コード例 #1
ファイル: aEngineTools.class.php プロジェクト: verenate/gri
 public static function preExecute($actions)
     $request = $actions->getRequest();
     // Figure out where we are all over again, because there seems to be no clean way
     // to get the same controller-free URL that the routing engine gets. TODO:
     // ask Fabien how we can do that.
     $uri = $actions->getRequest()->getUri();
     $uriPrefix = $actions->getRequest()->getUriPrefix();
     $uri = substr($uri, strlen($uriPrefix));
     if (preg_match("/^\\/[^\\/]+\\.php(.*)\$/", $uri, $matches)) {
         $uri = $matches[1];
     // This will quickly fetch a result that was already cached when we
     // ran through the routing table (unless we hit the routing table cache,
     // in which case we're looking it up for the first time, also OK)
     $page = aPageTable::getMatchingEnginePage($uri, $remainder);
     if (!$page) {
         throw new sfException('Attempt to access engine action without a page');
     $page = aPageTable::retrieveByIdWithSlots($page->id);
     // We want to do these things the same way executeShow would
     aTools::validatePageAccess($actions, $page);
     aTools::setPageEnvironment($actions, $page);
     // Convenient access to the current page for the subclass
     $actions->page = $page;
コード例 #2
  * You too can do this in a plugin dependent on a, see the provided stylesheet
  * for how to correctly specify an icon to go with your button. See the
  * apostrophePluginConfiguration class for the registration of the event listener.
 public static function getGlobalButtons()
     // Only if we have suitable credentials
     if (aMediaTools::userHasUploadPrivilege()) {
         aTools::addGlobalButtons(array(new aGlobalButton('media', 'Media', 'aMedia/index', 'a-media', '/admin/media', 'aMedia')));
 public static function getGlobalButtons()
     $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
     if ($user->hasCredential('admin')) {
         aTools::addGlobalButtons(array(new aGlobalButton('polls', 'Polls', '@a_poll_poll_admin', 'a-poll')));
 public static function getGlobalButtons()
     $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
     if ($user->hasCredential('blog_author') || $user->hasCredential('blog_admin')) {
         aTools::addGlobalButtons(array(new aGlobalButton('blog', 'Blog', '@a_blog_admin', 'a-blog-btn'), new aGlobalButton('events', 'Events', '@a_event_admin', 'a-events day-' . date('j'))));
コード例 #5
ファイル: aNavigation.class.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
  * @param mixed $root
  * @param mixed $active
  * @param mixed $options
 public function __construct($root, $active, $options = array())
     $this->user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
     $this->livingOnly = !(aTools::isPotentialEditor() && sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute('show-archived', true, 'apostrophe'));
     $this->root = $root;
     $this->active = $active;
     $this->options = $options;
コード例 #6
 public static function getGlobalButtons()
     $mediaEnginePage = aPageTable::retrieveBySlug('/admin/media');
     // Only if we have suitable credentials
     $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
     if ($user->hasCredential('media_admin') || $user->hasCredential('media_upload')) {
         aTools::addGlobalButtons(array(new aGlobalButton('media', 'Media', 'aMedia/index', 'a-media', $mediaEnginePage)));
コード例 #7
 public function configure()
     // We must explicitly limit the fields because otherwise tables with foreign key relationships
     // to the pages table will extend the form whether it's appropriate or not. If you want to do
     // those things on behalf of an engine used in some pages, define a form class called
     // enginemodulenameEngineForm. It will automatically be instantiated with the engine page
     // as an argument to the constructor, and rendered beneath the main page settings form.
     // On submit, it will be bound to the parameter name that begins its name format and, if valid,
     // saved consecutively after the main page settings form. The form will be rendered via
     // the _renderPageSettingsForm partial in your engine module, which must exist, although it
     // can be as simple as echo $form. (Your form is passed to the partial as $form.)
     // We would use embedded forms if we could. Unfortunately Symfony has unresolved bugs relating
     // to one-to-many relations in embedded forms.
