コード例 #1
ファイル: Alias.php プロジェクト: ayaou/Zuha
  * Sync all tables that have the alias field in them
 public function sync()
     $aliases = array();
     $db = $this->getDataSource();
     foreach ($db->listSources() as $table) {
         foreach ($db->describe($table) as $column => $description) {
             if ($column == 'alias') {
                 $aliases = array_merge($aliases, $this->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Alias.plugin' => ZuhaInflector::pluginize($table), 'Alias.controller' => $table, 'Alias.action' => 'view'))));
     if (!empty($aliases)) {
         foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
             $query = __("UPDATE `%s` SET `alias` = '%s' WHERE `%s`.`id` = '%s';", $alias['Alias']['controller'], $alias['Alias']['name'], $alias['Alias']['controller'], $alias['Alias']['value']);
             $return[] = $query;
     return $return;
コード例 #2
ファイル: OptimizableBehavior.php プロジェクト: ajayphp/Zuha
  * afterFind callback
  * if beforeFind doesn't get the alias, then we need to get it here and add it in
  * @param object $Model
  * @param mixed $results
 public function afterFind(Model $Model, $results, $primary = false)
     // look up the alias if it isn't set already
     if (!empty($results[0][$Model->alias]) && !isset($results[0]['Alias'])) {
         for ($i = 0, $count = count($results); $i < $count; ++$i) {
             $alias = $Model->Alias->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Alias.value' => $results[$i][$Model->name]['id'], 'Alias.controller' => Inflector::tableize($Model->name))));
             if (!empty($alias)) {
                 $results[$i]['Alias'] = $alias['Alias'];
     // map the alias to a virtual field
     for ($i = 0, $count = count($results); $i < $count; ++$i) {
         if (!empty($results[$i]['Alias'])) {
             $results[$i][$Model->alias]['_alias'] = '/' . $results[$i]['Alias']['name'];
             // not dead set on adding the slash
         } else {
             $results[$i][$Model->alias]['_alias'] = '/' . strtolower(ZuhaInflector::pluginize($Model->name)) . '/' . Inflector::tableize($Model->name) . '/view/' . $results[$i][$Model->alias]['id'];
     return $results;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Webpage.php プロジェクト: ajayphp/Zuha
  * This Builds the tokens that can be replaced in a string.
  * @param unknown $models
  * @return multitype:
 public function buildTokens($models = array(), $assoc = false)
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         App::uses($model, ZuhaInflector::pluginize($model) . '.Model');
         $Model = new $model();
         $this->tokens[$Model->name] = array_keys($Model->schema());
         if ($assoc) {
             $associated = $Model->listAssociatedModels();
             foreach ($associated as $assocModel) {
                 $this->tokens[$assocModel] = array_keys($Model->{$assocModel}->schema());
     return $this->tokens;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SiteUpdateComponent.php プロジェクト: ayaou/Zuha
  * Tables
  * A list of all tables, as keys with their corresponding plugin as values
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function _tables()
     $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
     foreach ($db->listSources() as $table) {
         if (strpos($table, 'zbk_') === false) {
             $plugin = ZuhaInflector::pluginize($table);
             if (ctype_lower($plugin)) {
                 throw new Exception(__('I bet someone added a db table (%s), without noting it in bootstrap::ZuhaInflector::pluginize. Please check.', $table));
             $tables[$table] = $plugin;
     return $tables;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AppModel.php プロジェクト: ayaou/Zuha
  * Sitemap method
  * Write the sitemap to the webroot folder
 public function writeSitemap()
     App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
     App::uses('File', 'Utility');
     $sitemap = array();
     $models = App::objects($plugin . '.Model');
     $plugins = CakePlugin::loaded();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         // the else here was App::objects($pluginPath . '.Model')  // not totally sure the changing to just plugin, won't break something
         $models = !empty($models) ? array_merge($models, App::objects($plugin . '.Model')) : App::objects($plugin . '.Model');
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         strpos($model, 'AppModel') || strpos($model, 'AppModel') === 0 ? null : ($return[$model] = $model);
     foreach (array_reverse($return) as $key => $model) {
         $model = ZuhaInflector::pluginize($model) ? ZuhaInflector::pluginize($model) . '.' . $model : $model;
         try {
             $Model = ClassRegistry::init($model);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $Model = false;
             // ignore, we don't care about missing plugin exceptions here
             // debug($e->getMessage());
         if (method_exists($Model, 'sitemap') && is_callable(array($Model, 'sitemap'))) {
             $map = $Model->sitemap();
             $sitemap = is_array($map) ? array_merge($sitemap, $map) : $sitemap;
     // let's output the actual file here
     $path = ROOT . DS . SITE_DIR . DS . 'Locale' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'webroot';
     $dir = new Folder($path);
     $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'sitemap.xml');
     $content = '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($sitemap as $page) {
         $content .= "\t<url>" . PHP_EOL . "\t\t";
         $content .= '<loc>' . $page['url']['loc'] . '</loc>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t";
         $content .= '<lastmod>' . $page['url']['lastmod'] . '</lastmod>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t";
         $content .= '<changefreq>' . $page['url']['changefreq'] . '</changefreq>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t";
         $content .= '<priority>' . $page['url']['priority'] . '</priority>' . PHP_EOL . "\t";
         $content .= '</url>' . PHP_EOL;
     $content .= '</urlset>';
     if ($file->write($content)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Condition.php プロジェクト: ayaou/Zuha
 public function addRecursiveData($model, $data)
     $Model = ClassRegistry::init(ZuhaInflector::pluginize($model) . '.' . $model);
     $Model->recursive = 1;
     $data = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array("{$Model->name}.id" => $data[$Model->name]['id'])));
     return $data;
コード例 #7
ファイル: WebpageMenuItem.php プロジェクト: ayaou/Zuha
