public function render() { $oper = isset($_POST['op']) ? $_POST['op'] : ''; switch ($oper) { case 'save': #-------------------------- # Guardar comments #-------------------------- $comment = new db_record($this->table); // Crea dbRecord para la tabla Comentario $comment->fields[$this->comment_field] = $_POST['comment']; $comment->fields[$this->code_field] = $_POST['code']; $comment->fields[$this->id_table2coment_field] = $_POST['id-t-val']; $comment->fields[$this->name_field] = $_POST['name']; $comment->fields[$this->email_field] = $_POST['email']; $comment->fields[$this->webpage_field] = $_POST['web']; $comment->save(); // Encentra el ultimo y muestralo //$comment->findLast() :: crear esta function $db = new db(); $db->connect(); $sql = 'SELECT *,now() as ahora FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $this->code_field . ' = "' . $this->code . '" AND ' . $this->id_table2coment_field . ' = "' . $this->id_tab_val . '" ORDER BY ' . $this->table_id_field . ' DESC LIMIT 1 ; '; $db->query($sql); if ($rec = $db->next()) { $this->printOneComent($rec); } break; default: #-------------------------- # Load Comments #-------------------------- ?> <ul id="fk-commenter-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> " class="fk-comments"> <div id="comments-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "><?php $this->printComments(); ?> </div> <div id="new-comments-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "></div> <div id="leave-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "><?php $this->leaveAComment(); ?> </div> </ul> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> fkComments('<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> ','<?php echo $this->page; ?> ','<?php echo $this->code; ?> ','<?php echo $this->id_tab_val; ?> '); </script> <?php break; } }
public function render() { $oper = isset($_POST['op']) ? $_POST['op'] : ''; switch ($oper) { case 'save': #-------------------------- # Guardar comments #-------------------------- $comment = new db_record($this->table); // Crea dbRecord para la tabla Comentario $comment->fields[$this->comment_field] = $_POST['comment']; $comment->fields[$this->code_field] = $_POST['code']; $comment->fields[$this->id_table2coment_field] = $_POST['id-t-val']; $comment->fields[$this->name_field] = $_POST['name']; $comment->fields[$this->email_field] = $_POST['email']; $comment->fields[$this->webpage_field] = $_POST['web']; $comment->fields['id_usuario'] = $this->id_usuario; $comment->save(); // Encentra el ultimo y muestralo //$comment->findLast() :: crear esta function $db = new db(); $sql = 'SELECT *,now() as ahora FROM ' . $this->table . ' c left join usuarios usr on usr.id_usuario = c.id_usuario left join uploads upl on upl.id_upload = usr.imagen WHERE ' . $this->code_field . ' = "' . $this->code . '" AND ' . $this->id_table2coment_field . ' = "' . $this->id_tab_val . '" ORDER BY ' . $this->table_id_field . ' DESC LIMIT 1 ; '; $db->query($sql); if ($rec = $db->next()) { $this->printOneComent($rec); } break; default: #-------------------------- # Load Comments #-------------------------- ?> <ul id="fk-commenter-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> " class="fk-comments"> <div id="new-comments-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "></div> <?php if ($this->readonly == false) { ?> <div id="leave-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "><?php $this->leaveAComment(); ?> </div><?php } else { // si muestra form de envio aunque no este logeado if ($this->must_login == true) { ?> <div id="leave-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "><?php $this->leaveACommentDisabled(); ?> </div><?php } } ?> <div id="comments-<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> "><?php $this->printComments(); ?> </div> </ul> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ fkComments('<?php echo $this->id_obj; ?> ','<?php echo $this->page; ?> ','<?php echo $this->code; ?> ','<?php echo $this->id_tab_val; ?> '); }); </script> <?php break; } }