コード例 #1
function t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm_BeforeSelect(&$sender)
    $t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm_BeforeSelect = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm;
    //End t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm_BeforeSelect
    //Custom Code @819-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $idVat = $t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm->t_cust_account_id->GetValue();
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $sql = "select a.p_vat_type_dtl_id, b.vat_code as rest_service_type_code " . "from t_cust_account a, p_vat_type_dtl b " . "where a.p_vat_type_dtl_id=b.p_vat_type_dtl_id and a.t_cust_account_id = " . $idVat;
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $restId = $dbConn->f("p_vat_type_dtl_id");
        $restCode = $dbConn->f("rest_service_type_code");
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm_BeforeSelect @94-6EBC2391
    return $t_vat_reg_dtl_restaurantForm_BeforeSelect;
コード例 #2
function t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm_BeforeSelect(&$sender)
    $t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm_BeforeSelect = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm;
    //End t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm_BeforeSelect
    //Custom Code @822-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $CustId = $t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm->t_cust_account_id->GetValue();
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $query = "select a.p_vat_type_dtl_id, b.vat_code as parking_classification_code " . "from t_cust_account a, p_vat_type_dtl b " . "where a.p_vat_type_dtl_id = b.p_vat_type_dtl_id " . "and t_cust_account_id = " . $CustId;
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $idd = $dbConn->f("p_vat_type_dtl_id");
        $code = $dbConn->f("parking_classification_code");
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm_BeforeSelect @94-79EB8A58
    return $t_vat_reg_dtl_parkingForm_BeforeSelect;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cetak_npwpd.php プロジェクト: rayminami/mpd-online
 function PageCetak($data, $user, $tahun, $tgl_penerimaan, $tgl_penerimaan_last, $npwpd)
     $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     $lheader = $this->lengthCell / 8;
     $lheader1 = $lheader * 1;
     $lheader2 = $lheader - 15;
     $lheader3 = $lheader * 3;
     $lheader4 = $lheader * 4;
     $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
     $query = "SELECT a.*,\r\n                    c.region_name AS nama_kota,\r\n                    d.region_name AS nama_kecamatan,\r\n                    e.region_name AS nama_kelurahan\r\n                    FROM t_cust_account a\r\n                    LEFT JOIN p_region c ON a.brand_p_region_id = c.p_region_id\r\n                    LEFT JOIN p_region d ON a.brand_p_region_id_kec = d.p_region_id\r\n                    LEFT JOIN p_region e ON a.brand_p_region_id_kel = e.p_region_id\r\n                    where a.npwd = '" . $npwpd . "'";
     $alamat = '';
     while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
         //$alamat = $dbConn->f("brand_address_name")." .No ". $dbConn->f("brand_address_no")." RT/RW: ".$dbConn->f("brand_address_rt")."/".$dbConn->f("brand_address_rw"). ". KEC.".$dbConn->f("nama_kecamatan")." KEL.".$dbConn->f("nama_kelurahan");
         $alamat = $dbConn->f("brand_address_name") . " .No " . $dbConn->f("brand_address_no");
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "NPWPD :");
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height, $npwpd);
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "Alamat :");
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height, $alamat);
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     $ltable = $this->lengthCell / 26;
     $ltable1 = $ltable * 1;
     $ltable2 = $ltable * 2;
     $ltable3 = $ltable * 3;
     $ltable4 = $ltable * 4;
     $ltable5 = $ltable * 5;
     $ltable6 = $ltable * 6;
     $ltable7 = $ltable * 7;
     $ltable8 = $ltable * 8;
     $this->Cell($ltable4, $this->height + 2, "NAMA BADAN", "TBLR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($ltable3, $this->height + 2, "JENIS KETETAPAN", "TBLR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($ltable6, $this->height + 2, "PERIODE TRANSAKSI", "TBLR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($ltable3, $this->height + 2, "TGL PELAPORAN", "TBLR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($ltable3, $this->height + 2, "TOTAL PAJAK", "TBLR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($ltable5, $this->height + 2, "NO. KWITANSI", "TBLR", 0, 'C');
     //isi kolom
     $this->SetWidths(array($ltable4, $ltable3, $ltable6, $ltable3, $ltable3, $ltable5));
     $this->SetAligns(array("L", "C", "C", "C", "R", "L"));
     $no = 1;
     $jumlahperayat = array();
     $jumlahperwaktu = array();
     $jumlahtemp = 0;
     $i = 0;
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         //print data
         $this->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array($item["company_name"], $item["type_code"], $item["periode_awal_laporan"] . " s.d " . $item["periode_akhir_laporan"], $item["tgl_pelaporan"], number_format($item["total_pajak"], 0, ',', '.'), $item["kuitansi_pembayaran"]), array('TBLR', 'TBLR', 'TBLR', 'TBLR', 'TBLR', 'TBLR'), $this->height);
コード例 #4
function t_ppatForm_Button_Insert_OnClick(&$sender)
    $t_ppatForm_Button_Insert_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_ppatForm;
    //End t_ppatForm_Button_Insert_OnClick
    //Custom Code @374-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $company_brand = $t_ppatForm->company_brand->GetValue();
    $p_rqst_type_id = $t_ppatForm->p_rqst_type_id->GetValue();
    $p_vat_type_dtl_id = $t_ppatForm->p_vat_type_dtl_id->GetValue();
    $brand_address_name = $t_ppatForm->brand_address_name->GetValue();
    $brand_address_no = $t_ppatForm->brand_address_no->GetValue();
    $brand_address_rt = $t_ppatForm->brand_address_rt->GetValue();
    $brand_address_rw = $t_ppatForm->brand_address_rw->GetValue();
    $company_additional_addr = $t_ppatForm->company_additional_addr->GetValue();
    $brand_p_region_id = $t_ppatForm->brand_p_region_id->GetValue();
    $brand_p_region_id_kec = $t_ppatForm->brand_p_region_id_kec->GetValue();
    $brand_p_region_id_kel = $t_ppatForm->brand_p_region_id_kel->GetValue();
    $brand_phone_no = $t_ppatForm->brand_phone_no->GetValue();
    $brand_mobile_no = $t_ppatForm->brand_mobile_no->GetValue();
    $brand_fax_no = $t_ppatForm->brand_fax_no->GetValue();
    $brand_zip_code = $t_ppatForm->brand_zip_code->GetValue();
    $user = $t_ppatForm->created_by->GetValue();
    $sql = "select * from f_insert_vat_reg_npwpd_jabatan(\r\n\t\t\t'{$user}', \r\n\t\t\t'{$company_brand}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$company_additional_addr}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_address_name}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_address_no}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_address_rt}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_address_rw}',\r\n\t\t\t{$brand_p_region_id_kel},\r\n\t\t\t{$brand_p_region_id_kec},\r\n\t\t\t{$brand_p_region_id},\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_phone_no}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_mobile_no}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_fax_no}',\r\n\t\t\t'{$brand_zip_code}',\r\n\t\t\t{$p_rqst_type_id},\r\n\t\t\t{$p_vat_type_dtl_id}\r\n\t\t\t)";
    $cust_id = $dbConn->f("v_customer_order_id");
    $mess = $dbConn->f("o_result_msg");
    if ($cust_id != 0 && $cust_id != "") {
        echo '<script language="javascript">';
        echo "window.open('../report/cetak_surat_pengukuhan_npwpd_jabatan.php?CURR_DOC_ID={$cust_id}', \r\n\t\t\t\t'pengukuhan', 'height=,width=,left=0,top=0');";
        echo "window.open('../report/cetak_form_pemutakhiran_data_npwpd_jabatan.php?t_customer_order_id={$cust_id}', \r\n\t\t\t\t'pemutakhiran', 'height=,width=,left=0,top=0');";
        echo '</script>';
    } else {
        $mess = str_replace('"', '', $mess);
        echo '<script language="javascript">';
        echo 'alert("' . $mess . '");';
        echo '</script>';
    echo '<script language="javascript">';