     $this->useFields(array('slug', 'template', 'engine', 'archived', 'view_is_secure'));
     unset($this['author_id'], $this['deleter_id'], $this['Accesses'], $this['created_at'], $this['updated_at'], $this['view_credentials'], $this['edit_credentials'], $this['lft'], $this['rgt'], $this['level']);
     $this->setWidget('template', new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => aTools::getTemplates())));
     $this->setWidget('engine', new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => aTools::getEngines())));
     // On vs. off makes more sense to end users, but when we first
     // designed this feature we had an 'archived vs. unarchived'
     // approach in mind
     $this->setWidget('archived', new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('expanded' => true, 'choices' => array(false => "Published", true => "Unpublished"), 'default' => false)));
     if ($this->getObject()->hasChildren()) {
         $this->setWidget('cascade_archived', new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox());
         $this->setValidator('cascade_archived', new sfValidatorBoolean(array('true_values' => array('true', 't', 'on', '1'), 'false_values' => array('false', 'f', 'off', '0', ' ', ''))));
         $this->setWidget('cascade_view_is_secure', new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox());
         $this->setValidator('cascade_view_is_secure', new sfValidatorBoolean(array('true_values' => array('true', 't', 'on', '1'), 'false_values' => array('false', 'f', 'off', '0', ' ', ''))));
     $this->setWidget('view_is_secure', new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('expanded' => true, 'choices' => array(false => "Public", true => "Login Required"), 'default' => false)));
     $this->addPrivilegeWidget('edit', 'editors');
     $this->addPrivilegeWidget('manage', 'managers');
     $this->setValidator('slug', new aValidatorSlug(array('required' => true, 'allow_slashes' => true), array('required' => 'The slug cannot be empty.', 'invalid' => 'The slug must contain only slashes, letters, digits, dashes and underscores. Also, you cannot change a slug to conflict with an existing slug.')));
     $this->setValidator('template', new sfValidatorChoice(array('required' => true, 'choices' => array_keys(aTools::getTemplates()))));
     // Making the empty string one of the choices doesn't seem to be good enough
     // unless we expressly clear 'required'
     $this->setValidator('engine', new sfValidatorChoice(array('required' => false, 'choices' => array_keys(aTools::getEngines()))));
     // The slug of the home page cannot change (chicken and egg problems)
     if ($this->getObject()->getSlug() === '/') {
     } else {
         $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'aPage', 'column' => 'slug'), array('invalid' => 'There is already a page with that slug.')));
     $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
     if (!$user->hasCredential('cms_admin')) {
     // We changed the form formatter name, so we have to reset the translation catalogue too
コード例 #8
 public static function retrieveOrCreateByPageIdAndName($pageId, $name)
     $culture = aTools::getUserCulture();
     $area = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('aArea a')->where('a.page_id = ? AND a.name = ? AND a.culture = ?', array($pageId, $name, $culture))->fetchOne();
     if ($area) {
         return $area;
     $area = new aArea();
     $area->page_id = $pageId;
     $area->name = $name;
     $area->culture = $culture;
     return $area;
コード例 #9
  * Given an array of blogItems this function will populate its virtual page
  * areas with the current slot versions.
  * @param aBlogItem $blogItems
 public static function populatePages($blogItems)
     $pageIds = array();
     foreach ($blogItems as $aBlogItem) {
         $pageIds[] = $aBlogItem['page_id'];
     if (count($pageIds)) {
         $q = aPageTable::queryWithSlots();
         $q->whereIn('id', $pageIds);
         $pages = $q->execute();
コード例 #10
ファイル: aEngineTools.class.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
  * Poor man's multiple inheritance. This allows us to subclass an existing
  * actions class in order to create an engine version of it. See aEngineActions
  * for the call to add to your own preExecute method
  * @param mixed $actions
 public static function preExecute($actions)
     $request = $actions->getRequest();
     // Figure out where we are all over again, because there seems to be no clean way
     // to get the same controller-free URL that the routing engine gets. TODO:
     // ask Fabien how we can do that.
     $uri = urldecode($actions->getRequest()->getUri());
     $rr = preg_quote(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot(), '/');
     if (preg_match("/^(?:https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+)?{$rr}(?:\\/[^\\/]+\\.php)?(.*)\$/", $uri, $matches)) {
         $uri = $matches[1];
     } else {
         throw new sfException("Unable to parse engine URL {$uri}");
     // This will quickly fetch a result that was already cached when we
     // ran through the routing table (unless we hit the routing table cache,
     // in which case we're looking it up for the first time, also OK)
     $page = aPageTable::getMatchingEnginePageInfo($uri, $remainder);
     if (!$page) {
         throw new sfException('Attempt to access engine action without a page');
     $page = aPageTable::retrieveByIdWithSlots($page['id']);
     // We want to do these things the same way executeShow would
     aTools::validatePageAccess($actions, $page);
     aTools::setPageEnvironment($actions, $page);
     // Convenient access to the current page for the subclass
     $actions->page = $page;
     // If your engine supports allowing the user to choose from several page types
     // to distinguish different ways of using your engine, then you'll need to
     // return the template name from your show and index actions (and perhaps
     // others as appropriate). You can pull that information straight from
     // $this->page->template, or you can take advantage of $this->pageTemplate which
     // is ready to return as the result of an action (default has been changed
     // to Success, other values have their first letter capitalized)
     $templates = aTools::getTemplates();
     // originalTemplate is what's in the template field of the page, except that
     // nulls and empty strings from pre-1.5 Apostrophe have been converted to 'default'
     // for consistency
     $actions->originalTemplate = $page->template;
     if (!strlen($actions->originalTemplate)) {
         // Compatibility with 1.4 templates and reasonable Symfony expectations
         $actions->originalTemplate = 'default';
     // pageTemplate is suitable to return from an action. 'default' becomes 'Success'
     // (the Symfony standard for a "normal" template's suffix) and other values have
     // their first letter capitalized
     if ($actions->originalTemplate === 'default') {
         $actions->pageTemplate = 'Success';
     } else {
