function SearchJob() { $where = " (1=1) AND PersonType <> 3 "; $whereParam = array(); $field = isset($_GET["fields"]) ? $_GET["fields"] : ""; if (isset($_GET["query"]) && $_GET["query"] != "" && $_REQUEST['JobH'] != 1) { switch ($field) { case "title": $where .= " AND title LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "job_id": $where .= " AND job_id = :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = $_GET["query"]; break; } } if (isset($_REQUEST["query"]) && $_REQUEST["query"] != "" && $_REQUEST['JobH'] == 1) { $where .= " AND title LIKE :qry "; $whereParam = array(":qry" => "%" . $_REQUEST["query"] . "%"); } $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_Job::GetAll($where, $whereParam); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectMiscDoc() { $where = " PersonID = :PID "; $whereParam = array(); $whereParam[":PID"] = $_GET["Q0"]; $field = isset($_GET["fields"]) ? $_GET["fields"] : ""; if (isset($_GET["query"]) && $_GET["query"] != "") { switch ($field) { case "title": $where .= " AND title LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "doc_no": $where .= " AND doc_no=:qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "row_no": $where .= " AND row_no=:qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = $_GET["query"]; break; } } $no = manage_person_misc_doc::CountMiscDoc($where, $whereParam); $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $where .= isset($_GET["start"]) ? " limit " . $_GET["start"] . "," . $_GET["limit"] : ""; $temp = manage_person_misc_doc::GetAllMiscDoc($where, $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectTaxHistory() { $personID = $_GET["PID"]; $temp = manage_staff_tax::GetAllStaffTaxHistory($personID); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectEqualizations() { $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery_fetchMode("select EqualizationID,RegDate,BankID,BankDesc \r\n\t\tfrom ACC_equalizations left join ACC_banks using(BankID)"); $temp = PdoDataAccess::fetchAll($dt, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $dt->rowCount(), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectIncludeHistory() { $personid = $_REQUEST["PID"]; $temp = manage_staff_include_history::GetAllStaffIncludeHistory($personid); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function GetAllLoans() { $where = "1=1"; $whereParam = array(); if (isset($_GET["IsCustomer"])) { $where .= " AND IsCustomer=true"; } if (isset($_GET["IsPlan"])) { $where .= " AND IsPlan='YES'"; } if (!empty($_GET["GroupID"])) { $where .= " AND GroupID=:g"; $whereParam[":g"] = $_GET["GroupID"]; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["LoanID"])) { $where .= " AND LoanID=:l"; $whereParam[":l"] = $_REQUEST["LoanID"]; } $field = isset($_GET["fields"]) ? $_GET["fields"] : ""; if (isset($_GET["query"]) && $_GET["query"] != "") { $where .= " AND " . $field . " LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; } $temp = LON_loans::SelectAll($where, $whereParam); $no = $temp->rowCount(); $temp = PdoDataAccess::fetchAll($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectAll() { $temp = manage_salary_params::GetAll($_GET["person_type"], $_GET["param_type"], dataReader::makeOrder()); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectDeposites() { $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery_fetchMode("\r\n\t\tselect TafsiliID,CostID,concat_ws('-',b1.BlockDesc,b2.BlockDesc) CostDesc,\r\n\t\t\tsum(CreditorAmount-DebtorAmount) amount,TafsiliDesc\r\n\t\tfrom ACC_DocItems \r\n\t\t\tjoin ACC_docs using(DocID)\r\n\t\t\tjoin ACC_CostCodes cc using(CostID)\r\n\t\t\tleft join ACC_blocks b1 on(b1.BlockID=cc.level1)\r\n\t\t\tleft join ACC_blocks b2 on(b2.BlockID=cc.level2)\r\n\t\t\tjoin ACC_tafsilis using(TafsiliID)\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\twhere /*DocStatus != 'RAW'*/ 1=1\r\n\t\t\tAND CostID in(" . COSTID_ShortDeposite . "," . COSTID_LongDeposite . ")\r\n\t\t\tAND CycleID=" . $_SESSION["accounting"]["CycleID"] . "\r\n\t\t\tAND BranchID=" . $_SESSION["accounting"]["BranchID"] . "\r\n\t\tgroup by TafsiliID,CostID"); $dt = PdoDataAccess::fetchAll($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); //echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString(); echo dataReader::getJsonData($dt, $temp->rowCount(), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function searchSITR() { $where = dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_salary_item_report::GetAll($where); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function Searchbank() { $where = dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_bank::GetAll($where); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function searchcostCenterItm() { $where = dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_cost_center_exception::GetAll($where); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectAll() { $where = " pe.staff_id = :staff_id "; $whereParam = array(); $whereParam[":staff_id"] = $_POST["staff_id"]; $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_professor_exe_posts::GetAll($where, $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectbanchs() { $where = " sfid =" . $_GET['sfid']; $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_study_branch::GetAll($where); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectAll() { $where = 'where ( 1=1 )'; $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_tax_table_types::GetAll($where); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function AccDocFlow() { $CostID = $_REQUEST["CostID"]; $CurYear = substr(DateModules::shNow(), 0, 4); $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery_fetchMode("\r\n\t\tselect d.DocDate,\r\n\t\t\td.description,\r\n\t\t\tdi.DebtorAmount,\r\n\t\t\tdi.CreditorAmount,\r\n\t\t\tdi.details\r\n\t\tfrom ACC_DocItems di join ACC_docs d using(DocID)\r\n\t\tleft join ACC_tafsilis t1 on(t1.TafsiliType=1 AND di.TafsiliID=t1.TafsiliID)\r\n\t\tleft join ACC_tafsilis t2 on(t2.TafsiliType=1 AND di.TafsiliID2=t2.TafsiliID)\r\n\t\twhere CycleID=:year AND CostID=:cid AND (t1.ObjectID=:pid or t2.ObjectID=:pid)\r\n\t\t\tAND DocStatus in('CONFIRM','ARCHIVE')\r\n\t\torder by DocDate\r\n\t", array(":year" => $CurYear, ":pid" => $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"], ":cid" => $CostID)); //print_r(ExceptionHandler::PopAllExceptions()); $count = $temp->rowCount(); $temp = PdoDataAccess::fetchAll($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $count, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function SelectAll() { $where = "1=1"; if (!empty($_REQUEST["TaskStatus"])) { $where .= " AND TaskStatus in(" . ($_REQUEST["TaskStatus"] == "RAW" ? "'RAW'" : "'DONE','RESPONSE'") . ")"; } $res = PdoDataAccess::runquery_fetchMode("\r\n\t\tselect\tt.* , \r\n\t\t\t\tSysName,\r\n\t\t\t\tconcat_ws(' ',fname,lname,CompanyName) RegPersonName\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\tfrom FRW_tasks t\r\n\t\tjoin BSC_persons on(RegPersonID = PersonID)\r\n\t\tjoin FRW_systems using(SystemID)\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\twhere {$where} order by FIELD(TaskStatus,'RAW') desc,ifnull(DoneDate,CreateDate) desc"); $cnt = $res->rowCount(); $res = PdoDataAccess::fetchAll($res, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($res, $cnt, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function SearchHistoryJob() { $where = " PersonID = :PID "; $whereParam = array(); $whereParam[":PID"] = $_GET["Q0"]; $no = manage_person_job::CountPersonJob($where, $whereParam); $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $where .= isset($_GET["start"]) ? " limit " . $_GET["start"] . "," . $_GET["limit"] : ""; $temp = manage_person_job::GetAllPersonJob($where, $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectDev() { $where = " d.PersonID = :PID "; $whereParam = array(); $whereParam[":PID"] = $_GET["Q0"]; /* $field = isset ( $_GET ["fields"] ) ? $_GET ["fields"] : ""; if (isset ( $_GET ["query"] ) && $_GET ["query"] != "") { switch ( $field) { case "Title" : $where .= " AND Title LIKE :qry " ; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "enlisted" : $where .= " AND enlisted = :qry1 " ; $whereParam[":qry1"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "from_date" : $where .= " AND from_date = :qry1 " ; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "to_date" : $where .