    echo "location.href='t_vat_registration_npwpd_jabatan.php';";
    echo '</script>';
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close t_ppatForm_Button_Insert_OnClick @24-EE087F7F
    return $t_ppatForm_Button_Insert_OnClick;
コード例 #5
function Page_BeforeShow(&$sender)
    $Page_BeforeShow = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_wp_registration_list;
    //End Page_BeforeShow
    //Custom Code @562-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    global $Label1;
    $tampil = CCGetFromGet('tampil');
    if ($tampil == 'T') {
        $Label1->SetText("<table border=1><tr><td>tes</td></tr></table>");
        $tgl_penerimaan = CCGetFromGet("tgl_penerimaan", "");
        $tgl_penerimaan_last = CCGetFromGet("tgl_penerimaan_last", "");
        $jenis_pajak = CCGetFromGet("jenis_pajak", 0);
        // $tgl_penerimaan		= '15-12-2013';
        $user = CCGetUserLogin();
        $data = array();
        $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
        if ($jenis_pajak == 0 || $jenis_pajak == "") {
            $query = "select a.*, b.vat_code, c.code as account_status from t_vat_registration a\r\n\t\t\tleft join p_vat_type_dtl z on z.p_vat_type_dtl_id = a.p_vat_type_dtl_id\r\n\t\t\tleft join p_vat_type b on b.p_vat_type_id = z.p_vat_type_id\r\n\t\t\tleft join t_customer_order y on y.t_customer_order_id = a.t_customer_order_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_order_status C ON C .p_order_status_id = y .p_order_status_id\r\n\t\t\twhere trunc(registration_date) >= to_date('{$tgl_penerimaan}')\r\n\t\t\tAND trunc(registration_date) <= to_date('{$tgl_penerimaan_last}')\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY registration_date ASC";
        } else {
            $query = "select a.*, b.vat_code, c.code as account_status from t_vat_registration a\r\n\t\t\tleft join p_vat_type_dtl z on z.p_vat_type_dtl_id = a.p_vat_type_dtl_id\r\n\t\t\tleft join p_vat_type b on b.p_vat_type_id = z.p_vat_type_id\r\n\t\t\tleft join t_customer_order y on y.t_customer_order_id = a.t_customer_order_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_order_status C ON C .p_order_status_id = y .p_order_status_id\r\n\t\t\twhere trunc(registration_date) >= to_date('{$tgl_penerimaan}')\r\n\t\t\tAND trunc(registration_date) <= to_date('{$tgl_penerimaan_last}')\r\n\t\t\tAND a.p_vat_type_dtl_id in (select p_vat_type_dtl_id from p_vat_type_dtl\r\n\t\t\t\twhere p_vat_type_id = {$jenis_pajak})\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY registration_date ASC";
        //echo $query;
        $tgl_penerimaan = str_replace("'", "", $tgl_penerimaan);
        while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
            $data["t_cust_account_id"][] = $dbConn->f("t_cust_account_id");
            $data["t_customer_id"][] = $dbConn->f("t_customer_id");
            $data["npwd"][] = $dbConn->f("npwpd");
            $data["vat_code"][] = $dbConn->f("vat_code");
            $data["registration_date"][] = $dbConn->f("registration_date");
            $data["wp_name"][] = $dbConn->f("wp_name");
            $data["wp_address_name"][] = $dbConn->f("wp_address_name");
            $data["company_name"][] = $dbConn->f("company_name");
            $data["address_name"][] = $dbConn->f("address_name");
            $data["account_status"][] = $dbConn->f("account_status");
        $Label1->SetText(PageCetak($data, $user, $tgl_penerimaan, $tgl_penerimaan_last));
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close Page_BeforeShow @1-4BC230CD
    return $Page_BeforeShow;
コード例 #6
function t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick(&$sender)
    $t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_setllementForm;
    //End t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick
    //Custom Code @165-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $cusAccId = $t_vat_setllementForm->t_cust_account_id->GetValue();
    $User = CCGetUserLogin();
    $p_account_status_id = $t_vat_setllementForm->p_account_status_id->GetValue();
    $reason_status_id = $t_vat_setllementForm->reason_status_id->GetValue();
    $reason_description = $t_vat_setllementForm->reason_description->GetValue();
    $errorMsg = '';
    //new fix
    if (!isset($p_vat_type_dtl_cls_id) || $p_vat_type_dtl_cls_id == '') {
        $p_vat_type_dtl_cls_id = 'NULL';
    if (empty($kamar)) {
        $kamar = 0;
    //cek alasan lainnya
    if ($reason_status_id == 4 and !isset($reason_description) || $reason_description == '') {
        echo "<script> \r\n\t\t\talert('Keterangan harus diisi jika memilih alasan Lainnya');\r\n\t\t</script>";
    } else {
        $sql = "select * from f_entry_mutasi_status_wp(" . $cusAccId . ",15," . $p_account_status_id . "," . $reason_status_id . ",'" . $reason_description . "','" . $User . "')";
        //echo $sql;
        $cust_id = $dbConn->f("o_cust_order_id");
        $mess = $dbConn->f("o_mess");
        //modified by wiliam
        echo "<script> \r\n\t\t\talert('" . $mess . "');\r\n\t\t\twindow.opener.location.reload();\r\n\t\t\twindow.close();\r\n\t\t</script>";
    // -------------------------
    //Close t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick @164-6DBB2532
    //return $t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick;
コード例 #7
function t_vat_registrationForm_Button4_OnClick(&$sender)
    $t_vat_registrationForm_Button4_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_registrationForm;
    //End t_vat_registrationForm_Button4_OnClick
    //Custom Code @909-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $CusId = CCGetFromGet("CURR_DOC_ID", "");
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $sql = "select f_gen_npwpd(" . $CusId . ")as npwpd from dual";
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $val = $dbConn->f("npwpd");
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close t_vat_registrationForm_Button4_OnClick @908-D8012444
    return $t_vat_registrationForm_Button4_OnClick;
コード例 #8
function LOV_BeforeShow(&$sender)
    $LOV_BeforeShow = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $LOV;
    //End LOV_BeforeShow
    //Custom Code @8-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $i_vat_setllement = CCGetFromGet('i_vat_setllement_id');
    $ubah = CCGetFromGet('ubah');
    $in_flag_numeric = CCGetFromGet('in_flag_numeric');
    $is_desc = CCGetFromGet('is_desc');
    if ($ubah == 'T') {
        $user = CCGetUserLogin();
        $data = array();
        $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
        $query = "select f_update_increasing_amt({$i_vat_setllement},{$in_flag_numeric},'{$is_desc}','{$user}') as msg";
        while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
            echo "<script> \r\n\t\t\talert('" . $dbConn->f('msg') . "');\r\n\t\t\twindow.close();\r\n\t\t</script>";
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close LOV_BeforeShow @3-91C2A156
    return $LOV_BeforeShow;
コード例 #9
function LOV_Button1_OnClick(&$sender)
    $LOV_Button1_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $LOV;
    //End LOV_Button1_OnClick
    //Custom Code @24-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $t_bphtb_registration_id = CCGetFromGet("t_bphtb_registration_id");
    $alasan = $LOV->alasan->GetValue();
    $user = CCGetUserLogin();
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    if ($t_bphtb_registration_id != "" && $alasan != "" && $user != "") {
        $query = "select f_delete_bphtb from \r\n\t\t\tf_delete_bphtb(" . $t_bphtb_registration_id . ",'" . $alasan . "','" . $user . "')";
        //echo $query;exit;
        $result = $dbConn->f("f_delete_bphtb");
    } else {
        $result = "id bphtb, alasan atau user login tidak boleh kosong";
    echo "<script> \r\n\t\talert('" . $result . "');\r\n\t\twindow.opener.location.reload();\r\n\t\twindow.close();\r\n\t</script>";
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close LOV_Button1_OnClick @16-408DE5C8
    return $LOV_Button1_OnClick;
コード例 #10
function t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow(&$sender)
    $t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_setllementGrid;
    //End t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow
    //Custom Code @301-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //DEL  // -------------------------
    //DEL      // Write your own code here.
