function post_grid_layout_content_ajax() { $layout_key = $_POST['layout']; $class_post_grid_functions = new class_post_grid_functions(); $post_grid_layout_content = get_option('post_grid_layout_content'); if (empty($post_grid_layout_content)) { $layout = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content($layout_key); } else { $layout = $post_grid_layout_content[$layout_key]; } //$layout = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content($layout_key); ?> <div class="<?php echo $layout_key; ?> "> <?php foreach ($layout as $item_key => $item_info) { $item_key = $item_info['key']; ?> <div class="item <?php echo $item_key; ?> " style=" <?php echo $item_info['css']; ?> "> <?php if ($item_key == 'thumb') { ?> <img src="<?php echo post_grid_plugin_url; ?> assets/admin/images/thumb.png" /> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'title') { ?> Lorem Ipsum is simply <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'excerpt') { ?> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'excerpt_read_more') { ?> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text <a href="#">Read more</a> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'read_more') { ?> <a href="#">Read more</a> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'post_date') { ?> 18/06/2015 <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'author') { ?> PickPlugins <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'categories') { ?> <a hidden="#">Category 1</a> <a hidden="#">Category 2</a> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'tags') { ?> <a hidden="#">Tags 1</a> <a hidden="#">Tags 2</a> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'comments_count') { ?> 3 Comments <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_full_price') { ?> <del>$45</del> - <ins>$40</ins> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_sale_price') { ?> $45 <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_regular_price') { ?> $45 <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_add_to_cart') { ?> Add to Cart <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_rating_star') { ?> ***** <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_rating_text') { ?> 2 Reviews <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_categories') { ?> <a hidden="#">Category 1</a> <a hidden="#">Category 2</a> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'wc_tags') { ?> <a hidden="#">Tags 1</a> <a hidden="#">Tags 2</a> <?php } else { echo $item_info['name']; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php die; }
function meta_boxes_post_grid_input($post) { global $post; wp_nonce_field('meta_boxes_post_grid_input', 'meta_boxes_post_grid_input_nonce'); $post_grid_meta_options = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'post_grid_meta_options', true); if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['post_types'])) { $post_types = $post_grid_meta_options['post_types']; } else { $post_types = array('post'); } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['post_status'])) { $post_status = $post_grid_meta_options['post_status']; } else { $post_status = array('publish'); } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['posts_per_page'])) { $posts_per_page = $post_grid_meta_options['posts_per_page']; } else { $posts_per_page = 10; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['exclude_post_id'])) { $exclude_post_id = $post_grid_meta_options['exclude_post_id']; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['query_order'])) { $query_order = $post_grid_meta_options['query_order']; } else { $query_order = 'DESC'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['query_orderby'])) { $query_orderby = $post_grid_meta_options['query_orderby']; } else { $query_orderby = array('date'); } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['keyword'])) { $keyword = $post_grid_meta_options['keyword']; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['layout']['content'])) { $layout_content = $post_grid_meta_options['layout']['content']; } else { $layout_content = 'flat'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['layout']['hover'])) { $layout_hover = $post_grid_meta_options['layout']['hover']; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['skin'])) { $skin = $post_grid_meta_options['skin']; } else { $skin = 'flat'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['custom_js'])) { $custom_js = $post_grid_meta_options['custom_js']; } else { $custom_js = '/*Write your js code here*/'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['custom_css'])) { $custom_css = $post_grid_meta_options['custom_css']; } else { $custom_css = '/*Write your CSS code here*/'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['width']['desktop'])) { $items_width_desktop = $post_grid_meta_options['width']['desktop']; } else { $items_width_desktop = '280px'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['width']['tablet'])) { $items_width_tablet = $post_grid_meta_options['width']['tablet']; } else { $items_width_tablet = '280px'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['width']['mobile'])) { $items_width_mobile = $post_grid_meta_options['width']['mobile']; } else { $items_width_mobile = '90%'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['height']['style'])) { $items_height_style = $post_grid_meta_options['height']['style']; } else { $items_height_style = 'auto_height'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['height']['fixed_height'])) { $items_fixed_height = $post_grid_meta_options['height']['fixed_height']; } else { $items_fixed_height = '180px'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['media_source'])) { $media_source = $post_grid_meta_options['media_source']; } else { $media_source = array(); } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['featured_img_size'])) { $featured_img_size = $post_grid_meta_options['featured_img_size']; } else { $featured_img_size = 'medium'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['margin'])) { $items_margin = $post_grid_meta_options['margin']; } else { $items_margin = '10px'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['container']['padding'])) { $container_padding = $post_grid_meta_options['container']['padding']; } else { $container_padding = '10px'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['container']['bg_color'])) { $container_bg_color = $post_grid_meta_options['container']['bg_color']; } else { $container_bg_color = '#fff'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['container']['bg_image'])) { $container_bg_image = $post_grid_meta_options['container']['bg_image']; } else { $container_bg_image = ''; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['nav_bottom']['pagination_type'])) { $pagination_type = $post_grid_meta_options['nav_bottom']['pagination_type']; } else { $pagination_type = 'none'; } if (!empty($post_grid_meta_options['nav_bottom']['pagination_theme'])) { $pagination_theme = $post_grid_meta_options['nav_bottom']['pagination_theme']; } else { $pagination_theme = 'lite'; } ?> <div class="para-settings post-grid-metabox"> <ul class="tab-nav"> <li nav="1" class="nav1 active"><i class="fa fa-code"></i> <?php _e('Shortcodes', 'post_grid'); ?> </li> <li nav="2" class="nav2"><i class="fa fa-cubes"></i> <?php _e('Query Post', 'post_grid'); ?> </li> <li nav="3" class="nav3"><i class="fa fa-object-group"></i> <?php _e('Layout', 'post_grid'); ?> </li> <li nav="4" class="nav3"><i class="fa fa-magic"></i> <?php _e('Layout settings', 'post_grid'); ?> </li> <li nav="5" class="nav4"><i class="fa fa-sliders"></i> <?php _e('Navigations', 'post_grid'); ?> </li> <li nav="6" class="nav6"><i class="fa fa-css3"></i> <?php _e('Custom Scripts', 'post_grid'); ?> </li> </ul> <!-- tab-nav end --> <ul class="box"> <li style="display: block;" class="box1 tab-box active"> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Shortcode', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Copy this shortcode and paste on page or post where you want to display post grid. <br />Use PHP code to your themes file to display post grid.', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <textarea cols="50" rows="1" style="background:#bfefff" onClick=";" >[post_grid <?php echo 'id="' . $post->ID . '"'; ?> ]</textarea> <br /><br /> PHP Code:<br /> <textarea cols="50" rows="1" style="background:#bfefff" onClick=";" ><?php echo '<?php echo do_shortcode("[post_grid id='; echo "'" . $post->ID . "']"; echo '"); ?>'; ?> </textarea> </div> </li> <li style="display: none;" class="box2 tab-box "> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Post Types', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Select post types you want to query post , can be select multiple. <br />Hint: Ctrl + click to select mulitple', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <?php echo post_grid_posttypes($post_types); ?> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Post Status', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Display post from following post status, <br />Hint: Ctrl + click to select mulitple', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <select class="post_status" name="post_grid_meta_options[post_status][]" multiple > <option value="publish" <?php if (in_array("publish", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Publish</option> <option value="pending" <?php if (in_array("pending", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Pending</option> <option value="draft" <?php if (in_array("draft", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Draft</option> <option value="auto-draft" <?php if (in_array("auto-draft", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Auto draft</option> <option value="future" <?php if (in_array("future", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Future</option> <option value="private" <?php if (in_array("private", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Private</option> <option value="inherit" <?php if (in_array("inherit", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Inherit</option> <option value="trash" <?php if (in_array("trash", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Trash</option> <option value="any" <?php if (in_array("any", $post_status)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Any</option> </select> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Posts per page', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Number of post each pagination. -1 to display all. default is 10 if you left empty.', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <input type="text" placeholder="3" name="post_grid_meta_options[posts_per_page]" value="<?php if (!empty($posts_per_page)) { echo $posts_per_page; } else { echo ''; } ?