<?php error_reporting(0); if ("cli" !== PHP_SAPI) { echo "<pre>"; } if (is_file('sampleSettings.php')) { include 'sampleSettings.php'; } defined('AWS_API_KEY') or define('AWS_API_KEY', 'AKIAJ3SXK26ABGUYBAUA'); defined('AWS_API_SECRET_KEY') or define('AWS_API_SECRET_KEY', 'nSjL1iMFZFVVu2jnwW0zT0wxw3t79hsWUEbYbVsr'); defined('AWS_ASSOCIATE_TAG') or define('AWS_ASSOCIATE_TAG', 'productcompar-21'); require '/lib/AmazonECS.class.php'; //Include the class. include "clusterdev.flipkart-api.php"; //Replace <affiliate-id> and <access-token> with the correct values $flipkart = new \clusterdev\Flipkart("<affiliate-id>", "<access-token>", "json"); $query = $_POST["name"]; $query2 = str_replace(' ', '+', $query); $dotd_url = 'https://affiliate-api.flipkart.net/affiliate/search/json?query=' . $query2 . '&resultCount=9'; //Call the API using the URL. $details = $flipkart->call_url($dotd_url); if (!$details) { echo 'Error: Could not retrieve products list.'; exit; } //The response is expected to be JSON. Decode it into associative arrays. $details = json_decode($details, TRUE); $products = $details['productInfoList']; echo "<table border=2 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=1 style='text-align:center'>"; $count = 0; $end = 1;
/** * Demo Code * PHP Wrapper for Flipkart API (unofficial) * GitHub: https://github.com/xaneem/flipkart-api-php * Demo: http://www.clusterdev.com/flipkart-api-demo * License: MIT License * * @author Saneem (@xaneem, xaneem@gmail.com) */ //This is basic example code, and is not intended to be used in production. //Don't forget to use a valid Affiliate Id and Access Token. //Include the class. include "clusterdev.flipkart-api.php"; //Replace <affiliate-id> and <access-token> with the correct values $flipkart = new \clusterdev\Flipkart("<affiliate-id>", "<access-token>", "json"); $dotd_url = 'https://affiliate-api.flipkart.net/affiliate/offers/v1/dotd/json'; $topoffers_url = 'https://affiliate-api.flipkart.net/affiliate/offers/v1/top/json'; //To view category pages, API URL is passed as query string. $url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : false; if ($url) { //URL is base64 encoded to prevent errors in some server setups. $url = base64_decode($url); //This parameter lets users allow out-of-stock items to be displayed. $hidden = isset($_GET['hidden']) ? false : true; //Call the API using the URL. $details = $flipkart->call_url($url); if (!$details) { echo 'Error: Could not retrieve products list.'; exit; }
<?php require_once 'class.ebay.php'; include "clusterdev.flipkart-api.php"; $ebay = new ebay('VVIT41dee-646e-4494-a3f5-ba6189ac397', 'EBAY-IN'); $flipkart = new \clusterdev\Flipkart("chowdaryi", "b75ed56252de4649b6a9062107bce4fc", "json"); $sort_orders = $ebay->sortOrders(); error_reporting(0); if (!empty($_POST['search'])) { $results = $ebay->findItemsAdvanced($_POST['search'], $_POST['sort']); $item_count = $results['findItemsAdvancedResponse'][0]['searchResult'][0]['@count']; $search = $_POST['search']; $search = str_replace(" ", "+", $search); $url = 'https://affiliate-api.flipkart.net/affiliate/search/json?query=' . ($url .= $search . '&resultCount=10'); $details = $flipkart->call_url($url); //if(!$details) //{ //echo 'Error: Could not retrieve products list.'; //exit(); //} $details = json_decode($details, TRUE); $products = $details['productInfoList']; $count = 0; $end = 1; if ($item_count > 0 || count($products) > 0) { $items = $results['findItemsAdvancedResponse'][0]['searchResult'][0]['item']; foreach ($items as $i) { foreach ($products as $product) { $inStock = $product['productBaseInfo']['productAttributes']['inStock']; $count++; $title1 = $product['productBaseInfo']['productAttributes']['title'];