    $nilai = $t_vat_setllementGrid->t_vat_setllement_id->GetValue();
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $sql = "select count(*)as ada from t_vat_penalty where t_vat_setllement_id = " . $nilai;
    $ada = $dbConn->f("ada");
    if ($ada > 0) {
        //$nilai2 = $t_vat_setllementGrid->p_vat_type_id->GetValue();
        $t_vat_setllementGrid->cetak_sptpd->SetValue("<input type='button' value='CETAK' style='WIDTH: 57px; HEIGHT: 22px' class='Button' onclick=\"" . "cetakStpd(" . $nilai . ",'tgl_tap')\">");
        $t_vat_setllementGrid->cetak_sptpd2->SetValue("<input type='button' value='CETAK' style='WIDTH: 57px; HEIGHT: 22px' class='Button' onclick=\"" . "cetakStpd(" . $nilai . ",'tgl_bayar')\">");
    } else {
    $action_button = CCGetFromGet("action_button","");
    $action_button2 = CCGetFromGet("action_button2","");
    if($action_button=='flag_payment' && $action_button2!='cetak_register'){
    	$dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    	$sql="select sikp.f_payment_manual(".CCGetFromGet('t_customer_order_id').",'".CCGetSession('UserLogin')."')";
    	echo "
    }else if($action_button2=='cetak_register'){
    	$dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    	$sql="select sikp.f_print_register(".CCGetFromGet('t_customer_order_id').",'".CCGetSession('UserLogin')."')";
    // -------------------------
    //Close t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow @300-BF0BB7F2
    return $t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow;
コード例 #11
function t_vat_registrationForm_Button1_OnClick(&$sender)
    $t_vat_registrationForm_Button1_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_registrationForm;
    //End t_vat_registrationForm_Button1_OnClick
    //Custom Code @862-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $dbConn1 = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $order = $t_vat_registrationForm->order_no->GetValue();
    $mobile = $t_vat_registrationForm->mobile_no_owner->GetValue();
    $cari = "select t_customer_order_id from t_customer_order where order_no = '" . $order . "'";
    while ($dbConn1->next_record()) {
        $kode = $dbConn1->f("t_customer_order_id");
    $sql_url = "select f_send_sms('" . $mobile . "','Kode Verifikasi Anda : " . $kode . "')from dual";
    $sql_url = "select value from p_global_param where code = 'SMSG_URL'";
    	$val = $dbConn1->f("value");
    $ch = curl_init();
    $url = $val."recipient=".$mobile."&messagetype=SMS:TEXT&messagedata=Kode+Verifikasi+Anda:+".$kode."";	
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array('body' => json_encode($postdata))));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $server_output = curl_exec ($ch);
    curl_close ($ch);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO verifikasi(id_verifikasi,order_no,code) VALUES " . "(generate_id('sikp','verifikasi','id_verifikasi'),'" . $order . "','" . $kode . "')";
    $t_vat_registrationForm->pesan->SetValue("Data Telah Terkirim");
    // -------------------------
    //Close t_vat_registrationForm_Button1_OnClick @851-A9568806
    return $t_vat_registrationForm_Button1_OnClick;
コード例 #12
 function PageCetak($data)
     // $this->Cell(0, $this->height, $data["f_bphtb_receipt_duplicate"], 0, 0, "L");
     $exp_data = explode("\n", $data["f_bphtb_receipt_duplicate"]);
     //get no kuitansi
     $exp_data1 = explode(":", $exp_data[0]);
     $encImageData = '';
     $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
     $query = "select f_encrypt_str('" . trim($exp_data1[1]) . "') AS enc_data";
     while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
         $encImageData = $dbConn->f("enc_data");
     if (empty($encImageData)) {
         $encImageData = "EmptyData";
     $this->Image('../images/logo_pemda.png', 37, 13, 25, 25);
     $this->Image('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/mpd/include/qrcode/generate-qr.php?param=' . $encImageData, 179, 13, 25, 25, 'PNG');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 11);
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(101, $this->height, "PEMERINTAH KOTA BANDUNG", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(101, $this->height, "DINAS PELAYANAN PAJAK", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(101, $this->height, "Jalan Wastukancana No 2", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(101, $this->height, "Telp. 022 4235052 - Bandung", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 14);
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height + 7, "", "B", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(101, $this->height + 7, "Bukti Pembayaran Pajak BPHTB", "B", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(40, $this->height + 7, "", "B", 0, 'L');
     $this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
     $data = explode("\n", $data["f_bphtb_receipt_duplicate"]);
     foreach ($data as $datum) {
         $this->Cell(241.3, $this->height, $datum, 0, 0, "L");
     $this->Cell(180, $this->height, "", "B", 0, "C");
コード例 #13
function t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick(&$sender)
    $t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_setllementForm;
    //End t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick
    //Custom Code @165-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $User = CCGetUserLogin();
    $t_bphtb_registration_id = $t_vat_setllementForm->t_bphtb_registration_id->GetValue();
    $alasan = $t_vat_setllementForm->alasan->GetValue();
    $njop_pbb = $t_vat_setllementForm->njop_pbb->GetValue();
    $bphtb_amt_final = $t_vat_setllementForm->bphtb_amt_final->GetValue();
    $bphtb_amt_final_keberatan = $t_vat_setllementForm->bphtb_amt_final_keberatan->GetValue();
    $errorMsg = '';
    $sql = "select * from f_insert_bphtb_keberatan(" . $t_bphtb_registration_id . ",19," . $bphtb_amt_final_keberatan . "," . $bphtb_amt_final . ",'" . $alasan . "','" . $User . "')";
    //echo $sql;
    $t_bphtb_keberatan_id = $dbConn->f("o_t_bphtb_keberatan_id");
    $t_customer_order_id = $dbConn->f("o_t_customer_order_id");
    $mess = $dbConn->f("o_mess");
    $sql = "select sikp.f_first_submit_engine(511," . $t_customer_order_id . ",'" . CCGetSession('UserLogin') . "')";
    //modified by wiliam
    echo "<script> \r\n\t\talert('" . $mess . "');\r\n\t\twindow.opener.location.reload();\r\n\t\twindow.close();\r\n\t</script>";
    // -------------------------
    //Close t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick @164-6DBB2532
    //return $t_vat_setllementForm_Button1_OnClick;
コード例 #14
function print_excel($param_arr)
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $query = "select upper(vat_code)as vat_code from p_vat_type where p_vat_type_id = " . $param_arr['p_vat_type_id'];
    $vat_code = '';
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $vat_code = $dbConn->f("vat_code");
    $query = "select 'SURAT_TEGURAN_'||sequence_no||'_'||replace('" . $vat_code . "',' ','_')||'_PERIODE_'||replace(code,' ','_') AS judul\r\n\t\tfrom t_debt_letter a\r\n\t\tleft join p_finance_period x on a.p_finance_period_id=x.p_finance_period_id\r\n\t\twhere t_customer_order_id=" . $param_arr['t_customer_order_id'];
    $judul = '';
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $judul = $dbConn->f("judul");
    startExcel("LAPORAN_" . $judul . ".xls");
    echo "<div><h3> DAFTAR SURAT TEGURAN PAJAK " . $vat_code . " </h3></div>";
    echo "<div><b>Tanggal cetak : " . date('d-M-Y') . "</b></div><br/>";
    $no = 1;
    echo "<table border='1'>";
    echo "<tr>\r\n\t\t<th>NO</th>\r\n\t\t<th>NPWPD</th>\t\r\n\t\t<th>NAMA</th>\r\n\t\t<th>ALAMAT</th>\r\n\t\t<th>JATUH TEMPO</th>\r\n\t\t<th>MASA PAJAK</th>\r\n\t\t<th>BESARNYA</th>\r\n\t\t<th>KETERANGAN</th>\r\n\t</tr>";
    $query = "select * from f_debt_letter_list(" . $param_arr['t_customer_order_id'] . ") as a \r\n\t\t  LEFT JOIN t_cust_account as b ON a.t_cust_account_id = b.t_cust_account_id\r\n\t\t  WHERE a.p_vat_type_id = " . $param_arr['p_vat_type_id'] . " AND b.p_vat_type_dtl_id NOT IN (11, 15, 17, 21, 27, 30, 41, 42, 43)";
