function test_create_at_invalid()
        $_SESSION['active_user'] = array('name' => 'fred', 'id' => 1);
        $_SESSION['direct_to']   = make_url('messages');

        $_POST = array('message' => '@nobody fred sending a message to nobody');

        $rmt_mck = new mck_mdl_remotes('sue', 'Big fat human');

        $msg = new ctrl_messages();

        catch(exception $e)
            $this->assertEquals(preg_match("/messages/", $e->getMessage()), 1);

    // Check that warning message is displayed

        $result = $msg->display_outer(true);

        $this->assertEquals(preg_match('/<h4 id="errors_head">Errors/', $result), 1);
        $this->assertEquals(preg_match('/User.+not found/', $result), 1);

        $_SESSION = array();
    function test_create_logged_in_invalid_url()
        $_SESSION['active_user'] = array('name' => 'sue', 'id' => 2);
        $_POST = array(
            'follow_user' => 'invalid_url',
            'Submit'      => 'Submit');

        $rmt_mck = new mck_mdl_remotes('sue', 'Big fat human');

        $rel = new ctrl_relations();

        catch(exception $e)
            $this->assertEquals(preg_match("/messages/", $e->getMessage()), 1);

    // After redirect, should display error
        $usr = new ctrl_messages();
        $result = $usr->display_outer(true);

        $this->assertEquals(preg_match("/url is invalid/", $result), 1);