コード例 #1
    $errors[] = "Username must be at least {$user_name_min_chars} characters.";
if (preg_match('/\\s/', $user_name)) {
    $errors[] = 'Username should not contain spaces.';
if ($email != $conf_email) {
    $errors[] = 'Your emails do not match';
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
} else {
    $errors[] = 'Your email is invalid';
//create a new checkPwd object, and call various related functions.
//this is based on David Powers' code from 2nd edition of PHP solutions.
$check_password = new checkPassword($user_password, 8);
$password_OK = $check_password->check();
if (!$password_OK) {
    $errors = array_merge($errors, $check_password->getErrors());
if ($user_password != $conf_user_password) {
    $errors[] = "Your passwords don't match.";
if (!$errors) {
    //no errors found, registration can be inserted to DB
    echo "yay no errors, let's process that info now! <br />";
    //for troubleshooting only
    $conn = dbConnect('admin');
    //connect to the db, will need to write to DB so use admin user!
コード例 #2
if (strlen($userName) < $userNameMinChars) {
    $errors[] = "Username must be at least {$userNameMinChars} characters.";
if (strlen($firstName) == 0) {
    $errors[] = "Please enter a first name.";
if (strlen($lastName) == 0) {
    $errors[] = "Please enter a last name.";
if (preg_match('/\\s/', $userName)) {
    $errors[] = 'Username should not contain spaces.';
//create a new checkPwd object, and call various related functions.
//this is based on David Powers' code from 2nd edition of PHP solutions.
$checkPwd = new checkPassword($password, 6);
$passwordOK = $checkPwd->check();
if (!$passwordOK) {
    $errors = array_merge($errors, $checkPwd->getErrors());
if ($password != $conf_password) {
    $errors[] = "Your passwords don't match.";
if (!$errors) {
    //no errors found, registration can be inserted to DB
    //echo"yay no errors, let's process that info now! <br />"; //for troubleshooting only
    $conn = dbConnect('admin');
    //connect to the db, will need to write to DB so use admin user!
    //create a salt using the current timestamp