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $items[] = $item = array('npwd' => $dbConn->f("npwd"), 'company_name' => $dbConn->f("company_name"), 'wp_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_name"), 'address_name' => $dbConn->f("address_name"), 'wp_address_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_address_name"), 'wp_address_no' => $dbConn->f("wp_address_no"), 'vat_code' => $dbConn->f("vat_code"), 'due_date' => $dbConn->f("due_date"), 'start_date' => $dbConn->f("start_date"), 'end_date' => $dbConn->f("end_date"), 'debt_amount' => $dbConn->f("debt_amount"), 'description' => $dbConn->f("description"));
        if ($item['company_name'] == '-' || empty($item['company_name'])) {
            $item['company_name'] = $item['wp_name'];
        if ($item['address_name'] == '-' || empty($item['address_name'])) {
            $item['address_name'] = $item['wp_address_name'] . ' ' . $item['wp_address_no'];
        echo "<tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $no . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $item['npwd'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $item['company_name'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $item['address_name'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $item['due_date'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $item['start_date'] . " s.d. " . $item['end_date'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td align='right'>" . number_format($item['debt_amount'], 2, ',', '.') . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td>" . $item['description'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
コード例 #15
function t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow(&$sender)
    $t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_setllementGrid;
    //End t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $pajak = $t_vat_setllementGrid->total_vat_amount->GetValue();
    $denda = $t_vat_setllementGrid->total_penalty_amount->GetValue();
    $totaltotal = $pajak + $denda;
    $nilai = $t_vat_setllementGrid->t_vat_setllement_id->GetValue();
    $nilai2 = $t_vat_setllementGrid->p_vat_type_id->GetValue();
    $t_vat_setllementGrid->cetak_sptpd->SetValue("<input type='button' style='display:none;' value='CETAK' style='WIDTH: 57px; HEIGHT: 22px' class='Button' onclick=\"" . "cetakSptpd(" . $nilai . "," . $nilai2 . ")\">");
    $action_button = CCGetFromGet("action_button", "");
    $action_button2 = CCGetFromGet("action_button2", "");
    if ($action_button == 'flag_payment' && $action_button2 != 'cetak_register') {
        $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
        $sql = "select sikp.f_payment_manual(" . CCGetFromGet('t_customer_order_id') . ",'" . CCGetSession('UserLogin') . "')";
        echo "\r\n  \t\t<script>\r\n  \t\talert('" . $dbConn->f('f_payment_manual') . "');\r\n  \t\t</script>\r\n  \t\t";
    } else {
        if ($action_button2 == 'cetak_register') {
            $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
            $sql = "select sikp.f_print_register(" . CCGetFromGet('t_customer_order_id') . ",'" . CCGetSession('UserLogin') . "')";
            /*echo "
            				window.open('../services/print_string.php?input_number=".$dbConn->f('f_print_register')."', '_blank', 'location=yes,height=570,width=520,scrollbars=yes,status=yes');
    // -------------------------
    //Close t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow @300-BF0BB7F2
    return $t_vat_setllementGrid_cetak_sptpd_BeforeShow;
コード例 #16
ファイル: curl_tes_2.php プロジェクト: rayminami/mpd-online
function sendSms()
    include 'save_excel_2.php';
    include '../../gammu/send_sms.php';
    $SendSms = new SendSms();
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM t_sms_outbox where is_sent = 'N'";
    $data = array();
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $data[] = $item = array('t_sms_outbox_id' => $dbConn->f("t_sms_outbox_id"), 'npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'mobile_no' => $dbConn->f("mobile_no"), 'message' => $dbConn->f("message"), 'is_sent' => $dbConn->f("is_sent"), 'date_sent' => $dbConn->f("date_sent"), 'date_addded' => $dbConn->f("date_addded"));
        $SendSms->send($item["mobile_no"], $item["message"]);
    for ($counter = 0; $counter < sizeof($data); $counter++) {
        $query = " UPDATE t_sms_outbox\r\n\t   \t\tSET is_sent='Y',date_sent=sysdate\r\n\t \t\tWHERE t_sms_outbox_id=" . $data[$counter]['t_sms_outbox_id'];
コード例 #17
function t_message_inboxGrid_BeforeSelect(&$sender)
    $t_message_inboxGrid_BeforeSelect = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_message_inboxGrid;
    //End t_message_inboxGrid_BeforeSelect
    //Custom Code @226-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Custom Code @289-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    $t_message_inbox_id = CCGetFromGet('t_message_inbox_bphtb_id');
    if (!empty($t_message_inbox_id)) {
        $dbConn1 = new clsDBConnSIKP();
        $cari = "select message_status from t_message_inbox_bphtb where t_message_inbox_bphtb_id = " . $t_message_inbox_id;
        while ($dbConn1->next_record()) {
            $message_status = $dbConn1->f("message_status");
        if ($message_status == 'U') {
            $query = "update t_message_inbox_bphtb set message_status = 'V' where t_message_inbox_id = " . $t_message_inbox_id;
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $Component->DataSource->Parameters["urls_keyword"] = strtoupper(CCGetFromGet("s_keyword", NULL));
    // -------------------------
    //Close t_message_inboxGrid_BeforeSelect @2-E3E1E9CD
    return $t_message_inboxGrid_BeforeSelect;
コード例 #18
function SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f_BeforeSelect(&$sender)
    $SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f_BeforeSelect = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f;
    //End SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f_BeforeSelect
    //Custom Code @187-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $cust_acc_id = CCGetFromGet('t_cust_account_id');
    $sql = "select to_char(active_date,'dd-mm-yyyy') as active_date from t_cust_account where t_cust_account_id=" . $cust_acc_id;
    $cust_id = $dbConn->f("active_date");
    $SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f->DataSource->Parameters["expr189"] = $cust_id;
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f_BeforeSelect @2-7D0B9252
    return $SELECT_x_receipt_no_x_p_f_BeforeSelect;
コード例 #19
function p_pass_byadminForm_Button_Ubah_OnClick(&$sender)
    $p_pass_byadminForm_Button_Ubah_OnClick = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $p_pass_byadminForm;
    //End p_pass_byadminForm_Button_Ubah_OnClick
    //Custom Code @104-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    global $FileName;
    global $PathToCurrentPage;
    $param = CCGetQueryString("QueryString", "");
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $old_pwd = $p_pass_byadminForm->o_user_pwd->GetValue();
    $new_pwd1 = $p_pass_byadminForm->n_user_pwd1->GetValue();
    $new_pwd2 = $p_pass_byadminForm->n_user_pwd2->GetValue();
    $idUser = $p_pass_byadminForm->p_app_user_id->GetValue();
    $sql = "select * from f_change_pass(" . $idUser . ",'" . $old_pwd . "','" . $new_pwd1 . "','" . $new_pwd2 . "')";
    $mess = $dbConn->f("f_change_pass");
    echo '<script language="javascript">';
    echo 'alert("' . $mess . '");';
    echo '</script>';
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close p_pass_byadminForm_Button_Ubah_OnClick @26-C74BD412
    return $p_pass_byadminForm_Button_Ubah_OnClick;
コード例 #20
function t_vat_registrationForm_BeforeSelect(&$sender)
    $t_vat_registrationForm_BeforeSelect = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_vat_registrationForm;
    //End t_vat_registrationForm_BeforeSelect
    //Custom Code @686-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    // Write your own code here.
