コード例 #1
function credit_form_export_process($type, $returnpage_error, $returnpage_success)
    log_debug("inc_credits_forms", "Executing credit_form_export_process({$type}, {$returnpage_error}, {$returnpage_success})");
    	Start the credit
    $credit = new credit();
    $credit->type = $type;
    	Fetch all form data
    // get the ID for an edit
    $credit->id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_credit", 1, "");
    // general details
    $data["formname"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "formname", 1, "");
    if ($data["formname"] == "credit_export_email") {
        // send email
        $data["sender"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "sender", 1, "");
        $data["subject"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "subject", 1, "");
        $data["email_to"] = @security_form_input_predefined("multiple_email", "email_to", 1, "");
        $data["email_cc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("multiple_email", "email_cc", 0, "");
        $data["email_bcc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("multiple_email", "email_bcc", 0, "");
        $data["message"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "email_message", 1, "");
        // check if email sending is permitted
        if (sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='EMAIL_ENABLE'") != "enabled") {
            log_write("error", "inc_credits_process", "Sorry, the ability to email credits has been disabled. Please contact your system administrator if you require this feature to be enabled.");
    } else {
        // PDF download
        $data["credit_mark_as_sent"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "credit_mark_as_sent", 0, "");
    // make sure that the credit exists
    $sql_obj = new sql_query();
    $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM `account_" . $credit->type . "` WHERE id='" . $credit->id . "'";
    if (!$sql_obj->num_rows()) {
        $_SESSION["error"]["message"][] = "The credit you have attempted to edit - " . $credit->id . " - does not exist in this system.";
    //// ERROR CHECKING ///////////////////////
    /// if there was an error, go back to the entry page
    if (!empty($_SESSION["error"]["message"])) {
        header("Location: ../../index.php?page={$returnpage_error}&id=" . $credit->id . "");
    } else {
        if ($data["formname"] == "credit_export_email") {
            	Generate a PDF of the credit and email it to the customer
            // stripslashes from the variables - by default all input variables are quoted for security reasons but
            // we don't want this going through to the email.
            $data["subject"] = stripslashes($data["subject"]);
            $data["message"] = stripslashes($data["message"]);
            // send email
            $credit->email_credit($data["sender"], $data["email_to"], $data["email_cc"], $data["email_bcc"], $data["subject"], $data["message"]);
            $_SESSION["notification"]["message"][] = "Email sent successfully.";
        } else {
            	Mark credit as being sent if user requests it
            if ($data["credit_mark_as_sent"]) {
                $sql_obj = new sql_query();
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE account_" . $credit->type . " SET date_sent='" . date("Y-m-d") . "', sentmethod='manual' WHERE id='" . $credit->id . "'";
            	Provide PDF to user's browser
            // generate PDF
            // PDF headers
            if ($type == "quotes") {
                $filename = "/tmp/quote_" . $credit->data["code_quote"] . ".pdf";
            } else {
                $filename = "/tmp/credit_" . $credit->data["code_credit"] . ".pdf";
            // required for IE, otherwise Content-disposition is ignored
            if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
                ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
            header("Pragma: public");
            // required
            header("Expires: 0");
            header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
            header("Cache-Control: private", false);
            // required for certain browsers
            header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($filename) . "\";");
            header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
            // output the PDF
            print $credit->obj_pdf->output;
        // display updated details
        header("Location: ../../index.php?page={$returnpage_success}&id=" . $credit->id . "");
    // end if passed tests
コード例 #2
function page_execute($argv)
    	Input Options
    $option_date = NULL;
    $option_type = NULL;
    if (empty($argv[2])) {
        die("You must provide a date option in form of YYYY-MM-DD\n");
    if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/', $argv[2])) {
        $option_date = $argv[2];
    } else {
        die("You must provide a date option in form of YYYY-MM-DD - wrong format supplied\n");
    if (empty($argv[3])) {
        die("Service Type must be set.\n");
    if (preg_match('/^\\S\\S*$/', $argv[3])) {
        $option_type = $argv[3];
        $option_type_id = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT id as value FROM service_types WHERE name='{$option_type}' LIMIT 1");
        if (!$option_type_id) {
            die("Service type {$option_type} is unknown\n");
    } else {
        die("You must provide a service type\n");
    log_write("notification", "repair", "Executing usage charge rollback for invoices generated {$option_date} for service type {$option_type} (ID {$option_type_id})");
    	Fetch IDs of all sercices with selected option type
    $option_services = array();
    $obj_sql_service = new sql_query();
    $obj_sql_service->string = "SELECT id FROM services WHERE typeid='" . $option_type_id . "'";
    if ($obj_sql_service->num_rows()) {
        foreach ($obj_sql_service->data as $data) {
            $option_services[] = $data["id"];
    log_write("notification", "repair", "Returned ID of matching services, array of " . format_arraytocommastring($option_services, NULL) . "");
    	Start Transaction
    $obj_sql_trans = new sql_query();
    	Fetch AR Invoices for selected period
    $obj_sql_ar = new sql_query();
    $obj_sql_ar->string = "SELECT id, customerid, code_invoice, dest_account, amount_total, amount_paid FROM account_ar WHERE date_trans='{$option_date}'";
    if ($obj_sql_ar->num_rows()) {
        foreach ($obj_sql_ar->data as $data_ar) {
            $invoice_items = array();
            // store item details
            	Fetch Invoice Items
            $obj_sql_items = new sql_query();
            $obj_sql_items->string = "SELECT id, customid, chartid, amount, description FROM account_items WHERE invoiceid='" . $data_ar["id"] . "' AND invoicetype='ar' AND type='service_usage'";
            if ($obj_sql_items->num_rows()) {
                	For each item, check the service type and whether it is one of the items
                	that we want to credit.
