function load_awcs_forum() { # $START = processing_time(); // Used for testing speed... $RESULT at bottom... global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgScriptPath; global $awc, $awcUser, $awc_tables, $awc_ver, $ForumStat, $awcs_forum_config, $WhoWhere, $action_url, $tplt; global $awc_url, $wiki_url, $style_path, $button_path, $awc__url; require_once awc_dir . "includes/funcs.php"; require_once awc_dir . "includes/gen_funk.php"; require_once awc_dir . "includes/gen_class.php"; // awcs_forum_config, awcs_forum_user, awcs_forum_stats, $WhoWhere = null; define('awc_path', $wgScriptPath . awcForumPath); define('emo_path', awc_path . 'images/emotions/default/'); define('button_path', awc_path . 'images/buttons/default/'); $style_path = awc_path . 'skins/'; // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() for "find and replace" $button_path = button_path; // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() for "find and replace" $wiki_url = awcsf_wiki_url; // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() for "find and replace" $awc_url = awc_url; // used in awcs_forum_skin_templetes::phase() function for "find and replace" $awc__url = $awc_url; if (!isset($awcUser)) { $awcUser = new awcs_forum_user(); } $wgRequest->action = null; $clean_todo = null; $clean_todo_arr = $wgRequest->getVal('title'); $clean_todo_arr = rawurldecode($clean_todo_arr); $clean_todo_arr = explode('/', $clean_todo_arr); if (isset($clean_todo_arr[1]) and (!isset($_GET['action']) or !isset($_POST['action']))) { $count_to = count($clean_todo_arr) - 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count_to; ++$i) { $clean_todo .= $clean_todo_arr[$i] . "/"; } $wgRequest->action = $clean_todo; } $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action'); if ($action == null) { $action = $clean_todo; } else { $action = str_replace('%2F', '/', $action); $wgRequest->action = $action; } $action_spl = explode("/", $action); #$todo = $action_spl[0]; $action_url = array(); $action_url['all'] = $action; $action_url['what_file'] = $action_spl[0]; if (isset($action_spl[1])) { if (strstr($action_spl[1], "id")) { $action_url['id'] = str_replace(array('_', 'id', 'id_'), '', $action_spl[1]); } else { $action_url['section'] = $action_spl[1]; $action_url['id'] = $wgRequest->getVal('id'); } } else { $action_url['id'] = $wgRequest->getVal('id'); } if (isset($action_spl[2])) { $action_url['todo'] = $action_spl[2]; } foreach ($action_spl as $act) { if (strstr($act, "id_")) { $action_url['id'] = str_replace(array('_', 'id', 'id_'), '', $act); } else { $action_url[] = $act; } } if ($wgRequest->action == "install_forum" and in_array('sysop', $awcUser->mGroups)) { require awc_dir . "updates/install/install_forum.php"; return; } if (!isset($awcs_forum_config)) { $awcs_forum_config = new awcs_forum_config(); // gen_class.php } if ($awcs_forum_config->get_config() === false) { $out = $awcs_forum_config->get_install(); $wgOut->addHTML($out); return; } # die("k,h"); // Note: // This needs to be after the awcs_forum_config() // for some reason the unserialize() gets messed with the default CSS and cant read it correctly if (awcs_forum_convert_latin) { $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->query("SET NAMES latin1"); unset($dbw); } /* // Check to see if forum is installed by checking of the Dbase config table is there... if(!$awcs_forum_config->installed){ $out = $awcs_forum_config->get_install() ; $wgOut->addHTML($out); return ; } */ // ckeck forum version... if (version_compare(awcs_forum_ver_current, awcs_forum_ver, '<')) { global $wgRequest; if (!strstr($wgRequest->action, "admin/forum_update") and !strstr($wgRequest->action, "admin/get_updates")) { if (!in_array('sysop', $awcUser->mGroups)) { awcs_forum_wfLoadExtensionMessages('AWCforum_genral_forum'); $wgOut->addHTML("<center>" . wfMsg('awcsf_updating') . "<br /> <b>" . wfMsg('awcsf_sysops_login') . "</b></center>"); return; } die(header('Location: ' . awc_url . 'admin/forum_update')); } } if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_header_import) and !empty($awcs_forum_config->cf_header_import)) { $header = awc_wikipase($awcs_forum_config->cf_header_import, $wgOut); $wgOut->addHTML($header); } // load this after config_config require awc_dir . "includes/load/load_skin_tplts.php"; if (!isset($tplt)) { require awc_dir . 'admin.