case 'english_used_for': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['use_for_english'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- } } $o_xml->close(); print "\n\nLINKING TERMS IN HIERARCHY...\n"; $vn_last_message_length = 0; $t_item = new ca_list_items(); $t_item->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); foreach ($va_parent_child_links as $vs_child_id => $vs_parent_id) { print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_child_id} to parent {$vs_parent_id}"; if (($vn_l = 200 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if (!($vn_child_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_child_id])) { print "ERROR: no list item id for child_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)\n"; continue; } if (!($vn_parent_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id])) { print "ERROR: no list item id for parent_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)\n";
/** * * * @return string */ function caLoadULAN($ps_path_to_ulan_data = null, $ps_path_to_ulan_config = null, $pa_options = null) { require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Db.php'; require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Configuration.php'; require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/ca/Utils/DataMigrationUtils.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_locales.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_entities.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_entities_x_entities.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_lists.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items_x_list_items.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php'; $t = new Timer(); $o_log = new KLogger(__CA_APP_DIR__ . '/log', KLogger::INFO); $va_parent_child_links = array(); $va_item_item_links = array(); $va_ulan_id_to_item_id = array(); $o_log->logInfo("Starting import of Getty ULAN"); define('__CA_DONT_DO_SEARCH_INDEXING__', true); $_ = new Zend_Translate('gettext', __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/locale/en_US/', 'en_US'); $t_locale = new ca_locales(); $pn_en_locale_id = $t_locale->loadLocaleByCode('en_US'); if (!($o_config = Configuration::load($ps_path_to_ulan_config))) { $o_log->logError("Could not load ULAN import configuration file"); die("ERROR: Could not load ULAN import configuration\n"); } $vs_ulan_import_mode = $o_config->get('ulan_import_target'); $t_list = null; if ($vs_ulan_import_mode == 'ca_entities') { $va_ulan_types = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_entity_types'); $va_mapping = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_entity_mapping'); } elseif ($vs_ulan_import_mode == 'ca_list_items') { $va_ulan_types = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_list_item_types'); if (!($vs_ulan_list_code = $o_config->get('ulan_import_list'))) { $vs_ulan_list_code = 'ULAN'; } // create vocabulary list record (if it doesn't exist already) $t_list = new ca_lists(); if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => $vs_ulan_list_code))) { $t_list->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $t_list->set('list_code', $vs_ulan_list_code); $t_list->set('is_system_list', 0); $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1); $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1); $t_list->insert(); if ($t_list->numErrors()) { $o_log->logError("Could not create list record for ULAN: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors())); die("ERROR: couldn't create ca_list row for ULAN: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n"); } $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => 'Union List of Artist Names'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true); } $vn_list_id = $t_list->getPrimaryKey(); $va_mapping = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_list_item_mapping'); } else { $o_log->logError("Invalid ULAN import mode {$vs_ulan_import_mode}"); die("ERROR: invalid ULAN import mode {$vs_ulan_import_mode}\n"); } $vn_last_message_length = 0; $vn_term_count = 0; $va_subject = array(); foreach (array('ULAN1.xml', 'ULAN2.xml', 'ULAN3.xml') as $vs_file) { if (!$ps_path_to_ulan_data) { $ps_path_to_ulan_data = "."; } if (!file_exists($ps_path_to_ulan_data . "/{$vs_file}")) { $o_log->logError("Could not find ULAN data file {$vs_file}"); print "[ERROR] cannot find ULAN data.\n"; continue; } $o_log->logInfo("Processing ULAN file {$vs_file}"); print "[Notice] Processing ULAN file {$vs_file}\n"; // load $o_xml = new XMLReader(); $o_xml->open($ps_path_to_ulan_data . '/' . $vs_file); while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { # --------------------------- case 'Subject': if ($o_xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { if (in_array($va_subject['subject_id'], array('500000000', '500000001'))) { break; } // skip top-level root $vs_preferred_term = $va_subject['preferred_term']; $pb_is_enabled = false; switch ($va_subject['record_type']) { case 'Person': default: $vn_type_id = $va_ulan_types['Person']; $pb_is_enabled = true; break; case 'Corporate Body': $vn_type_id = $va_ulan_types['Corporate Body']; $pb_is_enabled = true; break; } print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tIMPORTING #" . ($vn_term_count + 1) . " [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term; if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if ($vs_ulan_import_mode == 'ca_entities') { $va_np_labels = array(); if (is_array($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'])) { for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < sizeof($va_subject['non_preferred_terms']); $vn_i++) { $va_np_labels[] = DataMigrationUtils::splitEntityName(trim(htmlentities($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][$vn_i]))); } } $t_item = DataMigrationUtils::getEntityID(DataMigrationUtils::splitEntityName(trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES))), $vn_type_id, $pn_en_locale_id, array('idno' => $va_subject['subject_id']), array('nonPreferredLabels' => $va_np_labels, 'returnInstance' => true)); if (!