                foreach ($obj_sql_items->data as $data_item) {
                    if (in_array($data_item["customid"], $option_services)) {
                        // item is one of the target services, add details to array
                        log_write("debug", "repair", "Invoice ID #" . $data_ar["id"] . ", (" . $data_ar["code_invoice"] . ") item ID #" . $data_item["id"] . " is a valid service usage item to refund.");
                        // check if it's call charges
                        if (!strpos($data_item["description"], "call charges")) {
                            log_write("debug", "repair", "Skipping non-call charge usage item from credit");
                        // add invoice items
                        $invoice_items_tmp = array();
                        $invoice_items_tmp["id"] = $data_item["id"];
                        $invoice_items_tmp["customid"] = $data_item["customid"];
                        $invoice_items_tmp["chartid"] = $data_item["chartid"];
                        $invoice_items_tmp["amount"] = $data_item["amount"];
                        $invoice_items_tmp["description"] = $data_item["description"];
                        // add to array
                        $invoice_items[] = $invoice_items_tmp;
            // end of AR invoice items loop
            	If any items matched, we should create a credit note and add the items as credits
            if (!empty($invoice_items)) {
                	Create Credit Note
                	We have all the information needed for the credit note from the invoice.
                $credit = new credit();
                $credit->type = "ar_credit";
                $credit->data["invoiceid"] = $data_ar["id"];
                $credit->data["customerid"] = $data_ar["customerid"];
                $credit->data["employeeid"] = "0";
                $credit->data["date_trans"] = date("Y-m-d");
                $credit->data["dest_account"] = $data_ar["dest_account"];
                $credit->data["notes"] = "Automatically generated credit by repair process to cover service usage refund of invoice " . $data_ar["code_invoice"] . "";
                // create a new credit
                if ($credit->action_create()) {
                    log_write("notification", "repair", "Credit note successfully created");
                    journal_quickadd_event("account_ar_credit", $credit->id, "Credit Note successfully created");
                } else {
                    log_write("error", "repair", "An unexpected fault occured whilst attempting to create the credit note");
                	Add Items
                	We loop through each selected item and for each item, we create an appropiate credit note item.
                foreach ($invoice_items as $data_item) {
                    // create credit item
                    $item = new invoice_items();
                    $item->id_invoice = $credit->id;
                    $item->type_invoice = "ar_credit";
                    $item->type_item = "credit";
                    // set item details
                    $data = array();
                    $data["amount"] = $data_item["amount"];
                    $data["price"] = $data_item["amount"];
                    $data["chartid"] = $data_item["chartid"];
                    $data["description"] = "Credit For: " . $data_item["description"];
                    // fetch taxes for selected item
                    $sql_tax_obj = new sql_query();
                    $sql_tax_obj->string = "SELECT taxid FROM services_taxes WHERE serviceid='" . $data_item["customid"] . "'";
                    if ($sql_tax_obj->num_rows()) {
                        foreach ($sql_tax_obj->data as $data_tax) {
                            $sql_cust_tax_obj = new sql_query();
                            $sql_cust_tax_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM customers_taxes WHERE customerid='" . $credit->data["customerid"] . "' AND taxid='" . $data_tax["taxid"] . "'";
                            if ($sql_cust_tax_obj->num_rows()) {
                                $data["tax_" . $data_tax["taxid"]] = "on";
                    if (!$item->prepare_data($data)) {
                        log_write("error", "process", "An error was encountered whilst processing supplied data.");
                    } else {
                // end of items loop
                	Re-calculate Credit Note Totals
                // finsihed with credit items
                	Apply Credit Note against the invoice if it hasn't been paid in full.
