コード例 #1
ファイル: captcha.php プロジェクト: gpuenteallott/rox
 function image($phrase, $width = 200, $height = 60, $inverse = 0, $maxsize = 0xfffff)
     #-- initialize in-memory image with gd library
     srand(microtime() * 21017);
     $img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     $R = $inverse ? 0xff : 0x0;
     imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $height, captcha::random_color($img, 222 ^ $R, 255 ^ $R));
     $c1 = rand(150 ^ $R, 185 ^ $R);
     $c2 = rand(195 ^ $R, 230 ^ $R);
     #-- configuration
     $fonts = array();
     $fonts += glob(EWIKI_FONT_DIR . "/*.ttf");
     #-- encolour bg
     $wd = 20;
     $x = 0;
     while ($x < $width) {
         imagefilledrectangle($img, $x, 0, $x += $wd, $height, captcha::random_color($img, 222 ^ $R, 255 ^ $R));
         $wd += max(10, rand(0, 20) - 10);
     #-- make interesting background I, lines
     $wd = 4;
     $w1 = 0;
     $w2 = 0;
     for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x += (int) $wd) {
         if ($x < $width) {
             // verical
             imageline($img, $x + $w1, 0, $x + $w2, $height - 1, captcha::random_color($img, $c1, $c2));
         if ($x < $height) {
             // horizontally ("y")
             imageline($img, 0, $x - $w2, $width - 1, $x - $w1, captcha::random_color($img, $c1, $c2));
         $wd += rand(0, 8) - 4;
         if ($wd < 1) {
             $wd = 2;
         $w1 += rand(0, 8) - 4;
         $w2 += rand(0, 8) - 4;
         if ($x > $height && $y > $height) {
     #-- more disturbing II, random letters
     $limit = rand(30, 90);
     for ($n = 0; $n < $limit; $n++) {
         $letter = "";
         do {
             $letter .= chr(rand(31, 125));
             // random symbol
         } while (rand(0, 1));
         $size = rand(5, $height / 2);
         $half = (int) ($size / 2);
         $x = rand(-$half, $width + $half);
         $y = rand(+$half, $height);
         $rotation = rand(60, 300);
         $c1 = captcha::random_color($img, 130 ^ $R, 240 ^ $R);
         $font = $fonts[rand(0, count($fonts) - 1)];
         imagettftext($img, $size, $rotation, $x, $y, $c1, $font, $letter);
     #-- add the real text to it
     $len = strlen($phrase);
     $w1 = 10;
     $w2 = $width / ($len + 1);
     for ($p = 0; $p < $len; $p++) {
         $letter = $phrase[$p];
         $size = rand(18, $height / 2.2);
         $half = (int) $size / 2;
         $rotation = rand(-33, 33);
         $y = rand($size + 3, $height - 3);
         $x = $w1 + $w2 * $p;
         $w1 += rand(-$width / 90, $width / 40);
         // @BUG: last char could be +30 pixel outside of image
         $font = $fonts[rand(0, count($fonts) - 1)];
         $r = rand(30, 99);
         $g = rand(30, 99);
         $b = rand(30, 99);
         // two colors for shadow
         $c1 = imagecolorallocate($img, $r * 1 ^ $R, $g * 1 ^ $R, $b * 1 ^ $R);
         $c2 = imagecolorallocate($img, $r * 2 ^ $R, $g * 2 ^ $R, $b * 2 ^ $R);
         imagettftext($img, $size, $rotation, $x + 1, $y, $c2, $font, $letter);
         imagettftext($img, $size, $rotation, $x, $y - 1, $c1, $font, $letter);
     #-- let JFIF stream be generated
     $quality = 67;
     $s = array();
     do {
         imagejpeg($img, "", (int) $quality);
         $jpeg = ob_get_contents();
         $size = strlen($jpeg);
         $s_debug[] = (int) ($quality * 10) / 10 . "%={$size}";
         $quality = $quality * ($maxsize / $size) * 0.93 - 1.7;
         // -($quality/7.222)*
     } while ($size > $maxsize && $quality >= 16);
     return $jpeg;