$t_item) { $o_log->logError("Failed to create entity for ULAN artist {$vs_preferred_term}"); break; } $t_item->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey(); } else { if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($va_subject['subject_id'], $pb_is_enabled, false, null, $vn_type_id, $va_subject['subject_id'], '', 4, 1)) { $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey(); if ($va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] != 500000000) { $va_parent_child_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id']; } // add preferred labels if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => $va_subject['description']), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true)) { $o_log->logError("Could not add preferred label to ULAN term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_item->getErrors())); } // add alternate labels if (is_array($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'])) { for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < sizeof($va_subject['non_preferred_terms']); $vn_i++) { $vs_np_label = $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][$vn_i]; $vs_np_term_type = $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][$vn_i]; switch ($vs_np_term_type) { case 'Used For Term': $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_uf; break; case 'Alternate Descriptor': $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_alt; break; default: $vn_np_term_type_id = null; break; } if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => ''), $pn_en_locale_id, $vn_np_term_type_id, false)) { $o_log->logError("Could not add non-preferred label to ULAN term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_np_label); } } } } else { $o_log->logError("Could not import ULAN term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_list->getErrors())); break; } } // Map content fields foreach ($va_mapping as $vs_dest => $vs_source) { $va_values = array(); switch ($vs_source) { case 'biography': if (!is_array($va_subject['biographies'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['biographies'] as $va_bio) { $va_values[] = $va_bio['text']; } break; case 'biography_dates': if (!is_array($va_subject['biographies'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['biographies'] as $va_bio) { if ($va_bio['birth_date'] == 1000 || $va_bio['birth_date'] < -5000) { if ($va_bio['death_date'] >= 2050) { break 2; } else { $va_values[] = "before " . $va_bio['death_date']; } } elseif ($va_bio['death_date'] >= 2050) { $va_values[] = "after " . $va_bio['birth_date']; } else { $va_values[] = $va_bio['birth_date'] . " - " . $va_bio['death_date']; } } break; case 'sex': if (!is_array($va_subject['biographies'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['biographies'] as $va_bio) { $va_values[] = $va_bio['sex']; } break; case 'nationality_name': if (!is_array($va_subject['nationalities'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['nationalities'] as $va_nationality) { $va_values[] = $va_nationality['name']; } break; case 'nationality_code': if (!is_array($va_subject['nationalities'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['nationalities'] as $va_nationality) { $va_values[] = $va_nationality['code']; } break; case 'role_name': if (!is_array($va_subject['roles'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['roles'] as $va_role) { $va_values[] = $va_role['name']; } break; case 'role_code': if (!is_array($va_subject['roles'])) { break; } foreach ($va_subject['roles'] as $va_role) { $va_values[] = $va_role['code']; } break; } if (sizeof($va_values)) { $va_dest = explode('.', $vs_dest); $vs_fld = array_pop($va_dest); if ($t_item->hasField($vs_fld)) { $t_item->set($vs_fld, join("\n", $va_values)); } else { foreach ($va_values as $vs_value) { $t_item->addAttribute(array('locale_id' => $pn_en_locale_id, $vs_fld => $vs_value), $vs_fld); } } $t_item->update(array('dontCheckCircularReferences' => true, 'dontSetHierarchicalIndexing' => true)); if ($t_item->numErrors()) { $o_log->logError("Could not update ULAN list item with content values: " . join("; ", $t_item->getErrors())); } } } // record item-item relations if (is_array($va_subject['related_subjects'])) { foreach ($va_subject['related_subjects'] as $vs_rel_subject_id) { $va_item_item_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $vs_rel_subject_id; } } $vn_term_count++; } else { $va_subject = array('subject_id' => $o_xml->getAttribute('Subject_ID')); } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Biographies': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Preferred_Biography': $va_bio = array(); while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Biography_Text': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_bio['text'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Birth_Date': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_bio['birth_date'] = $o_xml->value; if ($va_bio['birth_date'] < 0) { $va_bio['birth_date'] = abs($va_bio['birth_date']) . " BCE"; } break; } break; case 'Death_Date': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_bio['death_date'] = $o_xml->value; if ($va_bio['death_date'] < 0) { $va_bio['death_date'] = abs($va_bio['death_date']) . " BCE"; } break; } break; case 'Sex': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_bio['sex'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Preferred_Biography': break 2; } } $va_subject['biographies'][] = $va_bio; break; case 'Biographies': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Nationalities': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Preferred_Nationality': $va_nationality = array(); while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Nationality_Code': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_nationality['code'] = $o_xml->value; $va_nationality['name'] = array_pop(explode('/', $o_xml->value)); break; } break; case 'Preferred_Nationality': break 2; } } $va_subject['nationalities'][] = $va_nationality; break; case 'Nationalities': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Roles': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Preferred_Role': $va_role = array(); while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Role_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_role['code'] = $o_xml->value; $va_role['name'] = array_pop(explode('/', $o_xml->value)); break; } break; case 'Preferred_Role': break 2; } } $va_subject['roles'][] = $va_role; break; case 