function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); // Get export parameters $custom = ""; if (@$_GET["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_GET["export"]; $custom = @$_GET["custom"]; } elseif (@$_POST["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["export"]; $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) { if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"]; } $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } else { $this->setExportReturnUrl(ew_CurrentUrl()); } $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar; // Get export file, used in header // Get custom export parameters if ($this->Export != "" && $custom != "") { $this->CustomExport = $this->Export; $this->Export = "print"; } $gsCustomExport = $this->CustomExport; $gsExport = $this->Export; // Get export parameter, used in header // Update Export URLs if (defined("EW_USE_PHPEXCEL")) { $this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportExcelCustom) { $this->ExportExcelUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if (defined("EW_USE_PHPWORD")) { $this->ExportWordCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportWordCustom) { $this->ExportWordUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if ($this->ExportPdfCustom) { $this->ExportPdfUrl .= "&custom=1"; } $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Get grid add count $gridaddcnt = @$_GET[EW_TABLE_GRID_ADD_ROW_COUNT]; if (is_numeric($gridaddcnt) && $gridaddcnt > 0) { $this->GridAddRowCount = $gridaddcnt; } // Set up list options $this->SetupListOptions(); // Setup export options $this->SetupExportOptions(); $this->codigo->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); // Setup other options $this->SetupOtherOptions(); // Set "checkbox" visible if (count($this->CustomActions) > 0) { $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]->Visible = TRUE; } }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // User profile $UserProfile = new cUserProfile(); // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); } $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); } if (!$Security->CanView()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("NoPermission")); // Set no permission if ($Security->CanList()) { $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("airplanelist.php")); } else { $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->UserID_Loading(); $Security->LoadUserID(); $Security->UserID_Loaded(); } // Get export parameters $custom = ""; if (@$_GET["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_GET["export"]; $custom = @$_GET["custom"]; } elseif (@$_POST["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["export"]; $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) { if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"]; } $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } else { $this->setExportReturnUrl(ew_CurrentUrl()); } $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar; // Get export file, used in header if (@$_GET["AIRPLANE_ID"] != "") { if ($gsExportFile != "") { $gsExportFile .= "_"; } $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["AIRPLANE_ID"]); } // Get custom export parameters if ($this->Export != "" && $custom != "") { $this->CustomExport = $this->Export; $this->Export = "print"; } $gsCustomExport = $this->CustomExport; $gsExport = $this->Export; // Get export parameter, used in header // Update Export URLs if (defined("EW_USE_PHPEXCEL")) { $this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportExcelCustom) { $this->ExportExcelUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if (defined("EW_USE_PHPWORD")) { $this->ExportWordCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportWordCustom) { $this->ExportWordUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if ($this->ExportPdfCustom) { $this->ExportPdfUrl .= "&custom=1"; } $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Setup export options $this->SetupExportOptions(); $this->AIRPLANE_ID->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); // Get export parameters $custom = ""; if (@$_GET["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_GET["export"]; $custom = @$_GET["custom"]; } elseif (@$_POST["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["export"]; $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar; // Get export file, used in header // Get custom export parameters if ($this->Export != "" && $custom != "") { $this->CustomExport = $this->Export; $this->Export = "print"; } $gsCustomExport = $this->CustomExport; $gsExport = $this->Export; // Get export parameter, used in header // Update Export URLs if (defined("EW_USE_PHPEXCEL")) { $this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportExcelCustom) { $this->ExportExcelUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if (defined("EW_USE_PHPWORD")) { $this->ExportWordCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportWordCustom) { $this->ExportWordUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if ($this->ExportPdfCustom) { $this->ExportPdfUrl .= "&custom=1"; } $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("cciag_login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); // Create form object $objForm = new cFormObj(); $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action $this->codigo->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { // Process auto fill for detail table 'seguimiento_tramites' if (@$_POST["grid"] == "fseguimiento_tramitesgrid") { if (!isset($GLOBALS["seguimiento_tramites_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["seguimiento_tramites_grid"] = new cseguimiento_tramites_grid(); } $GLOBALS["seguimiento_tramites_grid"]->Page_Init(); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel(CurrentProjectID() . 