コード例 #1
if ($attempt_id) {
    //print the given attempt, if the user has the appropriate access
} elseif ($cm_id) {
    //create a new printable_copy_helper
    $printer = printable_copy_helper::create_from_coursemodule($cm_id);
    //retrieve optional arguments for the printer, which are only appropriate for the report view
    $batch_mode = optional_param('mode', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
    //if a QUBA was specified, print it, and only it (the helper methods check permissions)
    if ($quba_id) {
        $printer->print_question_usage_by_activity($quba_id, $batch_mode);
    } else {
        if ($batch_id) {
            //disable purification on batch jobs, as it takes up too much RAM
            //(the print_batch function will handle purification)
            core_pdf_renderer::$do_not_purify = true;
            // If "force-rerender" is _not_ set, and a pre-rendered batch exists,
            // (e.g. this batch has been rendered before), then print the pre-rendered batch.
            // TODO: Perhaps don't run this part if we're going to pre-render, but instead print an "already rendered"
            // message?
            if (!$force_rerender) {
                // If a pre-rendered batch exits, print it. Otherwise, this will return false.
                $printed = $printer->print_prerendered_batch($batch_id);
                // If we printed a batch, then terminate this script's execution.
                // If we don't abort here, Moodle will append a blank PDF to the end of our full PDF file.
                if ($printed) {
            // If the pre-render option is set, then begin executing the "interactive pre-renderer", which
コード例 #2
 protected function print_quba($quba_id, $batch_mode, $include_barcodes = true, $include_intro = true)
     //get the default question display information
     $options = new question_display_options_pdf();
     //get a question usage object from the database
     $usage = question_engine::load_questions_usage_by_activity($quba_id);
     //get an associative array, which indicates the questions which should be rendered
     $slots = $usage->get_slots();
     //if we're not _only_ outputting a key, output the core of the quesiton
     if ($batch_mode !== quiz_papercopy_batch_mode::KEY_ONLY) {
         //start a new copy with the given margins
         echo html_writer::start_tag('page', array('backtop' => '9mm', 'backbottom' => '0mm', 'backleft' => '0mm', 'backright' => '8mm'));
         if ($include_barcodes) {
             //echo html_writer::start_tag('page_header');
             echo self::render_barcode($quba_id);
             //echo html_writer::end_tag('page_header');
         } else {
             echo html_writer::tag('div', $quba_id, array('class' => 'qubaid'));
         //bookmark, for easy access from a PDF viewer
         echo html_writer::tag('bookmark', '', array('title' => get_string('copynumber', 'quiz_papercopy', $quba_id), 'level' => '0'));
         //print the quiz's introduction
         if (!empty($this->quiz->intro) && $include_intro) {
             $introtext = $this->quiz->intro;
             $introtext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->quiz->intro, 'pluginfile.php', $this->context->id, 'mod_quiz', 'intro', null);
             echo html_writer::tag('div', self::insert_ids($introtext, $quba_id), array('class' => 'introduction'));
         //output each question
         foreach ($slots as $slot => $question) {
             $qbuf = $usage->render_question($question, $options, $slot + 1);
             //if the core PDF renderer has purification turned off, purify the question locally
             if (core_pdf_renderer::$do_not_purify) {
                 $qbuf = core_pdf_renderer::clean_with_htmlpurify($qbuf);
             echo $qbuf;
         echo html_writer::end_tag('page');
     //if a key has been requested, output it as well
     if ($batch_mode == quiz_papercopy_batch_mode::KEY_ONLY || $batch_mode == quiz_papercopy_batch_mode::WITH_KEY) {
         //start a new copy with the given margins
         echo html_writer::start_tag('page', array('backtop' => '9mm', 'backbottom' => '0mm', 'backleft' => '0mm', 'backright' => '8mm'));
         //start of page headers
         if ($include_barcodes) {
             echo html_writer::start_tag('page_header');
             echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('align' => 'center'));
             echo html_writer::tag('barcode', '', array('value' => $id, 'style' => 'width: 40mm; height: 7mm;', 'label' => 'label'));
             echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
             echo html_writer::end_tag('page_header');
         //bookmark, for easy access from a PDF viewer
         echo html_writer::tag('bookmark', '', array('title' => get_string('answerkeynumber', 'quiz_papercopy', $quba_id), 'level' => $batch_mode !== quiz_papercopy_batch_mode::KEY_ONLY));
         //print the quiz's introduction
         echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('answerkeyfortestid', 'quiz_papercopy', $quba_id), array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;'));
         echo html_writer::start_tag('table');
         //output each question
         foreach ($slots as $slot => $question) {
             echo html_writer::start_tag('tr');
             //echo the answer key contents
             echo html_writer::tag('td', $slot + 1 . '. ', array('style' => 'padding-right: 10px;'));
             echo html_writer::tag('td', $usage->get_right_answer_summary($question));
             echo html_writer::end_tag('tr');
         echo html_writer::start_tag('table');
         echo html_writer::end_tag('page');