    $CustId = CCGetFromGet("CURR_DOC_ID", "");
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $sql = "select p_settlement_type_id from t_vat_setllement where t_customer_order_id = " . $CustId;
    $nilai = $dbConn->f("p_settlement_type_id");
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close t_vat_registrationForm_BeforeSelect @629-D64E68A4
    return $t_vat_registrationForm_BeforeSelect;
function getDataRowReklame($year_period_id, $date_awal, $date_akhir)
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $query = "SELECT SUM(target_amount) AS target, SUM(realisasi_amt) AS realisasi,\r\n\t\t\t\tSUM(debt_amt) AS piutang\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM f_target_vs_real_monthly_new(" . $year_period_id . ",9)\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE trunc(start_date) >= '" . $date_awal . "'\r\n\t\t\t\tAND trunc(end_date) <= '" . $date_akhir . "'";
    $result = array();
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $result['target'] = $dbConn->f("target");
        $result['piutang'] = $dbConn->f("piutang");
        $result['realisasi'] = $dbConn->f("realisasi");
        $result['selisih'] = $dbConn->f("realisasi") + $dbConn->f("piutang") - $dbConn->f("target");
        $result['realisasiDanPiutang'] = $dbConn->f("realisasi") + $dbConn->f("piutang");
    return $result;
function print_excel($param_arr)
    echo "<div><h3> Penerimaan Global Per WP</h3></div>";
    echo "<div><b>Jenis Pajak : " . $param_arr['rqst_type_code'] . "</b></div>";
    echo "<div><b>Tanggal : " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start']) . " s.d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end']) . "</b></div><br/>";
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $query = "select a.*, f_get_wilayah(b.npwd) as kode_wilayah , to_char(b.active_date,'dd-mm-yyyy') as active_date,\r\n\t\t\tb.brand_address_name ||' '|| nvl(b.brand_address_no,'') as alamat_new\r\n\t\t\tfrom sikp.f_laporan_global_wp2(" . $param_arr['p_rqst_type_id'] . ",'" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "', '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "') a\r\n\t\t\tleft join t_cust_account b on a.npwpd = b.npwd\r\n\t\t\twhere f_get_wilayah_id(b.npwd) = " . $param_arr['kode_wilayah'] . " \r\n\t\t\torder by jenis_pajak,TRIM(company_brand)";
    $no = 1;
    $jumlah = 0;
    echo '<table border="1">';
    echo '<tr>
			<th>NAMA WP</th>
			<th>BESARNYA (Rp)</th>
			<th>JML SSPD</th>
			<th>NAMA AYAT</th>
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $items[] = array('nama_wp' => $dbConn->f("nama_wp"), 'alamat_new' => $dbConn->f("alamat_new"), 'npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'amount' => $dbConn->f("amount"), 'tot_sspd' => $dbConn->f("tot_sspd"), 'kode_wilayah' => $dbConn->f("kode_wilayah"), 'active_date' => $dbConn->f("active_date"), 'jenis_pajak' => $dbConn->f("jenis_pajak"));
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td align="center">' . $no . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f("nama_wp") . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f("alamat_new") . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f("npwpd") . '</td>';
        echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($dbConn->f("amount"), 2, ",", ".") . '</td>';
        echo '<td align="right">' . $dbConn->f("tot_sspd") . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f('jenis_pajak') . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f('active_date') . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f('kode_wilayah') . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        $jumlah += $dbConn->f("amount");
        $jumlah_wp += $dbConn->f("tot_sspd");
    echo '<tr>
		<td colspan="4" align="center"> <b> JUMLAH </b> </td>
		<td align="right"><b>' . number_format($jumlah, 2, ",", ".") . '</b></td>
		<td align="right"><b>' . $jumlah_wp . '</b></td>
    echo '</table>';
コード例 #23
define("RelativePath", "..");
define("PathToCurrentPage", "/report/");
define("FileName", "cetak_formulir_skpdkb_pdf.php");
include_once RelativePath . "/Common.php";
include_once "../include/fpdf.php";
$dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
$data = array();
$idVatSS = CCGetFromGet("t_vat_setllement_id", "");
if (empty($idVatSS)) {
    echo "Data Tidak Ditemukan";
} else {
    $sql = "SELECT * " . "FROM v_vat_setllement " . "WHERE t_vat_setllement_id = " . $idVatSS;
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $data["t_cust_account_id"] = $dbConn->f("t_cust_account_id");
        $data["finance_period_code"] = $dbConn->f("finance_period_code");
        $data["tahun"] = $dbConn->f("tahun");
        $data["npwd"] = $dbConn->f("npwd");
        $data["due_date"] = $dbConn->f("due_date");
        $data["no_urut"] = $dbConn->f("order_no");
        $data["jenis_pajak"] = $dbConn->f("jenis_pajak");
        $data["debt_vat_amt"] = $dbConn->f("debt_vat_amt");
        $data["terutang"] = $dbConn->f("terutang");
        $data["cr_adjustment"] = $dbConn->f("cr_adjustment");
        $data["cr_payment"] = $dbConn->f("cr_payment");
        $data["cr_others"] = $dbConn->f("cr_others");
        $data["db_interest_charge"] = $dbConn->f("db_interest_charge");
        $data["db_increasing_charge"] = $dbConn->f("db_increasing_charge");
    $kpd = "select wp_name, wp_address_name, wp_kota\r\n\t\t\tfrom v_cust_account_update\r\n\t\t\twhere t_cust_account_id = " . $data["t_cust_account_id"];
コード例 #24
 function PageCetak($data)
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     // $this->Image('../images/logo_pemda.png',12,12,25,25);
     $lheader = $this->lengthCell / 8;
     $lheader1 = $lheader * 1;
     $lheader2 = $lheader * 2;
     $lheader3 = $lheader * 3;
     $lheader4 = $lheader * 4;
     $lheader5 = $lheader * 5;
     $lheader6 = $lheader * 6;
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height - 2, "", "TL", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height - 2, "", "TR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height - 2, "", "TR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height - 2, "", "TR", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     $this->Image('../images/logo_pemda.png', 12, 15, 20, 20);
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "PEMERINTAH KOTA", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 12);
     $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height, "SKPDKB", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'C');
     /*$this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'C');			
     		$this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "BANDUNG", "R", 0, 'C');
     		$this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height, "(Surat Ketetapan Pajak Daerah Kurang Bayar)", "R", 0, 'C');
     		$this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "No. Urut", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height - 2, "", "L", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height - 2, "BANDUNG", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
     $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height - 2, "(Surat Ketetapan Pajak Daerah Kurang Bayar)", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height - 2, "No. Urut", "R", 0, 'C');
     		$this->Cell($lheader6, $this->height, "(Surat Ketetapan Pajak Daerah Kurang Bayar)", "LR", 0, 'C');
     		$this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height, "No. Urut", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height + 1, "", "L", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 1, "DINAS PELAYANAN PAJAK", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height + 1, "     Masa Pajak    : " . $data["finance_period_code"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 1, "", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Ln($this->height - 4);
     // No Urut
     $this->Cell($lheader2 + $lheader4 + 1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'C');
     $no_urut = str_split($data["no_urut"]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[0]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[1]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[2]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[3]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[4]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[5]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[6]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $no_urut[7]);
     // =======
     /*$this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 2, "", "BL", 0, 'R');
     		$this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height + 2, "Tahun Pajak ", "B", 0, 'L');
     		$this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height + 2, ": ".$data["tahun"], "BR", 0, 'L');
     		$this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 2, "", "BR", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height - 1, "", "L", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height - 1, "Jalan Wastukancana No.2", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height - 1, "     Tahun Pajak   : " . $data["tahun"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height - 1, "No.Bayar", "R", 0, 'C');
     // $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height + 2, "", "BL", 0, 'R');
     // $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height + 2, "", "BR", 0, 'L');
     // $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 2, "", "BR", 0, 'C');
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     $this->Cell($lheader1, $this->height + 1, "", "BL", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 1, "Telp. 022-4235052 - Bandung", "BR", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
     $this->Cell($lheader3, $this->height + 1, "", "BR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lheader2, $this->height + 1, $data["no_bayar"], "BR", 0, 'C');
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     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height, "Nama", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["wp_name"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height, "Alamat", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["wp_address_name"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height + 2, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height + 2, "NPWPD", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height + 2, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2, $this->height + 2, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Ln($this->height - 4);
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 3, $this->height, ":", "L", 0, 'R');
