public function permission() { session_start(); $infoarr = @$_SESSION['user']; $media_id = @$_GET['media_id']; $type = @$_GET['ask_method']; $sql = "select*from card where media_id='{$media_id}'"; $result = new dbconnect(); $row = $result->connect($sql); if ($infoarr['openid'] != "") { if ($row['from_openid'] == $infoarr['openid'] || $row['to_openid'] == $infoarr['openid']) { if ($media_id == "") { $url = "{$media_id}&Token="; } else { include "../cache/" . $media_id . ".php"; $Token = $Token['token']; $url = "{$media_id}&Token={$Token}&ask_method=json"; } } else { $url = "{$media_id}&Token="; } $code = new code(); $code->code_make($url, $media_id); $this->show($row, $type); } else { $code = -1; $msg = "error:You have to use wechat app to open! "; $data = "null"; api_response::api_method($type, $code, $msg, $data); } }
/** * 下订单 */ public function OrderService($data) { //转化地址,跨境快递使用 $data['j_shippercode'] = code::get($data['j_province'], $data['j_city']); $data['d_deliverycode'] = code::get($data['d_province'], $data['d_city']); $model = new Model(); $curl = new Curl(); $xml = new Xml(); //生成数据 $data = $model->OrderService($data); //执行请求,解析数据 $response_xml = $curl->post($data['url'], $data['data']); $response_arr = $xml->parse($response_xml); return $response_arr; }
public function cache($mediaID, $postObj) { session_start(); define("STR_MD", "23nbhjfdb#%#^A!~"); $token = md5($mediaID . STR_MD . time()); $data = array('media_id' => "{$mediaID}", 'token' => "{$token}"); $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/cache/"; $filename = $mediaID . ".php"; $data = "<?php\n " . '$Token=' . var_export($data, true) . "\n?>"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } file_put_contents($dir . $filename, $data); $value = "{$mediaID}&Token={$token}"; $qr_make = new code(); $qr_make->code_make($value, $mediaID); $sql = "insert into card(media_id) values('{$mediaID}')"; $conn = new mysqli(HOST, UserName, PassWord, DataBase); $conn->query("set names UTF8"); $conn->query($sql); $this->card_make($postObj, $mediaID); //$this->downloadfile($mediaID); }
static function someinput_put($name, $value, $size = null) { $value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $value); $set = self::$someinput_set; if ($size === null) { $size = $set['size']; } $len = mb_strlen($value, 'utf-8'); $page = ceil($len / $set['mei']) + $set['add']; if ($page < $set['new']) { $page = $set['new']; } if ($set['istextarea'] && !self::$iswml) { $html1 = "<textarea name=\"{$name}[]\""; if (is_array($size)) { $html1 .= self::htmlarr(array('cols', 'rows'), $size, $size); } elseif ($size) { $html1 .= " cols=\"{$size}\""; } $html1 .= ">"; $html2 = '</textarea><br/>'; } else { $html1 = "<input name=\"{$name}[]\""; if (is_array($size)) { $size = $size[0]; } if ($size) { $html1 .= " size=\"{$size}\""; } $html1 .= ' value="'; $html2 = '"/><br/>'; } $html = null; for ($i = 0; $i < $page; $i) { $off = $set['mei'] * $i; $text = code::html(mb_substr($value, $off, $set['mei'], 'utf-8'), true); if ($set['isuc'] && $text !== '') { $text = "{$text}"; } if (self::$iswml) { $html .= str_replace('[]"', "0x{$i}\"", $html1) . $text . $html2; self::$oblink["{$name}[{$i}]"][] = "\$({$name}0x{$i})"; } else { $html .= str_replace('[]', "[{$i}]", $html1) . $text . $html2; } } self::show($html); }
<?php /** * $Author: BEESCMS $ * ============================================================================ * 网站地址: * 您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和使用; * 不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。 * ============================================================================ */ include '../includes/code.class.php'; $code = new code(80, 23); $code->out_img();
public function thumb($data) { $src = code::html($data['src']); return '<a href="' . $src . '"><img src="' . floor($data['w']) . '_' . floor($data['h']) . '_0_0_' . $src . '" alt="点击查看大图"/></a>'; }
