コード例 #1
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['from'] .= ' JOIN service_component_tag sct ON sct.id = tagid ';
     $res['select'][] = 'sct.tag';
     return $res;
コード例 #2
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['select'][] = 'cong.*';
     $res['from'] .= ' JOIN congregation cong ON cong.id = congregation_service_component.congregationid';
     return $res;
コード例 #3
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['from'] .= "\n LEFT JOIN custom_field cf ON cf.id = note_template_field.customfieldid \n";
     $res['select'][] = 'cf.name as customfieldname';
     $res['select'][] = 'note_template_field.params';
     return $res;
コード例 #4
    function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
        $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
        $res['select'][] = 'g.name as volunteer_group_name, c.name as congregation_name';
        $res['from'] = '(' . $res['from'] . ') 
							LEFT OUTER JOIN person_group g ON roster_role.volunteer_group = g.id
							LEFT OUTER JOIN congregation c ON roster_role.congregationid = c.id';
        return $res;
コード例 #5
  * Funny behaviour here:  tagid and congregationid are always ANDed even if $logic=or
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $congid = array_get($params, 'congregationid');
     $tagid = array_get($params, 'tagid');
     $keyword = array_get($params, 'keyword');
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     foreach ($res['select'] as $k => $v) {
         if (substr($v, -12) == 'content_html') {
     $res['select'][] = 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cong.name SEPARATOR ", ") as congregations';
     $res['from'] .= ' JOIN service_component_category cat ON cat.id = service_component.categoryid';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN congregation_service_component csc ON csc.componentid = service_component.id ';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN congregation cong ON cong.id = csc.congregationid ';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service_item si ON si.componentid = service_component.id ';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service svc ON svc.id = si.serviceid AND svc.congregationid = cong.id ';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service svc1m ON svc1m.id = svc.id AND svc1m.date > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH ';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service svc12m ON svc12m.id = svc.id AND svc12m.date > NOW() - INTERVAL 12 MONTH ';
     $res['select'][] = 'IF (LENGTH(service_component.runsheet_title_format) = 0, cat.runsheet_title_format, service_component.runsheet_title_format) as runsheet_title_format ';
     $res['select'][] = 'IF (LENGTH(service_component.personnel) = 0, cat.personnel_default, service_component.personnel) as personnel ';
     $res['select'][] = 'COUNT(DISTINCT svc1m.id) AS usage_1m';
     $res['select'][] = 'COUNT(DISTINCT svc12m.id) AS usage_12m';
     $res['select'][] = 'MAX(svc.date) as lastused';
     $res['group_by'] = 'service_component.id';
     if ($res['where'] == '') {
         $res['where'] = '1=1';
     $res['where'] = '(' . $res['where'] . ') ';
     if ($congid === 0) {
         $res['where'] .= ' ' . $logic . ' cong.id IS NULL';
     } else {
         if ($congid !== NULL) {
             $res['where'] .= ' ' . $logic . ' cong.id = ' . (int) $congid;
         } else {
             $res['where'] .= ' ' . $logic . ' cong.id IS NOT NULL';
     if ($tagid) {
         $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service_component_tagging sct ON sct.componentid = service_component.id AND sct.tagid = ' . (int) $tagid;
         $res['where'] .= ' ' . $logic . ' sct.tagid IS NOT NULL';
     if ($keyword) {
         $qk = $GLOBALS['db']->quote("%{$keyword}%");
         $res['where'] .= ' ' . $logic . ' (service_component.title LIKE ' . $qk . ' OR alt_title LIKE ' . $qk . ' OR content_html LIKE ' . $qk . ')';
     return $res;
コード例 #6
    public function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
        $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
        $res['select'][] = 'COUNT(p.id) AS member_count';
        $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN person p ON p.status <> "archived" AND p.congregationid = congregation.id ';
        $res['group_by'] = 'congregation.id';
        $restrictions = array();
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['user_system'])) {
