require_once './system/'; if (!$uid) { header('Location: member.php'); exit; } if ($_GET['action'] == 'baidu_login') { $parms = array($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $formhash); $parm_string = serialize($parms); $parm_string = authcode($parm_string, 'ENCODE', cloud::key()); $parm_string = bin2hex($parm_string); header('Location: ' . cloud::get_api_path() . 'login.php?sid=' . cloud::id() . '&parm=' . $parm_string); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'register_cloud') { cloud::do_register(); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'receive_cookie') { $_cookie = $_POST['cookie'] ? $_POST['cookie'] : $_GET['cookie']; if (!$_cookie) { throw new Exception('Empty response!'); } if ($_GET['formhash'] != $formhash) { throw new Exception('Illegal request!'); } $cookie = authcode(pack('H*', $_cookie), 'DECODE', cloud::key()); if (!$cookie) { showmessage('非法调用!', './#baidu_bind', 1); } if (!verify_cookie($cookie)) { showmessage('无法登陆百度贴吧,请尝试重新绑定<form action="api.php?action=receive_cookie&formhash=' . $formhash . '" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="cookie" value="' . $_cookie . '"></from><script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(function(){ document.forms[0].submit(); }, 2000);</script>'); } save_cookie($uid, $cookie); showmessage('绑定百度账号成功!<br>正在同步喜欢的贴吧...<script type="text/javascript" src="index.php?action=refresh_liked_tieba&formhash=' . $formhash . '"></script><script type="text/javascript">try{ opener.$("#guide_page_2").hide(); opener.$("#guide_page_manual").hide(); opener.$("#guide_page_3").show(); window.close(); }catch(e){}</script>', './#baidu_bind', 1); }
<?php if (!defined('IN_KKFRAME')) { exit; } $obj = $_PLUGIN['obj']['cloud_stat']; if (!$obj && file_exists(ROOT . 'plugins/cloud_stat/plugin.class.php')) { $obj = new plugin_cloud_stat(); } $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP); $tieba = intval($obj->getSetting('tieba')); $exp = intval($obj->getSetting('exp')); $tieba += DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sign_log WHERE status=2 AND date='{$date}'"); $obj->saveSetting('tieba', $tieba); $exp += DB::result_first("SELECT SUM(exp) FROM sign_log WHERE status=2 AND date='{$date}'"); $obj->saveSetting('exp', $exp); /* send data */ $sid = cloud::id(); $key = cloud::key(); $sign = md5($key . $sid . $tieba . $exp . $key); $ret = kk_fetch_url("{$sid}&tieba={$tieba}&exp={$exp}&sign={$sign}"); if ($ret) { $data = json_decode($ret); if ($data) { $obj->saveSetting('cloud_tieba', $data->tieba); $obj->saveSetting('cloud_exp', $data->exp); } } cron_set_nextrun($tomorrow + 3600);