  * Clean data method
  * @param array $data
  * @return array $data 
 protected function _cleanData($data)
     // handle if we are saving a page automatically and only have the alias
     if (!empty($data['Alias']['name']) && empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'])) {
         $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'] = '/' . $data['Alias']['name'];
     // handle beforeSave() type data
     if (empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['parent_id']) && !empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['menu_id'])) {
         $data['WebpageMenuItem']['parent_id'] = $data['WebpageMenuItem']['menu_id'];
     // handle save() type data
     if (empty($data['parent_id']) && !empty($data['menu_id'])) {
         $data['parent_id'] = $data['menu_id'];
     // handle beforeSave() type data
     if (empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['name']) && !empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text'])) {
         $data['WebpageMenuItem']['name'] = $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text'];
     // handle save() type data
     if (empty($data['name']) && !empty($data['item_text'])) {
         $data['name'] = $data['item_text'];
     // put data in, to create a check data for whether to create page or not()
     // it is in the cleanData function because we add some data to the save depending on creation of a page
     // make sure this gets fired last after all other $data updates
     if (!empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url']) && strpos($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'], 'http') !== 0) {
         // if link_url starts with http do nothing
     } elseif ($data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'content' || $data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'section' || $data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'plugin') {
         // NOTE : don't change this if above, if you do installing a new site fails
         App::uses('Alias', 'Model');
         $Alias = new Alias();
         // else see if the page already exists
         $url = strpos($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'], '/') === 0 ? substr($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'], 1) : $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'];
         $urlAlias = $Alias->getAlias($url);
         $textAlias = $Alias->getAlias($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text']);
         if (!empty($urlAlias['old']) || !empty($textAlias['old'])) {
             // if it does we don't need create a page, just move on ignoring the rest
             $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'] = !empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url']) ? $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url'] : '/' . $textAlias['old'];
         } elseif ($data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'content' || $data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'section') {
             // if not then create page (depending on page type)
             if ($this->validates()) {
                 // map menu data to webpage data
                 $webpage['Alias']['name'] = empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_url']) ? $Alias->getNewAlias($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text']) : null;
                 // if link_url is blank, set the link_url from the name (asciifyy)
                 $webpage['Webpage']['name'] = $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text'];
                 $webpage['Webpage']['title'] = $data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text'];
                 App::uses('Webpage', 'Webpages.Model');
                 $Webpage = new Webpage();
                 $webpage = $Webpage->placeholder($webpage, array('create' => true, 'type' => $data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type']));
                 // don't want returned data to save again
                 // don't want returned data to save again
                 // don't want returned data to save again
                 $data = Set::merge($data, $webpage);
             } else {
                 // it isn't going to save anyway, it didn't validate so do nothing, data should be resubmitted
         } elseif ($data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'plugin') {
             $plugin = ZuhaInflector::pluginize($data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text']);
             App::uses($plugin . 'AppModel', $plugin . '.Model');
             $className = $plugin . 'AppModel';
             $Model = new $className();
             if (method_exists($Model, 'menuInit')) {
                 // see if the plugin model has a function to generate starting links (note : handle test data in the schema)
                 $data = $Model->menuInit($data);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Create the menuInit() method in the ' . $plugin . 'AppModel file.');
     if (!empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['parent_id']) && empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['user_role_id'])) {
         $data['WebpageMenuItem']['user_role_id'] = $this->field('user_role_id', array($this->alias . '.id' => $data['WebpageMenuItem']['parent_id']));
     if (!empty($data['ChildMenuItem'][0])) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['ChildMenuItem']); ++$i) {
             if (empty($data['ChildMenuItem'][$i]['user_role_id']) && !empty($data['WebpageMenuItem']['user_role_id'])) {
                 $data['ChildMenuItem'][$i]['user_role_id'] = $data['WebpageMenuItem']['user_role_id'];
     return $data;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SectionsController.php プロジェクト: ayaou/Zuha
  * Model User Fields
  * checks a model for which relationships are with the user model
  * @param array $sections
 protected function _modelUserFields($sections)
     foreach ($sections as $k => $parent) {
         $modelName = Inflector::classify($parent['Section']['alias']);
         $plugin = ZuhaInflector::pluginize($modelName);
         if (in_array($plugin, CakePlugin::loaded())) {
             $register = !empty($plugin) ? $plugin . '.' . $modelName : $modelName;
             if ($Model = ClassRegistry::init($register, true)) {
                 $belongs = $Model->belongsTo;
                 foreach ($belongs as $b) {
                     if ($b['className'] == 'Users.User') {
                         $sections[$k]['userFields'][] = $b['foreignKey'];
     return $sections;