コード例 #1
 public function startRender(__IComponent &$component)
     $properties = array();
     $component_properties = $component->getProperties();
     foreach ($component_properties as $property => $value) {
         $properties[] = $property . '="' . $value . '"';
     $properties[] = 'id="' . $component->getId() . '"';
     $properties[] = 'name="' . $component->getName() . '"';
     $jod_response_writer = $this->_getJavascriptResponseWriter();
     if ($component->getVisible() == false) {
         $properties[] = 'style = "display : none;"';
     $value = $component->getValue();
     if ($value) {
         $properties[] = 'class="depressed"';
     } else {
         $properties[] = 'class="raised"';
     $width = $component->getWidth();
     $height = $component->getHeight();
     $style = array();
     if ($width != null) {
         $style[] = 'width:' . $width;
     if ($height != null) {
         $style[] = 'height:' . $height;
     $return_value = '<span style="display: inline-block; ' . implode('; ', $style) . '" onclick="toggleButton(this);" ' . implode(' ', $properties) . '>';
     return $return_value;
コード例 #2
    public function startRender(__IComponent &$component)
        $component_id = $component->getId();
        $properties = array();
        $component_properties = $component->getProperties();
        foreach ($component_properties as $property => $value) {
            $property = strtolower($property);
            if ($property != 'runat') {
                $properties[] = $property . '="' . $value . '"';
        if (!key_exists('TYPE', $component_properties)) {
            $properties[] = 'type="text"';
        $properties[] = 'id="' . $component_id . '"';
        $properties[] = 'name="' . $component->getName() . '"';
        $value = $component->getValue();
        $example_value = $component->getExampleValue();
        if (!empty($value)) {
            $properties[] = 'value="' . htmlentities($value) . '"';
        } else {
            if (!empty($example_value)) {
                $properties[] = 'value="' . htmlentities($example_value) . '"';
        if ($component->getVisible() == false) {
            $properties[] = 'style = "display : none;"';
        $return_value = '<input ' . implode(' ', $properties) . '>';
        if (!empty($example_value)) {
            if (__ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->hasResponseWriter('examplevalues')) {
                $jod_response_writer = __ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->getResponseWriter('examplevalues');
            } else {
                $jod_response_writer = new __JavascriptOnDemandResponseWriter('examplevalues');
                $js_code = <<<CODE
function hideExampleValue(event){
    var formfield = Event.element(event);
    var exampleValue = (\$A(arguments)).last();
    if (formfield.value == exampleValue) {
        formfield.value = "";
                $javascript_rw = __ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->getResponseWriter('javascript');
            $js_code = "Event.observe('{$component_id}', 'focus', hideExampleValue.bindAsEventListener(\$({$component_id}), '{$example_value}'));\n";
        return $return_value;
コード例 #3
    public function startRender(__IComponent &$component)
        $properties = array();
        $component_id = $component->getId();
        $date_format = $component->getDateFormat();
        $datebox_button_id = $component_id . '_calbutton';
        if (__ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->hasResponseWriter('datebox')) {
            $jod_response_writer = __ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->getResponseWriter('datebox');
            $jod_setup_response_writer = $jod_response_writer->getResponseWriter('datebox-setup');
        } else {
            $jod_response_writer = new __JavascriptOnDemandResponseWriter('datebox');
            $jod_language_response_writer = new __JavascriptOnDemandResponseWriter('datebox-language');
            $jod_setup_response_writer = new __JavascriptOnDemandResponseWriter('datebox-setup');
            $javascript_rw = __ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->getResponseWriter('javascript');
        $js_code = <<<CODESET
        $component_properties = $component->getProperties();
        foreach ($component_properties as $property => $value) {
            $properties[] = $property . '="' . $value . '"';
        $properties[] = 'type="text"';
        $properties[] = 'id="' . $component->getId() . '"';
        $properties[] = 'name="' . $component->getName() . '"';
        $properties[] = 'value="' . $component->getValue() . '"';
        if ($component->getVisible() == false) {
            $properties[] = 'style = "display : none;"';
        $local_js_lib = __ApplicationContext::getInstance()->getPropertyContent('JS_LIB_DIR');
        $calendar_image_url = __UrlHelper::resolveUrl('jscalendar/calendar.gif', $local_js_lib);
        $return_value = '<input onchange="this.fire(\'lion:validate\');" ' . implode(' ', $properties) . '>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="' . $calendar_image_url . '"  id="' . $datebox_button_id . '" width="16" height="16" border="0">';
        return $return_value;
コード例 #4
 protected function _doValidation(__IComponent &$component)
     $this->_validation_result = true;
     if ($component instanceof __IValueHolder && $component->getEnabled() && $component->getVisible()) {
         $value = $component->getValue();
         $captcha_image_component = $this->getCaptcha();