> " /> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Exclude by post ID', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('you can exclude post by ID, comma(,) separated', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <input type="text" placeholder="5,3" name="post_grid_meta_options[exclude_post_id]" value="<?php if (!empty($exclude_post_id)) { echo $exclude_post_id; } else { echo ''; } ?> " /> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Post query order', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Query order ascending or descending', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <select class="query_order" name="post_grid_meta_options[query_order]" > <option value="ASC" <?php if ($query_order == "ASC") { echo "selected"; } ?> >Ascending</option> <option value="DESC" <?php if ($query_order == "DESC") { echo "selected"; } ?> >Descending</option> </select> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Post query orderby', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Query orderby parameter, can select multiple', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <select class="query_orderby" name="post_grid_meta_options[query_orderby][]" multiple> <option value="ID" <?php if (in_array("ID", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >ID</option> <option value="date" <?php if (in_array("date", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Date</option> <option value="rand" <?php if (in_array("rand", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Rand</option> <option value="comment_count" <?php if (in_array("comment_count", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Comment Count</option> <option value="author" <?php if (in_array("author", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Author</option> <option value="title" <?php if (in_array("title", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Title</option> <option value="name" <?php if (in_array("name", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Name</option> <option value="type" <?php if (in_array("type", $query_orderby)) { echo "selected"; } ?> >Type</option> </select> <br /> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Search keyword', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Query post by search keyword, please follow the reference', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <input type="text" placeholder="Keyword" name="post_grid_meta_options[keyword]" value="<?php if (!empty($keyword)) { echo $keyword; } else { echo ''; } ?> " /> </div> </li> <li style="display: none;" class="box3 tab-box "> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Layout', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Choose your layout', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <?php $class_post_grid_functions = new class_post_grid_functions(); ?> <div class="layout-list"> <div class="idle "> <div class="name">Content <select class="select-layout-content" name="post_grid_meta_options[layout][content]" > <?php $layout_content_list = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content_list(); foreach ($layout_content_list as $layout_key => $layout_info) { ?> <option <?php if ($layout_content == $layout_key) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="<?php echo $layout_key; ?> "><?php echo $layout_key; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <a target="_blank" class="edit-layout" href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'edit.php?post_type=post_grid&page=post_grid_layout_editor&layout_content=' . $layout_content; ?> " >Edit</a> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document).on('change', '.select-layout-content', function() { var layout = $(this).val(); $('.edit-layout').attr('href', '<?php echo admin_url() . 'edit.php?post_type=post_grid&page=post_grid_layout_editor&layout_content='; ?> '+layout); }) }) </script> <?php if (empty($layout_content)) { $layout_content = 'flat-left'; } ?> <div class="layer-content"> <div class="<?php echo $layout_content; ?> "> <?php $post_grid_layout_content = get_option('post_grid_layout_content'); if (empty($post_grid_layout_content)) { $layout = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content($layout_content); } else { $layout = $post_grid_layout_content[$layout_content]; } // $layout = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content($layout_content); //var_dump($layout); foreach ($layout as $item_key => $item_info) { $item_key = $item_info['key']; ?> <div class="item <?php echo $item_key; ?> " style=" <?php echo $item_info['css']; ?> "> <?php if ($item_key == 'thumb') { ?> <img style="width:100%; height:auto;" src="<?php echo post_grid_plugin_url; ?> assets/admin/images/thumb.png" /> <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'title') { ?