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_cats'), true); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_admin')); // get lang difinitions... $admin = new awcforum_forumAdmin(); $admin->enterAdmin($action); return; } // load lang difinistions and get sql table names switch ($action_url['what_file']) { case 'search': require awc_dir . 'search.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_posts', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_cats')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'post': require awc_dir . 'post.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_polls', 'awc_f_posts', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_watchthreads', 'awc_f_watchforums')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_thread', 'lang_txt_redirects')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'st': case 'sp': case 'last_post': case 'delete_post': case 'delete_thread': require awc_dir . 'thread.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_posts', 'awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_polls', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_member_titles', 'awc_f_cats')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_thread')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'member_options': require awc_dir . 'members.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_watchthreads', 'awc_f_watchforums', 'awc_f_threads', 'awc_f_pms_info', 'awc_f_pms', 'awc_f_mems', 'awc_f_threads')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_mem', 'lang_txt_redirects')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'admin': require awc_dir . 'admin.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_cats'), true); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_admin', 'lang_txt_redirects')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'pm': require awc_dir . 'pm.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_mems')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_mem')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'mem_profile': case 'credits': case 'whoshere': require awc_dir . 'misc.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_langs', 'awc_f_sessions')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_mem')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'mod': awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search', 'lang_txt_thread', 'lang_txt_redirects')); // get lang difinitions... break; case 'sc': case 'sf': case 'subf': default: require awc_dir . 'forum.php'; awcsforum_funcs::get_table_names(array('awc_f_cats', 'awc_f_forums', 'awc_f_anns', 'awc_f_threads')); // Get all the forums d-base table names, check for table pre-fix awcsforum_funcs::get_page_lang(array('lang_txt_forum', 'lang_txt_search')); // get lang difinitions... break; } $awcs_forum_config->ver = isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion) ? $awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion : '2.x.x'; $awcs_forum_config->ver = str_replace('.', '', $awcs_forum_config->ver); // need a check, some servers will drop the last zero from the version, version needs to be three digets #strlen($awc_ver) == 2 ? $awc_ver = $awc_ver . '0' : $awc_ver = $awc_ver ; $awcs_forum_config->ver = !isset($awcs_forum_config->ver[2]) ? $awcs_forum_config->ver . '0' : $awcs_forum_config->ver; $awc_ver = $awcs_forum_config->ver; $info['url'] = awc_url; // Need a check here for Admin Setting.... if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_use_forum_stats) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_use_forum_stats == '1') { $ForumStat = new awcs_forum_stats(); $ForumStat->get_stats(); } // need to do something here.... // PM check, display pop-up or not, set MemCP text for top menu if ($awcUser->mId != '0') { $awcUser->get_mem_forum_options(); // set if (isset($awcUser->m_pmunread)) { $info['user_title'] = $awcUser->m_pmunread == 0 || $awcUser->m_pmunread == '' ? get_awcsforum_word('word_MemOpts') . '' : get_awcsforum_word('word_MemOpts') . ' <b>' . $awcUser->m_pmunread . '</b> ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_unreadpms'); $pms = $awcUser->m_pmunread . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_unreadpms'); } else { $info['user_title'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_MemOpts'); $pms = ''; } $info['user_name'] = urlencode($awcUser->mName) . '/' . $awcUser->mId; $word['word_recent_posts'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_recent_posts'); $word['word_gotomempc'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotomempc'); $word['word_gotopms'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotopms'); $word['word_gotosig'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotosig'); $word['word_gotoavatar'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_gotoavatar'); $word['word_subscribe_email'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_subscribe_email'); $word['word_subscribe_memcp'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_subscribe_memcp'); $word['word_threads'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_threads'); $word['word_posts'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_posts'); $word['word_MemClearIndicators'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_MemClearIndicators'); $info['mem_links'] = $tplt->phase($word, $info, 'top_menu_user_links'); } else { $pms = ''; $mem_title = null; $info['mem_links'] = null; } $tplt->kill('top_menu_user_links'); $awcs_forum_config->get_css(); //$wgOut->addScript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'. awc_path . 'awc.js"></script>'); $wgOut->mScripts .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . awc_path . 'awc.js"></script>'; if (UserPerm == 10) { $word['word_AdminCP'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_AdminCP'); $word['word_AdminCP'] = strlen($word['word_AdminCP']) < 2 ? "Admin Control Panel" : $word['word_AdminCP']; $info['admin_link'] = $tplt->phase($word, '', 'top_menu_admin_link'); } else { $info['admin_link'] = null; } $tplt->kill('top_menu_admin_link'); if (CanSearch()) { $word['search'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_search'); $info['search_link'] = $tplt->phase($word, '', 'top_menu_search_link'); } else { $info['search_link'] = null; } $tplt->kill('top_menu_search_link'); $word['word_todays_posts'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_todays_posts'); $info['todays_posts'] = $tplt->phase($word, '', 'top_menu_todays_posts_link', true); $word['word_credits'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_credits'); $top_menu_links = $tplt->phase($word, $info, 'top_menu_top', true); $wgOut->addHTML($top_menu_links); if ($awcUser->mId != '0') { if (isset($awcUser->m_pmpop) and isset($awcUser->m_pmoptions['m_pmpop'])) { if ($awcUser->m_pmpop == '1' and $awcUser->m_pmoptions['m_pmpop'] == '1' and $action_url['what_file'] != 'member_options') { $wgOut->addHTML('<script type= "text/javascript"> alert("' . get_awcsforum_word('word_newpm') . '"); </script>'); } } } # $wgOut->addHTML('<hr>'); global $wgSitename; $awcs_forum_config->forum_name = !empty($awcs_forum_config->cf__forumname) ? str_replace('|$|', ' ' . $wgSitename . ' ', $awcs_forum_config->cf__forumname) : $wgSitename . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_forum'); $awcs_forum_config->forum_subtitle = isset($awcs_forum_config->cf__forumsubtitle) ? $awcs_forum_config->cf__forumsubtitle : ''; if (!$awcUser->canRead and $action_url['what_file'] != 'credits') { global $wgSitename; $Tforum_name = str_replace('|$|', ' ' . $wgSitename . ' ', $awcs_forum_config->cf__forumname); Set_AWC_Forum_SubTitle($awcs_forum_config->forum_name, $awcs_forum_config->forum_name); $wgOut->loginToUse(); get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension') == '' ? $awc_info = 'Stand Alone Forum Extension' : ($awc_info = get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension')); $wgOut->addHTML("\r" . '<br /><hr><center> <a href="" target="_blank" title="PHP, Visual Basic scripts and programs">AWC\'s</a>: <b>' . $awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion . '</b> MediaWiki - ' . $awc_info . '</center>' . "\r"); return; } # switch ($action_url['what_file']) { case 'mod': require awc_dir . 'includes/mod_post.php'; awcs_forum_mod_options(); break; case 'whoshere': //$WhoWhere = 'whoshere' ; $WhoWhere['type'] = 'forum'; $WhoWhere['where'] = 'whoshere||awc-split||whoshere'; $whoshere = new awcforum_misc(); $whoshere->whoshere(); break; case 'search': awcs_forum_search(); #$search = new awcforum_search(); #$search->enter_search($action); break; case 'post': awcs_forum_post(); #$post=new awcsforum_post_cls(); #$post->enter_post($action); break; case 'st': case 'sp': case 'last_post': case 'delete_post': case 'delete_thread': awcs_forum_threads($action); break; case 'member_options': awcs_forum_members($action); break; case 'admin': $admin = new awcforum_forumAdmin(); $admin->enterAdmin($action); break; case 'pm': $pm = new awcforum_pm(); $pm->enter_pm($action); break; case 'mem_profile': case 'credits': $pm = new awcforum_misc(); $pm->enter_misc($action); break; case 'feed': //awc_pdie($action_url); $title = str_replace('feed/', '', $action_url['all']); $rss = new FeedItem($title, 'Description', awc_url . $title); awc_pdie($rss); break; case 'sc': case 'sf': case 'subf': case 'fpw': default: awcs_forum_listing(); break; } $awc_info = get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension') == '' ? 