  * Returns a query object with the basics all set up to get assignment stuff
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @return block_ajax_marking_query_base
 public function query_factory()
     global $DB;
     $query = new block_ajax_marking_query_base($this);
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'assignment', 'alias' => 'moduletable'));
     $query->add_from(array('join' => 'INNER JOIN', 'table' => 'assignment_submissions', 'alias' => 'sub', 'on' => 'sub.assignment = moduletable.id'));
     // Standard userid for joins.
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'userid'));
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'timemodified', 'alias' => 'timestamp'));
     // First bit: not graded
     // Second bit of first bit: has been resubmitted
     // Third bit: if it's advanced upload, only care about the first bit if 'send for marking'
     // was clicked.
     $commentstring = $DB->sql_compare_text('sub.submissioncomment');
     $assignmenttypestring = $DB->sql_compare_text('moduletable.assignmenttype');
     $datastring = $DB->sql_compare_text('sub.data2');
     // Resubmit seems not to be used for upload types.
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => "( (sub.grade = -1 AND {$commentstring} = '') /* Never marked */\n                                    OR\n                                    ( (  moduletable.resubmit = 1\n                                         OR ({$assignmenttypestring} = 'upload' AND moduletable.var4 = 1)\n                                       ) /* Resubmit allowed */\n                                       AND (sub.timemodified > sub.timemarked) /* Resubmit happened */\n                                    )\n                                )\n                                /* Not in draft state */\n                                AND ( {$assignmenttypestring} != 'upload'\n                                      OR ( {$assignmenttypestring} = 'upload' AND {$datastring} = 'submitted'))\n                                AND {$assignmenttypestring} != 'offline'\n                                  "));
     // TODO only sent for marking.
     // Advanced upload: data2 will be 'submitted' and grade will be -1, but if 'save changes'
     // is clicked, timemarked will be set to time(), but actually, grade and comment may
     // still be empty.
     return $query;
コード例 #2
  * We need to check whether the activity can be displayed (the user may have hidden it
  * using the settings). This sql can be dropped into a query so that it will get the right
  * students. This will also make sure that if only some groups are being displayed, the
  * submission is by a user who is in one of the displayed groups.
  * @param block_ajax_marking_query_base $query a query object to apply these changes to
  * @return void
 private static function apply_sql_display_settings($query)
     // Here, we filter out the users with no group memberships, where the users without group
     // memberships have been set to be hidden for this coursemodule.
     // Second bit (after OR) filters out those who have group memberships, but all of them are
     // set to be hidden. This is done by saying 'are there any visible at all'
     // The bit after that, talking about separate groups is to make sure users don't see any
     // of these groups unless they are members of them if separate groups is enabled.
     //        $sitedefaultnogroup = 1; // what to do with users who have no group membership?
     //        list($existsvisibilitysubquery, $existsparams) = block_ajax_marking_group_visibility_subquery();
     //        $query->add_params($existsparams);
     //        $hidden = <<<SQL
     //    (
     //        ( /* User has no group memberships */
     //          NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL
     //                        FROM {groups_members} groups_members
     //                  INNER JOIN {groups} groups
     //                          ON groups_members.groupid = groups.id
     //                       WHERE groups_members.userid = moduleunion.userid
     //                         AND groups.courseid = moduleunion.course)
     //                /* Settings say 'show people who have no group memberships' */
     //          AND ( COALESCE(cmconfig.showorphans,
     //                         courseconfig.showorphans,
     //                         {$sitedefaultnogroup}) = 1 ) )
     //        OR
     //            /* student is in at least one group that is supposed to be shown to this teacher  */
     //        ( EXISTS (SELECT NULL
     //                    FROM {groups_members} groups_members
     //              INNER JOIN {groups} groups
     //                      ON groups_members.groupid = groups.id
     //              INNER JOIN ({$existsvisibilitysubquery}) existsvisibilitysubquery
     //                      ON existsvisibilitysubquery.groupid = groups.id
     //                   WHERE groups_members.userid = moduleunion.userid
     //                     AND existsvisibilitysubquery.cmid = moduleunion.coursemoduleid
     //                     AND groups.courseid = moduleunion.course
     //                     AND existsvisibilitysubquery.display = 1)
     //        )
     //    )
     //        $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND',
     //                                'condition' => $hidden));
     // We allow course settings to override the site default and activity settings to override
     // the course ones.
     $sitedefaultactivitydisplay = 1;
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => "COALESCE(cmconfig.display,\n                                         courseconfig.display,\n                                         {$sitedefaultactivitydisplay}) = 1"));
  * Returns a query object with the basics all set up to get assignment stuff
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @return block_ajax_marking_query_base
 public function query_factory()
     global $DB;
     $query = new block_ajax_marking_query_base($this);
     $query->add_from(array('table' => $this->modulename, 'alias' => 'moduletable'));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'quiz_attempts', 'on' => 'moduletable.id = quiz_attempts.quiz'));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'question_attempts', 'on' => 'question_attempts.questionusageid = quiz_attempts.uniqueid'));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'question_attempt_steps', 'alias' => 'sub', 'on' => 'question_attempts.id = sub.questionattemptid'));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'question', 'on' => 'question_attempts.questionid = question.id'));
     // Standard userid for joins.
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'quiz_attempts', 'column' => 'userid'));
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'timecreated', 'alias' => 'timestamp'));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'quiz_attempts.timefinish > 0'));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'quiz_attempts.preview = 0'));
     $comparesql = $DB->sql_compare_text('question_attempts.behaviour') . " = 'manualgraded'";
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => $comparesql));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => "sub.state = '" . question_state::$needsgrading . "' "));
     // We want to get a list of graded states so we can retrieve all questions that don't have
     // one.