     $rep_npwd = str_replace(".", "", $data["npwd"]);
     $arr1 = str_split($rep_npwd);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[0]);
     $this->kotakKosong(1, 34, 1);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[1]);
     $this->kotakKosong(1, 34, 1);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[2]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[3]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[4]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[5]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[6]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[7]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[8]);
     $this->kotakKosong(1, 34, 1);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[9]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[10]);
     $this->kotakKosong(1, 34, 1);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[11]);
     $this->kotak(1, 34, 1, $arr1[12]);
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "BL", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height, "Tanggal jatuh tempo", "B", 0, 'L');
     //$this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": ".Date("d M Y",strtotime("+15 day")), "BR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["tgl_jatuh_tempo"], "BR", 0, 'L');
     //$this->tulis("I. Berdasarkan Pasal 65 ayat (2) dan (3) Peraturan Daerah Kota Bandung Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Pajak Daerah, telah dilakukan", "L");
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height + 2, "", "L", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell - 10, $this->height + 2, "I. Berdasarkan Pasal 65 ayat (2) dan (3) Peraturan Daerah Kota Bandung Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Pajak Daerah, telah dilakukan", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height + 2, "", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->tulis("   pemeriksaan atau keterangan lain di atas pelaksanaan kewajiban :", "L");
     $lbody = $this->lengthCell / 4;
     $lbody1 = $lbody * 1;
     $lbody2 = $lbody * 2;
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     $indent = $this->lengthCell / 30;
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height + 2, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height + 2, "   Ayat Pajak", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height + 2, ": ", "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Ln($this->height - 4);
     // Ayat Pajak
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 3, $this->height, ":", "L", 0, 'R');
     if (!empty($data["vat_code"])) {
         $arr_ayat = str_split($data["vat_code"]);
     } else {
         $arr_ayat = array();
         $this->kotak(1, 45, 1, " - ");
     //$this->kotak(1, 34, 6, "");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_ayat); $i++) {
         if ($arr_ayat[$i] != " ") {
             $this->kotak(1, 45, 1, $arr_ayat[$i]);
         } else {
             $this->kotakKosong(1, 34, 1);
     // ==========
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height, "   Nama Pajak", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["jenis_pajak"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->tulis("II. Dari pemeriksaan atau keterangan lain tersebut di atas, perhitungan jumlah yang masih harus dibayar adalah sebagai berikut:", "L");
     $lbodyx1 = $lbody1 / 2;
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 5, $this->height, "    1. Dasar Pengenaan", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["total_trans_amount"], 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 5, $this->height, "    2. Pajak yang Terutang", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["debt_vat_amt"], 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'R');
     $this->tulis("    3. Kredit Pajak", "L");
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    a. Kompensasi kelebihan dari tahun sebelumnya", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["cr_adjustment"], 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    b. Setoran yang dilakukan", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["cr_payment"], 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    c. Lain-lain", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "B", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["cr_others"], 2, ",", "."), "B", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $jumno3 = $data["cr_others"] + $data["cr_payment"] + $data["cr_adjustment"];
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    d. Jumlah yang dapat dikreditkan (a + b + c)", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($jumno3, 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     // $this->tulis("4. Jumlah kekurangan pembayaran Pokok Pajak (2-3d)", "L");
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 5, $this->height, "    4. Jumlah kekurangan pembayaran Pokok Pajak (2-3d)", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["debt_vat_amt"] - $jumno3, 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'R');
     $this->tulis("    5. Sanksi Administrasi", "L");
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    a. Bunga (Pasal 65 ayat(2)", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["total_penalty_amount"], 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    b. Kenaikan (Pasal 65 ayat (3)", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "B", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($data["db_increasing_charge"], 2, ",", "."), "B", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $jumno5 = $data["total_penalty_amount"] + $data["db_increasing_charge"];
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2 - 10, $this->height, "    c. Jumlah sanksi administrasi (a + b)", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "B", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($jumno5, 2, ",", "."), "B", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'R');
     $jumno4 = $data["debt_vat_amt"] - $jumno3;
     $total = $jumno4 + $jumno5;
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 5, $this->height, "    6. Jumlah yang masih harus dibayar (4 + 5c)", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp ", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 10, $this->height, number_format($total, 2, ",", "."), "", 0, 'R');
     $this->Cell(10, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'R');
     $dbConn2 = new clsDBConnSIKP();
     $total = isset($total) ? abs($total) : 0;
     $hrf = "select replace(f_terbilang('" . $total . "','IDR'), '  ', ' ') as dengan_huruf";
     //echo $hrf;exit;
     while ($dbConn2->next_record()) {
         $huruf = $dbConn2->f("dengan_huruf");
     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "", "BLR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell(5, $this->height + 2, "", "BL", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height + 2, "Dengan huruf", "B", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height + 2, "", "BR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Ln($this->height - 4);
     // Dengan huruf
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 5, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->kotak(25, 34, 1, $huruf);
     // ============
     $this->SetFont('Arial', 'U', 8);
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height + 1, "PERHATIAN:", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
     $this->tulis("1. Harap penyetoran dilakukan melalui Kas Daerah atau tempat lain yang ditunjuk dengan menggunakan Surat Setoran Pajak Daerah (SSPD)", "L");
     $this->tulis("2. Apabila SKPDKB ini tidak atau kurang dibayar setelah lewat waktu paling lama 15 hari kalender sejak SKPDKB ini diterbitkan dikenakan", "L");
     $this->tulis("    sanksi administrasi berupa bunga sebesar 2% per bulan.", "L");
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     //$this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "Bandung, " . Date("d M Y") /*. $data["tanggal"]*/, "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "Bandung, " . $data["tgl_setllement"], "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "a.n KEPALA DINAS PELAYANAN PAJAK", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "KEPALA BIDANG PAJAK PENDAFTARAN", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "KOTA BANDUNG", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "", "LR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     //$this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "H. SONI BAKHTIYAR, S.Sos, M.Si", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "Drs. H. GUN GUN SUMARYANA", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "BL", 0, 'L');
     //$this->Cell($lbody1 + 8, $this->height, "NIP. 19750625 199403 1 001", "BT", 0, 'C'); //isi nip
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 8, $this->height, "NIP. 19700806 199101 1 001", "BT", 0, 'C');
     //isi nip
     $this->Cell(2, $this->height, "", "BR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Ln($this->height + 4);
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);
     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧 Gunting di sini 覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧 ", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "TL", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2, $this->height, "", "T", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "No. SKPDKB : " . $data["no_urut"], "TR", 0, 'L');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 11);
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody2, $this->height, "TANDA TERIMA", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "     NPWPD", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["npwd"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "     Nama", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["wp_name"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "     Alamat", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3, $this->height, ": " . $data["wp_address_name"], "R", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "Bandung, " . Date("d M Y"), "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "L", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "Yang Menerima, ", "R", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "", "LR", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "BL", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "(............................................................)", "BR", 0, 'C');
コード例 #25
function print_laporan($param_arr)
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        if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 3) {