                $amount_invoice = array();
                if ($data_ar["amount_total"] != $data_ar["amount_paid"]) {
                    // determine amount owing
                    $amount_invoice["owing"] = $data_ar["amount_total"] - $data_ar["amount_paid"];
                    if ($amount_invoice["owing"] <= 0) {
                        // nothing todo
                        log_write("notification", "repair", "Ignoring overpaid invoice " . $data_ar["code_invoice"] . " and assigning credit note to customer account/pool instead");
                    } else {
                        // determine credit amount
                        $amount_invoice["credit"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT amount_total as value FROM account_ar_credit WHERE id='" . $credit->id . "' LIMIT 1");
                        if ($amount_invoice["credit"] > $amount_invoice["owing"]) {
                            // pay the amount owing which is less than the credit
                            $amount_invoice["creditpay"] = $amount_invoice["owing"];
                        } else {
                            // customer owes more than the credit is for, make credit payment amount maximum
                            $amount_invoice["creditpay"] = $amount_invoice["credit"];
                        // make credit payment against the invoice
                        $item = new invoice_items();
                        $item->id_invoice = $data_ar["id"];
                        $item->type_invoice = "ar";
                        $item->type_item = "payment";
                        // set item details
                        $data = array();
                        $data["date_trans"] = date("Y-m-d");
                        $data["amount"] = $amount_invoice["creditpay"];
                        $data["chartid"] = "credit";
                        $data["source"] = "CREDITED FUNDS (AUTOMATIC)";
                        $data["description"] = "Credit from credit note " . $credit->data["code_credit"] . " for service usage charge correction";
                        if (!$item->prepare_data($data)) {
                            log_write("error", "process", "An error was encountered whilst processing supplied data for credit payment to invoice");
                        } else {
                            // create & update payment item
                            // update invoice totals & ledger
                            log_write("notification", "repair", "Applied credit of " . $amount_invoice["creditpay"] . "");
                    // end if credit payment made
                } else {
                    log_write("notification", "repair", "Credited invoice " . $data_ar["code_invoice"] . " has already been paid in full, assigning credit note to customer's credit pool for future use.");
                	Email PDF credit notes and message.
                if ($GLOBALS["config"]["ACCOUNTS_INVOICE_AUTOEMAIL"] == 1 || $GLOBALS["config"]["ACCOUNTS_INVOICE_AUTOEMAIL"] == "enabled") {
                    $email = $credit->generate_email();
                    $credit->email_credit($email["sender"], $email["to"], $email["cc"], $email["bcc"], $email["subject"], $email["message"]);
                } else {
                    log_write("notification", "repair", "No credit note email sent, ACCOUNTS_INVOICE_AUTOEMAIL is disabled.");
                // unset the credit note
                	Flag the refunded usage periods for re-billing.
                	Now that we have refunded the usage on the selected invoice, we should then flag any service periods
                	of the same service type and invoice ID, to cause the usge to be rebilled in the next service billing month.
                // fetch id_service_customer values from services where customer matches invoice
                $obj_sql_cust = new sql_query();
                $obj_sql_cust->string = "SELECT id FROM services_customers WHERE customerid='" . $data_ar["customerid"] . "' AND serviceid IN (" . format_arraytocommastring($option_services, NULL) . ")";
                if ($obj_sql_cust->num_rows()) {
                    foreach ($obj_sql_cust->data as $data_cust) {
                        // update any periods for this customer-service which have the ID of the selected invoice as
                        // the usage period invoice.
                        // these usage periods will then be re-invoiced at the next service invoicing run.
                        $obj_sql_period = new sql_query();
                        $obj_sql_period->string = "UPDATE services_customers_periods SET invoiceid_usage='0', rebill='1' WHERE invoiceid_usage='" . $data_ar["id"] . "' AND id_service_customer='" . $data_cust["id"] . "'";
                    log_write("notification", "repair", "Flagged services for customer " . $data_ar["customerid"] . " to bill for usage periods.");
                } else {
                    log_write("warning", "repair", "No usage periods found to flag for rebilling for customer " . $data_ar["customerid"] . ", possibly the service has been deleted?");
            // if creditable items exist on the selected invoice
            if (error_check()) {
                // there was an error, do not continue processing invoices.
    // end of AR invoice loop
    	Close Transaction
    if (error_check()) {
        // rollback/failure
        log_write("error", "repair", "An error occured whilst executing, rolling back DB changes");
    } else {
        // commit
        log_write("notification", "repair", "Successful execution, applying DB changes");