'nivel_usuario'); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; global $tbl_user_level; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate("login.php"); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); if (!$Security->CanAdmin()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate("login.php"); } // Create form object $objForm = new cFormObj(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); } $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } // Create form object $objForm = new cFormObj(); $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action $this->delivery_id->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn() && strval($Security->CurrentUserID()) == "") { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("NoPermission")); // Set no permission $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("gastos_mantenimientoslist.php")); } // Get grid add count $gridaddcnt = @$_GET[EW_TABLE_GRID_ADD_ROW_COUNT]; if (is_numeric($gridaddcnt) && $gridaddcnt > 0) { $this->GridAddRowCount = $gridaddcnt; } // Set up list options $this->SetupListOptions(); $this->codigo->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); // Setup other options $this->SetupOtherOptions(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); } $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } // Create form object $objForm = new cFormObj(); $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Get grid add count $gridaddcnt = @$_GET[EW_TABLE_GRID_ADD_ROW_COUNT]; if (is_numeric($gridaddcnt) && $gridaddcnt > 0) { $this->GridAddRowCount = $gridaddcnt; } // Set up list options $this->SetupListOptions(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); // Setup other options $this->SetupOtherOptions(); // Set up custom action (compatible with old version) foreach ($this->CustomActions as $name => $action) { $this->ListActions->Add($name, $action); } // Show checkbox column if multiple action foreach ($this->ListActions->Items as $listaction) { if ($listaction->Select == EW_ACTION_MULTIPLE && $listaction->Allow) { $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]->Visible = TRUE; break; } } }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // User profile $UserProfile = new cUserProfile(); // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); } $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel(CurrentProjectID() . 'upload_file'); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); } if (!$Security->CanList()) { $this->Page_Terminate(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->UserID_Loading(); $Security->LoadUserID(); $Security->UserID_Loaded(); } $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); ob_clean(); // Clear output // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Main() { global $conn; $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this; //**$conn = ew_Connect(); // Get fn / table name parameters $key = EW_RANDOM_KEY . session_id(); $fn = @$_GET["fn"] != "" ? ew_StripSlashes($_GET["fn"]) : ""; if ($fn != "" && EW_ENCRYPT_FILE_PATH) { $fn = ew_Decrypt($fn, $key); } $table = @$_GET["t"] != "" ? ew_StripSlashes($_GET["t"]) : ""; if ($table != "" && EW_ENCRYPT_FILE_PATH) { $table = ew_Decrypt($table, $key); } // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel(CurrentProjectID() . $table); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); if (!$Security->CanList()) { exit; } // No permission // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) //**Page_Loading(); // Get resize parameters $resize = @$_GET["resize"] != ""; $width = @$_GET["width"] != "" ? $_GET["width"] : 0; $height = @$_GET["height"] != "" ? $_GET["height"] : 0; if (@$_GET["width"] == "" && @$_GET["height"] == "") { $width = EW_THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_WIDTH; $height = EW_THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } // Resize image from physical file if ($fn != "") { $fn = str_replace("", "", $fn); $info = pathinfo($fn); $fn = ew_PathCombine(ew_AppRoot(), $info["dirname"], TRUE) . $info["basename"]; if (file_exists($fn) || @fopen($fn, "rb") !== FALSE) { // Allow remote file if (ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } $pathinfo = pathinfo($fn); $ext = strtolower(@$pathinfo["extension"]); $ct = ew_ContentType("", $fn); if ($ct != "") { header("Content-type: " . $ct); } if (in_array($ext, explode(",", EW_IMAGE_ALLOWED_FILE_EXT))) { $size = @getimagesize($fn); if ($size) { header("Content-type: {$size['mime']}"); } if ($width > 0 || $height > 0) { echo ew_ResizeFileToBinary($fn, $width, $height); } else { echo file_get_contents($fn); } } elseif (in_array($ext, explode(",", EW_DOWNLOAD_ALLOWED_FILE_EXT))) { echo file_get_contents($fn); } } } // Global Page Unloaded event (in userfn*.php) //**Page_Unloaded(); // Close connection //**ew_CloseConn(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); } $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } // Create form object $objForm = new cFormObj(); // Get export parameters $custom = ""; if (@$_GET["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_GET["export"]; $custom = @$_GET["custom"]; } elseif (@$_POST["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["export"]; $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) { if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"]; } $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } else { $this->setExportReturnUrl(ew_CurrentUrl()); } $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar; // Get export file, used in header // Get custom export parameters if ($this->Export != "" && $custom != "") { $this->CustomExport = $this->Export; $this->Export = "print"; } $gsCustomExport = $this->CustomExport; $gsExport = $this->Export; // Get export parameter, used in header // Update Export URLs if (defined("EW_USE_PHPEXCEL")) { $this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportExcelCustom) { $this->ExportExcelUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if (defined("EW_USE_PHPWORD")) { $this->ExportWordCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportWordCustom) { $this->ExportWordUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if ($this->ExportPdfCustom) { $this->ExportPdfUrl .