コード例 #1
 function defineConstants()
     $prefix = ccf_utils::getWPTablePrefix();
     define('CCF_AJAX_URL', admin_url('admin-ajax.php'));
     define('CCF_FORMS_TABLE', $prefix . 'customcontactforms_forms');
     define('CCF_FIELDS_TABLE', $prefix . 'customcontactforms_fields');
     define('CCF_STYLES_TABLE', $prefix . 'customcontactforms_styles');
     define('CCF_USER_DATA_TABLE', $prefix . 'customcontactforms_user_data');
     define('CCF_FIELD_OPTIONS_TABLE', $prefix . 'customcontactforms_field_options');
     define('CCF_BASE_PATH', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/custom-contact-forms/');
     define('CCF_DEAD_STATE_VALUE', 'ccf-dead-state');
     $GLOBALS['ccf_fixed_fields'] = array('customcontactforms_submit' => '', 'fid' => '', 'fixedEmail' => __("Use this field if you want the plugin to throw an error on fake emails.", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'fixedWebsite' => __("This field will throw an error on invalid website addresses.", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'emailSubject' => __("This field lets users specify the subject of the email sent to you on submission.", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'form_page' => '', 'captcha' => __("This field requires users to type numbers in an image preventing spam.", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'ishuman' => __("This field requires users to check a box to prove they aren't a spam bot.", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'usaStates' => __("This is a dropdown field showing each state in the US. If you want a state initially selected, enter it in 'Initial Value.'", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'datePicker' => __("This field displays a text box that when clicked pops up an interactive calender.'", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'allCountries' => __("This is a dropdown field showing countries. If you want a country initially selected, enter it in 'Initial Value.'", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'resetButton' => __("This field lets users reset all form fields to their initial values. This will be inserted next to the submit button.", 'custom-contact-forms'), 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => '');
コード例 #2
 function generateOptionsUpdateQuery($option_name = NULL)
     if ($option_name == NULL) {
         $option_name = $this->option_name;
     $prefix = ccf_utils::getWPTablePrefix();
     $options = serialize(get_option($option_name));
     return 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . "options` SET `option_value`='{$options}' WHERE `option_name`='{$option_name}';";