コード例 #1
  * @link http://clangers.collectiveaccess.org/jira/browse/PROV-1026
 public function testDataExporterCanLoadFromFile()
     $t_locale = new ca_locales();
     $va_locales = $t_locale->getLocaleList();
     $vn_locale_id = key($va_locales);
     $t_exporter = new ca_data_exporters();
     $va_errors = array();
     ca_data_exporters::loadExporterFromFile(__DIR__ . '/data/list_item_export_mapping.xlsx', $va_errors, array('locale_id' => $vn_locale_id));
     $vo_exporter = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode('testmappingforunittests');
     $this->assertEmpty($va_errors, 'Should be no error messages');
     $this->assertTrue(is_object($vo_exporter), 'Should have found an exporter by the correct name');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('ca_data_exporters', $vo_exporter, 'Incorrect type loaded');
     $vo_exporter->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
     $vo_exporter = $t_exporter->load(array('exporter_code' => 'testmappingforunittests'));
     $this->assertFalse($vo_exporter, 'Should no longer have an exporter loaded');
コード例 #2
ファイル: CLIUtils.php プロジェクト: guaykuru/pawtucket
 public static function export_data($po_opts = null)
     require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . "/ca_data_exporters.php";
     $vs_search = $po_opts->getOption('search');
     $vs_id = $po_opts->getOption('id');
     $vb_rdf = (bool) $po_opts->getOption('rdf');
     if (!$vb_rdf && !$vs_search && !$vs_id) {
         print _t('You must specify either an idno or a search expression to select a record or record set for export or activate RDF mode.') . "\n";
         return false;
     if (!($vs_filename = $po_opts->getOption('file'))) {
         print _t('You must specify a file to write export output to.') . "\n";
         return false;
     if (@file_put_contents($vs_filename, "") === false) {
         // probably a permission error
         print _t("Can't write to file %1. Check the permissions.", $vs_filename) . "\n";
         return false;
     // RDF mode
     if ($vb_rdf) {
         if (!($vs_config = $po_opts->getOption('config'))) {
             print _t('You must specify a configuration file that contains the export definition for the RDF mode.') . "\n";
             return false;
         // test config syntax
         if (!Configuration::load($vs_config)) {
             print _t('Syntax error in configuration file %s.', $vs_config) . "\n";
             return false;
         if (ca_data_exporters::exportRDFMode($vs_config, $vs_filename, array('showCLIProgressBar' => true))) {
             print _t("Exported data to %1", CLIUtils::textWithColor($vs_filename, 'yellow'));
             return true;
         } else {
             print _t("Could not run RDF mode export") . "\n";
             return false;
     // Search or ID mode
     if (!($vs_mapping = $po_opts->getOption('mapping'))) {
         print _t('You must specify a mapping for export.') . "\n";
         return false;
     if (!ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($vs_mapping)) {
         print _t('Mapping %1 does not exist', $vs_mapping) . "\n";
         return false;
     if (sizeof($va_errors = ca_data_exporters::checkMapping($vs_mapping)) > 0) {
         print _t("Mapping %1 has errors: %2", $vs_mapping, join("; ", $va_errors)) . "\n";
         return false;
     if ($vs_search) {
         if (!ca_data_exporters::exportRecordsFromSearchExpression($vs_mapping, $vs_search, $vs_filename, array('showCLIProgressBar' => true, 'useNcurses' => true))) {
             print _t("Could not export mapping %1", $vs_mapping) . "\n";
             return false;
         } else {
             print _t("Exported data to %1", $vs_filename) . "\n";
     } else {
         if ($vs_id) {
             if ($vs_export = ca_data_exporters::exportRecord($vs_mapping, $vs_id, $pa_options = array('singleRecord' => true))) {
                 file_put_contents($vs_filename, $vs_export);
                 print _t("Exported data to %1", CLIUtils::textWithColor($vs_filename, 'yellow'));
             } else {
                 print _t("Could not export mapping %1", $vs_mapping) . "\n";
                 return false;
コード例 #3
  * Checks validity of request parameters
  * @return boolean True if parameters are valid, fase if not.
