コード例 #1
ファイル: archiveadd.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 $sqlsub .= ",needstatics='{$needstatics}'";
 $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_sub SET " . $sqlsub);
 $sqlcustom = "aid='{$aid}'" . ($sqlcustom ? ',' : '') . $sqlcustom;
 $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_{$chid} SET " . $sqlcustom);
 $curuser->basedeal('archive', 1);
 $aedit = new cls_arcedit();
 if ($fields['keywords']['available'] && $channel['autokeyword'] && empty($aedit->archive['keywords'])) {
     include_once M_ROOT . "./include/splitword.cls.php";
     $a_split = new SplitWord();
 $curuser->pmautocheck($channel['autocheck']) && $aedit->arc_check(1, 0);
 $pids = array();
 if (!empty($archiveadd['pid'])) {
     $pids[] = max(0, intval($archiveadd['pid']));
 foreach (array('ppids', 'opids') as $var) {
     if (!empty($archiveadd[$var])) {
         $pids = array_merge($pids, explode(',', $archiveadd[$var]));
 $pids = array_filter(array_unique($pids));
 foreach ($pids as $k) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: gather.cls.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 function output_guid($guid = 0)
     global $db, $tblprefix, $gmodels, $curuser, $timestamp, $cotypes, $c_upload, $sid, $progress;
     if (!$guid || !($item = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}gurls WHERE guid='{$guid}' AND gatherdate<>'0'"))) {
         return false;
     if (!$item['outputdate']) {
         $archivenew = empty($item['contents']) ? array() : unserialize($item['contents']);
         if (empty($this->fields)) {
         if (empty($this->oconfigs)) {
         if (empty($this->fields) || empty($this->oconfigs)) {
             return false;
         if (!empty($this->oconfigs['musts'])) {
             $mustsarr = explode(',', $this->oconfigs['musts']);
             foreach ($mustsarr as $k) {
                 if (empty($archivenew[$k])) {
                     return false;
         $aid = $item['aid'];
         $gmid = $this->gmission['gmid'];
         $chid = $gmodels[$gmid]['chid'];
         $channel = read_cache('channel', $chid);
         $fields = read_cache('fields', $chid);
         $sqlmain = "sid='{$item['sid']}',chid='{$chid}',mid='" . $curuser->info['mid'] . "',mname='" . $curuser->info['mname'] . "',createdate='{$timestamp}',refreshdate='{$timestamp}'";
         $sqlsub = $sqlcustom = '';
         empty($this->oconfigs['caid']) || ($sqlmain .= ",caid='" . $this->oconfigs['caid'] . "'");
         foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) {
             $var = "ccid{$k}";
             empty($this->oconfigs[$var]) || ($sqlmain .= ",{$var}='" . $this->oconfigs[$var] . "'");
         if ($fields['abstract']['available'] && !empty($this->oconfigs['autoabstract'])) {
             if (!empty($channel['autoabstract']) && !empty($archivenew[$channel['autoabstract']])) {
                 $sqlmain .= ($sqlmain ? ',' : '') . "abstract='" . addslashes(autoabstract($archivenew[$channel['autoabstract']])) . "'";
         if ($fields['thumb']['available'] && !empty($this->oconfigs['autothumb'])) {
             if (!empty($channel['autothumb']) && !empty($archivenew[$channel['autothumb']])) {
                 $sqlmain .= ($sqlmain ? ',' : '') . "thumb='" . $c_upload->thumb_pick($archivenew[$channel['autothumb']], $fields[$channel['autothumb']]['datatype'], $fields['thumb']['rpid']) . "'";
         if ($channel['autosize'] && !empty($archivenew[$channel['autosize']])) {
             include_once M_ROOT . '/include/fields.cls.php';
             $archivenew['atmsize'] = atm_size($archivenew[$channel['autosize']], $fields[$channel['autosize']]['datatype'], $channel['autosizemode']);
             $sqlmain .= ",atmsize='" . $archivenew['atmsize'] . "'";
         if ($channel['autobyte'] && isset($archivenew[$channel['autobyte']])) {
             $archivenew['bytenum'] = atm_byte(stripslashes($archivenew[$channel['autobyte']]), $fields[$channel['autobyte']]['datatype']);