         $actions->pageTemplate = ucfirst($actions->originalTemplate);
コード例 #11
  * @see sfValidatorBase
 protected function doClean($value)
     $clean = (string) parent::doClean($value);
     $clean = aTools::strtolower($clean);
     $slugified = aTools::slugify($clean, $this->getOption('allow_slashes'));
     if ($this->getOption('strict')) {
         if ($slugified !== $clean) {
             throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid', array('value' => $value));
     } else {
         $clean = $slugified;
     return $clean;
コード例 #12
 public function addCategory($name, $blog_id, $type = 'posts')
     $category = current($this->sql->query("SELECT * FROM a_category where name = :name", array('name' => $name)));
     if ($category) {
         $category_id = $category['id'];
     } else {
         $s = "INSERT INTO a_category (name, created_at, updated_at, slug) ";
         $s .= "VALUES (:name, :created_at, :updated_at, :slug)";
         $params = array('name' => $name, 'created_at' => aDate::mysql(), 'updated_at' => aDate::mysql(), 'slug' => aTools::slugify($name));
         $this->sql->query($s, $params);
         $category_id = $this->sql->lastInsertId();
     $s = 'INSERT INTO a_blog_item_to_category (blog_item_id, category_id) VALUES(:blog_item_id, :category_id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE blog_item_id=blog_item_id';
     $parms = array('blog_item_id' => $blog_id, 'category_id' => $category_id);
     $this->sql->query($s, $parms);
     return $category_id;
コード例 #13
ファイル: aMediaRouting.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
 public static function listenToRoutingLoadConfigurationEvent(sfEvent $event)
     $r = $event->getSubject();
     if (aMediaTools::getOption("routes_register") && in_array('aMedia', sfConfig::get('sf_enabled_modules'))) {
         // Since the media plugin is now an engine, we need our own
         // catch-all rule for administrative URLs in the media area.
         // Prepending it first means it matches last
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_other', new aRoute('/:action', array('module' => 'aMedia')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_show', new aRoute('/view/:slug', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'show'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$')));
         // Allow permalinks for PDF originals
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_original', new sfRoute(sfConfig::get('app_a_routes_media_image_original', '/uploads/media_items/:slug.original.:format'), array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'original'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'format' => '^(\\w+)$')));
         $route = new sfRoute(sfConfig::get('app_a_routes_media_image', '/uploads/media_items/:slug.:width.:height.:resizeType.:format'), array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'image'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'width' => '^\\d+$', 'height' => '^\\d+$', 'resizeType' => '^\\w$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif)$'));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image', $route);
         $route = new sfRoute(sfConfig::get('app_a_routes_media_image_cropped', '/uploads/media_items/:slug.:cropLeft.:cropTop.:cropWidth.:cropHeight.:width.:height.:resizeType.:format'), array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'image'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'width' => '^\\d+$', 'height' => '^\\d+$', 'cropLeft' => '^\\d+$', 'cropTop' => '^\\d+$', 'cropWidth' => '^\\d+$', 'cropHeight' => '^\\d+$', 'resizeType' => '^\\w$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif)$'));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_cropped', $route);
         // What we want:
         // /media   <-- everything
         // /image   <-- media of type image
         // /video   <-- media of type video
         // /tag/tagname <-- media with this tag
         // /image/tag/tagname <-- images with this tag
         // /video/tag/tagname <-- video with this tag
         // /media?search=blah blah blah  <-- searches are full of
         //                                   dirty URL-unfriendly characters and
         //                                   are traditionally query strings.
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index', new aRoute('/', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_type', new aRoute('/:type', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('type' => '(image|video)')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_category', new aRoute('/category/:category', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('category' => '.*')));
         // Support for existing pretty-URL tag links so they don't 404. We don't recommend
         // this for the generation of new links because it doesn't handle various
         // punctuation well with a wide variety of webserver configurations
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_deprecated_tag', new aRoute('/tag/:tag', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('tag' => '.*')));
         // We removed :tag because we allow tags with dots and such and pretty URLs
         // work great until your rewrite rules decide they are supposed to be static files
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_tag', new aRoute('/tag', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('tag' => '.*')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_select', new aRoute('/select', array('class' => 'aRoute', 'module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'select')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_info', new sfRoute('/info', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'info')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_tags', new sfRoute('/tags', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'tags')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_upload', new aRoute('/upload', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'upload')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_multiple', new aRoute('/editMultiple', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editMultiple')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit', new aRoute('/edit', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'edit')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_new_video', new aRoute('/newVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'newVideo')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_video', new aRoute('/editVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editVideo')));
コード例 #14
 public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->dateRange = '';
     $this->aEvent = $this->getRoute()->getObject();
     $this->categories = aCategoryTable::getCategoriesForPage($this->page);
     $this->forward404Unless($this->aEvent['status'] == 'published' || $this->getUser()->isAuthenticated());
     $this->preview = $this->getRequestParameter('preview');
     // Thanks to Giles Smith for catching that we had no titles on our blog post permalink pages!
