コード例 #1
	 * Returns a cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton object parameters for rendering an HTML form with a visible button and hidden fields for the gateway
	 * Or a string with HTML content instead (not recommended)
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
	 * @param  string               $subMethod      'single', 'subscribe' or gateway-specific string (e.g. credit-card brand)
	 * @param  string               $paymentType    'single' or 'subscribe' or for subscriptions 'cancel'
	 * @return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton                  or string with HTML
	protected function getPayButtonRecepie( $paymentBasket, $subMethod, $paymentType )
		// Settings for Free Trial and Order Now buttons are stored in global CBSubs settings:
		$params					=	cbpaidApp::settingsParams();

		// Generate URLs for payment:
		$pspUrl					=	$this->pspUrl( $paymentBasket, ( $paymentType == 'subscribe' ) );
		$requestParams			=	$this->getSinglePaymentRequstParams( $paymentBasket );
		$customImage			=	$params->get( $this->_button . '_custom_image' );
		$titleText				=	( $this->_button == 'freetrial' ? CBPTXT::T("Subscribe to free trial period only") : CBPTXT::T("Confirm Order") );
		$altText				=	( $this->_button == 'freetrial' ? CBPTXT::T("Free Trial") :  CBPTXT::T("Confirm Order") );
		$butId					=	'cbpaidButt' . strtolower( $this->_button );

		if ( $customImage == '' ) {
			$customImage		=	$params->get( $this->_button . '_image', 'components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/icons/cards/'
								.	( $this->_button == 'freetrial' ? 'cc_big_orange_free_trial.gif' : 'cc_big_orange_confirm_order.gif' ) );
		$payNameForCssClass		=	$this->_button;
		return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton::getPaymentButton( $this->getAccountParam( 'id' ), $subMethod, $paymentType, $pspUrl, $requestParams, $customImage, $altText, $titleText, $payNameForCssClass, $butId );
  * Returns an HTML form with a visible button and hidden fields for the gateway
  * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
  * @param  string|null          $brandText
  * @param  string|null          $brandName
  * @return string                               HTML OR array with all params for the rendering function of CBSubs' template
 private function getChangeOfCurrencyButton($paymentBasket, $brandText = null, $brandName = null)
     $newCurrency = $this->mainCurrencyOfBrand($brandName);
     $translatedBrandText = $this->translatedBrandText($brandText);
     $altText = htmlspecialchars(sprintf(CBPTXT::T("Pay with %s"), $translatedBrandText));
     $prmTitleText = $brandName ? $brandName . '_currencies_description' : 'currency_acceptance_text';
     $titleText = CBPTXT::T($this->getAccountParam($prmTitleText));
     $customImage = $this->customImage($brandName);
     $payNameForCssClass = $this->getPayName();
     $butId = 'cbpaidButt' . strtolower($this->getPayName());
     // instead of previously: 'cbpaidButton_' . htmlspecialchars( $this->getPayName() )
     return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton::getChangeOfCurrencyButton($paymentBasket, $newCurrency, $customImage, $altText, $titleText, $payNameForCssClass . ' ' . 'cbregconfirmtitleonclick', $butId);
コード例 #3
	 * Returns a cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton object parameters for rendering an HTML form with a visible button and hidden fields for the gateway
	 * For just switching currency of gateway.
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
	 * @param  string               $subMethod      'single', 'subscribe' or gateway-specific string (e.g. credit-card brand)
	 * @param  string               $paymentType    'single' or 'subscribe' or for subscriptions 'cancel'
	 * @return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton                  or string with HTML
	protected function getChangeOfCurrencyButton( $paymentBasket, $subMethod, $paymentType )
		list( $customImage, $altText, $payNameForCssClass, $butId )	=	$this->getPayButtonParams( $paymentType );

		$titleText				=	CBPTXT::T( $this->getAccountParam( 'currency_acceptance_text' ) );