     $gradedstates = array();
     $us = new ReflectionClass('question_state');
     foreach ($us->getStaticProperties() as $name => $class) {
         /* @var question_state $class */
         if ($class->is_graded()) {
             $gradedstates[] = $name;
     list($gradedsql, $gradedparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($gradedstates, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'quizq001');
     $subsql = "NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1\n                                 FROM {question_attempt_steps} st\n                                WHERE st.state {$gradedsql}\n                                  AND st.questionattemptid = question_attempts.id)";
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => $subsql));
     return $query;
  * Returns a query object with the basics all set up to get assignment stuff
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @return block_ajax_marking_query_base
 public function query_factory()
     global $USER;
     $query = new block_ajax_marking_query_base($this);
     $query->add_from(array('table' => $this->modulename, 'alias' => 'moduletable'));
     $query->add_from(array('join' => 'INNER JOIN', 'table' => 'workshop_submissions', 'alias' => 'sub', 'on' => 'sub.workshopid = moduletable.id'));
     $query->add_from(array('join' => 'LEFT JOIN', 'table' => 'workshop_assessments', 'alias' => 'a', 'on' => 'sub.id = a.submissionid'));
     // Standard userid for joins.
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'authorid', 'alias' => 'userid'));
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'timemodified', 'alias' => 'timestamp'));
     // Assumes that we want to see stuff that has not been assessed by the current user yet. Perhaps
     // we have more than one assessor? Perhaps it's peer assessment only?
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'NOT EXISTS(
                                SELECT 1
                                  FROM {workshop_assessments} workshop_assessments
                                 WHERE workshop_assessments.submissionid = sub.id
                                   AND workshop_assessments.reviewerid = :workshopuserid
                                   AND workshop_assessments.grade != -1
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'moduletable.phase < ' . workshop::PHASE_CLOSED));
     // Do we want to only see stuff when the workshop has been put into a later phase?
     // If it has, a teacher will have done this manually and will know about the grading work.
     // Unless there are two teachers.
     $query->add_param('workshopuserid', $USER->id);
     return $query;
コード例 #5
  * This is for when a courseid node is an ancestor of the node that has been
  * selected, so we just do a where.
  * @param block_ajax_marking_query_base $query
  * @param int $courseid
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedPrivateMethod) Dynamic method names don't register
 public static function configwhere_filter(block_ajax_marking_query_base $query, $courseid)
     $conditions = array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'course_modules.course = :courseidfiltercourseid');
     $query->add_param('courseidfiltercourseid', $courseid);
  * Returns a query object with the basics all set up to get assignment stuff
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @return block_ajax_marking_query_base
 public function query_factory()
     global $USER;
     $query = new block_ajax_marking_query_base($this);
     // This currently does a simple check for whether or not the current user has added a
     // rating or not. No scope for another teacher to do all the marking, or some of it.
     list($notmyratingsql, $notmyratingparams) = $this->get_teacher_sql();
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'forum_posts', 'alias' => 'sub'));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'forum_discussions', 'alias' => 'discussions', 'on' => 'sub.discussion = discussions.id'));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => $this->modulename, 'alias' => 'moduletable', 'on' => 'discussions.forum = moduletable.id'));
     // We need the context id to check the ratings table in the teacher SQL.
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'course_modules', 'alias' => 'forumcoursemodules', 'on' => 'moduletable.id = forumcoursemodules.instance ' . 'AND forumcoursemodules.module = ' . $this->get_module_id()));
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'context', 'alias' => 'forumcontext', 'on' => 'forumcoursemodules.id = forumcontext.instanceid ' . 'AND forumcontext.contextlevel = ' . CONTEXT_MODULE));
     // Standard userid for joins.
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'userid'));
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'modified', 'alias' => 'timestamp'));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'sub.userid <> :forumuserid'));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'moduletable.assessed > 0'));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => " {$notmyratingsql} "));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => '( (moduletable.assesstimestart = 0) OR
                                              (sub.created >= moduletable.assesstimestart) ) '));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => '( (moduletable.assesstimefinish = 0) OR
                                              (sub.created <= moduletable.assesstimefinish) )'));
     $query->add_param('forumuserid', $USER->id);
     return $query;
  * Returns a query object with the basics all set up to get assignment stuff
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @return block_ajax_marking_query_base
 public function query_factory()
     global $DB, $USER;
     $query = new block_ajax_marking_query_base($this);
     $query->add_from(array('table' => 'assign', 'alias' => 'moduletable'));
     $query->add_from(array('join' => 'INNER JOIN', 'table' => 'assign_submission', 'alias' => 'sub', 'on' => 'sub.assignment = moduletable.id'));
     // LEFT JOIN, rather than NOT EXISTS because we may have an empty form saved, which
     // will create a grade record, but with a null grade. These should still count as ungraded.
     $query->add_from(array('join' => 'LEFT JOIN', 'table' => 'assign_grades', 'on' => 'assign_grades.assignment = moduletable.id AND
                                    assign_grades.userid = sub.userid AND
                                    assign_grades.grader = :assigngraderid'));
     $query->add_param('assigngraderid', $USER->id);
     // Standard user id for joins.
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'userid'));
     $query->add_select(array('table' => 'sub', 'column' => 'timemodified', 'alias' => 'timestamp'));
     $statustext = $DB->sql_compare_text('sub.status');
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => $statustext . " = '" . ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED . "'"));
     $query->add_where(array('type' => 'AND', 'condition' => 'assign_grades.grade IS NULL'));
     // First bit: not graded
     // Second bit of first bit: has been resubmitted
     // Third bit: if it's advanced upload, only care about the first bit if 'send for marking'
     // was clicked.
     return $query;