コード例 #1
	 * display basket and payment buttons or redirect for payment depending if multiple payment choices or intro text present:
	 * @param  UserTable            $user
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket
	 * @param  string               $introText
	 * @param  boolean              $ajax           TRUE if AJAX refresh inside #cbregPayMethodsChoice, FALSE: wraps in <div id="cbregPayMethodsChoice">
	 * @return string                               HTML  (or DOES REDIRECT if $redirectNow = ! ( ( $nbClasses != 1 ) || $introText ) == TRUE)
	public function getPaymentBasketPaymentForm( &$user, &$paymentBasket, $introText, $ajax = false ) {
		global $_PLUGINS;

		$result								=	null;

		$params								=	cbpaidApp::settingsParams();
		$invoicingAddressQuery				=	$params->get( 'invoicing_address_query' );
		$basket_requiredterms				=	$params->get( 'basket_requiredterms' );
		$basket_requiredtermserror			=	$params->get( 'basket_requiredtermserror' );
		$payment_method_selection_type		=	$params->get( 'payment_method_selection_type', 'buttons' );
		$allow_select_currency				=	$params->get( 'allow_select_currency', '0' );

		$redirectNow						=	null;
		$payChoicesArray					=	$this->getPaymentMethodsParams( $user, $paymentBasket, $introText, $redirectNow );

		$chosenPaymentMethod				=	$paymentBasket->gateway_account ? $paymentBasket->gateway_account . '-' . $paymentBasket->payment_type : '';		// cbGetParam( $_POST, 'payment_method' );

		$payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray			=	array();
		$chosenPaymentSelector				=	null;
		$payChoicesHtmlBottomArray			=	$this->_renderPayChoicesArray( $payChoicesArray, $paymentBasket, $redirectNow, $chosenPaymentMethod, $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray, $chosenPaymentSelector );
		if ( $redirectNow == 'redirect' && is_string( $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray ) ) {
			cbRedirect( $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray );

		$subscriptionsGUI					=	new cbpaidControllerUI();

		if ( ( $payment_method_selection_type == 'radios') && ( $chosenPaymentMethod != '' ) && $chosenPaymentSelector ) {
			// Select button to draw:
			$payChoicePayButton				=	$this->getPayMethodButton( $user, $paymentBasket, $paymentBasket->gateway_account, $paymentBasket->payment_type, $chosenPaymentSelector );
			/** @var $chosenPaymentSelector cbpaidGatewaySelector */
			$this->modifyAspectPayMethodButton( $payChoicePayButton, $chosenPaymentSelector->paymentType );
			$dummy							=	null;
			$payChoicePayButtonHtmlArray	=	$this->_renderPayChoicesArray( array( $payChoicePayButton ), $paymentBasket, 'buttons', $chosenPaymentMethod, $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray, $dummy );
			$payChoicesHtmlBottomArray		=	array_merge( $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray, $payChoicePayButtonHtmlArray );

		if ( true )  {
			// always add cancel link
			cbpaidApp::import( 'processors.cancelpay.cancelpay' );
			$cancelmethod					=	new cbpaidGatewayAccountcancelpay();
			$payClass						=	$cancelmethod->getPayMean();
			$payChoicesHtmlBottomArray[]	=	$payClass->getPaymentBasketProcess( $user, $paymentBasket, 'buttons' );	// never redirectNow a cancel link :D !

		$basketHtml							=	$paymentBasket->displayBasket();

		if ( $allow_select_currency == 2 ) {
			$currencySelector				=	$this->displayCurrencySelector( $paymentBasket );
		} else {
			$currencySelector				=	null;
		$txtConclusion						=	$params->get('conclusion_text');
		$txtFinal							=	$params->get('final_text');

		$txtTerms						=	null;
		if ( $basket_requiredterms == 1 ) {
			global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework;

			$query							=	'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'params' )
											.	"\n FROM " .  $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__comprofiler_fields' )
											.	"\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'name' ) . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote( 'acceptedterms' );
			$_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
			$tcParams						=	new Registry( $_CB_database->loadResult() );

