コード例 #1
  * @package s2Member\Database
  * @since 130625
  * @attaches-to ``add_action("init");``
 public static function wait_timeout()
     global $wpdb;
     // Global database object reference.
     if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page() || !empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && preg_match("/[\\?&]s2member/", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
         $increase_wait_timeout = TRUE;
     if (empty($increase_wait_timeout) && !empty($_POST)) {
         foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $post_key) {
             if (strpos($post_key, "s2member") === 0) {
                 $increase_wait_timeout = TRUE;
     if (!empty($increase_wait_timeout)) {
         $wpdb->query("SET SESSION `wait_timeout` = 300");
コード例 #2
  * Lazy load CSS/JS files?
  * @package s2Member\CSS_JS
  * @since 131028
  * @return boolean TRUE if we should load; else FALSE.
 public static function lazy_load_css_js()
     static $load;
     // Static cache var.
     if (isset($load)) {
         return $load;
     $null = NULL;
     // Needed below in earlier versions of WP.
     if (!$GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['lazy_load_css_js']) {
         $load = TRUE;
     } else {
         if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page()) {
             $load = TRUE;
         } else {
             if (!empty($_GET[apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_check_force_ssl_get_var_name', 's2-ssl', array())])) {
                 $load = TRUE;
             } else {
                 if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::bp_is_installed() && (bp_is_register_page() || bp_is_activation_page() || bp_is_user_profile())) {
                     $load = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     if (is_singular() && ($post = get_post($null)) && (stripos($post->post_content, 's2member') !== FALSE || stripos($post->post_content, '[s2') !== FALSE)) {
                         $load = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('/\\/wp\\-signup\\.php|\\/wp\\-login\\.php|\\/wp\\-admin\\/(?:user\\/)?profile\\.php|[?&]s2member/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
                             $load = TRUE;
     if (!isset($load)) {
         $load = FALSE;
     // Make sure it's set; always.
     return $load = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_lazy_load_css_js', $load);
コード例 #3
  * Lazy load CSS/JS files?
  * @package s2Member\CSS_JS
  * @since 131028
  * @return boolean TRUE if we should load; else FALSE.
 public static function lazy_load_css_js()
     static $load;
     // Static cache var.
     if (isset($load)) {
         return $load;
     if (!$GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["lazy_load_css_js"]) {
         $load = TRUE;
     } else {
         if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page()) {
             $load = TRUE;
         } else {
             if (!empty($_GET[apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_force_ssl_get_var_name", "s2-ssl", array())])) {
                 $load = TRUE;
             } else {
                 if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::bp_is_installed() && (bp_is_register_page() || bp_is_activation_page() || bp_is_user_profile())) {
                     $load = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     if (is_singular() && ($post = get_post(NULL)) && (stripos($post->post_content, "s2member") !== FALSE || stripos($post->post_content, "[s2") !== FALSE)) {
                         $load = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match("/\\/wp\\-signup\\.php" . "|\\/wp\\-login\\.php" . "|\\/wp\\-admin\\/(?:user\\/)?profile\\.php" . "|[?&]s2member/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
                             $load = TRUE;
     if (!isset($load)) {
         $load = FALSE;
     // Make sure it's set; always.
     return $load = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_lazy_load_css_js", $load);
コード例 #4
  * Determines if the current page is Systematic in any way.
  * @package s2Member\Systematics
  * @since 3.5
  * @return bool True if Systematic, else false.
  * @note The results of this function are cached staticially.