public function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setConfig('regenerateview', 0); }
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="zh-cn"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title>Web manage publishing-<?php echo $m_sitename; ?> </title> <link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body bgcolor="#CFAFCE" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"> <br> <?php if (empty($_POST['action'])) { include 'include/code.php'; $s = new code(); $s->genimg(); ?> <script language="javascript"> function chkform() { if (myform.userr.value == ""){ alert("Username:Empty!"); document.myform.userr.focus(); return false; } if (myform.pwd.value == ""){ alert("Password:Empty!"); document.myform.pwd.focus(); return false; } if (myform.verifycode.value == ""){
/** * 验证码 */ public function code() { $code = new code(200, 30, '#dddddd', '#000', 4, 22); $code->show(); }
$black = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 225, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 36, 36, 35); $red = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 140, 149, 140); if ($this->gaorao == "1") { for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { imageline($this->img, 0, 0, rand(0, $this->width), rand(0, $this->height), $red); imagesetpixel($this->img, rand(0, $this->width), rand(0, $this->height), $gray); } } } private function codeput() { $codestry = ""; $code = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,o,m,n"; $codearr = explode(",", $code); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->codenum; $i++) { $codestry .= $codearr[rand(0, count($codearr) - 1)]; } $_SESSION['code'] = $codestry; $this->code = $codestry; $black = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 25, 8, 228); imagestring($this->img, 3, 10, ceil($this->height / 2) - 5, $codestry, $black); } private function outimg() { header("Content-type:image/png"); imagepng($this->img); } } $code = new code(60, 34, 4, 0); $code->createcode();
/** * 验证码 */ public function code() { $code = new code(); $code->show(); }
public function display() { /* todo: make wysiwygplugins configurable */ $this->setConfig('attributes', 'data-wysiwygplugins="savewysiwygblock,cancelwysiwygblock,bold,underline,italic,justifyLeft,justifyCenter,justifyRight,strikeThrough,subscript,superscript,orderedList,unOrderedList,undo,redo,outdent,indent,removeFormat,createLink,unlink,formatBlock,foreColor,hiliteColor,code"'); return parent::display(); }
if (!$iFound) { foreach ($database->Query("SELECT * FROM dl_user;") as $user) { if (trim($user['username']) == trim($_POST['user'])) { $data['euser'] = 2; } else { $data['euser'] = ""; } } } if (!$data['euser'] && !$data['epass'] && !$data['email']) { $grplist = array(7, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6, 2); $password = md5($_POST['pass']); $signup = time(); $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $preCode = strrev(md5(trim($_POST['user']) . '|DL' . $signup . 'FS|' . trim($_POST['pass']))); $i = 0; $c = 0; $data['code'] = ""; while ($c < strlen($preCode)) { $data['code'] .= substr($preCode, $c, $grplist[$i]); if (count($grplist) > $i + 1) { $data['code'] .= "-"; } $c += $grplist[$i]; $i++; } $data['code'] = strtoupper($data['code']); $sql = "INSERT INTO dl_user (level_id, rank_id, username, password, email, nickname, sex, birthday, location, interests, signup, address_ip)\n\t\t\tVALUES (7,0,'{$_POST['user']}','{$password}','{$_POST['mail']}','{$_POST['nickname']}',{$_POST['sex']},{$_POST['birthday']},'{$_POST['location']}','{$_POST['interests']}',{$signup},'{$ipaddress}');"; $data['acc'] = code::encrypt($sql, $_POST['pass']); } echo json_encode($data);
/** * 验证码 */ function validateCode() { $code = new code(); $code->show(); }