コード例 #1
ファイル: lloglib.php プロジェクト: lonelywoolf/hypervm
 * @return void 
 * @param 
 * @param 
 * @desc  Special getfromlist for ffile. The concept is that the the whole directory tree is available virtually under an ffile object, thus enabling us to get any object at any level. This is different from other objects where there is only one level of children.
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = '/' . $name;
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, "__path_log", $name, $this->getParentO()->username);
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     $ffile->readonly = 'on';
     return $ffile;
コード例 #2
ファイル: uuserlib.php プロジェクト: hypervm-ng/hypervm-ng
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = '/' . $name;
     $parent_name = $this->getParentName();
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->syncserver, "__path_httpd_root/{$parent_name}/{$parent_name}", $name, $this->nname);
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #3
ファイル: dirprotectlib.php プロジェクト: soar-team/kloxo
 static function add($parent, $class, $param)
     $param['parent_clname'] = $parent->getClName();
     $param['syncserver'] = $parent->syncserver;
     $param['path'] = coreFfile::getRealpath($param['path']);
     $param['nname'] = $param['parent_clname'] . "___" . $param['path'];
     // Update the parent. The syncing of dirprotect is handled by the web object.
     $web = $parent;
     return $param;
コード例 #4
ファイル: slavelib.php プロジェクト: lonelywoolf/hypervm
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     $root = $gbl->getSessionV('ffile_root');
     if (!$root) {
         throw new lxException("no_root_dir_specified", 'template');
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = '/' . $name;
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, $root, $name, "lxlabs");
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ostemplatelib.php プロジェクト: lonelywoolf/hypervm
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $parent = $this->getParentO();
     if ($this->isClass('ostemplate_xen')) {
         $path = "d";
     $root = "{$gen->rootdir}/vps/{$parent->ttype}/{$parent->nname}/";
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = "/{$name}";
     $ffile = new Ffile(null, $server, $root, $name, "root");
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     $ffile->browsebackup = 'on';
     return $ffile;
コード例 #6
ファイル: lxbackuplib.php プロジェクト: digideskio/hypervm
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = "/{$name}";
     $parent = $this->getParentO();
     $root = "__path_program_home/{$this->getParentO()->get__table()}/{$this->getParentO()->nname}/__backup/";
     $fullpath = "{$root}/{$name}";
     if ($parent->isClient()) {
         $syncserver = "localhost";
     } else {
         $syncserver = $parent->syncserver;
     rl_exec_get(null, $syncserver, array("lxbackup", "MakeSureDirectoryExists"), array("{$root}/"));
     $ffile = new Ffile(null, $syncserver, $root, $name, 'lxlabs');
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #7
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $parent = $this->getParentO();
     $bserver = $parent->getBackupServer();
     if (is_disabled_or_null($bserver)) {
         throw new lxException("backup_server_is_not_configured");
     $bs = new CentralBackupServer(null, null, $bserver);
     if ($bs->dbaction === 'add') {
         throw new lxException("backup_server_is_not_there");
     $server = $bs->slavename;
     $root = "{$bs->snapshotdir}/vps/{$parent->ttype}/{$parent->nname}/";
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = "/{$name}";
     $ffile = new Ffile(null, $server, $root, $name, "root");
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     $ffile->browsebackup = 'on';
     return $ffile;
コード例 #8
ファイル: weblib.php プロジェクト: zseand/kloxo
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $htroot = $this->getFullDocRoot();
     $confroot = "__path_httpd_root/{$this->nname}/";
     if ($name === '__lx_error_log') {
         $root = "{$confroot}/stats/";
         $name = "{$this->nname}-error_log";
         $readonly = 'on';
         $showheader = false;
         $numlines = '20';
         $extraid = "__lx_error_log";
         if ($this->__driverappclass === 'lighttpd') {
             rl_exec_get(null, $this->syncserver, array("web__lighttpd", 'fixErrorLog'), array($this->nname));
     } else {
         if ($name === '__lx_access_log') {
             $root = "{$confroot}/stats/";
             $name = "{$this->nname}-custom_log";
             $readonly = 'on';
             $showheader = false;
             $numlines = '20';
             $extraid = "__lx_access_log";
         } else {
             if ($name === '__lx_php_log') {
                 $root = "/home/{$this->customer_name}/__processed_stats/";
                 $name = "{$this->nname}.phplog";
                 $readonly = 'on';
                 $showheader = false;
                 $numlines = '20';
                 $extraid = "__lx_php_log";
             } else {
                 $root = $htroot;
                 $readonly = 'off';
                 $showheader = true;
                 $name = '/' . $name;
                 $numlines = null;