  * 	Do NOT call upon this until the `wp` Hook is fired.
 public static function is_systematic_use_page()
     static $is_systematic;
     /* For optimization. */
     if (isset($is_systematic)) {
         return $is_systematic;
         /* Filters will have already been applied here. */
     } else {
         if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page()) {
             return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
         } else {
             if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_wp_systematic_use_page()) {
                 return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
             } else {
                 if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::bp_is_installed() && (bp_is_register_page() || bp_is_activation_page())) {
                     return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
                 } else {
                     if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_welcome_page"] && is_page($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_welcome_page"])) {
                         return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
                     } else {
                         if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"] && is_page($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"])) {
                             return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
                         } else {
                             if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["file_download_limit_exceeded_page"] && is_page($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["file_download_limit_exceeded_page"])) {
                                 return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
                             } else {
                                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_redirection_override"] && ($_lro = c_ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirects::login_redirection_uri(false, "root-returns-false")) && preg_match("/^" . preg_quote($_lro, "/") . "\$/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
                                     return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", true, get_defined_vars());
                                 } else {
                                     /* Otherwise, we return false ( it's NOT a Systematic Use Page in any way ). */
                                     return $is_systematic = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page", false, get_defined_vars());
コード例 #5
  * Determines if the current page is Systematic in any way.
  * @package s2Member\Systematics
  * @since 3.5
  * @return bool True if Systematic, else false.
  * @note The results of this function are cached staticially.
  *   Do NOT call upon this until the `wp` Hook is fired.
 public static function is_systematic_use_page()
     static $is_systematic;
     // For optimization.
     if (isset($is_systematic)) {
         // Already cached statically? Saves time.
         return $is_systematic;
     // Filters will have already been applied here.
     $ci = $GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['ruris_case_sensitive'] ? '' : 'i';
     if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page()) {
         // An s2Member Systematic Use Page?
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_wp_systematic_use_page()) {
         //* A WordPress Systematic Use Page?
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     if (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::bp_is_installed() && (bp_is_register_page() || bp_is_activation_page())) {
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     if ($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['login_welcome_page'] && is_page($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['login_welcome_page'])) {
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     if ($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['membership_options_page'] && is_page($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['membership_options_page'])) {
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     if ($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['file_download_limit_exceeded_page'] && is_page($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['file_download_limit_exceeded_page'])) {
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     if ($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['login_redirection_override'] && ($_lro = c_ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirects::login_redirection_uri(NULL, 'root-returns-false')) && preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($_lro, '/') . '$/' . $ci, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', TRUE, get_defined_vars());
     return $is_systematic = apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_is_systematic_use_page', FALSE, get_defined_vars());
コード例 #6
ファイル: no-cache.inc.php プロジェクト: donwea/nhap.org
  * Defines no-cache constants for various WordPress plugins.
  * This is compatible with Quick Cache, W3 Total Cache, and also with WP Super Cache.
  * Quick Cache uses: ``QUICK_CACHE_ALLOWED``, and other plugins use: ``DONOTCACHEPAGE``.
  * W3 Total Cache is also known to be compatible with ``DONOTCACHEOBJECT`` and ``DONOTCACHEDB``.
  * Disallow caching if the ``$no_cache`` parameter is passed in as ``true``, by other routines.
  * In addition, always disallow caching for logged in users, and GET requests with: `/?s2member` Systematics.
  * For clarity on s2Member Systematics, see: {@link s2Member\Systematics\c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page()}.
  * However, this routine will ALWAYS obey the `?qcAC` query string parameter.
  * 	This Quick Cache parameter explicitly allows caching to occur.
  * @package s2Member\No_Cache
  * @since 3.5
  * @also-called-by Other routines within s2Member.
  * @param bool $no_cache Optional. Defaults to false. If true, force no-cache if at all possible.
  * @return bool This function will always return `true`.
 public static function no_cache_constants($no_cache = FALSE)
     static $once;
     // We only need to set these constants once.
     foreach (array_keys(get_defined_vars()) as $__v) {
         $__refs[$__v] =& ${$__v};
     do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_before_no_cache_constants", get_defined_vars());
     unset($__refs, $__v);
     if (!$once && empty($_GET["qcAC"]) && ($no_cache || is_user_logged_in() && (!defined("QUICK_CACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN") || !QUICK_CACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN) || c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page())) {
          * No-cache DB queries for plugins.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 111115
          * @var bool
         if (!defined("DONOTCACHEDB")) {
             define("DONOTCACHEDB", true);
          * No-cache Page for plugins.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 3.5
          * @var bool
         if (!defined("DONOTCACHEPAGE")) {
             define("DONOTCACHEPAGE", true);
          * No-cache Objects for plugins.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 111115
          * @var bool
         if (!defined("DONOTCACHEOBJECT")) {
             define("DONOTCACHEOBJECT", true);
          * No-cache anything for Quick Cache plugin.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 3.5
          * @var bool
         if (!defined("QUICK_CACHE_ALLOWED")) {
             define("QUICK_CACHE_ALLOWED", false);
         $once = true;
         // Only need to set these constants one time.