     // Too much Chrome will do that to you (:
     // Title is pre-escaped as valid HTML
     $prefix = aTools::getOptionI18n('title_prefix');
     $suffix = aTools::getOptionI18n('title_suffix');
     $this->getResponse()->setTitle($prefix . $this->aEvent->Page->getTitle() . $suffix, false);
     $this->calendar = $this->buildCalendar($request);
     return $this->pageTemplate;
コード例 #15
ファイル: PluginaSlot.class.php プロジェクト: verenate/gri
 public function getEffectiveVariant($options)
     $variants = aTools::getVariantsForSlotType($this->type, $options);
     if (!isset($variants)) {
         // No variants, no class
         return '';
     // Treat null and an empty string the same
     $variant = $this->variant . '';
     // If the variant is not defined (and the empty string will not be),
     // and there is at least one variant, return the first one as the default.
     // If there are no variants return an empty string
     if (!isset($variants[$variant])) {
         if (count($variants)) {
             // Return the first variant for the type, if any, when the variant is bogus
             $keys = array_keys($variants);
             return $keys[0];
         return '';
     // If the variant is valid, return it as the CSS class
     return $this->variant;
コード例 #16
 public static function listenToRoutingLoadConfigurationEvent(sfEvent $event)
     $r = $event->getSubject();
     if (aMediaTools::getOption("routes_register") && in_array('aMedia', sfConfig::get('sf_enabled_modules'))) {
         // Since the media plugin is now an engine, we need our own
         // catch-all rule for administrative URLs in the media area.
         // Prepending it first means it matches last
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_other', new aRoute('/:action', array('module' => 'aMedia')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_show', new aRoute('/view/:slug', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'show'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$')));
         // Allow permalinks for PDF originals
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_original', new sfRoute('/uploads/media_items/:slug.original.:format', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'original'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif|pdf)$')));
         $route = new sfRoute('/uploads/media_items/:slug.:width.:height.:resizeType.:format', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'image'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'width' => '^\\d+$', 'height' => '^\\d+$', 'resizeType' => '^\\w$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif)$'));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image', $route);
         // What we want:
         // /media   <-- everything
         // /image   <-- media of type image
         // /video   <-- media of type video
         // /tag/tagname <-- media with this tag
         // /image/tag/tagname <-- images with this tag
         // /video/tag/tagname <-- video with this tag
         // /media?search=blah blah blah  <-- searches are full of
         //                                   dirty URL-unfriendly characters and
         //                                   are traditionally query strings.
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index', new aRoute('/', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_type', new aRoute('/:type', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('type' => '(image|video)')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_category', new aRoute('/category/:category', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('category' => '.*')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_tag', new aRoute('/tag/:tag', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('tag' => '.*')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_select', new aRoute('/select', array('class' => 'aRoute', 'module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'select')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_info', new sfRoute('/info', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'info')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_tags', new sfRoute('/tags', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'tags')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_upload_images', new aRoute('/uploadImages', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'uploadImages')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_images', new aRoute('/editImages', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editImages')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_new_video', new aRoute('/newVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'newVideo')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_video', new aRoute('/editVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editVideo')));
コード例 #17
ファイル: _variant.php プロジェクト: quafzi/timpany-prototype

$options = $sf_user->getAttribute("slot-options-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}", null, 'apostrophe');
$variants = aTools::getVariantsForSlotType($slot->type, $options);
if (count($variants) > 1) {
    // You can't switch variants until you've saved something for architectural reasons, however
    // we do need this menu waiting in the wings so that we can turn it on on the first save of an edit view
  <li class="a-controls-item variant" style="<?php 
    echo $slot->isNew() ? "display:none" : "";
" id="a-<?php 
    echo "{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}-variant";
    echo jq_link_to_function(__('Options', null, 'apostrophe'), '$("#a-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid . '-variant").toggleClass("open").children("ul.a-variant-options").toggle()', array('class' => 'a-variant-options-toggle a-btn icon a-settings', 'id' => 'a-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid . '-variant-options-toggle'));
    <ul class="a-options a-variant-options dropshadow">
    foreach ($variants as $variant => $settings) {
        // These classes and ids are carefully set up so that _ajaxUpdateSlot can
コード例 #18
    if (isset($filterFieldConfig[$name])) {
        //This field needs dropdown filters to be applied
    <ul class="a-multi-title">
      <li><a href="#" class="a-btn a-sort-label">[?php echo __('<?php 
        echo $field->getConfig('label');
', array(), '<?php 
        echo $this->getI18nCatalogue();
') ?]</a>
        <div class="filternav <?php 
        echo aTools::slugify($name);
        if ($filterFieldConfig[$name]->isComponent()) {
      [?php include_component('<?php 
            echo $this->getModuleName();
', 'list_th_<?php 
            echo $name;
_dropdown', array('filters' => $filters, 'name' => '<?php 
            echo $name;
コード例 #19
ファイル: _accordion.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
    echo $item['id'];

    if (isset($item['external']) && $item['external']) {
        echo link_to($item['title'], $item['slug']);
    } else {
        echo link_to($item['title'], aTools::urlForPage($item['slug'], array('absolute' => true)));

    if (isset($item['children']) && count($item['children']) && $nest < $maxDepth) {
        include_partial('aNavigation/accordion', array('nav' => $item['children'], 'draggable' => $draggable, 'maxDepth' => $maxDepth - 1, 'name' => $name, 'nest' => $nest + 1, 'dragIcon' => $dragIcon, 'class' => $class, 'active' => $active));
コード例 #20
ファイル: BaseaActions.class.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
  * It's OK to call this if there is no lock.