> Lorem Ipsum is simply <?php } elseif ($item_key == 'excerpt') { ?> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text <?php } else { echo $item_info['name']; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hover"> <div class="name"> <select class="select-layout-hover" name="post_grid_meta_options[layout][hover]" > <?php $layout_hover_list = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_hover_list(); foreach ($layout_hover_list as $layout_key => $layout_info) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $layout_key; ?> "><?php echo $layout_key; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> Hover</div> <div class="layer-hover"> <div class="title">Hello Title</div> <div class="content">There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Skins', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Select grid Skins', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <?php $skins = $class_post_grid_functions->skins(); ?> <div class="skin-list"> <?php //var_dump($skin); foreach ($skins as $skin_slug => $skin_info) { ?> <div class="skin-container"> <?php if ($skin == $skin_slug) { $checked = 'checked'; $selected_skin = 'selected'; } else { $checked = ''; $selected_skin = ''; } ?> <div class="checked <?php echo $selected_skin; ?> "> <label><input <?php echo $checked; ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[skin]" value="<?php echo $skin_slug; ?> " ><?php echo $skin_info['name']; ?> </label> </div> <div class="skin <?php echo $skin_slug; ?> "> <?php include post_grid_plugin_dir . 'skins/' . $skin_slug . '/index.php'; ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </li> <li style="display: none;" class="box4 tab-box "> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Grid Items Width', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Grid item width for different device', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <div class=""> Desktop:(min-width:1024px)<br> <input type="text" name="post_grid_meta_options[width][desktop]" value="<?php echo $items_width_desktop; ?> " /> </div> <br> <div class=""> Tablet:( min-width:768px )<br> <input type="text" name="post_grid_meta_options[width][tablet]" value="<?php echo $items_width_tablet; ?> " /> </div> <br> <div class=""> Mobile:( min-width : 320px, )<br> <input type="text" name="post_grid_meta_options[width][mobile]" value="<?php echo $items_width_mobile; ?> " /> </div> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Media Height', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Grid item media height', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <label><input <?php if ($items_height_style == 'auto_height') { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[height][style]" value="auto_height" />Auto height</label><br /> <label><input <?php if ($items_height_style == 'fixed_height') { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[height][style]" value="fixed_height" />Fixed height</label><br /> <div class=""> <input type="text" name="post_grid_meta_options[height][fixed_height]" value="<?php echo $items_fixed_height; ?> " /> </div> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Featured Image size', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <select name="post_grid_meta_options[featured_img_size]" > <option value="full" <?php if ($featured_img_size == "full") { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php _e('Full', 'post_grid'); ?> </option> <option value="thumbnail" <?php if ($featured_img_size == "thumbnail") { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php _e('Thumbnail', 'post_grid'); ?> </option> <option value="medium" <?php if ($featured_img_size == "medium") { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php _e('Medium', 'post_grid'); ?> </option> <option value="large" <?php if ($featured_img_size == "large") { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php _e('Large', 'post_grid'); ?> </option> </select> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Media source', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Grid item media source', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <?php if (empty($media_source)) { $media_source = $class_post_grid_functions->media_source(); } ?> <div class="media-source-list expandable"> <?php foreach ($media_source as $source_key => $source_info) { ?> <div class="items"> <div class="header"> <input type="hidden" name="post_grid_meta_options[media_source][<?php echo $source_info['id']; ?> ][id]" value="<?php echo $source_info['id']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="post_grid_meta_options[media_source][<?php echo $source_info['id']; ?> ][title]" value="<?php echo $source_info['title']; ?> " /> <input <?php if (!empty($source_info['checked'])) { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="checkbox" name="post_grid_meta_options[media_source][<?php echo $source_info['id']; ?> ][checked]" value="<?php echo $source_info['checked']; ?> " /> <?php echo $source_info['title']; ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $( ".media-source-list" ).sortable({revert: "invalid"}); }) </script> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Grid Items Margin', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Grid item margin', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <div class=""> <input type="text" name="post_grid_meta_options[margin]" value="<?php echo $items_margin; ?