<?php include "clusterdev.flipkart-api.php"; $flipkart = new \clusterdev\Flipkart("tejeswarc", "0a53dd69ce684803adb9d6a5ad822985", "json"); $search = $_POST['search']; $s = str_replace(" ", "+", $search); $product_url = 'https://affiliate-api.flipkart.net/affiliate/search/json?query=' . $s . '&resultCount=8'; //Call the API using the URL. $details = $flipkart->call_url($product_url); if (!$details) { echo 'Error: Could not retrieve Top Offers.'; exit; } //The response is expected to be JSON. Decode it into associative arrays. $details = json_decode($details, TRUE); $list = $details['productInfoList']; echo "<center><table border=1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>"; if (count($list) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { //$productBaseInfo=$item['productBaseInfo']; //$productIdentifier=$item['productIdentifier']; $productId = $item['productBaseInfo']['productIdentifier']['productId']; $categoryPaths = $item['productBaseInfo']['productIdentifier']['categoryPaths']; $categoryPath = $item['productBaseInfo']['productIdentifier']['categoryPaths']['categoryPath']; //The API returns these values // $title = $item['productBaseInfo']['productIdentifier']['categoryPaths']['categoryPath']['item']['title']; $productAttributes = $item['productBaseInfo']['productAttributes']; $title = $item['productBaseInfo']['productAttributes']['title']; $maximumRetailPrice = $item['productBaseInfo']['productAttributes']['sellingPrice'];
function flipdisp() { $val = ""; include "clusterdev.flipkart-api.php"; $flipkart = new \clusterdev\Flipkart("thealphad", "73ae7f0c01204fe6b3cec82988e05bd3", "json"); $cat = $_POST['scat']; $v = $_POST['sbox']; $uv = urlencode($v); $search_url = 'https://affiliate-api.flipkart.net/affiliate/search/json?query=' . $uv . '&resultCount=8'; $searchres = $flipkart->call_url($search_url); $searchres = json_decode($searchres); for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { if ($i == 0 || $i % 4 == 0) { echo '<div class="row">'; } $title = $searchres->productInfoList[$i]->productBaseInfo->productAttributes->title; $sellingPrice = $searchres->productInfoList[$i]->productBaseInfo->productAttributes->sellingPrice->amount; $imgUrl = $searchres->productInfoList[$i]->productBaseInfo->productAttributes->imageUrls->{'200x200'}; $prodUrl = $searchres->productInfoList[$i]->productBaseInfo->productAttributes->productUrl; $avlblty = $searchres->productInfoList[$i]->productBaseInfo->productAttributes->inStock; $description = $searchres->productInfoList[$i]->productBaseInfo->productAttributes->productDescription; $val .= "flip_" . $title . "_" . $sellingPrice . "_" . $imgUrl . "_" . $prodUrl . "_" . $avlblty . "_" . $description; $x = '<div class="gallery col-sm-3"><a href="' . $prodUrl . '" class="thumbnail">'; $x .= "<img src='" . $imgUrl . "'>"; $x .= "<p><b>{$title}</b></p><hr/>"; $x .= "<p><b>{$sellingPrice}</b></p>"; if ($avlblty == "true") { $x .= "<p style='color:green;'><b>Available</b></p>"; } else { $x .= "<p style='color:red;'><b>Out of Stock</b></p>"; } $x .= "<p style='color:blue;margin-right:6px;'>Add To Compare:<input style='margin-left:4px;margin-top:6px;' type='checkbox' name='comp[]' value='{$val}'></p>"; $x .= "<img src='Images/ALPHA/buyfk.png' style='width:100px;height:100px;'></a></div>"; echo $x; if ($i % 4 == 3) { echo "</div>"; } } }