/** * Make route from object * @param Zoombi_Route $a_route * @return Zoombi_Route */ public function &fromObject($a_route) { $this->clear(); if ($a_route instanceof Zoombi_Route) { $this->m_segments = $a_route->getSegments(); $this->m_query->setData($a_route->getQuery()); } return $this; }
/** * Route path * @param string $a_path * @return Zoombi_Module */ public final function &route($a_path, $a_args = array()) { if (substr($a_path, 0, 1) == Zoombi::SS) { return Zoombi::getApplication()->route(substr($a_path, 1)); } if (substr($a_path, 0, 3) == '../' . Zoombi::SS) { $parent = $this->getModule(); if (!$parent) { $parent = Zoombi::getApplication(); } return $parent->route(substr($a_path, 3)); } $rewrite = $this->getRouter()->rewrite($a_path); $path = new Zoombi_Route($rewrite); $epath = new Zoombi_RoutePath(); if ($path->getSegment(0) == $this->getName()) { $seg = $path->getSegment(1); if ($this->getLoader()->hasController($seg) or $this->getLoader()->hasModule($path->getSegment($seg))) { $path->pop_start(); } } $epath->parents[] = $this; $m = $this; do { $s = $path->getSegment(0); //$m = $m->getLoader()->module($s, false); if ($m->hasModule($s)) { $m = $m->getLoader()->module($s, false); $epath->parents[] = $m; $path->pop_start(); } else { break; } } while ($m); $mod = $epath->module; if (!$mod) { $this->triggerError(new Zoombi_Exception('Application router can\'t find module "' . $path->getSegment(0) . '" -> ' . $rewrite, Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_LOAD)); } $sc = $path->getSegment(0); $path->pop_start(); if (!$mod->hasController($sc)) { return $this->triggerError(new Zoombi_Exception('Application router can\'t find controller "' . $sc . '" in module "' . $mod->getName() . '" -> ' . $rewrite, Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_LOAD)); } $ctl = $mod->getLoader()->controller($sc, false); $epath->controller = $ctl; $sa = $path->getSegment(0); $path->pop_start(); if (!$epath->controller->hasAction($sa)) { return $this->triggerError(new Zoombi_Exception('Application router can\'t find action "' . $sa . '" in controller "' . $sc . '" of module "' . $mod->getName() . '" -> ' . $rewrite, Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_ACTION)); } $epath->action = $sa; Zoombi_Request::getInstance()->setExecPath($epath); Zoombi_Request::getInstance()->setRoutePath($epath); $old_args = $this->getArgs(); $old_route = $this->getRoute(); $old_current = $this->getRouter()->getForward(); $nr = new Zoombi_Route(implode(Zoombi::SS, array_merge($epath->toArray(), $path->getSegments())) . $path->queryString()); $this->setArgs($a_args); $this->setRoute($nr); $this->getRouter()->setForward($nr); $epath->controller->requestAction($epath->action, $path->getSegments()); foreach ($epath->parents as $mod) { if ($mod and $mod instanceof Zoombi_Module) { $mod->setReturn($epath->controller->getReturn()); $mod->setOutput($epath->controller->getOutput()); } } $this->setArgs($old_args); $this->setRoute($old_route); $this->getRouter()->setForward($old_current); return $this; }
private function &_route($a_path) { if (substr($a_path, 0, 1) == Zoombi::SS) { $rewrite = Zoombi::getApplication()->getName() . Zoombi::SS . substr($a_path, 1); $a_path = $rewrite; } $rewrite = $this->getRouter()->rewrite($a_path); if (empty($rewrite)) { $rewrite = implode(Zoombi::SS, array(Zoombi_Module::DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME, Zoombi_Module::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_NAME, Zoombi_Module::DEFAULT_ACTION_NAME)); } $path = new Zoombi_Route($rewrite); $epath = new Zoombi_RoutePath(); $epath->parents[] = $this; if ($path->getSegment(0) == $this->getName() and $this->getLoader()->hasController($path->getSegment(1))) { $path->pop_start(); } $m = $this; do { $s = $path->getSegment(0); if ($m->hasModule($s)) { $m = $m->getLoader()->module($s); $epath->parents[] = $m; $path->pop_start(); } else { break; } } while ($m); $mod = $epath->module; if (!$mod) { throw new Zoombi_Exception('Application router can\'t find module start', Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_LOAD); } $sc = $path->getSegment(0); $path->pop_start(); if (empty($sc)) { $sc = $this->getConfig()->getValue('controller.default_name', 'iii'); } if (!$mod->hasController($sc)) { throw new Zoombi_Exception('Application router can\'t find controller "' . $sc . '" in module ' . $mod->getName() . '"', Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_LOAD); } $ctl = $mod->getLoader()->controller($sc); $epath->controller = $ctl; $sa = $path->getSegment(0); $path->pop_start(); if (empty($sa)) { $sa = Zoombi_Module::DEFAULT_ACTION_NAME; } if (!$ctl->hasAction($sa)) { throw new Zoombi_Exception('Application router can\'t find action "' . $sa . '" in controller "' . $sc . '" of module "' . $mod->getName() . '"', Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_ACTION); } $action = $mod->getConfig()->getValue('controller.action_prefix', Zoombi_Module::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_METHOD_PREFIX) . $sa; if (substr($action, 0, 1) == '_') { throw new Zoombi_Exception('External routes to private action requies is disallowed', Zoombi_Exception_Controller::EXC_LOAD); } $epath->action = $sa; $_r = implode(Zoombi::SS, array_merge($epath->toArray(), $path->getSegments())) . $path->queryString(); return $_r; }