コード例 #1
 private function fetchAndImport($pa_item_queue, $po_client, $pa_config, $pa_tables, $ps_code)
     if (!is_array($pa_tables)) {
         $pa_tables = array();
     $t_rel_type = new ca_relationship_types();
     $vs_base_url = $pa_config['baseUrl'];
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $t_locale = new ca_locales();
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     $vn_source_id = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('object_sources', $pa_config['code']);
     $pn_rep_type_id = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('object_representation_types', 'front');
     foreach ($pa_item_queue as $vn_i => $va_item) {
         $vs_table = $va_item['table'];
         $va_import_relationships_from = $pa_config['importRelatedFor'][$va_item['table']];
         print "oo";
         $vn_id = $va_item['id'];
         if (!$vn_id) {
             print "[Notice] SKIP CAUSE NO ID ({$ps_code})\n";
         if (isset($this->opa_processed_records[$vs_table . '/' . $vn_id])) {
         $vs_idno = trim((string) $va_item['idno']);
         try {
             $o_xml = $po_client->getItem($vs_table, $vn_id)->get();
         } catch (exception $e) {
             print "[ERROR] While trying to get item information: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
         $o_item = $o_xml->getItem;
         $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table, false);
         $t_instance_label = $t_instance->getLabelTableInstance();
         // Look for existing record
         $vb_skip = false;
         $vb_update = false;
         $vs_label_fld = $t_instance->getLabelDisplayField();
         $vs_label = (string) $o_item->preferred_labels->en_US->{$vs_label_fld};
         print "[Notice] Processing [{$vs_table}] {$vs_label} [{$vs_idno}] ({$ps_code})\n";
         if ($vs_idno && ($vs_table == 'ca_objects' && $t_instance->load(array('idno' => $vs_idno)) || $vs_table != 'ca_objects' && $t_instance->load(array('idno' => $vs_idno)))) {
             if ($t_instance->hasField('deleted') && $t_instance->get('deleted') == 1) {
                 $t_instance->set('deleted', 0);
             //print "[Notice] Update [{$vs_idno}] for {$vs_table} 'cause it already exists ({$ps_code})\n";
             if (!$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()) {
                 $vb_skip = true;
                 print "[ERROR] Could not load instance for [{$vs_idno}]\n";
             $vb_update = true;
             // Clear labels
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not remove labels for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
             // Clear attributes
             $t_instance->removeAttributes(null, array('dontCheckMinMax' => true));
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not remove attributes for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
             // Clear relationships
             if (is_array($va_import_relationships_from)) {
                 foreach ($va_import_relationships_from as $vs_rel_table => $va_table_info) {
                     if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not remove {$vs_rel_table} relationships for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
             if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
                 //$t_instance->set('source_id', $vn_source_id);
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not clear record for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // create new one
         if (!$vb_update) {
             if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
                 //$t_instance->set('source_id', $vn_source_id);
         // add intrinsics
         switch ($vs_table) {
             case 'ca_collections':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
             case 'ca_occurrences':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
             case 'ca_objects':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
             case 'ca_entities':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'lifespan', 'source_id', 'idno');
             case 'ca_object_lots':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno_stub');
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
         // TODO: Need to properly handle foreign-key intrinsics when the item they point to doesn't exist
         // eg. source_id fields, various ca_objects and ca_object_lots intrinsics, etc.
         if ($vs_table == 'ca_list_items') {
             // does list exist?
             $vs_list_code = (string) $o_item->{'list_code'};
             $t_list = new ca_lists();
             if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => $vs_list_code))) {
                 // create list
                 // TODO: should we bother to replicate the is_hierarchical, use_as_vocabulary and default_sort settings via a service?