			$termsOutput					=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_output', 'url' );
			$termsDisplay					=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_display', 'modal' );
			$termsURL						=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_url', null );
			$termsText						=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_text', null );
			$termsWidth						=	(int) $tcParams->get( 'terms_width', 400 );
			$termsHeight					=	(int) $tcParams->get( 'terms_height', 200 );

			if ( ! $termsHeight ) {
				$termsHeight				=	200;

			if ( ( ( $termsOutput == 'url' ) && $termsURL ) || ( ( $termsOutput == 'text' ) && $termsText ) ) {
				if ( $termsDisplay == 'iframe' ) {
					if ( $termsOutput == 'url' ) {
						$txtTerms			.=				'<iframe class="cbTermsFrameURL" height="' . $termsHeight . '" width="' . ( $termsWidth ? $termsWidth : '100%' ) . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars( $termsURL ) . '"></iframe>';
					} else {
						$txtTerms			.=				'<div class="cbTermsFrameText" style="height:' . $termsHeight . 'px;width:' . ( $termsWidth ? $termsWidth . 'px' : '100%' ) . ';overflow:auto;">' . CBPTXT::T( $termsText ) . '</div>';

				if ( $termsDisplay != 'iframe' ) {
					$attributes				=	' class="cbTermsLink"';

					if ( ( $termsOutput == 'text' ) && ( $termsDisplay == 'window' ) ) {
						$termsDisplay		=	'modal';

					if ( $termsDisplay == 'modal' ) {
						if ( ! $termsWidth ) {
							$termsWidth		=	400;

						if ( $termsOutput == 'url' ) {
							$tooltip		=	'<iframe class="cbTermsModalURL" height="' . $termsHeight . '" width="' . $termsWidth . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars( $termsURL ) . '"></iframe>';
						} else {
							$tooltip		=	'<div class="cbTermsModalText" style="height:' . $termsHeight . 'px;width:' . $termsWidth . 'px;overflow:auto;">' . CBPTXT::T( $termsText ) . '</div>';

						$url				=	'javascript:void(0);';
						$attributes			.=	' ' . cbTooltip( $_CB_framework->getUi(), $tooltip, CBPTXT::T( 'Terms and Conditions' ), 'auto', null, null, null, 'data-cbtooltip="true" data-modal="true"' );
					} else {
						$url				=	htmlspecialchars( $termsURL );
						$attributes			.=	' target="_blank"';

					$txtTerms				.=				CBPTXT::P( 'I have read and approve the <a href="[url]"[attributes]>Terms and Conditions</a>', array( '[url]' => $url, '[attributes]' => $attributes ) );
				} else {
					$txtTerms				.=				CBPTXT::T( 'I have read and approve the above Terms and Conditions.' );
		} elseif ( $basket_requiredterms == 2 ) {
			$txtTerms					=	$params->get( 'basket_termsandconditions' );

		if ($introText) {
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregIntro">' . CBPTXT::Th( $introText ) . "</div>\n";
		$result							.=	$basketHtml;

		if ( $allow_select_currency == 2 ) {
			$result						.=	$currencySelector;

		if ( $invoicingAddressQuery > 0 ) {
			$errorMsg					=	$paymentBasket->checkAddressComplete();
			if ( $errorMsg && ( $invoicingAddressQuery == 2 ) ) {
				$result					=	'';
				$introAddrNeeded		=	$params->get('invoicing_address_required_into_text');
				if ($introAddrNeeded) {
					$result				.=	'<div class="cbregIntro">' . CBPTXT::Th( $introAddrNeeded ) . "</div>\n";
				$result					.=	$paymentBasket->renderInvoicingAddressForm( $user );	// $xmlController->handleAction( 'action', 'editinvoiceaddress' );
				return $result;
			} else {
				if ( $errorMsg ) {
					cbpaidApp::getBaseClass()->_setErrorMSG( $errorMsg );
				$result					.=	'<div class="cbregInvoicingAddress">'
					.	$paymentBasket->renderInvoicingAddressFieldset()
					.	'</div>';
			// display current invoicing address with a link to change/edit it with a back link to the payment basket id
			// if the address is not mandatory.
			// If it is mandatory, check that it is complete (and later also screened),
			// if not display instead of this the invoicing address edit page !
		$integrationsResults			=	$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onCbSubsAfterPaymentBasket', array( $paymentBasket, &$result, &$txtTerms ) );
		foreach ( $integrationsResults as $intRes ) {
			if ( is_string( $intRes ) ) {
				$result					.=	$intRes;
		if ( $txtConclusion ) {
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregConcl">' . CBPTXT::Th( $txtConclusion ) . "</div>\n";

		if ( count( $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray ) > 0 ) {

			$radios_intro_html			=	CBPTXT::Th( $params->get( 'radios_intro_html' ) );
			$radios_conclusion_html		=	CBPTXT::Th( $params->get( ( $chosenPaymentMethod != null ) ? 'radios_selected_conclusion_html' : 'radios_unselected_conclusion_html' ) );