 private function checkParameters($pa_required_parameters, $pa_optional_parameters)
     $pa_required_parameters[] = 'verb';
     // Check for duplicate parameters
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) != urldecode(http_build_query($_REQUEST))) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Duplicate parameters in request"));
     if (!($vs_metadata_prefix = $this->opo_request->getParameter('metadataPrefix', pString)) && (in_array('metadataPrefix', $pa_required_parameters) || in_array('metadataPrefix', $pa_optional_parameters)) && $this->opa_provider_info['default_format']) {
         $_REQUEST['metadataPrefix'] = $vs_metadata_prefix = $this->opa_provider_info['default_format'];
         $this->opo_request->setParameter('metadataPrefix', $vs_metadata_prefix, 'REQUEST');
     $va_keys = array_keys($_REQUEST);
     foreach (array_diff($pa_required_parameters, $va_keys) as $vs_arg) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Missing required parameter %1", $vs_arg));
     foreach (array_diff($va_keys, $pa_required_parameters, $pa_optional_parameters) as $vs_arg) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Unknown parameter %1", $vs_arg));
     $vs_from = $this->opo_request->getParameter('from', pString);
     $vs_until = $this->opo_request->getParameter('until', pString);
     $vs_from_gran = self::getGranularity($vs_from);
     $vs_until_gran = self::getGranularity($vs_until);
     if ($vs_from && !$vs_from_gran) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Invalid date/time parameter"));
     if ($vs_until && !$vs_until_gran) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Invalid date/time parameter"));
     if ($vs_from && $vs_until && $vs_from_gran != $vs_until_gran) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Date/time parameter of differing granularity"));
     if (!is_array($this->opa_provider_info['formats'])) {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, _t("Invalid format configuration"));
     if ($vs_metadata_prefix) {
         if (!in_array($vs_metadata_prefix, array_keys($this->opa_provider_info['formats']))) {
             $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, _t("Unknown format %1", $vs_metadata_prefix));
     if ($vs_mapping = $this->getMappingCode()) {
         if ($this->exporter = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($this->getMappingCode())) {
             if ($this->exporter->getSetting('exporter_format') != "XML") {
                 $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, _t("Selected mapping %1 is invalid", $this->getMappingCode()));
             $this->table = $this->exporter->getAppDatamodel()->getTableName($this->exporter->get('table_num'));
         } else {
             $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, _t("Exporter with code %1 does not exist", $this->getMappingCode()));
     } else {
         $this->throwError(self::OAI_ERR_CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, _t("metadataPrefix or default_format is invalid", $this->getMappingCode()));
     return !$this->error;
コード例 #4
  * Export a single record using the mapping defined by this exporter and return as string
  * @param string $ps_exporter_code defines the exporter to use
  * @param int $pn_record_id Primary key of the record to export. Record type is determined by the table_num field for this exporter.
  * @param array $pa_options
  *        singleRecord = Gives a signal to the export format implementation that this is a single record export. For certain formats
  *        	this might trigger different behavior, for instance the XML export format prepends the item-level output with <?xml ... ?>
  *        	in those cases.
  *        rdfMode = Signals the implementation that this is an RDF mode export
  *        logDirectory = path to directory where logs should be written
  *		  logLevel = KLogger constant for minimum log level to record. Default is KLogger::INFO. Constants are, in descending order of shrillness:
  *			KLogger::EMERG = Emergency messages (system is unusable)
  *			KLogger::ALERT = Alert messages (action must be taken immediately)
  *			KLogger::CRIT = Critical conditions
  *			KLogger::ERR = Error conditions
  *			KLogger::WARN = Warnings
  *			KLogger::NOTICE = Notices (normal but significant conditions)
  *			KLogger::INFO = Informational messages
  *			KLogger::DEBUG = Debugging messages
  *		  logger = Optional ready-to-use instance of KLogger to use for logging/debugging
  * @return string Exported record as string
 public static function exportRecord($ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id, $pa_options = array())
     // The variable cache is valid for the whole record export.
