public function _storeData() { #setup some variables $user_id = $_SESSION['use_id']; $this->_isUpd(); #get fields $this->fields = $this->is_update ? dbfn::_getupdatefields($this->table) : dbfn::_getinsertfields($this->table); #build query $query = $this->is_update ? dbfn::_buildupdate($this->fields, $this->table, $this->prikey) : dbfn::_buildinsert($this->fields, $this->table); #get changes to the data $this->_getDataChanges(); #execute query $oResult = new db($query); $this->rowid = $this->is_update ? $this->rowid : $oResult->insert_id; #format output $output = $oResult->ret; #determine if operation was a success and store in history if ($output['msg_class'] == "success") { aimsys::_history($query, $this->changes, $this->table, $this->rowid); $output['js'] = $this->is_update || req::_('popup') != 0 ? "" : "Tabs.activeTab.new2view('{$this->table}','{$this->rowid}');"; //additional javascript to run for new records $output['rowid'] = $this->rowid; } return $output; }
case 'frm_gettabs': $t = aimsys::_getTabs(); break; } /** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * OUTPUT THE RESULTS */ switch ($frm_name) { case 'frm_editor': case 'frm_tableparam': if ($option != 'popup') { header('content-type: application/x-javascript'); echo "/*"; print_r($output); echo "*/\n"; echo aimsys::_message($output['message'], $output['msg_class'], false); echo !empty($output['js']) ? "\n" . $output['js'] : ''; } else { echo str_replace("'", "`", json_encode($output)); } break; case 'frm_storetabs': echo "/*"; print_r($output); echo "*/\n"; break; case 'frm_gettabs': header('content-type: application/x-javascript'); echo <<<HTML closeAllTabs(); var temp = {$t};
#id of currently logged in user $oDate = new Date(time()); $datetime = $oDate->mysql_datetime; /** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * SEE IF RECORD IS ALREADY CHECKED OUT */ $query = "SELECT `checked_out`,`checked_out_id`,`checked_out_time` FROM `{$table}` WHERE `{$prikey}` = {$id} LIMIT 1"; $oDB = new db($query); $checkedout = count($oDB->rows) ? $oDB->rows[0]['checked_out'] : 0; $checkedout_id = count($oDB->rows) ? $oDB->rows[0]['checked_out_id'] : 0; $checkedout_time = count($oDB->rows) ? $oDB->rows[0]['checked_out_time'] : 0; /** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * RECORD IS CHECKED OUT SO FIND OUT * WHO HAS IT AND ALERT THE USER */ $checkedout_username = $checkedout_id > 0 ? aimsys::_getUsername($checkedout_id) : false; if ($checkedout == 1) { // record is already checked out by another user $return = <<<HTML checkout_message('That record is currently being edited by {$checkedout_username}.','error'); \$(' #lb-edit').removeClass('ui-disabled').attr('disabled',false); HTML; } else { // checkout record $update = "UPDATE `{$table}` SET `checked_out` = 1,`checked_out_id` = {$userid}, `checked_out_time` = '{$datetime}' WHERE `{$prikey}` = {$id} LIMIT 1"; $oDB = new db($update); if ($oDB->ret['msg_class'] == 'success') { $return = <<<HTML checkout_message('Record ready to edit.','success'); \$(' #lb-edit').hide(); \$(' #lb-refresh').hide();
public static function _get_message() { $message = !empty($_SESSION['message']) ? aimsys::_message($_SESSION['message'], $_SESSION['msg_class'], true, true) : ''; return $message; }
public static function _get_edit_form($table, $id = 0) { $edit = $id != 0 ? true : false; $query = "SELECT * FROM `aimparams` WHERE `par_table` = '{$table}'"; $oDB = new db($query); $rows = $oDB->rows; /* %s 1 - Label Class e.g. required-label 2 - Label For 3 - Label Text 4 - Input tag name (input / select) */ $return = '<table>'; $ret = array(); $row_template = '<tr><td nowrap="nowrap"><label class="%s" for="%s">%s</label> </td><td>%s</td></tr>' . "\n"; foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $params = new params($row['par_id']); $s = array(); $s[0] = $row_template; $s[1] = $params->input_required ? 'required-label' : 'optional-label'; $s[2] = $params->table_col; $s[3] = $params->input_prompt; $s[4] = 'tag'; switch ($params->input_type) { case 'text': case 'password': case 'hidden': //<input type="text" name="use_firstname" id="use_firstname" size="18" maxchars="25" class="required-input" validtype="Anything" /> $req_class = $params->input_required ? 'required-input' : ''; $class = $params->input_class != '' ? "class=\"{$params->input_class} {$req_class}\"" : "class=\"{$req_class}\""; $validtype = $params->input_valid_types != '' ? "validtype=\"{$params->input_valid_types}\"" : ''; $s[4] = "<input type=\"{$params->input_type}\" name=\"{$params->table_col}\" id=\"{$params->table_col}\" {$class} {$validtype} />"; break; case 'select': $values = explode("|", $params->input_values); $labels = explode("|", $params->input_labels); if ($values[0] == 'foreign') { $s[4] = aimsys::_get_sel_menu($params->table_col, $values[1], $labels[2], $values[2], 0, $params->input_first_value, $params->input_first_label, $params->input_multiple); } break; default: $s[4] = 'tag'; break; } $ret["{$params->view_order}"] = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $s); } } sort($ret); $return .= implode("\n", $ret); $return .= '<table>'; return $return; }
public function getFromTable($table) { $pri = aimsys::_getprimary($table); $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}` ORDER BY `{$pri}` ASC"; $result = new db($query, true); $values = array(); $labels = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $row) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $values[] = $row[0]; $labels[] = $row[1]; } } $this->labels = implode("|", $labels); $this->values = implode("|", $values); }
public function _getHtml() { $data = $this; $return = <<<HTML <div class="param-table" id="param_table_{$data->table}"> HTML; // Create first Column $menu = aimsys::_array_sel_menu($data->tables, "sel_table_{$data->table}", $data->table, 0, "--Select Table--"); $return .= <<<HTML <div class="param-col"> \t<div class="param-cell">{$data->table}</div> HTML; // Create cells for parameters foreach ($data->ar_params as $key => $value) { $return .= <<<HTML \t<div class="param-cell">{$value}</div> HTML; } // End First Column $return .= <<<HTML <div class="param-cell"><button type="button" onclick="ajax_submit_all('#param_table_{$data->table}')">Save All</button></div> </div> HTML; // Process rest of the data foreach ($data->params as $key => $col) { // Create next Column $return .= <<<HTML <div class="param-col" id="param_col_{$key}"> \t<div class="param-cell">{$key}</div> \t<form action="index.php?controller=form&option=tableparam" method="post" id="frm_tableparam_{$key}" target="#param_col_{$key}" targetScript="1"> <input type="hidden" name="frm_name" value="frm_tableparam" /> <input type="hidden" name="_table" value="{$col->_table}" /> <input type="hidden" name="_col" value="{$col->_col}" /> \t HTML; // Create additional cells foreach ($col as $key2 => $param) { if (is_object($param)) { $return .= @<<<HTML \t\t\t<div title="{$param->helptext}" class="param-cell">{$param->inputhtml}</div> HTML; } } // End Column $return .= <<<HTML <div class="param-cell"> <button type="button" onclick="ajax_submit(this.form)">Save</button></div> </form> </div> HTML; } // End Table $return .= <<<HTML </div> <div class="data row footer"></div> HTML; return $return; }