'Stand Alone Forum Extension' : get_awcsforum_word('word_standalongforumextension'); // admin check needed if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_show_whoes_here) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_show_whoes_here == '1') { $whos_here = new awcs_forum_whos_here(); $whos_here->load_ses($action); $word = array('word_forum_stats_whos_here' => get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_stats_whos_here'), 'members' => get_awcsforum_word('word_members'), 'guests' => get_awcsforum_word('word_guests'), 'word_forum_stats_bots' => get_awcsforum_word('word_forum_stats_bots')); $info['names'] = substr($whos_here->whos_here['names'], 0, -2); $info['num_mems'] = $whos_here->whos_here['mems']; $info['num_guests'] = $whos_here->whos_here['guests']; $info['num_bots'] = $whos_here->whos_here['bots']; $footer_whoshere = $tplt->phase($word, $info, 'footer_whoshere', true); $wgOut->addHTML($footer_whoshere); unset($word, $info); } #require(awc_dir . 'dBase.php'); #$dBase = new awcforum_cls_dBase(); # die("done"); /* * top poster, replier, most posts in thread, most viewed thrread. */ global $css_ver_info; if ($css_ver_info != null) { $css_ver_info = get_awcsforum_word('word_css_style_by') . " {$css_ver_info}"; } // Read the top please... will bring up your site sooner or later... $wgOut->addHTML('<br /><hr> <center> <a href="" target="_blank" title="PHP, Visual Basic scripts and programs">AWC\'s</a>: <b>' . $awcs_forum_config->cf_forumversion . '</b> MediaWiki - ' . $awc_info . '<br />' . $css_ver_info . '</center>'); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy($awcs_forum_config->cf_setRobotpolicy); if (isset($ForumStat)) { $ForumStat->doUpdate(); } if ($awcUser->mId != '0') { $now = awcsforum_funcs::wikidate(wfTimestampNow()); if (isset($awcs_forum_config->cf_save_recent_in_dabase) and $awcs_forum_config->cf_save_recent_in_dabase == '1') { $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->update('awc_f_mems', array('m_lasttouch' => wfTimestampNow(), 'm_lasthere' => $now), array('m_id' => $awcUser->mId), ''); } else { global $wgCookieExpiration, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain; $exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration; setcookie('awc_startTime', $now, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain); } } # $wgOut->setSubtitle( 'Time Test: ' . processing_time($START) . ' Memory Peek= ' . memory_get_peak_usage(true) . ' memory_get_usage= ' . memory_get_usage() ) ; # testing }
/** * Trigged when Wiki displays a page * Displays Forum Menu and Who's Here * * @uses awcs_forum_user * @uses awcs_forum_wfLoadExtensionMessages * @uses awcs_forum_stats * @uses get_stats * @uses awcs_forums_whos_here_skin_wiki * @uses doUpdate * @todo find out why this is being called multi-times by other extensions... * */ function AWC_FORUMS_BeforePageDisplay_Menu_WhoesHere(&$out) { global $awcsf_menu_whoeshere_beforepagedisplay; // find out why this is being called multi-times by other extensions... // if ($awcsf_menu_whoeshere_beforepagedisplay == 'yes') { return true; } $awcsf_menu_whoeshere_beforepagedisplay = 'yes'; if (awcs_forum_nav_bar or show_whos_here_in_WIKI) { global $awcUser, $wgUser; require_once awc_dir . "includes/gen_class.php"; require_once awc_dir . "includes/funcs.php"; if (!isset($awcUser)) { $awcUser = new awcs_forum_user(); } } if (awcs_forum_nav_bar) { // <awc_forum_menu_tag> $current_sidebar = wfMsgForContent('sidebar'); // get current wiki-nav awcs_forum_wfLoadExtensionMessages('AWCforum_menu'); $sidebar = "\n* " . wfMsg('awcf_forum_menu') . " \n"; if (!