コード例 #1
  * @return string
  * @permissions view
 protected function actionRenderCalendar()
     $strReturn = "";
     $strContent = "";
     $arrJsHighlights = array();
     $strReturn .= "<content><![CDATA[";
     /** @var interface_calendarsource_admin[] $arrRelevantModules  */
     $arrRelevantModules = array();
     //fetch modules relevant for processing
     $arrModules = class_module_system_module::getAllModules();
     foreach ($arrModules as $objSingleModule) {
         if ($objSingleModule->getIntRecordStatus() == 1 && $objSingleModule->getAdminInstanceOfConcreteModule() instanceof interface_calendarsource_admin) {
             $arrRelevantModules[] = $objSingleModule->getAdminInstanceOfConcreteModule();
     //the header row
     $arrWeekdays = explode(",", $this->getLang("calendar_weekday"));
     foreach ($arrWeekdays as $intKey => $strValue) {
         $arrWeekdays[$intKey] = trim(uniStrReplace("\"", "", $strValue));
     $strContent .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarHeaderRow($arrWeekdays);
     //render the single rows. calculate the first day of the row
     $objDate = new class_date();
     //set to interval stored in session
     if ($this->objSession->getSession($this->strStartMonthKey) != "") {
     if ($this->objSession->getSession($this->strStartYearKey) != "") {
     $intCurMonth = $objDate->getIntMonth();
     $intCurYear = $objDate->getIntYear();
     $objToday = new class_date();
     //start by monday
     while ($objDate->getIntDayOfWeek() != 1) {
     $strEntries = "";
     $intRowEntryCount = 0;
     while ($objDate->getIntMonth() <= $intCurMonth && $objDate->getIntYear() <= $intCurYear || $objDate->getIntMonth() == 12 && $objDate->getIntYear() < $intCurYear || $intRowEntryCount % 7 != 0) {
         $strDate = $objDate->getIntDay();
         $arrEvents = array();
         if ($objDate->getIntMonth() == $intCurMonth) {
             //Query modules for dates
             $objStartDate = clone $objDate;
             $objEndDate = clone $objDate;
             foreach ($arrRelevantModules as $objOneModule) {
                 $arrEvents = array_merge($objOneModule->getArrCalendarEntries($objStartDate, $objEndDate), $arrEvents);
         while (count($arrEvents) <= 3) {
             $objDummy = new class_calendarentry();
             $arrEvents[] = $objDummy;
         $strEvents = "";
         /** @var class_calendarentry $objOneEvent */
         foreach ($arrEvents as $objOneEvent) {
             $strName = $objOneEvent->getStrName();
             $strSecondLine = $objOneEvent->getStrSecondLine();
             if ($strSecondLine != "") {
                 $strSecondLine = "<br />" . $strSecondLine;
             //register mouse-over highlight relations
             if ($objOneEvent->getStrHighlightId() != "" && $objOneEvent->getStrSystemid() != "") {
                 if (!isset($arrJsHighlights[$objOneEvent->getStrHighlightId()])) {
                     $arrJsHighlights[$objOneEvent->getStrHighlightId()] = array();
                 $arrJsHighlights[$objOneEvent->getStrHighlightId()][] = $objOneEvent->getStrSystemid();
             $strEvents .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarEvent($strName . $strSecondLine, $objOneEvent->getStrSystemid(), $objOneEvent->getStrHighlightId(), $objOneEvent->getStrClass());
         $bitBlocked = false;
         if ($objDate->getIntDayOfWeek() == 0 || $objDate->getIntDayOfWeek() == 6) {
             $bitBlocked = true;
         $strToday = "";
         if ($objToday->getIntYear() == $objDate->getIntYear() && $objToday->getIntMonth() == $objDate->getIntMonth() && $objToday->getIntDay() == $objDate->getIntDay()) {
             $strToday = " calendarDateToday";
         if ($objDate->getIntMonth() != $intCurMonth) {
             $strEntries .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarEntry($strEvents, $strDate, "calendarEntryOutOfRange" . $strToday);
         } else {
             if ($bitBlocked) {
                 $strEntries .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarEntry($strEvents, $strDate, "calendarEntryBlocked" . $strToday);
             } else {
                 $strEntries .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarEntry($strEvents, $strDate, "calendarEntry" . $strToday);
         if ($intRowEntryCount % 7 == 0) {
             $strContent .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarRow($strEntries);
             $strEntries = "";
     if ($strEntries != "") {
         $strContent .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarRow($strEntries);
     $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->getCalendarWrapper($strContent);
     //build js-arrays
     $strJs = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
     foreach ($arrJsHighlights as $strCommonId => $arrEntries) {
         $strJs .= " var kj_cal_" . $strCommonId . " = new Array();";
         foreach ($arrEntries as $strOneIdentifier) {
             $strJs .= "kj_cal_" . $strCommonId . ".push('" . $strOneIdentifier . "');";
     $strJs .= "</script>";
     $strReturn .= $strJs;
     $strReturn .= "]]></content>";
     return $strReturn;
コード例 #2
  * @see interface_calendarsource_admin::getArrCalendarEntries()
 public function getArrCalendarEntries(class_date $objStartDate, class_date $objEndDate)
     $arrEntries = array();
     if ($this->objSession->getSession(self::STR_CALENDAR_FILTER_NEWS) != "disabled") {
         $arrNews = class_module_news_news::getObjectList("", null, null, $objStartDate, $objEndDate);
         foreach ($arrNews as $objOneNews) {
             $objEntry = new class_calendarentry();
             $objEntry->setStrClass("calendarEvent calendarNews");
             $strAlt = $this->getLang("calendar_type_news");
             $strTitle = $objOneNews->getStrTitle();
             if (uniStrlen($strTitle) > 15) {
                 $strAlt = $strTitle . "<br />" . $strAlt;
                 $strTitle = uniStrTrim($strTitle, 14);
             $strName = class_link::getLinkAdmin($this->getArrModule("modul"), "edit", "&systemid=" . $objOneNews->getSystemid(), $strTitle, $strAlt);
             $arrEntries[] = $objEntry;
     return $arrEntries;