         if (!$captcha_image_component->check($value)) {
             $this->setErrorMessage('The code is invalid');
             $this->_validation_result = false;
     if ($this->_validation_result == true) {
         $this->_error_message = null;
     return $this->_validation_result;
コード例 #5
 public function startRender(__IComponent &$component)
     $properties = array();
     $component_properties = $component->getProperties();
     foreach ($component_properties as $property => $value) {
         $properties[] = $property . '="' . $value . '"';
     $properties[] = 'id="' . $component->getId() . '"';
     $properties[] = 'name="' . $component->getGroup() . '"';
     if ($component->getValue() === true) {
         $properties[] = 'checked = "checked"';
     if ($component->getVisible() == false) {
         $properties[] = 'style = "display : none;"';
     $return_value = '<input type="RADIO"  ' . implode(' ', $properties) . '>';
     return $return_value;
コード例 #6
    public function startRender(__IComponent &$component)
        if (__ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->hasResponseWriter('sliderjscode')) {
            $jod_response_writer = __ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->getResponseWriter('sliderjscode');
        } else {
            $jod_response_writer = new __JavascriptOnDemandResponseWriter('sliderjscode');
            $javascript_rw = __ResponseWriterManager::getInstance()->getResponseWriter('javascript');
        $component_id = $component->getId();
        $handle = $component_id . '_handle';
        $track = $component_id . '_track';
        $initial_value = $component->getValue();
        $input_receiver = $component->getInputReceiver();
        $decimals = $component->getDecimals();
        if ($decimals > 0) {
            $v = 'Math.round(v*1' . str_pad('', $decimals, '0') . ')/1' . str_pad('', $decimals, '0');
        } else {
            $v = 'Math.round(v)';
        $onreceiver_keyup_js = '';
        $onslide_js = '';
        if ($input_receiver != null) {
            $input_receiver_id = $input_receiver->getId();
            $onslide_js = '';
            if ($input_receiver instanceof __InputBoxComponent) {
                $onslide_js = 'onSlide: function(v) { $(\'' . $input_receiver_id . '\').value = ' . $v . '; },';
                $onreceiver_keyup_js = <<<CODE

            \$("{$input_receiver_id}").onKeyUp = function() {
                var value = \$("{$input_receiver_id}").value;
                if (value == '') return;
                if (isNaN(value))
            } else {
                if ($input_receiver instanceof __LabelComponent) {
                    $onslide_js = 'onSlide: function(v) { $(\'' . $input_receiver_id . '\').update(' . $v . '); },';
        $lower_limit = $component->getLowerLimit();
        $upper_limit = $component->getUpperLimit();
        $axis = $component->getAxis();
        $js_code = <<<CODE

        window['{$component_id}'] = new Control.Slider("{$handle}", "{$track}", {
                onChange: function(v) { (__ClientEventHandler.getInstance()).sendEvent("change", {}, "{$component_id}"); },
                range: \$R({$lower_limit},{$upper_limit}),
                sliderValue: {$initial_value},
                axis: "{$axis}"
        $width = $component->getWidth();
        $height = $component->getHeight();
        $handle_width = $component->getHandleWidth();
        $handle_height = $component->getHandleHeight();
        $track_css_class = $component->getTrackCssClass();
        $left_track_css_class = $component->getLeftTrackCssClass();
        $handle_img = $component->getHandleImg();
        if (empty($track_css_class)) {
            $track_style = 'style="width:' . $width . '; background-color:#ccc; height: ' . $height . ';"';
        } else {
            $track_style = 'class="' . $track_css_class . '"';
        if (empty($handle_img)) {
            $handle_style = 'style="width:' . $handle_width . '; height:' . $handle_height . ';background-color:#f00; cursor:move;"';
        } else {
            $handle_style = 'style="width:' . $handle_width . '; height:' . $handle_height . ';"';
        $return_value = <<<CODE
        <div id="{$component_id}" style="width:{$width}; height: {$handle_height};">
        <div {$track_style} id="{$track}" style="width:{$width}; height:{$height};">
            <div class="{$left_track_css_class}"></div><div id="{$handle}" {$handle_style}><img src="{$handle_img}" alt="" style="float: left;" /></div>
        return $return_value;
コード例 #7
 protected function _doValidation(__IComponent &$component)
     $this->_validation_result = true;
     if ($component instanceof __IValueHolder && $component->getEnabled() && $component->getVisible()) {
         $value = $component->getValue();
         $trimmed_value = trim($value);
         $component_to_match = $this->getComponentToMatch();
         //check file size (if applicable):
         $error_file_size = false;
         $max_file_size = $this->getMaxFileSize();
         if ($max_file_size !== null) {
             if ($component instanceof __IUploaderComponent) {
                 $size = $component->getSize();
                 if ($size !== null && $max_file_size < $size) {
                     $error_file_size = true;
             } else {
                 throw __ExceptionFactory::getInstance()->createException('Can not validate file size on a non uploader component (not implementing the __IUploaderComponent): ' . get_class($component));