         c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::$headers = true;
         do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_during_no_cache_constants", get_defined_vars());
     do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_after_no_cache_constants", get_defined_vars());
     return true;
     // Always return true.
コード例 #7
ファイル: no-cache.inc.php プロジェクト: adnandot/intenseburn
  * Defines no-cache constants for various WordPress plugins.
  * This is compatible with Quick Cache, W3 Total Cache, and also with WP Super Cache.
  * Quick Cache uses: ``QUICK_CACHE_ALLOWED``, and other plugins use: ``DONOTCACHEPAGE``.
  * W3 Total Cache is also known to be compatible with ``DONOTCACHEOBJECT`` and ``DONOTCACHEDB``.
  * Disallow caching if the ``$no_cache`` parameter is passed in as ``true``, by other routines.
  * In addition, always disallow caching for logged in users, and GET requests with: `/?s2member` Systematics.
  * For clarity on s2Member Systematics, see: {@link s2Member\Systematics\c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page()}.
  * However, this routine will ALWAYS obey the `?qcAC` query string parameter.
  *   This Quick Cache parameter explicitly allows caching to occur.
  * @package s2Member\No_Cache
  * @since 3.5
  * @also-called-by Other routines within s2Member.
  * @param bool $no_cache Optional. Defaults to false. If true, force no-cache if at all possible.
  * @return bool This function will always return `true`.
 public static function no_cache_constants($no_cache = FALSE)
     static $once;
     // We only need to set these constants once.
     foreach (array_keys(get_defined_vars()) as $__v) {
         $__refs[$__v] =& ${$__v};
     do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_before_no_cache_constants', get_defined_vars());
     unset($__refs, $__v);
     // Housekeeping.
     if (!$once && (empty($_GET['qcAC']) || !filter_var($_GET['qcAC'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) && ($no_cache === TRUE || $no_cache === 'restricted' && (!defined('ZENCACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN') || !ZENCACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN) && (!defined('QUICK_CACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN') || !QUICK_CACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN) || is_user_logged_in() && (!defined('ZENCACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN') || !ZENCACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN) && (!defined('QUICK_CACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN') || !QUICK_CACHE_WHEN_LOGGED_IN) || c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_s2_systematic_use_page())) {
          * No-cache DB queries for plugins.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 111115
          * @var bool
         if (!defined('DONOTCACHEDB')) {
             define('DONOTCACHEDB', TRUE);
          * No-cache Page for plugins.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 3.5
          * @var bool
         if (!defined('DONOTCACHEPAGE')) {
             define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', TRUE);
          * No-cache Objects for plugins.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 111115
          * @var bool
         if (!defined('DONOTCACHEOBJECT')) {
             define('DONOTCACHEOBJECT', TRUE);
          * No-cache anything for ZenCache plugin.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 3.5
          * @var bool
         if (!defined('ZENCACHE_ALLOWED')) {
             define('ZENCACHE_ALLOWED', FALSE);
          * No-cache anything for Quick Cache plugin.
          * @package s2Member\No_Cache
          * @since 3.5
          * @var bool
         if (!defined('QUICK_CACHE_ALLOWED')) {
             define('QUICK_CACHE_ALLOWED', FALSE);
         $once = TRUE;
         // Set these one time only.
         c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::$headers = TRUE;
         do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_during_no_cache_constants', get_defined_vars());
     do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_after_no_cache_constants', get_defined_vars());
     return TRUE;
     // Always return true.