/** * Load the post model to the permalink. * @return {ae_PostModel} The loaded post model. */ public static function getPostModel() { if (!self::isPost()) { $msg = sprintf('[%s] Permalink does not represent a post.', get_class()); throw new Exception($msg); } $model = new ae_PostModel(); if (isset($_GET[PERMALINK_GET_POST]) && ae_Validate::id($_GET[PERMALINK_GET_POST])) { if (!$model->load($_GET[PERMALINK_GET_POST])) { return FALSE; } } else { $permalink = mb_substr(self::$url, 1); $permalink = preg_replace(';^' . PERMALINK_BASE_POST . ';i', '', $permalink); if (!$model->loadFromPermalink($permalink)) { return FALSE; } } return $model; }
$editArea = 'Media'; $areaId = 'media'; $model = new ae_MediaModel(); $model->load($_GET['media']); } else { if (isset($_GET['page']) && ae_Validate::id($_GET['page'])) { $editArea = 'Page'; $areaId = 'page'; $model = new ae_PageModel(); $model->load($_GET['page']); } else { if (isset($_GET['post']) && ae_Validate::id($_GET['post'])) { $editArea = 'Post'; $areaId = 'post'; $model = new ae_PostModel(); $model->load($_GET['post']); $model->loadCategoryIds(); } else { if (isset($_GET['user']) && ae_Validate::id($_GET['user'])) { $editArea = 'User'; $areaId = 'user'; $model = new ae_UserModel(); $model->load($_GET['user']); } else { header('Location: admin.php?error=unknown_edit_area'); exit; } } } } }