= " AND to_date = :qry1 " ; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "amount" : $where .= " AND amount = :qry1 " ; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "war_place" : $where .= " AND war_place LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; } } */ $no = manage_person_devotion::CountDevotion($where, $whereParam); $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $where .= isset($_GET["start"]) ? " limit " . $_GET["start"] . "," . $_GET["limit"] : ""; $temp = manage_person_devotion::GetAllDevotions($where, $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectAll() { $where = " where (1=1)"; if ($_GET["tax_table_type_id"] != "") { $where .= " AND tax_table_type_id=:ttid "; $whereParam[":ttid"] = $_GET["tax_table_type_id"]; } $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_Tax_Table::GetAll($_GET["tax_table_type_id"], $where, $whereParam); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectEduc() { $where = " pe.PersonID = :PID "; $whereParam = array(); $whereParam[":PID"] = $_GET["Q0"]; $field = isset($_GET["fields"]) ? $_GET["fields"] : ""; if (isset($_GET["query"]) && $_GET["query"] != "") { switch ($field) { case "fname": $where .= " AND fname LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "lname": $where .= " AND lname LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "birth_date": $where .= " AND birth_date = :qry1 "; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "idcard_no": $where .= " AND idcard_no = :qry1 "; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "father_name": $where .= " AND Fname LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "Title": $where .= " AND Title LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "insure_type": // شماره بیمه $where .= " AND insure_type LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; } } $no = manage_person_education::CountEducation($where, $whereParam); $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $where .= isset($_GET["start"]) ? " limit " . $_GET["start"] . "," . $_GET["limit"] : ""; $temp = manage_person_education::GetAllEducations($where, $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectEmp() { $where = " eh.PersonID = :PID "; $whereParam = array(); $whereParam[":PID"] = $_GET["Q0"]; $field = isset($_GET["fields"]) ? $_GET["fields"] : ""; if (isset($_GET["query"]) && $_GET["query"] != "") { switch ($field) { case "organization": $where .= " AND organization LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "unit": $where .= " AND unit LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "from_date": $where .= " AND from_date = :qry1 "; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "to_date": $where .= " AND to_date = :qry1 "; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "org_title": $where .= " AND org_title = :qry1 "; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "unempTitle": $where .= " AND unempTitle = :qry1 "; $whereParam[":qry1"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "title": $where .= " AND title LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; } } $no = manage_person_employment::CountEmp($where, $whereParam); $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $where .= isset($_GET["start"]) ? " limit " . $_GET["start"] . "," . $_GET["limit"] : ""; $temp = manage_person_employment::GetAllEmp($where, $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function not_assigned_items() { $query = ' SELECT s.salary_item_type_id,s.full_title FROM salary_item_types s LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_salary_items wsi ON(wsi.salary_item_type_id = s.salary_item_type_id AND wsi.writ_id = :wid AND wsi.writ_ver = :wver) ,writs w WHERE w.writ_id = :wid AND w.writ_ver = :wver AND w.staff_id = :stid AND (s.person_type = w.person_type OR s.person_type = ' . PERSON_TYPE_ALL . ' OR s.person_type = if(w.person_type != 1, 101,0)) AND s.compute_place = ' . SALARY_ITEM_COMPUTE_PLACE_WRIT . ' AND (s.user_data_entry = ' . USER_DATA_ENTRY . ' OR s.editable_value = 1) AND (s.validity_start_date IS NULL OR s.validity_start_date <= w.execute_date) AND (s.validity_end_date IS NULL OR s.validity_end_date = "0000-00-00" OR s.validity_end_date >= w.execute_date) AND wsi.salary_item_type_id IS NULL'; $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, array(":wid" => $_GET["writ_id"], ":wver" => $_GET["writ_ver"], ":stid" => $_GET["staff_id"])); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectTemplateItems() { $where = ""; $params = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST["TemplateID"])) { $where .