function asp_delete_item_from_index_table($post_id) { $it_o = new asp_indexTable(); $it_o->removeDocument($post_id, true); }
/** * Checks and creates the index table if neccessary. */ function create_index() { $indexObj = new asp_indexTable(); $indexObj->createIndexTable(); }
<?php /* Prevent direct access */ defined('ABSPATH') or die("You can't access this file directly."); $it_options = get_option('asp_it_options'); $index_obj = new asp_indexTable(); if (ASP_DEMO) { $_POST = null; } if ($index_obj->checkIndexTable(true) === false) { ?> <div id="wpdreams" class='wpdreams wrap'> <div class="wpdreams-box"> <p class="errorMsg">The index table does not exist and cannot be created. Please contact support.</p> </div> </div> <?php return; } ?> <div id="wpdreams" class='wpdreams wrap'> <div class="wpdreams-box"> <?php ob_start(); ?> <!-- TODO Relevanssi table detection --> <div tabid="1"> <div class="item"> <?php
function asp_it_extend() { $asp_it_options = get_option('asp_it_options'); if ($asp_it_options !== false) { $args = array(); foreach ($asp_it_options as $k => $o) { $args[str_replace('it_', '', $k)] = $o; } $it_obj = new asp_indexTable($args); $res = $it_obj->extendIndex(); update_option("asp_it_cron", array("last_run" => time(), "result" => $res)); } }
<?php /* Prevent direct access */ defined('ABSPATH') or die("You can't access this file directly."); $it_options = get_option('asp_it_options'); $index_obj = new asp_indexTable(); if (ASP_DEMO) { $_POST = null; } $asp_cron_data = get_option("asp_it_cron", array("last_run" => "", "result" => array())); if ($index_obj->checkIndexTable(true) === false) { ?> <div id="wpdreams" class='wpdreams wrap'> <div class="wpdreams-box"> <p class="errorMsg">The index table does not exist and cannot be created. Please contact support.</p> </div> </div> <?php return; } ?> <div id="wpdreams" class='wpdreams wrap'> <div class="wpdreams-box"> <?php ob_start(); ?> <!-- TODO Relevanssi table detection --> <div tabid="1"> <div class="item">