コード例 #1
  * Render the category breadcrumb.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.5.18
  * @static
  * @param array  $atts      The attributes array. {
  *     @type bool   $link       Whether to format as link or as a string.
  *                              Default: FALSE
  *     @type string $separator  How to separate categories.
  *                              Default: '/'
  *     @type bool   $force_home Default: FALSE
  *     @type int    $home_id    Default: The page set as the directory home page.
  *     @type bool   $return     Whether or not to return or echo the pagination control. Set to TRUE to return instead of echo.
  *                              Default: FALSE
  * }
  * @return string A list of category parents on success.
 public static function categoryBreadcrumb($atts)
     $defaults = array('link' => FALSE, 'separator' => '/', 'force_home' => FALSE, 'home_id' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'connections_home_page', 'page_id'), 'return' => FALSE);
     $atts = cnSanitize::args($atts, $defaults);
     $html = '';
     if ($current = cnCategory::getCurrent()) {
         $home = cnURL::permalink(array('type' => 'home', 'title' => esc_html__('Home', 'connections'), 'text' => esc_html__('Home', 'connections'), 'force_home' => $atts['force_home'], 'home_id' => $atts['home_id'], 'return' => TRUE));
         $breadcrumb = cnTemplatePart::getCategoryParents($current->parent, array('link' => $atts['link'], 'separator' => $atts['separator'], 'force_home' => $atts['force_home'], 'home_id' => $atts['home_id']));
         if (is_wp_error($breadcrumb)) {
             $breadcrumb = '';
         //$currentLink = '<a href="' . esc_url( cnTerm::permalink( $current, 'category', $atts ) ) . '">' . $current->name . '</a>';
         $html = $home . $atts['separator'] . $breadcrumb . esc_html($current->name);
         $html = '<div class="cn-category-breadcrumb">' . $html . '</div>';
     return self::echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $html);
コード例 #2
  * Displays the category list in a HTML list or custom format.
  * NOTE: This is the Connections equivalent of @see get_the_category_list() in WordPress core ../wp-includes/category-template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  unknown
  * @param array $atts {
  * Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     @type string $container_tag    The HTML tag to be used for the container element.
  *                                    Default: div
  *     @type string $label_tag        The HTML tag to be used for the category label element.
  *                                    Default: span
  *     @type string $item_tag         The HTML tag to be used for the category element.
  *                                    Default: span
  *     @type string $type             The display type to be used to display the categories.
  *                                    Accepts: block|list
  *                                    Default: block
  *     @type string $list             If the $type is list, which type?
  *                                    Accepts: ordered|unordered
  *                                    Default: unordered
  *     @type string $label            The label to be displayed before the categories.
  *                                    Default: Categories:
  *     @type string $separator        The category separator used when separating categories when $type == list
  *                                    Default: ', '
  *     @type string $parent_separator The separator to be used when displaying the category's hierarchy.
  *                                    Default: ' &raquo; '
  *     @type string $before           String content to display before the categories.
  *     @type string $after            String content to display after the categories.
  *     @type bool   $link             Whether or not render the categories as permalinks.
  *                                    Default: false
  *     @type bool   $parents          Whether or not to display the category hierarchy.
  *                                    Default: false
  *     @type bool   $return           Whether or not to echo or return the HTML.
  *                                    Default: false
  * }
  * @return string
 public function getCategoryBlock($atts = array())
     global $wp_rewrite;
     $defaults = array('container_tag' => 'div', 'label_tag' => 'span', 'item_tag' => 'span', 'type' => 'block', 'list' => 'unordered', 'label' => __('Categories:', 'connections') . ' ', 'separator' => ', ', 'parent_separator' => ' &raquo; ', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link' => FALSE, 'parents' => FALSE, 'return' => FALSE);
      * All extensions to filter the method default and supplied args.
      * @since 8.5.18
     $atts = cnSanitize::args(apply_filters('cn_output_atts_category', $atts), apply_filters('cn_output_default_atts_category', $defaults));
     $categories = $this->getCategory();
     $count = count($categories);
     $html = '';
     $label = '';
     $items = array();
     if (empty($categories)) {
         return $html;
     if ('list' == $atts['type']) {
         $atts['item_tag'] = 'li';
     if (0 < strlen($atts['label'])) {
         $label = sprintf('<%1$s class="cn_category_label">%2$s</%1$s> ', $atts['label_tag'], esc_html($atts['label']));
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $text = '';
         if ($atts['parents']) {
             // If the term is a root parent, skip.
             if (0 !== $category->parent) {
                 $text .= cnTemplatePart::getCategoryParents($category->parent, array('link' => $atts['link'], 'separator' => $atts['parent_separator'], 'force_home' => $this->directoryHome['force_home'], 'home_id' => $this->directoryHome['page_id']));
         if ($atts['link']) {
             $rel = is_object($wp_rewrite) && $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ? 'rel="category tag"' : 'rel="category"';
             $url = cnTerm::permalink($category, 'category', array('force_home' => $this->directoryHome['force_home'], 'home_id' => $this->directoryHome['page_id']));
             $text .= '<a href="' . $url . '" ' . $rel . '>' . esc_html($category->name) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $text .= esc_html($category->name);
         $items[] = apply_filters('cn_entry_output_category_item', sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-category-name cn_category cn-category-%2$d">%3$s%4$s</%1$s>', $atts['item_tag'], $category->term_id, $text, $count > $i && 'list' !== $atts['type'] ? esc_html($atts['separator']) : ''), $category, $count, $i, $atts, $this);
         // Increment here so the correct value is passed to the filter.
      * Remove NULL, FALSE and empty strings (""), but leave values of 0 (zero).
      * Filter our these in case someone hooks into the `cn_entry_output_category_item` filter and removes a category
      * by returning an empty value.
     $items = array_filter($items, 'strlen');
     if ('list' == $atts['type']) {
         $html .= sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-category-list">%2$s</%1$s>', 'unordered' === $atts['list'] ? 'ul' : 'ol', implode('', $items));
     } else {
         $html .= implode('', $items);
     $html = apply_filters('cn_entry_output_category_container', sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-categories">%2$s</%1$s>' . PHP_EOL, $atts['container_tag'], $atts['before'] . $label . $html . $atts['after']), $atts);
     return $this->echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $html);