			$htmlList					=	'<ul class="cbregPaymentMethodChoiceList">' . "\n";
			foreach ( $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray as $selHtmlArr ) {
				if ( $selHtmlArr[0] ) {
					$htmlList			.=	'<li class="cbregCCradioLi cbregCCradioSelected">';
				} else {
					$htmlList			.=	'<li class="cbregCCradioLi">';				//LATER:  class="cbpaidCCradio cbpaidRadio_<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $this->payNameForCssClass ); " id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $this->butId );
				$htmlList				.=	'<div class="cbregCCradioLiBg"></div>'		// This allows to use the CSS trick for highlighting as explained here: http://www.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-3898635-transparance-du-fond-uniquement
					.	$selHtmlArr[1]
					.	"</li>\n";
			$htmlList					.=	"</ul>\n";

			$methodsHTML				=	'<div class="cbregPaymentMethodChoice ' . ( ( $chosenPaymentMethod != null ) ? 'cbregPMselected' : 'cbregPMunselected' ) . '">'
				.	( $radios_intro_html ? '<h2 class="contentheading cbregPaymenMethodChoiceIntro">' . $radios_intro_html . '</h2>' : '' )
				.	$htmlList
				.	'<span class="cb_button_wrapper">'
				.	'<button type="submit" id="cbregSelectPayment">' . CBPTXT::Th("Change Payment Method") . '</button>'
				.	'</span>'
				.	( $radios_conclusion_html ? '<div class="cbregPaymenMethodChoiceConclusion">' . $radios_conclusion_html . '</div>' : '' )
				.	"</div>\n"
			$getParams					=	$paymentBasket->getSetBasketPaymentMethodUrl( $user );
			$ajaxGetParams				=	cbUnHtmlspecialchars( $paymentBasket->getSetBasketPaymentMethodUrl( $user, 'raw' ) );
			$formHiddens				=	array(	cbpaidApp::getBaseClass()->_getPagingParamName('act') => 'setbsktpmtmeth',
				'ajaxurl' => bin2hex( $ajaxGetParams ) );
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregPaymentMethodsSelect">' . $subscriptionsGUI->drawForm( $methodsHTML, null, $formHiddens, $getParams ) . "</div>\n";
			$termsCanBeDisplayed		=	( $payment_method_selection_type != 'radios' ) || ( $chosenPaymentMethod != null );
		} else {
			$termsCanBeDisplayed		=	true;

		if ( $txtTerms ) {
			if ( $termsCanBeDisplayed ) {
				$accepted				=	( cbGetParam( $_POST, 'terms_accepted', 0 ) == 1 );
				$settings				=	'<div class="cbregTermsAccept"><input type="checkbox" class="required" name="terms_accepted" id="terms_accepted" value="1"'
					.	( $accepted ? ' checked="checked" disabled="disabled" ' : '' )
					.	'/> '
					.	'<label for="terms_accepted">'
					.	$txtTerms
					.	'</label></div>'
				if ( ! $accepted ) {
					$settings			.=	'<span class="cb_button_wrapper">'
						.	'<button type="submit" id="cbTermsAccept" title="' . htmlspecialchars( CBPTXT::T( $basket_requiredtermserror ) ) . '">' . CBPTXT::Th("Accept Terms") . '</button>'
						.	'</span>'
				$getParams				=	$accepted ? '#' : $paymentBasket->getShowBasketUrl( false );
				$formHiddens			=	$accepted ? array( 'terms_accepted' => 1 ) : array();
				$result					.=	'<div class="cbregTerms">' . $subscriptionsGUI->drawForm( $settings, null, $formHiddens, $getParams ) . "</div>\n";
			} else {
				$accepted				=	false;
		} else {
			$accepted					=	true;