                 // For now just set reasonable values
                 $t_list->set('list_code', $vs_list_code);
                 $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
                 $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
                 $t_list->set('default_sort', 0);
                 if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
                     print "[ERROR] Could not insert new list '{$vs_list_code}': " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => $vs_list_code), $pn_locale_id, null, true);
                     if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not add label to new list '{$vs_list_code}': " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
             $t_instance->set('list_id', $t_list->getPrimaryKey());
         foreach ($va_intrinsics as $vs_f) {
             $t_instance->set($vs_f, $o_item->{$vs_f});
         if (!$vb_update) {
             $vn_type_id = $t_instance->getTypeIDForCode((string) $o_item->type_id);
             if (!$vn_type_id) {
                 print "NO TYPE FOR {$vs_table}/" . $o_item->type_id . "\n";
             $t_instance->set('type_id', $vn_type_id);
             if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
                 //$t_instance->set('source_id', $vn_source_id);
             // TODO: add hook onBeforeInsert()
             // TODO: add hook onInsert()
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not insert record: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // add attributes
         // TODO: make this configurable
         $va_codes = $t_instance->getApplicableElementCodes();
         // $va_codes = array(
         // 				'description',
         // 				'georeference', 'geonames', 'internal_notes',
         // 				'oclc_number', 'file_name',
         // 				'digitized_by', 'digitized_date', 'call_number',
         // 				'other_call_number', 'collection_title', 'collection_number',
         // 				'box_number', 'folder_number', 'volume_number', 'page_number', 'shelf',
         // 				'pulled_digitization', 'pulled_name', 'pulled_date', 'returned_digitization',
         // 				'returned_name', 'returned_date', 'needs_redigitization', 'donor', 'copyright_holder',
         // 				'reproduction_restrictions', 'administrative_notes', 'date_view', 'date_item',
         // 				'view_format', 'item_format', 'dimensions', 'map_scale', 'image_description', 'address',
         // 				'lcsh_terms',  'inscription'
         // 			);
         foreach ($va_codes as $vs_code) {
             $t_element = $t_instance->_getElementInstance($vs_code);
             switch ($t_element->get('datatype')) {
                 case 0:
                     // container
                     $va_elements = $t_element->getElementsInSet();
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             $va_container_data = array('locale_id' => $vn_locale_id);
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 foreach ($va_elements as $vn_i => $va_element_info) {
                                     if ($va_element_info['datatype'] == 0) {
                                     if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$va_element_info['element_code']})) {
                                         switch ($va_element_info['datatype']) {
                                             case 3:
                                                 $va_tmp = explode(":", $vs_value);
                                                 //print "CONTAINER LIST CODE=".$va_tmp[1]."/$vs_value/".$va_element_info['list_id']."\n";
                                                 $va_container_data[$va_element_info['element_code']] = $t_list->getItemIDFromList($va_element_info['list_id'], $va_tmp[1]);
                                                 $va_container_data[$va_element_info['element_code']] = $vs_value;
                                 $t_instance->replaceAttribute($va_container_data, $vs_code);
                 case 3:
                     // list
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$vs_code})) {
                                     $va_tmp = explode(":", $vs_value);
                                     // TODO: create lists and list items if they don't already exist
                                     if ($vn_item_id = $t_list->getItemIDFromList($t_element->get('list_id'), $va_tmp[1])) {
                                         $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($vs_code => $vn_item_id, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id), $vs_code);
                 case 15:
                     // File
                 // File
                 case 16:
                     // Media
                     if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not update record before media: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
                     // TODO: detect if media has changes and only pull if it has
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$vs_code})) {
                                     $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($vs_code => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id), $vs_code);
                     if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not update record after media: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$vs_code})) {
                                     $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($vs_code => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id), $vs_code);
         if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
             print "[ERROR] Could not update [1] record: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // TODO: add hook onBeforeUpdate()
         // TODO: add hook onUpdate()
         if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
             print "[ERROR] Could not update [2] record: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // get label fields
         $va_label_data = array();
         foreach ($t_instance->getLabelUIFields() as $vs_field) {
             if (!($va_label_data[$vs_field] = $o_item->preferred_labels->en_US->{$vs_field})) {
                 $va_label_data[$vs_field] = $o_item->preferred_labels->en_US->{$vs_field};
         // TODO: add hook onBeforeAddLabel()
         $t_instance->addLabel($va_label_data, 1, null, true);
         // TODO: add hook onAddLabel()
         if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
             print "ERROR adding label: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         $this->opa_processed_records[$va_item['table'] . '/' . (int) $va_item['id']] = $t_instance->getPrimaryKey();
         if ($vb_skip) {
         if (!is_array($va_import_relationships_from)) {
         $pa_tables[$va_item['table']] = true;
         // Are there relationships?