             $sqlmain .= ",bytenum='" . $archivenew['bytenum'] . "'";
         foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['available'] && isset($archivenew[$k])) {
                 if ($v['datatype'] == 'htmltext') {
                     $archivenew[$k] = addslashes($archivenew[$k]);
                     $archivenew[$k] = stripslashes($archivenew[$k]);
                 if (!empty($v['istxt'])) {
                     if ($aid) {
                         if (empty($oldval)) {
                             $oldval = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}archives_{$chid} WHERE aid={$aid}");
                         saveastxt($archivenew[$k], $oldval[$k]);
                     } else {
                         $archivenew[$k] = saveastxt($archivenew[$k]);
                 ${'sql' . $v['tbl']} .= (${'sql' . $v['tbl']} ? ',' : '') . $k . "='" . addslashes($archivenew[$k]) . "'";
                 if ($arr = multi_val_arr($archivenew[$k], $v)) {
                     foreach ($arr as $x => $y) {
                         ${'sql' . $v['tbl']} .= (${'sql' . $v['tbl']} ? ',' : '') . $k . '_' . $x . "='{$y}'";
         unset($fields, $archivenew, $mustarr);
         if ($aid) {
             $sqlcustom && $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}archives_{$chid} SET " . $sqlcustom);
         } else {
             $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives SET {$sqlmain}");
             if (!($aid = $db->insert_id())) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_rec SET aid='{$aid}'");
                 $sqlsub = "aid='{$aid}'" . ($sqlsub ? ',' : '') . $sqlsub;
                 $needstatics = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= $channel['addnum']; $i++) {
                     $needstatics .= $timestamp . ',';
                 $sqlsub .= ",needstatics='{$needstatics}'";
                 $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_sub SET " . $sqlsub);
                 $sqlcustom = "aid='{$aid}'" . ($sqlcustom ? ',' : '') . $sqlcustom;
                 $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_{$chid} SET " . $sqlcustom);
                 $curuser->basedeal('archive', 1, 1, 1);
             $aedit = new cls_arcedit();
             $curuser->pmautocheck($channel['autocheck']) && $aedit->arc_check(1, 0);
             if (!empty($item['pid'])) {
                 $pid = $db->result_one("SELECT aid FROM {$tblprefix}gurls WHERE guid='{$item['pid']}'");
                 $pid && $aedit->set_album($pid);
             if ($channel['autostatic']) {
             $ufids = $c_upload->ufids + explode(',', $item['ufids']);
             empty($ufids) || $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}userfiles SET aid={$aid} WHERE ufid " . multi_str($ufids));
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}gurls SET aid='{$aid}',outputdate='{$timestamp}',contents='',ufids='' WHERE guid='{$item['guid']}'");
         $progress && $progress->output(1);
     if ($this->gmission['sonid'] && !$item['abover']) {
         $this->output_sonid($guid, $this->gmission['sonid']);
     unset($aedit, $arc, $fields, $field, $item, $archivenew, $channel, $sqlmain, $sqlsub, $sqlcustom);
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: archives.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromstr = empty($fromid) ? "" : "a.aid<{$fromid}";
         $nwheresql = !$wheresql ? $fromstr ? "WHERE {$fromstr}" : "" : $wheresql . ($fromstr ? " AND " : "") . $fromstr;
         $query = $db->query("SELECT a.aid {$fromsql} {$nwheresql} ORDER BY a.aid DESC LIMIT 0,{$atpp}");
         while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             $selectid[] = $item['aid'];
 $aedit = new cls_arcedit();
 foreach ($selectid as $aid) {
     if (!empty($arcdeal['checkneed'])) {
         $aedit->archive['needupdate'] && $aedit->arc_check(0);