  * Eases its use in calls like flunkUnless
 protected function unlockTree()
コード例 #21
ファイル: aHelper.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
function a_navaccordion()
    $page = aTools::getCurrentPage();
    $children = $page->getAccordionInfo(true);
    return a_navtree_body($children);
コード例 #22
ファイル: _normalView.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
$areaOptions = isset($areaOptions) ? $sf_data->getRaw('areaOptions') : null;
$page = isset($page) ? $sf_data->getRaw('page') : null;
$pageid = isset($pageid) ? $sf_data->getRaw('pageid') : null;
$permid = isset($permid) ? $sf_data->getRaw('permid') : null;
$slot = isset($slot) ? $sf_data->getRaw('slot') : null;
$slug = isset($slug) ? $sf_data->getRaw('slug') : null;

if ($editable) {
    include_partial('a/simpleEditWithVariants', array('pageid' => $pageid, 'name' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'slot' => $slot, 'page' => $page, 'controlsSlot' => false, 'label' => a_get_option($options, 'editLabel', a_('Edit'))));

<div class="a-inset-area-slot <?php 
echo aTools::slugify($options['insetTemplate']);
include_partial('aInsetAreaSlot/' . $options['insetTemplate'] . 'Template', array('editable' => $editable, 'name' => $name, 'options' => $options, 'areaOptions' => $areaOptions, 'page' => $page, 'pageid' => $pageid, 'permid' => $permid, 'slot' => $slot, 'slug' => $slug));
コード例 #23
 protected function setup()
     if (!isset($this->options)) {
         // Prevents numerous warnings and problems if there are no slot options present
         $this->options = array();
     $this->page = aTools::getCurrentPage();
     $this->slug = $this->page->slug;
     // TODO: remove this workaround in 1.5. All uses of actual_slug and real-slug need to go away
     // in favor of actual_url, we just don't want to break any old overrides in client projects.
     $this->realSlug = aTools::getRealPage() ? aTools::getRealPage()->getSlug() : 'global';
     $this->slot = $this->page->getSlot($this->name, $this->permid);
     if (!$this->slot || $this->slot->type !== $this->type) {
         $this->slot = $this->page->createSlot($this->type);
     if ($this->getOption('edit')) {
         $this->editable = true;
     } else {
         if (aTools::getAllowSlotEditing()) {
             $this->editable = $this->page->userHasPrivilege('edit');
         } else {
             $this->editable = false;
     if ($this->getOption('preview')) {
         $this->editable = false;
     if ($this->editable) {
         $user = $this->getUser();
         $id = $this->page->getId();
         $name = $this->name;
         $permid = $this->permid;
         // Make sure the options passed to a_slot
         // can be found again at save time
         if (!$this->updating) {
             // Slot options can be influenced by variant switching, and that's fine, and the editor might
             // need to know about it to do the right thing, so it's appropriate to reset the slot
             // options in the attribute. However, we also need to know what the original, pristine
             // options from a_slot or a_area were in order to allow variants to be switched without
             // having side effects on each other's option sets
             $user->setAttribute("slot-original-options-{$id}-{$name}-{$permid}", $this->options, 'apostrophe');
             // Refactored to get rid of duplicate logic
             $allowedVariants = array_keys(aTools::getVariantsForSlotType($this->type, $this->options));
             $user->setAttribute("slot-allowed-variants-{$id}-{$name}-{$permid}", $allowedVariants, 'apostrophe');
         $user->setAttribute("slot-options-{$id}-{$name}-{$permid}", $this->options, 'apostrophe');
     // Calling getEffectiveVariant ensures we default to the behavior of the first one
     // defined, or the first one allowed if there is an allowed_variants option
     $variant = $this->slot->getEffectiveVariant($this->options);
     if ($variant) {
         // Allow slot variants to adjust slot options. This shouldn't be used to radically
         // change the slot, just as an adjunct to CSS, styling things in ways CSS can't
         $variants = aTools::getVariantsForSlotType($this->slot->type, $this->options);
         if (isset($variants[$variant]['options'])) {
             $options = $variants[$variant]['options'];
             $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
     $this->pageid = $this->page->id;
     $this->id = $this->pageid . '-' . $this->name . '-' . $this->permid;
     // The basic slot types, and some custom slot types, are
     // simplified by having this field ready to go
     $this->value = $this->slot->value;
     // Not everyone wants the default 'double click the outline to
     // start editing' behavior
     $this->outlineEditable = $this->editable && $this->getOption('outline_editable', $this->slot->isOutlineEditable());
     // Useful if you're reimplementing that via a button etc