		$newCurrency			=	$this->mainCurrencyOfGateway();
		return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton::getChangeOfCurrencyButton( $paymentBasket, $newCurrency, $customImage, $altText, $titleText, $payNameForCssClass . ' ' . 'cbregconfirmtitleonclick', $butId );
  * Returns a cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton object parameters for rendering an HTML form with a visible button and hidden fields for the gateway
  * For just switching currency of gateway.
  * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
  * @param  string               $subMethod      'single', 'subscribe' or gateway-specific string (e.g. credit-card brand)
  * @param  string               $paymentType    'single' or 'subscribe' or for subscriptions 'cancel'
  * @return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton                  or string with HTML
 protected function getChangeOfCurrencyButton($paymentBasket, $subMethod, $paymentType)
     $brandText = CBPTXT::T($this->getAccountParam('psp_human_name'));
     if ($paymentType == 'single') {
         $prmImg = 'image';
         $prmCustImg = 'custom_image';
         $altText = sprintf(CBPTXT::T('Pay with %s'), $brandText);
         $butId = 'cbpaidButt' . strtolower($this->getPayName());
     } elseif ($paymentType == 'subscribe') {
         $prmImg = 'subscribe_image';
         $prmCustImg = 'subscribe_custom_image';
         $altText = sprintf(CBPTXT::T('Subscribe with %s'), $brandText);
         $butId = 'cbpaidButt' . strtolower($this->getPayName()) . 'subscr';
     } else {
         return CBPTXT::T("Unknown payment type");
     $customImage = trim($this->getAccountParam($prmCustImg));
     if ($customImage == '') {
         $customImage = trim($this->getAccountParam($prmImg));
     $titleText = CBPTXT::T($this->getAccountParam('currency_acceptance_text'));
     $payNameForCssClass = $this->getPayName();
     $newCurrency = $this->mainCurrencyOfGateway();
     return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton::getChangeOfCurrencyButton($paymentBasket, $newCurrency, $customImage, $altText, $titleText, $payNameForCssClass . ' ' . 'cbregconfirmtitleonclick', $butId);
  * Returns a cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton object parameters for rendering an HTML form with a visible button and hidden fields for the gateway
  * For just switching currency of gateway.
  * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
  * @param  string               $subMethod      'single', 'subscribe' or gateway-specific string (e.g. credit-card brand)
  * @param  string               $paymentType    'single' or 'subscribe' or for subscriptions 'cancel'
  * @return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton                  or string with HTML
 protected function getChangeOfCurrencyButton($paymentBasket, $subMethod, $paymentType)
     $prmImg = 'offline_image';
     $prmCustImg = 'custom_offline_image';
     $titleText = CBPTXT::T($this->getAccountParam('button_title_text'));
     $altText = $titleText;
     $butId = 'cbpaidButt' . strtolower($this->getPayName()) . '_' . $this->getAccountParam('id');
     $customImage = trim($this->getAccountParam($prmCustImg));
     if ($customImage == '') {
         $customImage = trim($this->getAccountParam($prmImg));
     $payNameForCssClass = $this->getPayName();
     $newCurrency = $this->mainCurrencyOfGateway();
     return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton::getChangeOfCurrencyButton($paymentBasket, $newCurrency, $customImage, $altText, $titleText, $payNameForCssClass . ' ' . 'cbregconfirmtitleonclick', $butId);
コード例 #6
	 * Returns a cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton object parameters for rendering an HTML form with a visible button and hidden fields for the gateway
	 * For just switching currency of gateway.
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
	 * @param  string               $subMethod      'single', 'subscribe' or gateway-specific string (e.g. credit-card brand)
	 * @param  string               $paymentType    'single' or 'subscribe' or for subscriptions 'cancel'
	 * @return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton                  or string with HTML
	protected function getChangeOfCurrencyButton( $paymentBasket, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $subMethod, $paymentType ) {
		$newCurrency			=	$this->mainCurrencyOfGateway();

		$prmCustImg				=	'cards_custom_image';
		if ( $paymentType ) {
			$altText			=	sprintf( CBPTXT::T("Pay with %s"), CBPTXT::T( ( $paymentType == 'amexco' ) ? 'American Express' : ucwords( $paymentType ) ) );
		} else {
			$altText			=	CBPTXT::T("Pay with your credit card");
		$butId					=	'cbpaidButt' . strtolower( $paymentType ? $paymentType : $this->getPayName() );

		$customImage			=	trim( $this->getAccountParam( $prmCustImg ) );
		if ( $customImage == '' ) {
			$customImage		=	$this->_renderCCimg( $paymentType, 'big', true );

		$titleText					=	CBPTXT::T( $this->getAccountParam( 'currency_acceptance_text' ) );

		$payNameForCssClass		=	$paymentType ? $paymentType : $this->getPayName();

		return cbpaidGatewaySelectorButton::getChangeOfCurrencyButton( $paymentBasket, $newCurrency, $customImage, $altText, $titleText, $payNameForCssClass . ' ' . 'cbregconfirmtitleonclick', $butId );