$wgUser->isLoggedIn()) { // Add Admin options here... /** @todo make config or AdminCP options here */ $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum|" . wfMsg('awcf_forum') . " \n\n"; $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search|" . wfMsg('awcf_search') . " \n\n"; $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search/todate|" . wfMsg('awcf_todays_posts') . " \n\n"; } else { /* require_once(awc_dir . "includes/gen_class.php"); require_once(awc_dir . "includes/funcs.php"); global $awcUser; // awc_pdie($awcUser); if(!isset($awcUser)) $awcUser = new awcs_forum_user(); */ if (empty($awcUser) or $awcUser->has_mem_info == false) { $awcUser->get_mem_forum_options(); // set } # die(); if (isset($awcUser->m_pmunread)) { $user_title = '(' . $awcUser->m_pmunread . ')'; if (isset($awcUser->m_pmpop) and isset($awcUser->m_pmoptions['m_pmpop'])) { if ($awcUser->m_pmpop == '1' and $awcUser->m_pmoptions['m_pmpop'] == '1') { global $wgOut, $wgTitle; if ($wgTitle->mDbkeyform != 'AWCforum') { $wgOut->addHTML('<script type= "text/javascript"> alert("' . wfMsg('awcf__newpm') . '"); </script>'); } } } } else { $user_title = '0'; } $user_title .= ' ' . wfMsg('awcf_unreadpms'); $mOps = isset($awcUser->m_menu_options) ? $awcUser->m_menu_options : null; if (!is_array($mOps) or !isset($mOps) or empty($mOps)) { $mOps['pms'] = true; $mOps['recent'] = true; $mOps['mythreads'] = true; $mOps['myposts'] = true; $mOps['subemail'] = true; $mOps['sublist'] = true; $mOps['search'] = true; $mOps['today'] = true; $mOps['forum'] = true; } if ($mOps['forum']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum|" . wfMsg('awcf_forum') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['search']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search|" . wfMsg('awcf_search') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['today']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search/todate|" . wfMsg('awcf_todays_posts') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['pms']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/member_options/pminbox|" . $user_title . "\n"; } if ($mOps['recent']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search/recent|" . wfMsg('awcf_recent') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['mythreads']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search/memtopics/" . $wgUser->mName . "/" . $awcUser->mId . "|" . wfMsg('awcf_my_threads') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['myposts']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/search/memposts/" . $wgUser->mName . "/" . $awcUser->mId . "|" . wfMsg('awcf_my_posts') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['subemail']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/member_options/threadsubscribe_email|" . wfMsg('awcf_sub_email') . "\n"; } if ($mOps['sublist']) { $sidebar .= "** Special:AWCforum/member_options/threadsubscribe_list|" . wfMsg('awcf_sub_list') . "\n"; } $sidebar .= "\n"; } if (strstr($current_sidebar, '<awc_forum_menu_tag>')) { $sidebar = str_replace('<awc_forum_menu_tag>', $sidebar, $current_sidebar); } elseif (awcs_forum_nav_bar_top) { $sidebar = $sidebar . $current_sidebar; } else { $sidebar = $current_sidebar . $sidebar; } global $wgMessageCache; /** @todo work on site notice bug */ //die(print_r($sidebar)); # $sitenotice = $wgMessageCache->mCache[awcs_forum_lang_default]['Sitenotice']; // $wgMessageCache->disable(); $wgMessageCache->addMessages(array('sidebar' => $sidebar)); //$wgMessageCache->enable(); } if (show_whos_here_in_WIKI == false) { return true; } global $wgTitle; if ($wgTitle->mDbkeyform == 'AWCforum') { return true; } awcs_forum_wfLoadExtensionMessages('AWCforum_whoes_here'); global $WhoWhere, $ForumStat; //$WhoWhere = null; $WhoWhere['type'] = 'wiki'; $WhoWhere['where'] = $wgTitle->mTextform; if ($wgTitle->mNamespace == '-1') { $WhoWhere['type'] = 'wiki'; $WhoWhere['where'] = "Special:{$WhoWhere['where']}"; } elseif ($wgTitle->mNamespace != '0') { global $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames; $WhoWhere['type'] = 'wiki'; $WhoWhere['where'] = $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[$wgTitle->mNamespace] . ":{$WhoWhere['where']}"; } $awcUser->mName = $wgUser->mName; $awcUser->mId = $wgUser->mId; // require_once(awc_dir . "includes/gen_class.php"); // require_once(awc_dir . "includes/funcs.php"); // need this to update the MaxUsers at once if (!isset($ForumStat)) { $ForumStat = new awcs_forum_stats(); $ForumStat->get_stats(); } $WhoWhere['type'] = 'wiki'; $WhoWhere['where'] = $WhoWhere['where']; global $whos_here; if (!isset($whos_here)) { $whos_here = new awcs_forum_whos_here(); } if (isset($whos_here->installed) and $whos_here->installed == true) { $whos_here->load_ses($WhoWhere); $out->mBodytext .= '<br /><br /><br />' . awcs_forums_whos_here_skin_wiki($whos_here->whos_here); } $ForumStat->doUpdate(); return true; }