         $pb_imported_self_relations = false;
         foreach ($va_import_relationships_from as $vs_rel_table => $va_table_info) {
             $vb_is_self_relation = $vs_rel_table == $t_instance->tableName() && !$pb_imported_self_relations ? true : false;
             if (!$pa_tables[$vs_rel_table] || $vb_is_self_relation) {
                 // load related records recursively
                 if ($vs_rel_table == $t_instance->tableName()) {
                     $pb_imported_self_relations = true;
                 if ($o_item->{'related_' . $vs_rel_table}) {
                     $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_rel_table, false);
                     // TODO: add hook onBeforeAddRelationships()
                     foreach ($o_item->{'related_' . $vs_rel_table} as $vs_tag => $o_related_items) {
                         foreach ($o_related_items as $vs_i => $o_related_item) {
                             if (is_array($pa_config['importRelatedFor'][$va_item['table']][$vs_rel_table])) {
                                 $va_rel_types = array_keys($pa_config['importRelatedFor'][$va_item['table']][$vs_rel_table]);
                                 if (is_array($va_rel_types) && sizeof($va_rel_types) && !in_array((string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code, $va_rel_types)) {
                                     print "[INFO] Skipped relationship for {$vs_display_name} because type='" . (string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code . "' is excluded\n";
                             $vs_pk = $t_rel->primaryKey();
                             $vn_id = (int) $o_related_item->{$vs_pk};
                             $va_queue = array($vs_rel_table . "/" . $vn_id => array('table' => $vs_rel_table, 'id' => $vn_id, 'idno' => (string) $o_related_item->idno));
                             // TODO: Add from/until support
                             $this->fetchAndImport($va_queue, $po_client, $pa_config, $pa_tables, $ps_code);
                             $vn_rel_record_id = $this->opa_processed_records[$vs_rel_table . '/' . (int) $vn_id];
                             $vb_skip = false;
                             if ($vb_is_self_relation) {
                                 if ($this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$vn_rel_record_id][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code] || $this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][$vn_rel_record_id][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code]) {
                                     $vb_skip = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][$vn_rel_record_id][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code] = $this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$vn_rel_record_id][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code] = true;
                             if (!$vb_skip) {
                                 $t_instance->addRelationship($vs_rel_table, $vn_rel_record_id, (string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code);
                                 if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                                     print "[ERROR] Could not add relationship to {$vs_rel_table} for row_id={$vn_rel_record_id}: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
                     // TODO: add hook onAddRelationships()
         // Is there media?
         if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
             try {
                 $o_rep_xml = $po_client->getObjectRepresentations((int) $va_item['id'], array('large', 'original'))->get();
             } catch (exception $e) {
                 print "[ERROR] While getting object representations: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
             $va_existing_reps = $t_instance->getRepresentations(array('large', 'original'));
             $va_existing_md5s = array();
             $va_rep_ids = array();
             $va_dupe_reps = array();
             foreach ($va_existing_reps as $va_rep) {
                 if ($va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['original']['MD5']] && $va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['large']['MD5']]) {
                     // dupe
                     $va_dupe_reps[] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
                 $va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['original']['MD5']] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
                 $va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['large']['MD5']] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
                 $va_rep_ids[] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
             if ($o_rep_xml->getObjectRepresentations) {
                 foreach ($o_rep_xml->getObjectRepresentations as $vs_x => $o_reps) {
                     foreach ($o_reps as $vs_key => $o_rep) {
                         if ($vs_url = trim((string) $o_rep->urls->large)) {
                             $vs_remote_original_md5 = (string) $o_rep->info->original->MD5;
                             $vs_remote_large_md5 = (string) $o_rep->info->large->MD5;
                             if (isset($va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_original_md5]) && $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_original_md5] || isset($va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_large_md5]) && $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_large_md5]) {
                                 print "[NOTICE] Skipping representation at {$vs_url} because it already exists (MD5={$vs_remote_original_md5}/{$vs_remote_large_md5}) ({$ps_code})\n";