'Roles': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Record_Type': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['record_type'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Hierarchy': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['hierarchy'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Parent_Relationships': $vn_parent_id = $vs_historic_flag = null; while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Preferred_Parent': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Parent_Subject_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $vn_parent_id = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Historic_Flag': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $vs_historic_flag = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Preferred_Parent': $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] = $vn_parent_id; break 2; } } break; case 'Parent_Relationships': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Preferred_Term': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Term_Type': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['preferred_term_type'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_Text': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['preferred_term'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['preferred_term_id'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; break; case 'Preferred_Term': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Non-Preferred_Term': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Term_Type': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_Text': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['non_preferred_term_ids'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Non-Preferred_Term': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'VP_Subject_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['related_subjects'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- } } $o_xml->close(); } $o_log->logInfo("Begin linking ULAN terms in hierarchy"); print "\n\nLINKING TERMS IN HIERARCHY...\n"; $vn_last_message_length = 0; $t_list = new ca_lists(); $t_item = new ca_list_items(); $t_item->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $vn_list_root_id = $t_list->getRootListItemID($vn_list_id); foreach ($va_parent_child_links as $vs_child_id => $vs_parent_id) { print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_child_id} to parent {$vs_parent_id}"; if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if (in_array($vs_parent_id, array('500000000', '500000001'))) { if (!$t_item->load($vn_child_item_id)) { $o_log->logError("Could not load item for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id})"); continue; } $t_item->set('parent_id', $vn_list_root_id); $t_item->update(array('dontCheckCircularReferences' => true, 'dontSetHierarchicalIndexing' => true)); if ($t_item->numErrors()) { $o_log->logError("Could not set parent_id for {$vs_child_id} to root): " . join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())); continue; } $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id] = $vn_list_root_id; } if (!($vn_child_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_child_id])) { $o_log->logError("No list item id for child_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)"); continue; } if (!($vn_parent_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id])) { $o_log->logError("No list item id for parent_id {$vs_parent_id} (were there previous errors?)"); continue; } if (!$t_item->load($vn_child_item_id)) { $o_log->logError("Could not load item for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id})"); continue; } $t_item->set('parent_id', $vn_parent_item_id); $t_item->update(array('dontCheckCircularReferences' => true, 'dontSetHierarchicalIndexing' => true)); if ($t_item->numErrors()) { $o_log->logError("Could not set parent_id for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())); } } if ($vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related > 0) { $o_log->logInfo("Begin adding ULAN related term links"); $vn_last_message_length = 0; $t_item = new ca_list_items(); $t_link = new ca_list_items_x_list_items(); $t_link->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); foreach ($va_item_item_links as $vs_left_id => $vs_right_id) { print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_left_id} to {$vs_right_id}"; if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if (!($vn_left_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_left_id])) { $o_log->logError("No list item id for left_id {$vs_left_id} (were there previous errors?)"); continue; } if (!($vn_right_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_right_id])) { $o_log->logError("No list item id for right_id {$vs_right_id} (were there previous errors?)"); continue; } $t_link->set('term_left_id', $vn_left_item_id); $t_link->set('term_right_id', $vn_right_item_id); $t_link->set('type_id', $vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related); $t_link->insert(); if ($t_link->numErrors()) { $o_log->logError("Could not set link between {$vs_left_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_left_item_id}) and {$vs_right_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_right_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_link->getErrors())); } } } else { $o_log->logWarn("Skipped import of term-term relationships because the ca_list_items_x_list_items 'related' relationship type is not defined for your installation"); } $vn_duration = $t->getTime(1); $vs_time = caFormatInterval($vn_duration); $o_log->logInfo("Rebuilding hierarchical indices..."); $t_item->rebuildAllHierarchicalIndexes(); $o_log->logInfo("ULAN import complete. Took {$vs_time} ({$vn_duration})"); print "\n\nIMPORT COMPLETE. Took {$vs_time} ({$vn_duration})\n"; }
/** * */ public function addItem($ps_value, $pb_is_enabled = true, $pb_is_default = false, $pn_parent_id = null, $pn_type_id = null, $ps_idno = null, $ps_validation_format = '', $pn_status = 0, $pn_access = 0, $pn_rank = null) { if (!($vn_list_id = $this->getPrimaryKey())) { return null; } $t_item = new ca_list_items(); $t_item->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); if ($this->inTransaction()) { $t_item->setTransaction($this->getTransaction()); } $t_item->set('list_id', $vn_list_id); $t_item->set('item_value', $ps_value); $t_item->set('is_enabled', $pb_is_enabled ? 1 : 0); $t_item->set('is_default', $pb_is_default ? 1 : 0); $t_item->set('parent_id', $pn_parent_id); $t_item->set('type_id', $pn_type_id); $t_item->set('idno', $ps_idno); $t_item->set('validation_format', $ps_validation_format); $t_item->set('status', $pn_status); $t_item->set('access', $pn_access); if (!is_null($pn_rank)) { $t_item->set('rank', $pn_rank); } $vn_item_id = $t_item->insert(); if ($t_item->numErrors()) { $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $t_item->errors); return false; } return $t_item; }