         if ($error_file_size) {
             $exceded_size = $size - $max_file_size;
             $this->setErrorMessage('Maximum file size (' . $this->_getPrintableSize($max_file_size) . ') exceded by ' . $this->_getPrintableSize($exceded_size));
             $this->_validation_result = false;
         } else {
             if ($component_to_match instanceof __IValueHolder && trim($component_to_match->getValue()) !== $trimmed_value) {
                 print "[" . trim($component_to_match->getValue()) . "] - [" . $trimmed_value . ']';
                 $this->setErrorMessage(__ResourceManager::getInstance()->getResource('ERR_FIELD_MUST_MATCH')->setParameters(array($component->getAlias(), $component_to_match->getAlias()))->getValue());
                 $this->_validation_result = false;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($trimmed_value) == 0 && $this->getMandatory()) {
                     $this->_validation_result = false;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->getValidLength() != null && strlen($value) != $this->getValidLength()) {
                         $this->setErrorMessage(__ResourceManager::getInstance()->getResource('ERR_INVALID_LENGTH')->setParameters(array($component->getAlias(), $this->getValidLength()))->getValue());
                         $this->_validation_result = false;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->getMinLength() != null && strlen($value) < $this->getMinLength()) {
                             $this->setErrorMessage(__ResourceManager::getInstance()->getResource('ERR_TOO_SHORT_VALUE')->setParameters(array($component->getAlias(), $this->getMinLength()))->getValue());
                             $this->_validation_result = false;
                         } else {
                             if ($this->getMaxLength() != null && strlen($value) > $this->getMaxLength()) {
                                 $this->setErrorMessage(__ResourceManager::getInstance()->getResource('ERR_TOO_LONG_VALUE')->setParameters(array($component->getAlias(), $this->getMaxLength()))->getValue());
                                 $this->_validation_result = false;
                             } else {
                                 if (!empty($value) && $this->getPattern() != null && !preg_match("/" . $this->getPattern() . "/i", $value)) {
                                     $this->_validation_result = false;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->getAcceptance() && !$value) {
                                         $this->_validation_result = false;
                                     } else {
                                         if (!empty($value) && $this->getOnlyInteger() && !is_numeric($value)) {
                                             $this->setErrorMessage('Must be integer');
                                             $this->_validation_result = false;
                                         } else {
                                             if (!empty($value) && $this->getSpecificNumber() !== null && $value != $this->getSpecificNumber()) {
                                                 $this->setErrorMessage('Must be ' . $this->getSpecificNumber());
                                                 $this->_validation_result = false;
                                             } else {
                                                 if (!empty($value) && $this->getMinimumNumber() !== null && $value < $this->getMinimumNumber()) {
                                                     $this->setErrorMessage('Must not be less than ' . $this->getMinimumNumber());
                                                     $this->_validation_result = false;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (!empty($value) && $this->getMaximumNumber() !== null && $value > $this->getMaximumNumber()) {
                                                         $this->setErrorMessage('Must not be more than ' . $this->getMaximumNumber());
                                                         $this->_validation_result = false;
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (!empty($value) && $this->getAllowedExtensions() != null && !preg_match('/\\.(' . join('|', $this->getAllowedExtensions()) . ')$/i', $value)) {
                                                             $this->setErrorMessage('Invalid file type. Expected extensions: ' . join(', ', $this->getAllowedExtensions()));
                                                             $this->_validation_result = false;
                                                         } else {
                                                             $event_handler = __EventHandlerManager::getInstance()->getEventHandler($this->_view_code);
                                                             if ($event_handler->isEventHandled('validate', $this->_component)) {
                                                                 $ui_event = new __UIEvent('validate', array('validationRule' => $this->getId()), $component);
                                                                 if ($event_handler->handleEvent($ui_event) === false) {
                                                                     $this->_validation_result = false;
     if ($this->_validation_result == true) {
         $this->_error_message = null;
     return $this->_validation_result;
コード例 #8
 public function renderContent($enclosed_content, __IComponent &$component)
     return $component->getValue();