                                 if (!($vn_kill_rep_id = $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_large_md5])) {
                                     $vn_kill_rep_id = $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_original_md5];
                                 foreach ($va_existing_md5s as $vs_md5 => $vn_rep_id) {
                                     if ($vn_kill_rep_id == $vn_rep_id) {
                                         $t_existing_rep_link = new ca_objects_x_object_representations();
                                         if ($t_existing_rep_link->load(array('object_id' => $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), 'representation_id' => $vn_rep_id))) {
                                             //	print "update object_id ".$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()."/rep=$vn_rep_id to rank=".$o_rep->rank."/primary=".$o_rep->is_primary."\n";
                                             $t_existing_rep_link->set('is_primary', (int) $o_rep->is_primary);
                                             $t_existing_rep_link->set('rank', (int) $o_rep->rank);
                                             if ($t_existing_rep_link->numErrors()) {
                             print "[Notice] Importing for [{$vs_idno}] media from {$vs_url}: primary=" . (string) $o_rep->is_primary . " ({$ps_code})\n";
                             print "instance has id=" . $t_instance->getPrimaryKey() . "\n";
                             // TODO: add hook onBeforeAddMedia()
                             $vn_link_id = $t_instance->addRepresentation($vs_url, $pn_rep_type_id, 1, (int) $o_rep->status, (int) $o_rep->access, (int) $o_rep->is_primary);
                             // TODO: add hook onAddMedia()
                             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                                 print "[ERROR] Could not load object representation: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . " ({$ps_code})\n";
                             } else {
                                 $t_link = new ca_objects_x_object_representations($vn_link_id);
                                 $t_new_rep = new ca_object_representations($t_link->get('representation_id'));
                                 //unlink($x=$t_new_rep->getMediaPath('media', 'original'));
             $va_rep_ids = array();
             foreach ($va_existing_md5s as $vs_md5 => $vn_rep_id) {
                 if ($va_rep_ids[$vn_rep_id]) {
                 $t_obj_x_rep = new ca_objects_x_object_representations();
                 while ($t_obj_x_rep->load(array('object_id' => $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), 'representation_id' => $vn_rep_id))) {
                     if ($t_obj_x_rep->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not load remove object-to-representation link: " . join("; ", $t_obj_x_rep->getErrors()) . " ({$ps_code})\n";
                     if (!$t_obj_x_rep->load(array('representation_id' => $vn_rep_id))) {
                         $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
                         if ($t_rep->load($vn_rep_id)) {
                             $t_rep->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                             if ($t_rep->numErrors()) {
                                 print "[ERROR] Could not remove representation: " . join("; ", $t_rep->getErrors()) . "\n";
                 $va_rep_ids[$vn_rep_id] = true;
             foreach ($va_dupe_reps as $vn_dupe_rep_id) {
                 $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
                 if ($t_rep->load($vn_dupe_rep_id)) {
                     print "[Notice] DELETE DUPE {$vn_dupe_rep_id}\n";
                     $t_rep->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                     if ($t_rep->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not remove dupe representation: " . join("; ", $t_rep->getErrors()) . "\n";
コード例 #2
  * Remove a single representation from the currently loaded object. Note that the representation will be removed from the database completely, so if it is also linked to other items it will be removed from them as well.
  * @param int $pn_representation_id The representation_id of the representation to remove
  * @param array $pa_options Options are passed through to BaseMode::delete()
  * @return bool True if delete succeeded, false if there was an error. You can get the error messages by calling getErrors() on the instance.
 public function removeRepresentation($pn_representation_id, $pa_options = null)
     if (!$this->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return null;
     $va_path = array_keys($this->getAppDatamodel()->getPath($this->tableName(), 'ca_object_representations'));
     if (is_array($va_path) && sizeof($va_path) == 3) {
         $vs_rel_table = $va_path[1];
         if ($t_rel = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableName($vs_rel_table)) {
             if ($t_rel->load(array($this->primaryKey() => $this->getPrimaryKey(), 'representation_id' => $pn_representation_id))) {
                 if ($t_rel->numErrors()) {
                     $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $t_rel->errors());
                     return false;
     $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
     if (!$t_rep->load($pn_representation_id)) {
         $this->postError(750, _t("Representation id=%1 does not exist", $pn_representation_id), "RepresentableBaseModel->removeRepresentation()");
         return false;
     } else {
         if (!($va_rels = $t_rep->hasRelationships()) || !is_array($va_rels) || !sizeof($va_rels)) {
             // Only delete the related representation if nothing else is related to it
             $t_rep->delete(false, $pa_options);