/** * * * @return string */ function caLoadAAT($ps_path_to_aat_data = null, $pa_options = null) { if (!$ps_path_to_aat_data) { $ps_path_to_aat_data = "./AAT.xml"; } if (!file_exists($ps_path_to_aat_data)) { die("ERROR: cannot find AAT data.\n"); } require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Db.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_locales.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_lists.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items_x_list_items.php'; require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php'; $_ = new Zend_Translate('gettext', __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/locale/en_US/', 'en_US'); $t_locale = new ca_locales(); $pn_en_locale_id = $t_locale->loadLocaleByCode('en_US'); // create vocabulary list record (if it doesn't exist already) $t_list = new ca_lists(); if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => 'aat'))) { $t_list->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $t_list->set('list_code', 'aat'); $t_list->set('is_system_list', 0); $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1); $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1); $t_list->insert(); if ($t_list->numErrors()) { print "ERROR: couldn't create ca_list row for AAT: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n"; die; } $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => 'Art & Architecture Thesaurus'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true); } $vn_list_id = $t_list->getPrimaryKey(); // get list item types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile]) // if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure // that a list with code='list_item_types' is defined and the following four item codes are defined. // If these are not defined then the AAT will still import, but without any distinction between // terms, facets and guide terms $vn_list_item_type_concept = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'concept'); $vn_list_item_type_facet = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'facet'); $vn_list_item_type_guide_term = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'guide_term'); $vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'hierarchy_name'); // get list item label types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile]) // if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure // that a list with code='list_item_label_types' is defined and the following four item codes are defined. // If these are not defined then the AAT will still import, but without any distinction between // terms, facets and guide terms $vn_list_item_label_type_uf = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_label_types', 'uf'); $vn_list_item_label_type_alt = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_label_types', 'alt'); // get list item-to-item relationship type (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile]) // if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure // that a ca_list_items_x_list_items relationship type with code='related' is defined. Otherwise import of term-to-term // relationships will fail. $t_rel_types = new ca_relationship_types(); $vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related = $t_rel_types->getRelationshipTypeID('ca_list_items_x_list_items', 'related'); // load voc_terms $o_xml = new XMLReader(); $o_xml->open($ps_path_to_aat_data); print "READING AAT TERMS...\n"; $va_parent_child_links = array(); $va_item_item_links = array(); $va_aat_id_to_item_id = array(); $vn_last_message_length = 0; $va_subject = array(); $vn_term_count = 0; while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { # --------------------------- case 'Subject': if ($o_xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { if ($va_subject['subject_id'] == '300000000') { break; } // skip top-level root $vs_preferred_term = $va_subject['preferred_term']; switch ($va_subject['record_type']) { case 'Concept': $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name; $pb_is_enabled = true; break; case 'Facet': $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_facet; $vs_preferred_term = '<' . $vs_preferred_term . '>'; $pb_is_enabled = false; break; case 'Guide Term': $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_guide_term; $vs_preferred_term = '<' . $vs_preferred_term . '>'; $pb_is_enabled = false; break; case 'Hierarchy Name': $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name; $pb_is_enabled = false; break; default: $vn_type_id = null; $pb_is_enabled = true; break; } print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tIMPORTING #" . ($vn_term_count + 1) . " [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term; if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($va_subject['subject_id'], $pb_is_enabled, false, null, $vn_type_id, $va_subject['subject_id'], '', 4, 1)) { $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey(); if ($va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] != 300000000) { $va_parent_child_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id']; } // add preferred labels if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => $va_subject['description']), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true)) { print "ERROR: Could not add preferred label to AAT term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_item->getErrors()) . "\n"; } // add alternate labels if (is_array($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'])) { for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < sizeof($va_subject['non_preferred_terms']); $vn_i++) { $vs_np_label = $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][$vn_i]; $vs_np_term_type = $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][$vn_i]; switch ($vs_np_term_type) { case 'Used For Term': $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_uf; break; case 'Alternate Descriptor': $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_alt; break; default: $vn_np_term_type_id = null; break; } if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => ''), $pn_en_locale_id, $vn_np_term_type_id, false)) { print "ERROR: Could not add non-preferred label to AAT term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_np_label . "\n"; //: ".join("; ", $t_item->getErrors())."