		$result							.=	'<div class="cbpayChoices cbclearboth"'
			.	( $termsCanBeDisplayed && $txtTerms && ! $accepted ? ' style="display:none;"' : '' )
			.	">\n "
			.	implode ( "\n  ", $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray )
			.	"\n</div>\n";
		if ( $txtFinal ) {
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregFinalText">' . CBPTXT::Th( $txtFinal ) . "</div>\n";

		$result							=	'<div class="cbpayBasketView">' . $result . '</div>';
		if ( ! $ajax ) {
			$result						=	'<div id="cbpayOrderContainer">'	// Needed for Javascript delegated binding
				.	$result
				.	'</div>';
		return $result;
コード例 #2
	 * Cancels an existing recurring subscription
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket  paymentBasket object
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentItem[]  $paymentItems   redirect immediately instead of returning HTML for output
	 * @return boolean|string                       TRUE if unsubscription done successfully, STRING if error
	protected function handleStopPaymentSubscription( $paymentBasket, $paymentItems )
		global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database;

		if ( $paymentBasket->mc_amount3 ) {
			// Recurring amount existing and if first amount existed it got payed OK: subscribe to an ARB:
			if ( $paymentBasket->subscr_id ) {
				if ( $this->hasPaypalApi() /* && ( substr( $paymentBasket->subscr_id, 0, 2 ) != 'S-' ) */ ) {			// Only subscription ids starting with I- can be handled through API for unsubscription: S- subscriptions can not.
					// There is an API access, let's try to use it:

					$return						=	$this->getPaypalApi()->ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus( $paymentBasket->subscr_id, 'cancel', null );
					if ( $return ) {
						// Success! : $return is TRUE:
						$ipn					=	new cbpaidPaymentNotification( $_CB_database );
						$ipn->payment_method	=	$this->getPayName();
						$ipn->gateway_account	=	$this->getAccountParam( 'id' );
						$ipn->log_type			=	'5';
						$ipn->time_received		=	date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $_CB_framework->now() );
						$ipn->raw_data			=	/* cbGetParam() not needed: we want raw info */ '$_GET=' . var_export( $_GET, true ) . ";\n";
						$ipn->raw_data			.=	/* cbGetParam() not needed: we want raw info */ '$_POST=' . var_export( $_POST, true ) . ";\n";
						$ipn->raw_data			.=	$this->getPaypalApi()->getRawLogData() . ";\n";
						$ipn->ip_addresses		=	cbpaidRequest::getIPlist();
						$ipn->payment_basket_id	=	$paymentBasket->id;
						$ipn->user_id			=	$paymentBasket->user_id;
						$_CB_database->insertObject( $ipn->getTableName(), $ipn, $ipn->getKeyName() );

					} else {
						$this->setLogPaypalApiErrors( $paymentBasket );
						$return					=	'';
				} else {
					$return						=	'';
				if ( ! $return ) {
					// No API, we can only render a button: (which is not displayed in case of upgrades):

					if ( ! is_string( $return ) ) {
						$return					=	'';

					$return						.=	CBPTXT::Th("You are currently using PayPal  Recurring Payments to pay for your subscription. To unsubscribe and stop future payments, you must to do this from Paypal. Click on the button below to login into PayPal and follow the instructions there to unsubscribe. This will automatically stop your subscription on this site.");
					$paymentButton				=	$this->getPayButtonRecepie( $paymentBasket, 'subscribe', 'cancel' );
					// Needed to post the button:
					$subscriptionsGUI					=	new cbpaidControllerUI();

					/** @var $renderer cbpaidBasketView */
					$renderer					=	cbpaidTemplateHandler::getViewer( null, 'basket' );
					$renderer->setModel( $paymentBasket );
					$return						.=	$renderer->drawPaymentButton( $paymentButton );
			} else {
				$this->_setLogErrorMSG( 3, null, 'Paypal autorecurring payment subscriptions: stopPaymentSubscription error: missing subscr_id in payment basket', CBPTXT::T("Submitted unsubscription didn't return an error but didn't complete.") );
				$return							=	'';
		} else {
			$return								=	CBPTXT::T("Unsubscription from payment processor is not possible as this payment basket has no autorecurring amount.");
		return $return;