= "&custom=1"; } $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Get grid add count $gridaddcnt = @$_GET[EW_TABLE_GRID_ADD_ROW_COUNT]; if (is_numeric($gridaddcnt) && $gridaddcnt > 0) { $this->GridAddRowCount = $gridaddcnt; } // Set up list options $this->SetupListOptions(); // Setup export options $this->SetupExportOptions(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { // Process auto fill for detail table 'items' if (@$_POST["grid"] == "fitemsgrid") { if (!isset($GLOBALS["items_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["items_grid"] = new citems_grid(); } $GLOBALS["items_grid"]->Page_Init(); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); // Set up master detail parameters $this->SetUpMasterParms(); // Setup other options $this->SetupOtherOptions(); // Set up custom action (compatible with old version) foreach ($this->CustomActions as $name => $action) { $this->ListActions->Add($name, $action); } // Show checkbox column if multiple action foreach ($this->ListActions->Items as $listaction) { if ($listaction->Select == EW_ACTION_MULTIPLE && $listaction->Allow) { $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]->Visible = TRUE; break; } } }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("cciag_login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); } $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("login.php")); } // Get grid add count $gridaddcnt = @$_GET[EW_TABLE_GRID_ADD_ROW_COUNT]; if (is_numeric($gridaddcnt) && $gridaddcnt > 0) { $this->GridAddRowCount = $gridaddcnt; } // Set up list options $this->SetupListOptions(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { // Process auto fill for detail table 'items' if (@$_POST["grid"] == "fitemsgrid") { if (!isset($GLOBALS["items_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["items_grid"] = new citems_grid(); } $GLOBALS["items_grid"]->Page_Init(); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); // Setup other options $this->SetupOtherOptions(); }
function Page_Init() { global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm; // Security $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity(); if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->AutoLogin(); } if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->SaveLastUrl(); $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("cciag_login.php")); } $Security->TablePermission_Loading(); $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName); $Security->TablePermission_Loaded(); $Security->UserID_Loading(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $Security->LoadUserID(); } $Security->UserID_Loaded(); if ($Security->IsLoggedIn() && strval($Security->CurrentUserID()) == "") { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("NoPermission")); // Set no permission $this->Page_Terminate(ew_GetUrl("cciag_deudaslist.php")); } // Get export parameters $custom = ""; if (@$_GET["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_GET["export"]; $custom = @$_GET["custom"]; } elseif (@$_POST["export"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["export"]; $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) { if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") { $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"]; } $custom = @$_POST["custom"]; } else { $this->setExportReturnUrl(ew_CurrentUrl()); } $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar; // Get export file, used in header if (@$_GET["id"] != "") { if ($gsExportFile != "") { $gsExportFile .= "_"; } $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["id"]); } // Get custom export parameters if ($this->Export != "" && $custom != "") { $this->CustomExport = $this->Export; $this->Export = "print"; } $gsCustomExport = $this->CustomExport; $gsExport = $this->Export; // Get export parameter, used in header // Update Export URLs if (defined("EW_USE_PHPEXCEL")) { $this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportExcelCustom) { $this->ExportExcelUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if (defined("EW_USE_PHPWORD")) { $this->ExportWordCustom = FALSE; } if ($this->ExportWordCustom) { $this->ExportWordUrl .= "&custom=1"; } if ($this->ExportPdfCustom) { $this->ExportPdfUrl .= "&custom=1"; } $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"]; // Set up current action // Setup export options $this->SetupExportOptions(); $this->id->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd(); // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php) Page_Loading(); // Page Load event $this->Page_Load(); // Check token if (!$this->ValidPost()) { echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest"); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill if (@$_POST["ajax"] == "autofill") { // Process auto fill for detail table 'detalle_deudas' if (@$_POST["grid"] == "fdetalle_deudasgrid") { if (!isset($GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"] = new cdetalle_deudas_grid(); } $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"]->Page_Init(); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } // Process auto fill for detail table 'pagos' if (@$_POST["grid"] == "fpagosgrid") { if (!isset($GLOBALS["pagos_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["pagos_grid"] = new cpagos_grid(); } $GLOBALS["pagos_grid"]->Page_Init(); $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } $results = $this->GetAutoFill(@$_POST["name"], @$_POST["q"]); if ($results) { // Clean output buffer if (!EW_DEBUG_ENABLED && ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $results; $this->Page_Terminate(); exit; } } // Create Token $this->CreateToken(); }
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