public function executeCheckout(sfWebRequest $request) { $cart = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('cart', new cartCore()); if ($request->getParameter('agreebutton')) { $cart->agreed = true; } if ($request->getParameter('agree')) { $cart->agreed = true; } if ($request->getParameter('disagree')) { $cart->agreed = false; exit; } if ($request->getParameter('quoteselection')) { $cart->setSelectedQuoteAmount($request->getParameter('quoteselection')); cart::show_summary(); exit; } if ($request->getParameter('shipselect')) { if ($request->getParameter('shipquotes')) { $cart->setSelectedQuoteAmount($request->getParameter('shipquotes')); } } if ($request->getParameter('couponcode')) { $submittedCode = $request->getParameter('couponcode'); $coupon = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('*')->from('coupon c')->where("c.code = ?", $submittedCode)->andWhere('active=1')->execute(); if (count($coupon) != 0) { if ($coupon[0]['minprice'] < $cart->getSubTotal()) { $cart->apply_coupon($coupon[0]); } else { $cart->clear_coupon(); $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', sprintf("Coupon requires minimum purchase of \$" . $coupon[0]['minprice'])); } } else { $cart->clear_coupon(); $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', sprintf("Invalid coupon code.")); } } if ($request->getParameter('update_location')) { if ($request->getParameter('zipcode')) { $err = $cart->processZipCode($request->getParameter('zipcode')); if ($err != "") { $_SESSION['zipcode_error'] = $err; } } } else { if ($request->getParameter('update_cart')) { $qty = $request->getParameter('itemqty'); $id = $request->getParameter('itemid'); if ($qty != null and $id != null) { $product = Doctrine::getTable('product')->createQuery('a')->where('id=' . $id)->execute(); ///////////////////SECTION NOT WORKING //TODO: Cart quantities update properly, but there are no errors when requesting more than available stock. $qtyInStock = $product[0]['quantity']; if ($qtyInStock < $qty) { $cart->qtyerror = "Sorry, there are only " . $qtyInStock . " " . $product[0]['name'] . " left in stock."; } else { $cart->update_item($id, $qty); } } } else { if ($request->getParameter('paypalcheckout')) { if (!$cart->agreed) { $cart->termserror = "You must agree to the terms and conditions."; } else { $paypal_count = 1; //paypal count starts at 1 $items_query_string; foreach ($cart->get_contents() as $item) { $items_query_string .= '&item_name_' . $paypal_count . '=' . $item['name']; $items_query_string .= '&amount_' . $paypal_count . '=' . $item['price']; $items_query_string .= '&quantity_' . $paypal_count . '=' . $item['qty']; ++$paypal_count; } $cart->empty_cart(); $paypalId = "*****@*****.**"; $this->redirect('' . $paypalId . $items_query_string); } } } } }