コード例 #1
 if ($_GET['special'] && $_GET['faculty'] && $_GET['lang'] && $_GET['year']) {
     if ($_GET['special']) {
         $parameter = " AND speciality_id=" . $_GET['special'] . "";
     if ($_GET['lang']) {
         $parameter = $parameter . " AND lang='" . $_GET['lang'] . "'";
     if ($_GET['course']) {
         $parameter = $parameter . " AND semester='" . $_GET['course'] . "'";
     if ($_GET['year']) {
         $parameter = $parameter . " AND type_atemp='" . $_GET['year'] . "'";
     $excel = $test->select_excel($_GET['faculty'], $parameter);
     echo "<table width='100%'id='t' style='border: 1px solid blue;margin-top:20px;background-color:white;'>";
     //<tr><td>Вибір</td><td>Коротка інформація</td><td>Коротка статистика</td><td>Модулі які здавались</td></tr>
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($excel); $i++) {
         echo "<tr><td height='100px'>";
         $department = $fac->select_faculty($excel[$i]['faculty_id']);
         $speciality = $fac->select_speciality($excel[$i]['speciality_id']);
         $type_session = $test->select_type_session("id=" . $excel[$i]['type_sesion']);
         $predmet = $test->select_module("SELECT DISTINCT name_discipline,name_module,sort FROM module WHERE id_excel=" . $excel[$i]['id'] . ";");
         echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td width='4%'><input type='checkbox' name='" . $excel[$i]['id'] . "' value='" . $excel[$i]['id'] . "'></td><td width='30%' style='font-size:8pt;'>";
         echo "Факультет: " . $department['DEPARTMENT'] . "<br>";
         echo "Спеціальність: " . $speciality['SPECIALITY'] . "<br>";
         echo "Мова: " . $excel[$i]['lang'] . "<br>";
         echo "Семестер: " . $excel[$i]['semester'] . "<br>";
         echo "Тип здачі: " . $type_session[0]['type'] . "<br>";
         if ($excel[$i]['potik'] == '0') {