     } elseif (!empty($arcdeal['uncheckneed']) && !$aedit->archive['overupdate']) {
         $aedit->archive['checked'] || $aedit->arc_check(1);
         $aedit->updatefield('needupdate', 0, 'sub');
     if ($aedit->archive['overupdate']) {
         if (!empty($arcdeal['checkupdate'])) {
             $aedit->updatefield('needupdate', 0, 'sub');
             $aedit->updatefield('overupdate', 0, 'sub');
         } elseif (!empty($arcdeal['uncheckupdate'])) {
             $aedit->updatefield('needupdate', 0, 'sub');
             $aedit->updatefield('overupdate', 0, 'sub');
コード例 #4
ファイル: arcedit.cls.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 function addcopy($coid = 0, $ccid = 0)
     global $cotypes, $timestamp, $db, $tblprefix, $arc;
     if (!$ccid) {
         return false;
     $archivenew =& $this->archive;
     if ($archivenew[$coid ? "ccid{$coid}" : 'caid'] == $ccid) {
         return false;
     $chid = $archivenew['chid'];
     foreach (array('coidscp', 'cpkeeps') as $var) {
         ${$var} = $this->channel[$var] ? explode(',', $this->channel[$var]) : array();
     if (!in_array($coid ? $coid : 'caid', $coidscp)) {
         return false;
     $pre_cns = array('caid' => $coid ? $this->archive['caid'] : $ccid);
     foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) {
         if (!$v['self_reg'] && in_array($k, $cpkeeps)) {
             if ($coid != $k) {
                 $archivenew["ccid{$k}"] && ($pre_cns["ccid{$k}"] = $archivenew["ccid{$k}"]);
             } else {
                 $pre_cns["ccid{$k}"] = $ccid;
     if (!$this->auser->allow_arcadd($archivenew['chid'], $pre_cns)) {
         return false;
     $sqlmain = $sqlsub = $sqlcustom = '';
     foreach ($pre_cns as $k => $v) {
         $sqlmain .= ($sqlmain ? ',' : '') . "{$k}='{$v}'";
     $keeps = array('sid', 'chid', 'mid', 'mname', 'rpmid', 'dpmid', 'salecp', 'fsalecp', 'atmsize', 'enddate', 'jumpurl');
     foreach ($keeps as $k) {
         $sqlmain .= ($sqlmain ? ',' : '') . "{$k}='" . addslashes($archivenew[$k]) . "'";
     $sqlmain .= ($sqlmain ? ',' : '') . "refreshdate='{$timestamp}',createdate='{$timestamp}'";
     $fields = read_cache('fields', $chid);
     foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
         if ($v['available'] && !$v['isfunc']) {
             if (!empty($v['istxt'])) {
                 $txtname = saveastxt($archivenew[$k]);
                 ${'sql' . $v['tbl']} .= (${'sql' . $v['tbl']} ? ',' : '') . $k . "='" . addslashes($txtname) . "'";
             } else {
                 ${'sql' . $v['tbl']} .= (${'sql' . $v['tbl']} ? ',' : '') . $k . "='" . addslashes($archivenew[$k]) . "'";
                 if ($arr = multi_val_arr($archivenew[$k], $v)) {
                     foreach ($arr as $x => $y) {
                         ${'sql' . $v['tbl']} .= (${'sql' . $v['tbl']} ? ',' : '') . $k . '_' . $x . "='{$y}'";
     cu_sqls_deal($this->channel['cuid'], $archivenew, $sqlmain, $sqlsub, $sqlcustom);
     $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives SET " . $sqlmain);
     if (!($aid = $db->insert_id())) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_rec SET aid='{$aid}'");
         $sqlsub = "aid='{$aid}'" . ($sqlsub ? ',' : '') . $sqlsub;
         $sqlsub .= ",needstatics='" . $archivenew['needstatics'] . "'";
         $sqlsub .= ",arctpls='" . $archivenew['arctpls'] . "'";
         $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_sub SET " . $sqlsub);
         $sqlcustom = "aid='{$aid}'" . ($sqlcustom ? ',' : '') . $sqlcustom;
         $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}archives_{$chid} SET " . $sqlcustom);
         $this->auser->basedeal('archive', 1);
         $aedit = new cls_arcedit();
         $aedit->set_cpid(empty($archivenew['cpid']) ? $this->aid : $archivenew['cpid']);
         $this->auser->pmautocheck($channel['autocheck']) && $aedit->arc_check(1, 0);
         if ($this->channel['autostatic']) {
     return true;