     // It's being modified in ca_data_exporters::processExporterItem
     // and then reset here if we move on to the next record.
     ca_data_exporters::$s_variables = array();
     $o_log = caGetOption('logger', $pa_options);
     // only set up new logging facilities if no existing one has been passed down
     if (!$o_log || !$o_log instanceof KLogger) {
         $vs_log_dir = caGetOption('logDirectory', $pa_options);
         if (!file_exists($vs_log_dir) || !is_writable($vs_log_dir)) {
             $vs_log_dir = caGetTempDirPath();
         if (!($vn_log_level = caGetOption('logLevel', $pa_options))) {
             $vn_log_level = KLogger::INFO;
         $o_log = new KLogger($vs_log_dir, $vn_log_level);
     // make sure we pass logger to item processor
     $pa_options['logger'] = $o_log;
     ca_data_exporters::$s_instance_cache = array();
     $t_exporter = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($ps_exporter_code);
     if (!$t_exporter) {
         $o_log->logError(_t("Failed to load exporter with code '%1' for item with ID %2", $ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id));
         return false;
     $o_log->logInfo(_t("Successfully loaded exporter with code '%1' for item with ID %2", $ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id));
     $va_export = array();
     foreach ($t_exporter->getTopLevelItems() as $va_item) {
         $va_export = array_merge($va_export, $t_exporter->processExporterItem($va_item['item_id'], $t_exporter->get('table_num'), $pn_record_id, $pa_options));
     $o_log->logInfo(_t("The export tree for exporter code '%1' and item with ID %2 is now ready to be processed by the export format (i.e. transformed to XML, for example).", $ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id));
     $o_log->logDebug(print_r($va_export, true));
     // we may wanna auto-load this?
     switch ($t_exporter->getSetting('exporter_format')) {
         case 'XML':
             $o_export = new ExportXML();
         case 'MARC':
             $o_export = new ExportMARC();
         case 'CSV':
             $o_export = new ExportCSV();
         case 'ExifTool':
             $o_export = new ExportExifTool();
     // if someone wants to mangle the whole tree ... well, go right ahead
     $o_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     $o_manager->hookExportRecord(array('exporter_instance' => $t_exporter, 'record_id' => $pn_record_id, 'export' => &$va_export));
     $pa_options['settings'] = $t_exporter->getSettings();
     $vs_wrap_before = $t_exporter->getSetting('wrap_before_record');
     $vs_wrap_after = $t_exporter->getSetting('wrap_after_record');
     if ($vs_wrap_before || $vs_wrap_after) {
         $pa_options['singleRecord'] = false;
     $vs_export = $o_export->processExport($va_export, $pa_options);
     if (strlen($vs_wrap_before) > 0) {
         $vs_export = $vs_wrap_before . "\n" . $vs_export;
     if (strlen($vs_wrap_after) > 0) {
         $vs_export = $vs_export . "\n" . $vs_wrap_after;
     return $vs_export;
コード例 #5
  * Export a single record using the mapping defined by this exporter and return as string
  * @param string $ps_exporter_code defines the exporter to use
  * @param int $pn_record_id Primary key of the record to export. Record type is determined by the table_num field for this exporter.
  * @param array $pa_options
  *        singleRecord = Gives a signal to the export format implementation that this is a single record export. For certain formats
  *        	this might trigger different behavior, for instance the XML export format prepends the item-level output with <?xml ... ?>
  *        	in those cases.
  * @return string Exported record as string
 public static function exportRecord($ps_exporter_code, $pn_record_id, $pa_options = array())
     ca_data_exporters::$s_instance_cache = array();
     $t_exporter = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($ps_exporter_code);
     if (!$t_exporter) {
         return false;
     $va_export = array();
     foreach ($t_exporter->getTopLevelItems() as $va_item) {
         $va_export = array_merge($va_export, $t_exporter->processExporterItem($va_item['item_id'], $t_exporter->get('table_num'), $pn_record_id, $pa_options));
     // TODO: we may wanna auto-load this
     switch ($t_exporter->getSetting('exporter_format')) {
         case 'XML':
             $o_export = new ExportXML();
         case 'MARC':
             $o_export = new ExportMARC();
         case 'CSV':
             $o_export = new ExportCSV();
     // if someone wants to mangle the whole tree ... well, go right ahead
     $o_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     //caDebug($va_export, "Export before tree plugin hook");
     if (is_null($va_plugin_export = $o_manager->hookExportRecord(array('exporter_instance' => $t_exporter, 'record_id' => $pn_record_id, 'export' => $va_export)))) {
         // skip this record if plugin returns null
     } else {
         $va_export = $va_plugin_export['export'];
     //caDebug($va_export,"Export after tree plugin hook");
     $pa_options['settings'] = $t_exporter->getSettings();
     return $o_export->processExport($va_export, $pa_options);