                 $extraid = null;
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->syncserver, $root, $name, $this->username);
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     $ffile->readonly = $readonly;
     $ffile->__flag_showheader = $showheader;
     $ffile->numlines = $numlines;
     $ffile->__var_extraid = $extraid;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #9
ファイル: mailaccountlib.php プロジェクト: soar-team/kloxo
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     list($mailacc, $domain) = explode("@", $this->nname);
     $mailpath = mmail__qmail::getDir($domain);
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = '/' . $name;
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, "{$mailpath}/{$mailacc}", $name, mmail__qmail::getUserGroup($domain));
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #10
ファイル: clientbaselib.php プロジェクト: zseand/kloxo
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = '/' . $name;
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->websyncserver, "__path_customer_root/{$this->getPathFromName()}", $name, "{$this->username}");
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #11
ファイル: domainlib.php プロジェクト: zseand/kloxo
 function postAdd()
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
     $parent = $this->getParentO();
     $domdefault = $parent->getObject('domaindefault');
     $web = $this->getObject("web");
     $mmail = $this->getObject('mmail');
     $dns = $this->getObject("dns");
     $web->remove_processed_stats = $domdefault->remove_processed_stats;
     $dname = $this->nname;
     //$dname = self::createUusername($dname);
     $web->ftpusername = substr($dname, 0, 31);
     $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
     $web->__var_extrabasedir = $gen->extrabasedir;
     $this->cpstatus = 'on';
     $this->ttype = 'virtual';
     $web->ttype = 'virtual';
     $mmail->ttype = 'virtual';
     if ($this->isClass('subdomain')) {
         $parentdomain = $parent->getFromList('domaina', $this->subdomain_parent);
     if ($this->isOn("simple_add_f") || $this->isClass('subdomain')) {
         if ($this->isClass('subdomain')) {
             $cparent = $parentdomain;
         } else {
             $cparent = $parent;
         $this->template_used = $cparent->template_used;
         $this->resourceplan_used = $cparent->resourceplan_used;
         $this->priv = clone $cparent->priv;
         $this->listpriv = clone $cparent->listpriv;
         $this->disable_per = $cparent->disable_per;
         $this->password = $cparent->password;
         $this->realpass = $cparent->realpass;
         $this->priv->phpfcgiprocess_num = 0;
         $web->priv->phpfcgiprocess_num = 0;
         $this->priv->phpfcgi_flag = 'off';
         $web->priv->phpfcgi_flag = 'off';
     } else {
         $this->realpass = $parent->realpass;
         $this->password = crypt($this->realpass);
         if ($this->isOn('use_resourceplan_f')) {
             $template = getFromAny(array($login, $parent), 'resourceplan', $this->resourceplan_f);
             if (!$template) {
                 throw new lxexception("the_resourceplan_doesnt_exist", 'resourceplan_f', $this->resourceplan_f);
             $this->template_used = $this->resourceplan_f;
             $this->resourceplan_used = $this->resourceplan_f;
             $this->priv = clone $template->priv;
             $this->listpriv = clone $template->listpriv;
             $this->disable_per = $template->disable_per;
             if (!$this->dnstemplate_f) {
                 $list = domainBase::getDnsTemplateList($parent);
                 $this->dnstemplate_f = $list[0];
     if (!$this->docroot) {
         $this->docroot = $this->nname;
     $this->docroot = coreFfile::getRealpath($this->docroot);
     if ($this->isClass('subdomain')) {
         $dnstemplate = $parentdomain->getObject('dns');
     } else {
         $dnstemplate = new Dnstemplate($this->__masterserver, null, $this->dnstemplate_f);
         if ($dnstemplate->dbaction === 'add') {
             throw new lxexception('the_dns_template_doesnt_exist', 'dnstemplate_f', $this->dnstemplate_f);
     //$mmail->catchall = $domaindefault->catchall;
     if (!$mmail->catchall) {
         $mmail->catchall = 'Delete';
     $web->ipaddress = $dnstemplate->getIpForBaseDomain();
     $web->docroot = $this->docroot;
     ///#656 When adding a subdomain, the Document Root field is not being validated
     if (csa($web->docroot, " /")) {
         throw new lxexception("document_root_may_not_contain_spaces", 'docroot', "");
     } else {
         $domain_validation = str_split($web->docroot);
         $domain_validation_num = strlen($web->docroot) - 1;
         if ($domain_validation[$domain_validation_num] == " ") {
             throw new lxexception("document_root_may_not_contain_spaces", 'docroot', "");
     $web->docroot = trim($web->docroot, "/");
     $dns->dbaction = 'add';
     $web->syncserver = $parent->websyncserver;
     $dns->syncserver = implode(",", $parent->dnssyncserver_list);
     $mmail->syncserver = $parent->mmailsyncserver;
     $dns->zone_type = 'master';
     if ($this->isClass('subdomain')) {
         $this->dtype = 'subdomain';
     } else {