             if ($t_rep->numErrors()) {
                 $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $t_rep->errors());
                 return false;
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #3
  * Remove representation from database
  * @param int $representation_id
  * @return boolean
  * @throws SoapFault
 public function removeObjectRepresentation($representation_id)
     require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . "/ca_object_representations.php";
     $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
     if (!$t_rep->load($representation_id)) {
         throw new SoapFault("Server", "Invalid representation ID");
     if ($t_rep->numErrors() == 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         throw new SoapFault("Server", "There were errors while removing the representation: " . join(";", $t_rep->getErrors()));
コード例 #4
ファイル: CLIUtils.php プロジェクト: idiscussforum/providence
  * Remove media present in media directories but not referenced in database (aka. orphan media)
 public static function remove_deleted_representations($po_opts = null)
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Db.php";
     require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . "/ca_object_representations.php";
     $vb_delete_opt = (bool) $po_opts->getOption('delete');
     $o_db = new Db();
     $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
     $va_paths = array();
     $qr_reps = $o_db->query("SELECT * FROM ca_object_representations WHERE deleted=1");
     if ($vb_delete_opt) {
         print CLIProgressBar::start($qr_reps->numRows(), _t('Removing deleted representations from database'));
     } else {
         print CLIProgressBar::start($qr_reps->numRows(), _t('Loading deleted representations from database'));
     while ($qr_reps->nextRow()) {
         print CLIProgressBar::next();
         $va_versions = $qr_reps->getMediaVersions('media');
         if (!is_array($va_versions)) {
         foreach ($va_versions as $vs_version) {
             $va_paths[$qr_reps->getMediaPath('media', $vs_version)] = true;
         if ($vb_delete_opt) {
             $t_rep->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
     print CLIProgressBar::finish() . PHP_EOL;
     if ($vb_delete_opt && $qr_reps->numRows() > 0) {
         CLIUtils::addMessage(_t('Done!'), array('color' => 'green'));
     } elseif ($qr_reps->numRows() == 0) {
         CLIUtils::addMessage(_t('There are no deleted representations to process!'), array('color' => 'green'));
     } else {
         CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("%1 files are referenced by %2 deleted records. Both the records and the files will be deleted if you re-run the script with the -d (--delete) option and the correct permissions.", sizeof($va_paths), $qr_reps->numRows()));
         CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("It is highly recommended to create a full backup before you do this!"), array('color' => 'bold_red'));
コード例 #5
  * Remove a single representation from the currently loaded object. Note that the representation will be removed from the database completely, so if it is also linked to other items it will be removed from them as well.
  * @param int $pn_representation_id The representation_id of the representation to remove
  * @param array $pa_options Options are passed through to BaseMode::delete()
  * @return bool True if delete succeeded, false if there was an error. You can get the error messages by calling getErrors() on the instance.
 public function removeRepresentation($pn_representation_id, $pa_options = null)
     if (!$this->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return null;
     $va_path = array_keys($this->getAppDatamodel()->getPath($this->tableName(), 'ca_object_representations'));
     if (is_array($va_path) && sizeof($va_path) == 3) {
         $vs_rel_table = $va_path[1];
         if ($t_rel = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableName($vs_rel_table)) {
             if ($this->inTransaction()) {
             if ($t_rel->load(array($this->primaryKey() => $this->getPrimaryKey(), 'representation_id' => $pn_representation_id))) {
                 if ($t_rel->numErrors()) {
                     $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $t_rel->errors());
                     return false;
     $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
     if ($this->inTransaction()) {
     if (!$t_rep->load($pn_representation_id)) {
         $this->postError(750, _t("Representation id=%1 does not exist", $pn_representation_id), "RepresentableBaseModel->removeRepresentation()");
         return false;
     } else {
         // Only delete the related representation if nothing else is related to it
         $va_rels = $t_rep->hasRelationships();
         if (is_array($va_rels) && isset($va_rels['ca_object_representation_labels'])) {
             // labels don't count as relationships in this case
         if (is_array($va_rels) && isset($va_rels['ca_objects_x_object_representations']) && $va_rels['ca_objects_x_object_representations'] < 1) {
         if (!is_array($va_rels) || sizeof($va_rels) == 0) {
             $t_rep->delete(true, $pa_options);
             if ($t_rep->numErrors()) {
                 $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $t_rep->errors());
                 return false;
         // remove any replicated media
         if (is_array($va_replication_targets = $t_rep->getUsedMediaReplicationTargets('media'))) {
             foreach ($va_replication_targets as $vs_target => $va_target_info) {
                 $t_rep->removeMediaReplication('media', $vs_target, $t_rep->getMediaReplicationKey('media', $vs_target));
         return true;
     return false;