= " AND TemplateID in(0,:t)"; $params[":t"] = $_REQUEST["TemplateID"]; } if (!empty($_GET["query"])) { $field = empty($_GET["field"]) ? "" : $_GET["field"]; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["NotGlobal"])) { $where .= " AND TemplateID >0"; } $temp = CNT_TemplateItems::Get($where . " order by TemplateItemID", $params); if (!empty($_REQUEST["limit"])) { $res = PdoDataAccess::fetchAll($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); } else { $res = $temp->fetchAll(); } echo dataReader::getJsonData($res, $temp->rowCount(), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectBases() { $where = " (1=1) "; $whereParam = array(); $field = isset($_GET["fields"]) ? $_GET["fields"] : ""; if (isset($_GET["query"]) && $_GET["query"] != "") { switch ($field) { case "title": $where .= " AND title LIKE :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "BaseValue": $where .= " AND BaseValue = :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = $_GET["query"]; break; case "typeName": $where .= " AND i.Title like :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "fullName": $where .= " AND concat(pfname,' ',plname) like :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = "%" . $_GET["query"] . "%"; break; case "ExecuteDate": $where .= " AND ExecuteDate = :qry "; $whereParam[":qry"] = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_GET["query"]); break; } } $where .= dataReader::makeOrder(); $temp = manage_bases::GetAll($where, $whereParam); $no = count($temp); $temp = array_slice($temp, $_GET["start"], $_GET["limit"]); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, $no, $_GET["callback"]); die; }
<?php include "class/Database.php"; include "class/dictionary_class.php"; // Init classes $spellChecker = new dataReader(); $db = new Database(); // Get rates/regions $employment_stats = $db->query("SELECT * FROM employment_rates"); $pointIndex = 0; // Loop through regions while ($stat = mysql_fetch_array($employment_stats)) { // Get twitter feed from region (within 50km of centre) $twitter = simplexml_load_file('' . $stat['lat'] . '%2C' . $stat['long'] . '%2C50km'); $regionTweets = ""; $numTweets = 0; // Loop through each tweet from region foreach ($twitter->entry as $tweet) { $newTweet = $tweet->title; // Remove @ usernames $newTweet = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)@(\\w+)/', '', $newTweet); // Remove #tags $newTweet = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)#(\\w+)/', '', $newTweet); // Remove numbers $newTweet = preg_replace('/[0-9]*/', '', $newTweet); // Remove URLs $newTweet = preg_replace('((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((//)|(\\\\))+[\\w\\d:#@%/;$()~_?\\+-=\\\\.&]*)', '', $newTweet); // Remove special characters $newTweet = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\\s]/', '', $newTweet); // Remove RT $newTweet = preg_replace('/RT./', '', $newTweet);
function GetPlanEvents() { $temp = PLN_PlanEvents::Get("AND PlanID=?", array($_REQUEST["PlanID"])); //print_r(ExceptionHandler::PopAllExceptions()); $res = $temp->fetchAll(); echo dataReader::getJsonData($res, $temp->rowCount(), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function selectArrearTransferWrits() { MakeAdvanceSearchWhere($where, $whereParam); $state; $state = isset($_REQUEST["return"]) ? "1" : "0"; $stateWhere = ""; $stateWhere = " w.arrear = " . $state . " AND "; $curYear = DateModules::GetYear(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi(DateModules::Now())); $query = "select w.writ_id,\n w.writ_ver,\n w.staff_id,\n w.ouid,\n w.issue_date,\n w.history_only,\n w.corrective,\n w.execute_date,\n concat(wt.title,' - ', wst.title) as wt_title,\n