     $id = $this->id;
     $this->showEditorJS = "\$('#content-{$id}').hide(); \$('#form-{$id}').fadeIn();";
     if (isset($this->validationData['form'])) {
         // Make Symfony 1.2 form validation extra-convenient
         $this->form = $this->validationData['form'];
コード例 #24
ファイル: PluginaPageTable.class.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
  * Accepts array('info' => [page info array], 'where' => [where clause])
  * Returns results the current user is permitted to see. You can override this if you specify the
  * following options (must specify all or none):
  * 'user_id', 'has_view_locked_permission', 'group_ids', 'has_cms_admin_permission'
  * You can override the user's culture by specifying 'culture'
  * @param mixed $options
  * @return mixed
 public static function getPagesInfo($options)
     $whereClauses = array();
     $ignorePermissions = false;
     if (isset($options['ignore_permissions'])) {
         // getAncestorsInfo has to return everything in some contexts to work properly
         $ignorePermissions = $options['ignore_permissions'];
     if (!isset($options['culture'])) {
         $options['culture'] = aTools::getUserCulture();
     // In the absence of a bc option for page visibility, we can make a better
     // determination based on the user's access rights (1.5)
     $joins = '';
     if (isset($options['user_id'])) {
         // If you pass this in you have to pass all of it in. But if you are just
         // interested in the current user you needn't bother (see the else clause)
         $user_id = $options['user_id'];
         $group_ids = $options['group_ids'];
         if (!count($group_ids)) {
             // Should never be empty due to IN's limitations
             $group_ids = array(0);
         $hasViewLockedPermission = $options['has_view_locked_permission'];
         $hasCmsAdmin = $options['has_cms_admin_permission'];
     } else {
         // Get it automatically for the current user
         $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
         $user_id = 0;
         $hasViewLockedPermission = false;
         $group_ids = array(0);
         $hasCmsAdmin = false;
         if ($user->isAuthenticated()) {
             $user_id = $user->getGuardUser()->id;
             // In 1.5 this one is a little bit of a misnomer because of the new provision for locking
             // to individuals or groups rather than "Editors & Guests". In the new use case it is
             // merely a prerequisite
             $credentials = sfConfig::get('app_a_view_locked_sufficient_credentials', 'view_locked');
             $hasViewLockedPermission = $user->hasCredential($credentials);
             $group_ids = aArray::getIds($user->getGroups());
             // Careful: empty IN clauses do not work
             if (!count($group_ids)) {
                 $group_ids = array(0);
             $hasCmsAdmin = $user->hasCredential('cms_admin');
     $joins .= 'LEFT JOIN a_access aa ON aa.page_id = p.id AND aa.user_id = ' . $user_id . ' ';
     if (!count($group_ids)) {
         // A group that can never be
         $group_ids = array(0);
     $joins .= 'LEFT JOIN a_group_access ga ON ga.page_id = p.id AND ga.group_id IN (' . implode(',', $group_ids) . ') ';
     $viewLockedClause = '';
     if ($hasViewLockedPermission) {
         $viewLockedClause = 'OR p.view_guest IS TRUE ';
     // CMS admin can always view
     if (!$hasCmsAdmin && !$ignorePermissions) {
         // YOU CAN VIEW IF
         // * view_admin_lock is NOT set, AND
         // * You can edit
         // OR
         // p.archived is false AND p.published_at is in the past AND p.view_is_secure is false
         // OR
         // p.archived is false AND p.published_at is in the past AND p.view_is_secure is true AND (p.view_guest is true OR you have view_locked OR you have an explicit view privilege
         // However note that if you have a group privilege you don't need to have hasViewLockedPermission (all groups are candidates)
         $whereClauses[] = '(p.view_admin_lock IS FALSE AND (((aa.privilege = "edit") || (ga.privilege = "edit")) OR ' . '((p.archived IS FALSE OR p.archived IS NULL) AND p.published_at < NOW() AND ' . '((p.view_is_secure IS FALSE OR p.view_is_secure IS NULL) OR ' . '(p.view_is_secure IS TRUE AND ' . '(ga.privilege = "view_custom" OR ' . ($hasViewLockedPermission ? '(p.view_guest IS TRUE OR aa.privilege = "view_custom")' : '(0 <> 0)') . '))))))';
     if (!isset($options['admin'])) {
         $options['admin'] = false;
     if (!isset($options['where'])) {
         throw new sfException("You must specify a where clause when calling getPagesInfo");
     $culture = $options['culture'];
     $admin = $options['admin'];
     $where = $options['where'];
     // Raw PDO for performance
     $connection = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $pdo = $connection->getDbh();
     // When we look for the current culture, we need to do it in the ON clause, not