            $whereClause .= " AND ( bphtb_amt_final < 1 ) ";
    $query = "SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\tto_char(reg_bphtb.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as creation_date,\r\n\t\t\t\tregistration_no,\r\n\t\t\t\twp_name,\r\n\t\t\t\treg_bphtb.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id,\r\n\t\t\t\tbphtb_doc.description,\r\n\t\t\t\tnjop_pbb,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_area,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_total_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_area,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_total_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tmarket_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tbphtb_amt_final,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_price_per_m,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_price_per_m\r\n\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\tsikp.t_bphtb_registration reg_bphtb\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_bphtb_legal_doc_type bphtb_doc on bphtb_doc.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id = reg_bphtb.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_customer_order cust_order ON cust_order.t_customer_order_id = reg_bphtb.t_customer_order_id \r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_payment_receipt_bphtb payment ON reg_bphtb.t_bphtb_registration_id = payment.t_bphtb_registration_id \r\n\t\t\tWHERE cust_order.p_order_status_id <> 1";
    $query .= $whereClause;
    $query .= " order by trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) ASC,upper(wp_name) ASC";
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        $nilai_njop = $dbConn->f("building_total_price") + $dbConn->f("land_total_price");
        $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array($no, dateToString($item['creation_date']), $item['registration_no'], $item['wp_name'], $item['description'], $item['njop_pbb'], number_format($item['land_area'], 0, ",", ".") . " / " . number_format($item['building_area'], 0, ",", "."), number_format($item['land_price_per_m'], 2, ",", "."), number_format($item['building_price_per_m'], 2, ",", "."), number_format($nilai_njop, 2, ",", "."), number_format($item['market_price'], 2, ",", "."), number_format($item['bphtb_amt_final'], 2, ",", ".")), array('LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LBR'), 6);
        $jumlah += $dbConn->f("amount");
        //	$jumlah_wp+=$dbConn->f("jumlah_wp");
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    $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Mengetahui, \n Kepala Seksi Penyelesaian Piutang \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n RACHMAT SATIADI, SIP, M.Si. \n  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ", "\n Koordinator BPHTB" . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ZAENAL MANSUR \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "), array("", ""), 4);
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コード例 #26

define("RelativePath", "..");
define("PathToCurrentPage", "/report/");
define("FileName", "cetak_formulir_surat_teguran_pdf.php");
include_once RelativePath . "/Common.php";
$npwpd = CCGetFromGet("npwpd", "");
$dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
$query = "select * from t_payment_receipt a\r\n\t\tleft join t_cust_account b on a.npwd=b.npwd\r\n\t\tleft join t_customer c on b.t_customer_id = c.t_customer_id\r\n\t\twhere a.npwd = upper('" . $npwpd . "')\r\n\t\tORDER BY payment_date desc limit 1";
$data = array();
if ($dbConn->next_record()) {
    $json = array('items' => array(), 'message' => 'data ditemukan', 'success' => 'success');
    $item = array('npwd' => $dbConn->f("npwd"), 'payment_vat_amount' => $dbConn->f("payment_vat_amount"), 'finance_period_code' => $dbConn->f("finance_period_code"), 'merk_dagang' => $dbConn->f("company_brand"), 'alamat_merk_dagang' => $dbConn->f("brand_address_name") . " " . $dbConn->f("brand_address_no"), 'pemilik' => $dbConn->f("company_owner"), 'alamat_pemilik' => $dbConn->f("address_name_owner") . " " . $dbConn->f("address_no_owner"));
    $json['items'] = $item;
    /*$myXMLData =
    	"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    		<alamat_merk_dagang>".$dbConn->f("brand_address_name")." ".$dbConn->f("brand_address_no")."</alamat_merk_dagang>
    		<alamat_pemilik>".$dbConn->f("address_name_owner")." ".$dbConn->f("address_no_owner")."</alamat_pemilik>
} else {
    $json = array('items' => array(), 'message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'success' => 'fail');
    /*$myXMLData =
コード例 #27
include "../include/fpdf17/mc_table.php";
$t_customer_order_id = CCGetFromGet("t_customer_order_id", "");
//$t_customer_order_id = 67;
//$dataArr = array();
// $dataBaru = array();
if (empty($t_customer_order_id)) {
    echo "data tidak ada";
$dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
$query = "select b.vat_code,to_char(a.registration_date,'dd Mon yyyy') as registration_date_2,company_owner,a.* from t_vat_registration a \r\n\t\tleft join p_vat_type_dtl b on a.p_vat_type_dtl_id = b.p_vat_type_dtl_id\r\n\t\twhere t_customer_order_id = " . $t_customer_order_id;
//echo $query;exit;
$data = array();
while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
    $data = array('npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'company_name' => $dbConn->f("company_owner"), 'company_brand' => $dbConn->f("company_brand"), 'brand_address_name' => $dbConn->f("brand_address_name") . ' ' . $dbConn->f("brand_address_no"), 'registration_date' => $dbConn->f("registration_date_2"), 'vat_code' => $dbConn->f("vat_code"));
$_HEIGHT = 4;
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$_FONT = 'Times';
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$pdf->AddPage('L', array(200, 150));
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', $_FONTSIZE);
コード例 #28
function Page_BeforeShow(&$sender)
    $Page_BeforeShow = true;
    $Component =& $sender;
    $Container =& CCGetParentContainer($sender);
    global $t_customer_create_uname;
    //End Page_BeforeShow
    //Custom Code @529-2A29BDB7
    // -------------------------
    $generate = CCGetFromGet("generate");
    $t_customer_id = CCGetFromGet("t_customer_id");
    $result = '';
    if ($generate == "yes" and !empty($t_customer_id)) {
        $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
        $query = "SELECT * FROM f_create_uname_password_wp(" . $t_customer_id . ") as hasil";
        while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
            $result = $dbConn->f("hasil");
    // -------------------------
    //End Custom Code
    //Close Page_BeforeShow @1-4BC230CD
    return $Page_BeforeShow;
コード例 #29
 function PageCetak($data, $user)
     $encImageData = '';
     $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
     $query = "select f_encrypt_str('" . $data['registration_no'] . "') AS enc_data";
     while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
         $encImageData = $dbConn->f("enc_data");
     $this->Image('../images/logo_pemda.png', 20, 10, 25, 25);
     $this->Image('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/mpd/include/qrcode/generate-qr.php?param=' . $encImageData, 165, 10, 25, 25, 'PNG');
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     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "BEA PEROLEHAN HAK ATAS TANAH DAN BANGUNAN", "", 0, "C");
     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "JENIS TRANSAKSI: " . strtoupper($data['doc_name']), "", 0, "C");
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     $this->barisBaru("", "2 NPWP", ": " . $data["npwp"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "3 Alamat Wajib Pajak", ": " . $data["wp_address_name"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "4 RT/RW", ": " . $data["wp_rt"] . "/" . $data["wp_rw"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "5 Kelurahan/Desa", ": " . $data["wp_region_kel"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "6 Kecamatan", ": " . $data["wp_region_kec"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "7 Kabupaten/Kota", ": " . $data["wp_region"]);
     $this->barisBaru("B", "1 Nomor Objek Pajak PBB ", ": " . $data["njop_pbb"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "2 Letak tanah atau bangunan", ": " . $data["object_address_name"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "3 RT/RW", ": " . $data["object_rt"] . "/" . $data["object_rw"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "4 Kelurahan/Desa", ": " . $data["object_region_kel"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "5 Kecamatan", ": " . $data["object_region_kec"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "6 Kabupaten/Kota", ": " . $data["object_region"]);
     $this->barisBaru("", "7 Dokumen Pendukung", ": " . $data["doc_name"]);
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     $this->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("\nUraian", "Luas\n(Diisi luas tanah dan atau bangunan yang haknya diperoleh)", "NJOP PBB / m2\n(Diisi berdasarkan SPPT PBB tahun terjadinya perolehan hak / Tahun", "\nLuas x NJOP PBB / m2"), array("TBL", "TBR", "TBLR", "TBLR"), $this->height);
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Tanah (bumi)", "L", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["land_area"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "m2", "R", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["land_price_per_m"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["land_total_price"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Bangunan", "L", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["building_area"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "m2", "R", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["building_price_per_m"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["building_total_price"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "L", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "NJOP PBB", "R", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp", "", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["land_total_price"] + $data["building_total_price"], 0, ",", "."), "", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "R", 0, "");
     $jenis_harga_bphtb = $data["jenis_harga_bphtb"];
     if (empty($jenis_harga_bphtb)) {
         $jenis_harga_bphtb = 99;
     $jenis_harga = array(1 => 'Harga Transaksi', 2 => 'Harga Pasar', 3 => 'Harga Lelang', 99 => 'Harga Pasar');