\n"; } } } // record item-item relations if (is_array($va_subject['related_subjects'])) { foreach ($va_subject['related_subjects'] as $vs_rel_subject_id) { $va_item_item_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $vs_rel_subject_id; } } $vn_term_count++; } else { print "ERROR: Could not import AAT term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n"; } } else { $va_subject = array('subject_id' => $o_xml->getAttribute('Subject_ID')); } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Descriptive_Note': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Note_Text': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['description'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Descriptive_Note': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Record_Type': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['record_type'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Facet_Code': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['facet_code'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Parent_Relationships': $vn_parent_id = $vs_historic_flag = null; while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Preferred_Parent': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Parent_Subject_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $vn_parent_id = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Historic_Flag': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $vs_historic_flag = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Preferred_Parent': $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] = $vn_parent_id; break 2; } } break; case 'Parent_Relationships': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Preferred_Term': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Term_Type': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['preferred_term_type'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_Text': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['preferred_term'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['preferred_term_id'] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; break; case 'Preferred_Term': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'Non-Preferred_Term': while ($o_xml->read()) { switch ($o_xml->name) { case 'Term_Type': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_Text': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Term_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['non_preferred_term_ids'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; case 'Non-Preferred_Term': break 2; } } break; # --------------------------- # --------------------------- case 'VP_Subject_ID': switch ($o_xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $o_xml->read(); $va_subject['related_subjects'][] = $o_xml->value; break; } break; # --------------------------- } } $o_xml->close(); print "\n\nLINKING TERMS IN HIERARCHY...\n"; $vn_last_message_length = 0; $t_item = new ca_list_items(); $t_item->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); foreach ($va_parent_child_links as $vs_child_id => $vs_parent_id) { print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_child_id} to parent {$vs_parent_id}"; if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if (!($vn_child_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_child_id])) { print "ERROR: no list item id for child_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)\n"; continue; } if (!($vn_parent_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id])) { print "ERROR: no list item id for parent_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)\n"; continue; } if (!$t_item->load($vn_child_item_id)) { print "ERROR: could not load item for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id})\n"; continue; } $t_item->set('parent_id', $vn_parent_item_id); $t_item->update(); if ($t_item->numErrors()) { print "ERROR: could not set parent_id for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_item->getErrors()) . "\n"; } } if ($vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related > 0) { print "\n\nADDING RELATED TERM LINKS...\n"; $vn_last_message_length = 0; $t_item = new ca_list_items(); $t_link = new ca_list_items_x_list_items(); $t_link->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); foreach ($va_item_item_links as $vs_left_id => $vs_right_id) { print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length); $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_left_id} to {$vs_right_id}"; if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) { $vn_l = 1; } $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l); $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message); print $vs_message; if (!($vn_left_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_left_id])) { print "ERROR: no list item id for left_id {$vs_left_id} (were there previous errors?)\n"; continue; } if (!($vn_right_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_right_id])) { print "ERROR: no list item id for right_id {$vs_right_id} (were there previous errors?)\n"; continue; } $t_link->set('term_left_id', $vn_left_item_id); $t_link->set('term_right_id', $vn_right_item_id); $t_link->set('type_id', $vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related); $t_link->insert(); if ($t_link->numErrors()) { print "ERROR: could not set link between {$vs_left_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_left_item_id}) and {$vs_right_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_right_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_link->getErrors()) . "\n"; } } } else { print "WARNING: Skipped import of term-term relationships because the ca_list_items_x_list_items 'related' relationship type is not defined for your installation\n"; } print "\n\nIMPORT COMPLETE.\n"; }