         $this->dtype = 'maindomain';
     if ($sgbl->dbg < 0) {
         if (getOsForServer($dns->syncserver) === 'windows') {
             throw new lxexception('no_dns_on_windows');
         if (getOsForServer($mmail->syncserver) === 'windows') {
             throw new lxexception('no_mail_on_windows');
     $skelf = "__path_client_root/{$parent->nname}/skeleton.zip";
     if (!lxfile_exists($skelf)) {
         $skelf = "__path_client_root/admin/skeleton.zip";
     //--- for new user-skeleton (since 6.1.7)
     if (!lxfile_exists($skelf)) {
         // MR -- must using \- for zip name
         $skelf = "__path_kloxo_httpd_root/" . "user\\-skeleton.zip";
     if (!lxfile_exists($skelf)) {
         $skelf = "__path_kloxo_httpd_root/skeleton.zip";
     if (!lxfile_exists($skelf)) {
         $skelf = null;
     if ($skelf) {
         $web->__var_skelmachine = getOneIPForLocalhost($web->syncserver);
         $ret = cp_fileserv($skelf);
         $web->__var_skelfile = $ret;
     } else {
         $web->__var_skelfile = null;
     $ftpuser = new Ftpuser(null, $web->syncserver, $web->ftpusername);
     //$uuser = new Uuser(null, $web->syncserver, $dname);
     //$web->addObject('uuser', $uuser);
     $ftpuser->directory = $this->docroot;
     $parent->addObject('ftpuser', $ftpuser);
     $ftpuser->username = $parent->username;
     if ($this->getRealClientParentO()->username) {
         $web->username = $this->getRealClientParentO()->username;
     } else {
         $web->username = $this->getRealClientParentO()->nname;
     $rp = $this->getRealClientParentO();
     $web->customer_name = $rp->getPathFromName('nname');
     $mmail->systemuser = $web->username;
     $this->mmailpserver = $mmail->syncserver;
     $this->webpserver = $web->syncserver;
     $this->dnspserver = $dns->syncserver;
     // hack hack convert listpriv into a differnet object.
     $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass($this->__masterserver, $web->syncserver, 'web');
     //$uuser->syncserver = $web->syncserver;
     $ftpuser->syncserver = $web->syncserver;
     //$ftpuser->directory =  "/domain/$this->nname";
     //Hack hack uuser needs driver to be redone, since the driver was created when uuser had no syncserver....
     //$uuser->realpass = $this->realpass;
     //$uuser->password = crypt($this->realpass);
     $ftpuser->realpass = $this->realpass;
     $ftpuser->password = crypt($this->realpass);
     $mmail->remotelocalflag = 'local';
     $web->stats_username = $this->nname;
     $web->stats_password = null;
     // Gotta Add postmaster...
     $mailaccount = new Mailaccount($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, "postmaster@{$this->nname}");
     $mailaccount->__parent_o = $mmail;
     $mailaccount->syncserver = $mmail->syncserver;
     $mailaccount->parent_clname = $mmail->getClName();
     $mailaccount->cpstatus = 'on';
     $mailaccount->password = $this->password;
     $mailaccount->realpass = $this->realpass;
     //$mailaccount->metadbaction = 'writeonly';
     $mmail->addToList('mailaccount', $mailaccount);
     $spam = new Spam($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, $this->nname);
     $res['syncserver'] = $mmail->syncserver;
     $spam->parent_clname = $mmail->getClName();
     $mmail->addObject('spam', $spam);
     /* Not needed, instead the admin can configure this after the domain is created.
     	if ($maindomain) {
     		$parked = new addondomain(null, null, "{$this->nname}.$maindomain");
     		$res['mail_flag'] = 'off';
     		$parked->parent_clname = $this->getClName();
     		$this->addToList('addondomain', $parked);
     //$uuser->shellflag = 'off';
     //$uuser->shell = '--Disabled--';
     	if (exists_in_db($this->__masterserver, "uuser", $uuser->nname)) {
     		throw new lxexception('user_exists_in_db', 'uuser');
     $backup = new LxBackup($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, $this->getClName());
     $this->AddObject('lxbackup', $backup);
コード例 #12
ファイル: vpslib.php プロジェクト: digideskio/hypervm
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     if ($this->isXen() && $this->isOn('status')) {
         throw new lxexception('to_use_filemanager_shut_down_xen_vm_first');
     if (!$this->isXen() && !$this->vpsid) {
         throw new lxexception('something_wrong_there_is_no_vpsid');
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = '/' . $name;
     if ($this->isXen()) {
         $root = "__path_home_dir/xen/{$this->nname}/mnt";
     } else {
         if ($this->isOn('status')) {
             $root = "/vz/root/{$this->vpsid}";
         } else {
             $root = "{$this->corerootdir}/{$this->vpsid}/";
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->syncserver, $root, $name, "root");
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     return $ffile;
コード例 #13
ファイル: mmaillib.php プロジェクト: soar-team/kloxo
 function getFfileFromVirtualList($name)
     $name = coreFfile::getRealpath($name);
     $name = "/{$name}";
     $root = "__path_mail_root/domains/{$this->nname}/";
     $ffile = new Ffile($this->__masterserver, $this->syncserver, $root, $name, $this->username);
     $ffile->__parent_o = $this;
     $ffile->readonly = 'on';
     return $ffile;