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "BL", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "B", 0, "R");
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     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "B", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 - 20, $this->height, "", "B", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1 + 20, $this->height, $jenis_harga[$jenis_harga_bphtb], "RB", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "Rp", "B", 0, "L");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, number_format($data["market_price"], 0, ",", "."), "B", 0, "R");
     $this->Cell($lbodyx1, $this->height, "", "BR", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($this->length - $lbody1, $this->height, "Jenis perolehan hak atas tanah dan atau bangunan", "", 0, "");
     $this->Cell($lbody1, $this->height, "", "", 0, "");
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     $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Nilai Perolehan Objek Pajak Tidak Kena Pajak (NPOPTKP)", "", "Rp", $data["npop_tkp"]);
     if ($data["npop_kp"] == 0) {
         $this->barisBaruStr($lbody1, "Nilai Perolehan Objek Pajak Kena Pajak (NPOPKP)", "", "Rp", "NIHIL");
     } else {
         $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Nilai Perolehan Objek Pajak Kena Pajak (NPOPKP)", "", "Rp", $data["npop_kp"]);
     if ($data["npop_kp"] == 0) {
         $this->barisBaruStr($lbody1, "Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan yang terutang", "5%", "Rp", "NIHIL");
     } else {
         $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan yang terutang", "5%", "Rp", $data["bphtb_amt"]);
     $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan potongan", "", "Rp", $data["bphtb_discount"]);
     if ($data["npop_kp"] == 0) {
         $this->barisBaruStr($lbody1, "Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan yang harus dibayar", "", "Rp", "NIHIL");
     } else {
         $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan yang harus dibayar", "", "Rp", $data["bphtb_amt_final_old"]);
     $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Nilai Pajak Yang Sudah Dibayar", "", "Rp", $data["prev_payment_amount"]);
     $this->barisBaru2($lbody1, "Total Kekurangan Pembayaran", "", "Rp", $data["bphtb_amt_final"]);
     $lbody = $this->lengthCell / 4;
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     //$this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "            Catatan: ".$data["description"], "", 0, 'L');
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     $this->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("", "Catatan : " . $data["description"]), array("", ""), $this->height - 2);
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     $this->Cell($this->lengthCell, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 - 103, $this->height, "Bandung, " . date("d-m-Y"), "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "KOORDINATOR PEMERIKSA", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - $lbody1 - 20, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "PETUGAS PEMERIKSA", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "BPHTB", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - $lbody1 - 20, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "BPHTB", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     //$this->Cell($lbody3 - 10, $this->height, "", "", 0, 'L');
     //$this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height, "(....................................)", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height - 4, "(ZAENAL MANSUR)", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(202, $this->height - 4, "( " . $data['verificated_by'] . " )", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell($lbody1 + 10, $this->height - 4, "NIP : 19630817.1989.01.1.006 ", "", 0, 'C');
     $this->Cell(202, $this->height - 4, "NIP : " . $data['verificated_nip'] . " ", "", 0, 'C');
コード例 #30
function GetCetakExcel($data, $data2, $data3, $user, $tgl_penerimaan)
    $output = '';
    $output .= '<table>
    $output = '<table id="table-piutang" class="grid-table-container" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
            <td valign="top">
              <table class="grid-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                  <td class="th" colspan=11 align="center"><strong>TARGET DAN REALISASI PERBANDINGAN</strong></td> 
                  <td class="th" colspan=11 align="center"><strong>SAMPAI TANGGAL ' . $tgl_penerimaan . '</strong></td> 
              <table id="table-piutang-detil" class="Grid" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3px">
                <tr class="Caption">';
    $tahun = substr($tgl_penerimaan, 6, 4);
    $tgl_penerimaan2 = substr($tgl_penerimaan, 0, 6) . ($tahun - 1);
    $tgl_penerimaan3 = substr($tgl_penerimaan, 0, 6) . ($tahun - 2);
    $output .= '<th rowspan=2 style="text-align:center;">NO</th>';
    $output .= '<th rowspan=2 style="text-align:center;">JENIS PAJAK</th>';
    $output .= '<th colspan=3 style="text-align:center;">' . ($tahun - 2) . '</th>';
    $output .= '<th colspan=3 style="text-align:center;">' . ($tahun - 1) . '</th>';
    $output .= '<th colspan=3 style="text-align:center;">' . $tahun . '</th></tr>';
    $output .= '<tr class="Caption"><th style="text-align:center;">TARGET</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">REALISASI</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">% REAL</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">TARGET</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">REALISASI</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">% REAL</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">TARGET</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">REALISASI</th>';
    $output .= '<th style="text-align:center;">% REAL</th>';
    $output .= '</tr>';
    $no = 1;
    $total_target = 0;
    $total_realisasi = 0;
    $total_target2 = 0;
    $total_realisasi2 = 0;
    $total_target3 = 0;
    $total_realisasi3 = 0;
    $bulan = substr($tgl_penerimaan, 3, 2);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['nama_jns_pajak']); $i++) {
        //print data
        $query = "select sum(target_amt)as target  \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom t_revenue_target_dtl where t_revenue_target_id =  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t(select t_revenue_target_id from t_revenue_target\r\n\t\t\t\t\t where p_vat_type_id = " . $data['p_vat_type_id'][$i] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand p_year_period_id =\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(select p_year_period_id from p_year_period \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere to_date('" . $tgl_penerimaan . "','dd-mm-yyyy') BETWEEN start_date and end_date\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
        //echo $query;exit;
        $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
        $target = $dbConn->f('target');
        $query = "select sum(target_amt)as target   \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom t_revenue_target_dtl where t_revenue_target_id =  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t(select t_revenue_target_id from t_revenue_target\r\n\t\t\t\t\t where p_vat_type_id = " . $data['p_vat_type_id'][$i] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand p_year_period_id =\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(select p_year_period_id from p_year_period \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere to_date('" . $tgl_penerimaan2 . "','dd-mm-yyyy') BETWEEN start_date and end_date\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
        $target2 = $dbConn->f('target');
        $query = "select sum(target_amt)as target  \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom t_revenue_target_dtl where t_revenue_target_id =  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t(select t_revenue_target_id from t_revenue_target\r\n\t\t\t\t\t where p_vat_type_id = " . $data['p_vat_type_id'][$i] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand p_year_period_id =\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(select p_year_period_id from p_year_period \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere to_date('" . $tgl_penerimaan3 . "','dd-mm-yyyy') BETWEEN start_date and end_date\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
        $target3 = $dbConn->f('target');
        $output .= '<tr>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left">' . $no . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left">' . strtoupper($data["nama_jns_pajak"][$i]) . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($target3, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($data3["realisasi"][$i], 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($data3["realisasi"][$i] / $target3 * 100, 2, ',', '.') . ' %</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($target2, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($data2["realisasi"][$i], 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($data2["realisasi"][$i] / $target2 * 100, 2, ',', '.') . ' %</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($target, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($data["realisasi"][$i], 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($data["realisasi"][$i] / $target * 100, 2, ',', '.') . ' %</td>';
        $output .= '</tr>';
        $total_target += $target;
        $total_realisasi += $data["realisasi"][$i];
        $total_target2 += $target2;
        $total_realisasi2 += $data2["realisasi"][$i];
        $total_target3 += $target3;
        $total_realisasi3 += $data3["realisasi"][$i];
    $output .= '<tr>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left"></td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left">JUMLAH</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_target3, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_realisasi3, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_realisasi3 / $total_target3 * 100, 2, ',', '.') . ' %</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_target2, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_realisasi2, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_realisasi2 / $total_target2 * 100, 2, ',', '.') . ' %</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_target, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_realisasi, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($total_realisasi / $total_target * 100, 2, ',', '.') . ' %</td>';
    $output .= '</tr>';
    $output .= '</table></table>';
    echo $output;