     // in the WHERE clause. Otherwise we don't get any information at all about pages
     // not i18n'd yet
     $escCulture = $connection->quote($culture);
     $query = "SELECT p.id, p.slug, p.view_is_secure, p.view_guest, p.view_admin_lock, p.edit_admin_lock, p.archived, p.lft, p.rgt, p.level, p.engine, p.template, s.value AS title FROM a_page p\n      LEFT JOIN a_area a ON a.page_id = p.id AND a.name = 'title' AND a.culture = {$escCulture}\n      LEFT JOIN a_area_version v ON v.area_id = a.id AND a.latest_version = v.version \n      LEFT JOIN a_area_version_slot avs ON avs.area_version_id = v.id\n      LEFT JOIN a_slot s ON s.id = avs.slot_id {$joins}";
     // admin pages are almost never visible in navigation
     if (!$admin) {
         $whereClauses[] = '(p.admin IS FALSE OR p.admin IS NULL)';
     // Virtual pages are never appropriate for getPagesInfo. Note that privileges for virtual pages
     // are by definition always the responsibility of the code that brought them into being and never
     // based on "normal" page permissions, so getPagesInfo is entirely the wrong API for them
     $whereClauses[] = '(substr(p.slug, 1, 1) = "/")';
     $whereClauses[] = $where;
     $query .= "WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $whereClauses);
     $query .= " ORDER BY p.lft";
     $resultSet = $pdo->query($query);
     // Turn it into an actual array rather than some iterable almost-array thing
     $results = array();
     $seenId = array();
     foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
         // Careful: with the new LEFT JOINs on access rights we have extra rows.
         // Get only one for each page
         if (isset($seenId[$result['id']])) {
         $seenId[$result['id']] = true;
         // If there is no title yet, supply one to help the translator limp along
         if (!strlen($result['title'])) {
             if ($result['slug'] === '/') {
                 $result['title'] = 'home';
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('|([^/]+)$|', $result['slug'], $matches)) {
                     $result['title'] = $matches[1];
         $results[] = $result;
     return $results;
コード例 #25
ファイル: aHelper.php プロジェクト: verenate/gri
function _a_navcolumn_body($page)
    $sortHandle = "";
    $sf_user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
    $admin = $page->userHasPrivilege('edit');
    if ($admin) {
        $sortHandle = "<div class='a-btn icon a-drag a-controls'></div>";
    $result = "";
    // Inclusion of archived pages should be a bit generous to allow for tricky situations
    // in which those who can edit a subpage might not be able to find it otherwise.
    // We don't want the performance hit of checking for the right to edit each archived
    // subpage, so just allow those with potential-editor privs to see that archived pages
    // exist, whether or not they are allowed to actually edit them
    if (aTools::isPotentialEditor() && $sf_user->getAttribute('show-archived', true, 'apostrophe')) {
        $livingOnly = false;
    } else {
        $livingOnly = true;
    $result = '<ul id="a-navcolumn" class="a-navcolumn">';
    $childrenInfo = $page->getChildrenInfo($livingOnly);
    if (!count($childrenInfo)) {
        $childrenInfo = $page->getPeerInfo($livingOnly);
    $n = 1;
    foreach ($childrenInfo as $childInfo) {
        $class = "peer_item";
        if ($childInfo['id'] == $page->id) {
            $class = "self_item";
        if ($n == 1) {
            $class .= ' first';
        if ($n == count($childrenInfo)) {
            $class .= ' last';
        // Specific format to please jQuery.sortable
        $result .= "<li id=\"a-navcolumn-item-" . $childInfo['id'] . "\" class=\"a-navcolumn-item {$class}\">\n";
        $title = $childInfo['title'];
        if ($childInfo['archived']) {
            $title = '<span class="a-archived-page" title="&quot;' . $title . '&quot; is Unpublished">' . $title . '</span>';
        $result .= $sortHandle . link_to($title, aTools::urlForPage($childInfo['slug']));
        $result .= "</li>\n";
    $result .= "</ul>\n";
    if ($admin) {
        $result .= jq_sortable_element('#a-navcolumn', array('url' => 'a/sort?page=' . $page->getId()));
    return $result;
コード例 #26

use_helper('jQuery', 'Url', 'I18N');

$page = aTools::getCurrentPage();

if ($edit) {

  <form method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo url_for('a/rename') . '?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $page->id));
" id="a-breadcrumb-rename-form" class="epc-form a-breadcrumb-form rename">

    $form = new aRenameForm($page);
    echo $form->renderHiddenFields();
    echo $form['title']->render(array('id' => 'a-breadcrumb-rename-title'));

	  <ul id="a-breadcrumb-rename-controls" class="a-form-controls a-breadcrumb-controls rename" style="display:none;">
コード例 #27
 public function executeReorganize(sfWebRequest $request)
     // Reorganizing the tree = escaping your page-specific security limitations.