> " /> </div> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Grid Container options', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Grid container ', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <div class=""> Padding: <br> <input type="text" name="post_grid_meta_options[container][padding]" value="<?php echo $container_padding; ?> " /> </div> <br> <div class=""> Background color: <br> <input type="text" class="color" name="post_grid_meta_options[container][bg_color]" value="<?php echo $container_bg_color; ?> " /> </div> <br> <div class=""> Background image: <br> <img class="bg_image_src" onClick="bg_img_src(this)" src="<?php echo post_grid_plugin_url; ?> assets/admin/bg/dark_embroidery.png" /> <img class="bg_image_src" onClick="bg_img_src(this)" src="<?php echo post_grid_plugin_url; ?> assets/admin/bg/dimension.png" /> <img class="bg_image_src" onClick="bg_img_src(this)" src="<?php echo post_grid_plugin_url; ?> assets/admin/bg/eight_horns.png" /> <br> <input type="text" id="container_bg_image" class="container_bg_image" name="post_grid_meta_options[container][bg_image]" value="<?php echo $container_bg_image; ?> " /> <div onClick="clear_container_bg_image()" class="button clear-container-bg-image"> Clear</div> <script> function bg_img_src(img){ src =img.src; document.getElementById('container_bg_image').value = src; } function clear_container_bg_image(){ document.getElementById('container_bg_image').value = ''; } </script> </div> </div> </li> <li style="display: none;" class="box5 tab-box "> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Navigation', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Customize navigation layout.', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <div class="grid-layout"> <div class="grid-up"> Premium Features </div> <div class="grid-container"> <img src="<?php echo post_grid_plugin_url; ?> assets/admin/images/grid.png" /> </div> <div class="grid-bottom"> <label><input <?php if ($pagination_type == 'none') { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[nav_bottom][pagination_type]" value="none" />None</label> <label><input <?php if ($pagination_type == 'pagination') { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[nav_bottom][pagination_type]" value="pagination" />Pagination</label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Pagination themes', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Themes for pagination', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <label><input <?php if ($pagination_theme == 'lite') { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[nav_bottom][pagination_theme]" value="lite" />Lite</label> <label><input <?php if ($pagination_theme == 'dark') { echo 'checked'; } ?> type="radio" name="post_grid_meta_options[nav_bottom][pagination_theme]" value="dark" />Dark</label> </div> </li> <li style="display: none;" class="box6 tab-box "> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Custom Js', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Add your custom js', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <textarea id="custom_js" name="post_grid_meta_options[custom_js]" ><?php echo $custom_js; ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="option-box"> <p class="option-title"><?php _e('Custom CSS', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <p class="option-info"><?php _e('Add your custom CSS', 'post_grid'); ?> </p> <textarea id="custom_css" name="post_grid_meta_options[custom_css]" ><?php echo $custom_css; ?> </textarea> </div> <script> var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("custom_js"), { lineNumbers: true, scrollbarStyle: "simple" }); var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("custom_css"), { lineNumbers: true, scrollbarStyle: "simple" }); </script> </li> </ul> </div> <?php }
<?php /* * @Author pickplugins * Copyright: 2015 */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // if direct access $class_post_grid_functions = new class_post_grid_functions(); $post_grid_layout_content = get_option('post_grid_layout_content'); if (empty($post_grid_layout_content)) { $layout = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content($layout_content); } else { $layout = $post_grid_layout_content[$layout_content]; } //$layout = $class_post_grid_functions->layout_content($layout_content); $html .= '<div class="layer-content">'; foreach ($layout as $item_key => $item_info) { $item_key = $item_info['key']; if (!empty($item_info['char_limit'])) { $char_limit = $item_info['char_limit']; } if ($item_key == 'title') { $html .= '<div class="element ' . $item_key . '" style="' . $item_info['css'] . '" >'; $html .= wp_trim_words(get_the_title(), $char_limit, ''); $html .= '</div>'; } elseif ($item_key == 'title_link') { $html .= '<a class="element ' . $item_key . '" style="' . $item_info['css'] . '" href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . wp_trim_words(get_the_title(), $char_limit, '') . '</a>'; } elseif ($item_key == 'thumb') {