bi_emp_state.title as emp_state_title,\n w.ref_letter_no,\n w.ref_letter_date,\n w.person_type,\n concat(p.pfname, ' ', p.plname) fullname,\n w.corrective_writ_id,\n w.correct_completed,\n\t\t\t\t\t w.view_flag\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tfrom staff s\n \n \t\t LEFT OUTER JOIN writs w ON (w.staff_id = s.staff_id)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_types wt ON ((w.writ_type_id = wt.writ_type_id) AND (w.person_type = wt.person_type))\n LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_subtypes wst ON (w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id AND w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id \n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND w.person_type = wst.person_type)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN persons p ON (s.PersonID = p.PersonID)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o ON (w.ouid = o.ouid)\n LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi_emp_state on(bi_emp_state.TypeID=3 and w.emp_state=bi_emp_state.InfoID)\n LEFT JOIN payment_writs pw ON pw.writ_id = w.writ_id and pw.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and pw.staff_id = w.staff_id \n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\twhere w.execute_date >= '" . TRANSFER_WRIT_EXE_DATE . "' AND w.state = 3 AND \n\t\t\t\t w.execute_date < '" . str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($curYear . "/01/01")) . "' AND\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t substr(g2j(w.execute_date),1,4) < substr(g2j(writ_recieve_date),1,4) AND \n\t\t\t\t {$stateWhere}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n s.person_type in (" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") AND w.cost_center_id in (" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") AND\n\t\t\t\tw.emp_state <> 0 AND\n\t\t\t\t(w.history_only=0 OR w.history_only IS NULL) AND \n\t\t\t\t(w.dont_transfer = 0 OR w.dont_transfer IS NULL) AND\n ( pw.writ_id is null ) AND\n\t\t\t\t(w.correct_completed!=" . WRIT_CORRECTING . ") AND " . $where . "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\torder by p.plname,p.pfname,s.staff_id,w.execute_date,w.writ_id,w.writ_ver"; $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam); /*if($_SESSION['UserID'] == 'jafarkhani') { echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString(); die(); }*/ for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { $temp[$i]['full_unit_title'] = manage_units::get_full_title($temp[$i]['ouid']); } echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function SelectDocTypes() { $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from BaseInfo where TypeID=9"); echo dataReader::getJsonData($dt, count($dt), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
static function SelectSendedLetters($where = "", $param = array()) { $query = "select s.*,l.*, \n\t\t\t\tconcat_ws(' ',fname, lname,CompanyName) ToPersonName,\n\t\t\t\tif(count(DocumentID) > 0,'YES','NO') hasAttach,\n\t\t\t\tsubstr(s.SendDate,1,10) _SendDate\n\t\t\tfrom OFC_send s\n\t\t\t\tjoin OFC_letters l using(LetterID)\n\t\t\t\tjoin BSC_persons p on(s.ToPersonID=p.PersonID)\n\t\t\t\tleft join DMS_documents on(ObjectType='letterAttach' AND ObjectID=s.LetterID)\n\t\t\twhere FromPersonID=:fpid " . $where . "\n\t\t\tgroup by SendID\n\t\t"; $param[":fpid"] = $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"]; $query .= dataReader::makeOrder(); return PdoDataAccess::runquery_fetchMode($query, $param); }
function GetAllHolidays() { $where = ""; $whereParam = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST["Year"])) { $year = $_REQUEST["Year"]; $StartDate = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($year . "-01-01", "-"); $EndDate = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($year . "-12-" . DateModules::DaysOfMonth($year, 12), "-"); $where .= " AND TheDate between ? AND ?"; $whereParam[] = $StartDate; $whereParam[] = $EndDate; } $temp = ATN_holidays::Get($where . dataReader::makeOrder(), $whereParam); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp->fetchAll(), $temp->rowCount(), $_GET["callback"]); die; }