     // So only full CMS admins can do it.
     $root = aPageTable::retrieveBySlug('/');
     $this->treeData = $root->getTreeJSONReady(false);
     // setTitle takes care of escaping things
     $this->getResponse()->setTitle(aTools::getOptionI18n('title_prefix') . 'Reorganize' . aTools::getOptionI18n('title_suffix'));
コード例 #28
 public function go()
     $dir_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->dir);
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($iterator as $sfile) {
         if ($sfile->isFile()) {
             $file = $sfile->getPathname();
             if (preg_match('/(^|\\/)\\./', $file)) {
                 # Silently ignore all dot folders to avoid trouble with svn and friends
                 $this->giveFeedback("info", "Ignoring dotfile", $file);
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
             if ($pathinfo['filename'] === 'Thumbs.db') {
             $info = aImageConverter::getInfo($file);
             if ($info === false) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("warning", "Not supported or corrupt", $file);
             $item = new aMediaItem();
             if ($info['format'] === 'pdf') {
                 $item->type = 'pdf';
             } else {
                 $item->type = 'image';
             // Split it up to make tags out of the portion of the path that isn't dir (i.e. the folder structure they used)
             $dir = $this->dir;
             $dir = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $dir) . '/';
             $relevant = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($dir, '/') . '/', '', $file);
             // TODO: not Microsoft-friendly, might matter in some setting
             $components = preg_split('/\\//', $relevant);
             $tags = array_slice($components, 0, count($components) - 1);
             foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
                 // We don't strictly need to be this harsh, but it's safe and definitely
                 // takes care of some things we definitely can't allow, like periods
                 // (which cause mod_rewrite problems with pretty Symfony URLs).
                 // TODO: clean it up in a nicer way without being UTF8-clueless
                 // (aTools::slugify is UTF8-safe)
                 $tag = aTools::slugify($tag);
             $item->title = aTools::slugify($pathinfo['filename']);
             if (!strlen($item->title)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Files must have a basename", $file);
             // The preSaveImage / save / saveImage dance is necessary because
             // the sluggable behavior doesn't kick in until save and the image file
             // needs a slug based filename.
             if (!$item->preSaveImage($file)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Save failed", $file);
             if (!$item->saveImage($file)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Save failed", $file);
             $this->giveFeedback("completed", $count, $file);
     $this->giveFeedback("total", $count);
コード例 #29
ファイル: _breadcrumb.php プロジェクト: hashir/UoA
" class="a-nav a-nav-breadcrumb a-breadcrumb-<?php 
echo $name ? $name : 'component';
 breadcrumb clearfix">
foreach ($nav as $pos => $item) {
    if (!$item['archived'] || $draggable) {
			<li class="<?php 
        echo $class;
        if ($item['slug'] == $active) {
            echo ' a-current-page';
        echo link_to($item['title'], aTools::urlForPage($item['slug']));
        if ($pos + 1 < count($nav)) {
            echo '<span class="a-breadcrumb-separator">' . $separator . '</span>';
コード例 #30

// Compatible with sf_escaping_strategy: true
$a_event = isset($a_event) ? $sf_data->getRaw('a_event') : null;


$catClass = "";
foreach ($a_event->getCategories() as $category) {
    $catClass .= " category-" . aTools::slugify($category);

<div class="a-blog-item event <?php 
echo $a_event->getTemplate();
echo $catClass != '' ? $catClass : '';
if ($a_event->userHasPrivilege('edit')) {
	  <ul class="a-ui a-controls a-blog-post-controls">
    echo a_button(a_('Edit'), url_for('a_event_admin_edit', $a_event), array('a-btn', 'icon', 'a-edit', 'lite', 'alt', 'no-label'));