コード例 #1
	access: customers_write

	Allows new services to be added to customers, or existing ones to be modified
// includes
require "../include/config.php";
require "../include/amberphplib/main.php";
require "../include/customers/inc_customers.php";
require "../include/services/inc_services.php";
require "../include/services/inc_services_traffic.php";
require "../include/services/inc_services_invoicegen.php";
if (user_permissions_get('customers_write')) {
    	Load Data
    $obj_customer = new customer_services();
    $obj_customer->id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_customer", 1, "");
    $obj_customer->id_service_customer = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_service_customer", 0, "");
    if ($obj_customer->id_service_customer) {
        // load the service data
        // check the date lock status
        if (!$obj_customer->service_check_datechangesafe()) {
            // start date is adjustable
            $data["date_period_first"] = @security_form_input_predefined("date", "date_period_first", 1, "");
            $data["date_period_next"] = $data["date_period_first"];
            if ($data["date_period_first"] != $obj_customer->obj_service->data["date_period_first"]) {
                // date has been adjusted
            } else {
                // no change
コード例 #2
function service_periods_add($id_service_customer, $billing_mode)
    log_debug("inc_services_invoicegen", "Executing service_periods_add({$id_service_customer}, {$billing_mode})");
    	Fetch required information from services_customers (service-customer assignment table)
    $sql_custserv_obj = new sql_query();
    $sql_custserv_obj->string = "SELECT serviceid, date_period_first, date_period_next, date_period_last FROM services_customers WHERE id='{$id_service_customer}' LIMIT 1";
    $serviceid = $sql_custserv_obj->data[0]["serviceid"];
    $date_period_start = $sql_custserv_obj->data[0]["date_period_next"];
    $date_period_last = $sql_custserv_obj->data[0]["date_period_last"];
    if (empty($date_period_last) || $date_period_last == "0000-00-00") {
        $date_period_last = NULL;
    	Has the service reached it's end date?
    if ($date_period_last) {
        	Is deactivation required?
        if (time_date_to_timestamp($date_period_last) <= time()) {
            log_write("debug", "inc_services_invoicegen", "Service {$id_service_customer} has reached deactivation date ({$date_period_last}), disabling service.");
            // disable the service
            $obj_service = new customer_services();
            $obj_service->id_service_customer = $id_service_customer;
        	Have we reached the end of the service with the current period?
        if ($date_period_start == $date_period_last) {
            // start date the same as the last date
            log_write("debug", "inc_services_invoicegen", "Service {$id_service_customer} is due to be deactived on {$date_period_last}, new period due to start on {$date_period_start}, preventing new period generation and making no changes.");
            return 1;
        	Catch any glitches, where the period start date is newer than the period last date, and correct.
        if (time_date_to_timestamp($date_period_start) > time_date_to_timestamp($date_period_last)) {
            log_write("debug", "inc_services_invoicegen", "Service start date of {$date_period_start}, but last period date is for {$date_period_last} - adjusting start date to match last");
            $date_period_start = $date_period_last;
    	Handle new services
    	If the service has not been billed before, the date_period_first value will have been set, but not the date_period_next value.
    if ($sql_custserv_obj->data[0]["date_period_next"] == "0000-00-00") {
        $date_period_start = $sql_custserv_obj->data[0]["date_period_first"];
    	Fetch Dates
    $billing_cycle = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT billing_cycles.name as value FROM services LEFT JOIN billing_cycles ON billing_cycles.id = services.billing_cycle WHERE services.id='{$serviceid}'");
    $dates = service_period_dates_generate($date_period_start, $billing_cycle, $billing_mode);
    $date_period_start = $dates["start"];
    $date_period_end = $dates["end"];
    $date_period_next = $dates["next"];
    	Handle Last Date
    	If the service has reached the date_period_last, we need to flag the period as being the last - this means
    	if an end/last date is set half way during a period, the period will be changed into a partial period.
    if ($date_period_last) {
        if (time_date_to_timestamp($date_period_last) <= time_date_to_timestamp($date_period_end)) {
            	Period ending date is later than the last period date - adjust the end date to align.
            $date_period_end = $date_period_last;
            $date_period_next = "0000-00-00";
        if ($date_period_last == $date_period_end) {
            	Period end date same as the service last date.
            $date_period_next = "0000-00-00";
    	Calculate date to bill the period on
    switch ($billing_mode) {
        case "periodadvance":
        case "monthadvance":
            // Billing date should be set to today, since the period will have just been generated in advance today and
            // we don't need to bother regenerating the billing period.
            $date_period_billing = date("Y-m-d");
        case "periodtelco":
        case "monthtelco":
            // With Telco periods, we need to bill on the first day of the new period.
            $date_period_billing = $date_period_start;
        case "periodend":
        case "monthend":
            // PERIODEND /  MONTHEND
            // We can't bill for this period until it's end, so we set the billing date to the start of the next period,
            // so that the period has completely finished before we invoice.
            $date_period_billing = $date_period_next;
    log_write("debug", "inc_customers", "Calculated billing date of \"" . $date_period_billing . "\" for service billing mode of \"" . $billing_mode . "\"");
    	Start Transaction
    $sql_obj = new sql_query();
    	Add a new period
    $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_customers_periods (id_service_customer, date_start, date_end, date_billed) VALUES ('{$id_service_customer}', '{$date_period_start}', '{$date_period_end}', '{$date_period_billing}')";
    	Update services_customers
    $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services_customers SET date_period_next='{$date_period_next}' WHERE id='{$id_service_customer}' LIMIT 1";
    	If the period is ending, we need to create a special 0-day period - this is used
    	to account for usage on services, by having a final period with no service charge
    	but with usage for the previous (final) period.
    if ($date_period_last && $date_period_next == "0000-00-00") {
        	This period is for one day after the service terminates - it will force an invoice to be generated for the
        	terminated service, with $0 plan charges and any usage charges that apply.
        	Depending on configuration, the customer may or may not recieve a copy of the invoice.
        $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_customers_periods (id_service_customer, date_start, date_end, date_billed) VALUES ('{$id_service_customer}',  DATE_ADD('{$date_period_end}', INTERVAL 1 DAY), DATE_ADD('{$date_period_end}', INTERVAL 1 DAY), DATE_ADD('{$date_period_billing}', INTERVAL 1 DAY))";
    if (error_check()) {
        log_write("error", "process", "An error occured whilst attempting to add a new period to a service. No changes were made.");
        return 0;
    } else {
    return 1;
コード例 #3
	access:	customers_write

	Apply changed to an IPv4 address
// includes
require "../include/config.php";
require "../include/amberphplib/main.php";
require "../include/customers/inc_customers.php";
require "../include/services/inc_services.php";
require "../include/services/inc_services_traffic.php";
if (user_permissions_get('customers_write')) {
    $obj_customer = new customer_services();
    $obj_ipv4 = new traffic_customer_service_ipv4();
    	Load Data
    $obj_customer->id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_customer", 1, "");
    $obj_customer->id_service_customer = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_service_customer", 0, "");
    $obj_ipv4->id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_ipv4", 0, "");
    $obj_ipv4->id_customer = $obj_customer->id;
    $obj_ipv4->id_service_customer = $obj_customer->id_service_customer;
    $obj_ipv4->data["ipv4_address"] = @security_form_input_predefined("ipv4", "ipv4_address", 1, "");
    $obj_ipv4->data["ipv4_cidr"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "ipv4_cidr", 1, "");
    $obj_ipv4->data["description"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "description", 0, "");
    	Verify Data