception(count($errors) . ' records could not be updated'); } } else { throw new Exception('Missing parameter'); }
function delete_location($id) { $qry = "delete from er_location where id={$id}"; $ob = new dbase(); return $ob->execute($qry); }
<?php require_once '../inc/config.php'; if (isset($_POST['object']) && isset($_POST['params'])) { $case = $_POST['object']; $params = $_POST['params']; $objDbase = new dbase(); // HANDLE SERIALIZE ARRAY if (array_key_exists(0, $params)) { $temp = array(); foreach ($params as $array) { $temp[$array['name']] = $array['value']; } $params = $temp; } switch ($case) { case 'position': $objPosition = new Position(); $exco = $params['exco']; $project = $params['project']; if ($exco == '0') { $exco_order = ''; } if ($exco == '1') { $last = $objPosition->getLastPosition(true); $exco_order = intval($last) + 1; } if ($project == '0') { $project_order = ''; } if ($project == '1') {