            $restrictions = $GLOBALS['user_system']->getCurrentRestrictions();
        if (!empty($restrictions['congregation'])) {
            $oldwhere = $res['where'];
            $res['where'] = 'congregation.id IN (' . implode(',', array_map(array($GLOBALS['db'], 'quote'), $restrictions['congregation'])) . ')
            if ($oldwhere) {
                $res['where'] .= ' AND (' . $res['where'] . ')';
        return $res;
コード例 #7
    function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
        $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
        $res['select'][] = 'members';
        $res['from'] = '(SELECT roster_view_id, GROUP_CONCAT(member_name ORDER BY order_num SEPARATOR ", ") as members
									SELECT rvrm.roster_view_id as roster_view_id, CONCAT(COALESCE(rrc.name, ""), " ", rr.title) as member_name, rvrm.order_num as order_num
									roster_view_role_membership rvrm
										JOIN (
											roster_role rr
											LEFT JOIN congregation rrc ON rr.congregationid = rrc.id
										) ON rvrm.roster_role_id = rr.id
									SELECT rvdi.roster_view_id as roster_view_id, CONCAT(dic.name, " ", COALESCE(scc.category_name, rvdi.service_field)) as member_name, rvdi.order_num as order_num
									roster_view_service_field rvdi
										JOIN congregation dic ON rvdi.congregationid = dic.id
										LEFT JOIN service_component_category scc ON ((rvdi.service_field LIKE "comps_%") AND (scc.id = SUBSTRING(rvdi.service_field, 7)))
								ORDER BY order_num
							) res
							GROUP BY roster_view_id
						) m
						RIGHT OUTER JOIN roster_view on m.roster_view_id = roster_view.id';
        return $res;
コード例 #8
  * Get details of an SQL query to retrieve instances of this object type in bulk.
  * Overriden to add options to the results.
  * @param array $params
  * @param string $logic
  * @param string $order
  * @see DB_Object::getInstancesQueryComps()
  * @return array  Details of how to construct an SQL query
 public function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN custom_field_option cfo ON cfo.fieldid = custom_field.id';
     $res['select'][] = 'GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(cfo.id, "__:__", cfo.value) ORDER BY cfo.rank SEPARATOR ";;;") as options';
     $res['select'][] = 'params';
     $res['group_by'] = 'custom_field.id';
     return $res;
コード例 #9
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['from'] = '(' . $res['from'] . ') LEFT OUTER JOIN person_group_membership gm ON gm.groupid = person_group.id';
     $res['select'][] = 'COUNT(gm.personid) as member_count';
     $res['group_by'] = 'person_group.id';
     return $res;
コード例 #10
ファイル: service.class.php プロジェクト: samrae/jethro-pmm
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['select'][] = 'GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(sbr.bible_ref, "=", sbr.to_read, "=", sbr.to_preach) ORDER BY sbr.order_num SEPARATOR ";") as readings';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service_bible_reading sbr ON service.id = sbr.service_id';
     $res['select'][] = 'IF (si.id IS NULL, 0, 1) as has_items';
     $res['from'] .= ' LEFT JOIN service_item si ON si.serviceid = service.id AND si.rank = 0 ';
     $res['group_by'] = 'service.id';
     return $res;
コード例 #11
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['from'] .= "\n LEFT JOIN person_group_membership gm ON gm.groupid = person_group.id ";
     $res['from'] .= "\n LEFT JOIN person_group_category pgc ON person_group.categoryid = pgc.id ";
     $res['select'][] = 'COUNT(gm.personid) as member_count';
     $res['select'][] = 'pgc.name as category';
     $res['group_by'] = 'person_group.id';
     return $res;
コード例 #12
 function getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order)
     $res = parent::getInstancesQueryComps($params, $logic, $order);
     $res['select'][] = 'GROUP_CONCAT(p.first_name ORDER BY p.age_bracket ASC, p.gender DESC SEPARATOR \', \') as members';
     if (array_get($params, '!status') == 'archived') {
         // If we are excluding archived families, exclude archived members too
         $res['from'] .= ' JOIN person p ON family.id = p.familyid AND p.status <> "archived"';
         // Families with no visible members will be excluded
     } else {
         $res['from'] .= ' JOIN person p ON family.id = p.familyid';
         // Families with no visible members will be excluded
     $res['group_by'] = 'family.id';
     return $res;