コード例 #1
ファイル: SyncCtoUpdater.php プロジェクト: menatwork/synccto
  * Read a xml file and add all files to archive
  * @throws Exception
 protected function addFiles()
     // Check if xml exists
     if (!file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath'] . '/syncCto_backups/dependencies.xml')) {
         throw new Exception("Missing dependencies.xml for autoupdater.");
     // Create a new reader
     $objXMLReader = new XMLReader();
     $objXMLReader->open(TL_ROOT . '/' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath'] . '/syncCto_backups/dependencies.xml');
     $strCurrentNode = "";
     // Run through each line
     while ($objXMLReader->read()) {
         switch ($objXMLReader->nodeType) {
             case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                 $strCurrentNode = $objXMLReader->localName;
             case XMLReader::TEXT:
             case XMLReader::CDATA:
                 if ($strCurrentNode == "path") {
                     // Check if file is in blacklist
                     foreach ($this->arrBlackFiles as $strBlackfile) {
                         if (preg_match('^' . $strBlackfile . '^i', $objXMLReader->value)) {
                     // Remove the TL_ROOT and the first '/'
                     $strPath = preg_replace("/^TL_ROOT\\//i", "", $objXMLReader->value, 1);
                     // If we have a sql parse it
                     if (preg_match("/\\.sql\$/i", $strPath)) {
                     // If file exists add it to archive
                     if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . "/" . $strPath)) {
                         if (!$this->objZipArchive->addFile($strPath, "FILES/" . $strPath)) {
                             throw new Exception("Could not add the file " . $strPath . " to the archive.");
     // Add the dependencies.xml
     if (!$this->objZipArchive->addFile($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath'] . '/syncCto_backups/dependencies.xml', "FILES/" . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath'] . '/syncCto_backups/dependencies.xml')) {
         throw new Exception('Could not add the file /' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath'] . '/syncCto_backups/dependencies.xml to the archive.');
コード例 #2
ファイル: SyncCtoFiles.php プロジェクト: menatwork/synccto
  * Make a incremental backup from a filelist
  * @param string $srtXMLFilelist  Path to XML filelist
  * @param stirng $strZipFolder Path to the folder
  * @param string $strZipFile Name of zipfile. If empty a filename will be create.
  * @return array array{"folder"=>[string],"file"=>[string],"fullpath"=>[string],"xml"=>[string],"done"=>[boolean]}
  * @throws Exception
 public function runIncrementalDump($srtXMLFilelist, $strZipFolder, $strZipFile = null, $intMaxFilesPerRun = 5)
     $floatTimeStart = microtime(true);
     // Check if filelist exists
     if (!file_exists(TL_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $srtXMLFilelist)) {
         throw new Exception("File not found: " + $srtXMLFilelist);
     // Create, check zip name
     if ($strZipFile == null || $strZipFile == "") {
         $strZipFile = date($this->strTimestampFormat) . "_" . $this->strSuffixZipName;
     } else {
         $strZipFile = str_replace(array(" "), array("_"), preg_replace("/\\.zip\\z/i", "", $strZipFile)) . ".zip";
     // Build Path
     $strZipFolder = $this->objSyncCtoHelper->standardizePath($strZipFolder);
     $strZipPath = $this->objSyncCtoHelper->standardizePath($strZipFolder, $strZipFile);
     // Open XML Reader
     $objXml = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
     $objXml->load(TL_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $srtXMLFilelist);
     // Check if we have some files
     if ($objXml->getElementsByTagName("file")->length == 0) {
         return array("folder" => $strZipFolder, "file" => $strZipFile, "fullpath" => $strZipPath, "xml" => $srtXMLFilelist, "done" => true);
     // Open ZipArchive
     $objZipArchive = new ZipArchiveCto();
     if (($mixError = $objZipArchive->open($strZipPath, ZipArchiveCto::CREATE)) !== true) {
         throw new Exception($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['error'] . ": " . $objZipArchive->getErrorDescription($mixError));
     // Get all files
     $objFilesList = $objXml->getElementsByTagName("file");
     $objNodeFiles = $objXml->getElementsByTagName("files")->item(0);
     $arrFinished = array();
     $intRuns = 0;
     // Run through each
     foreach ($objFilesList as $file) {
         // Check if file exists
         if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->nodeValue)) {
             $objZipArchive->addFile($file->nodeValue, $file->nodeValue);
         // Add file to finished list
         $arrFinished[] = $file;
         // After 5 files add all to zip
         if ($intRuns == $intMaxFilesPerRun) {
             $objZipArchive->open($strZipPath, ZipArchiveCto::CREATE);
             $intRuns = 0;
         // Check time out
         if (microtime(true) - $floatTimeStart > $this->intMaxExecutionTime) {
     // Remove finished files from xml
     foreach ($arrFinished as $value) {
     // Close XML and zip
     $objXml->save(TL_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $srtXMLFilelist);
     if ($objXml->getElementsByTagName("file")->length == 0) {
         $booFinished = true;
     } else {
         $booFinished = false;
     // Return informations
     return array("folder" => $strZipFolder, "file" => $strZipFile, "fullpath" => $strZipPath, "xml" => $srtXMLFilelist, "done" => $booFinished);
コード例 #3
  * Function for creating a sql/xml dump file.
  * @param array $mixTables Table or a list of tables for backup
  * @param string $strZip Name of zip file
  * @param bool $booTempFolder Should the tmp folde used instead of backupfolder
  * @return void 
 public function runDump($mixTables, $booTempFolder, $booOnlyMachine = true)
     // Set time limit to unlimited
     // Set limit for db query. Ticket #163
     if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['syncCto_custom_settings'] == true && intval($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['syncCto_db_query_limt']) > 0) {
         $intElementsPerRequest = intval($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['syncCto_db_query_limt']);
     } else {
         $intElementsPerRequest = 500;
     // Add to the backup array all tables
     if (is_array($mixTables)) {
         $this->arrBackupTables = array_merge($this->arrBackupTables, $mixTables);
     } else {
         if ($mixTables != "" && $mixTables != null) {
             $this->arrBackupTables[] = $mixTables;
     // make the backup array unique
     $this->arrBackupTables = array_unique($this->arrBackupTables);
     // Check if we have some tables for backup
     if (!is_array($this->arrBackupTables) || $this->arrBackupTables == null || count($this->arrBackupTables) == 0) {
         throw new Exception("No tables found for backup.");
     // Get a list of all Tables
     $arrTables = $this->Database->listTables();
     // Write some tempfiles
     $strRandomToken = md5(time() . " | " . rand(0, 65535));
     // Write SQL file
     if ($booOnlyMachine == false) {
         $objFileSQL = new File($this->objSyncCtoHelper->standardizePath($GLOBALS['SYC_PATH']['tmp'], "TempSQLDump.{$strRandomToken}"));
     // Write gzip xml file
     $objGzFile = new File($this->objSyncCtoHelper->standardizePath($GLOBALS['SYC_PATH']['tmp'], "TempSyncCtoDump.{$strRandomToken}"));
     // Compression
     $objGzFile = gzopen(TL_ROOT . "/" . $this->objSyncCtoHelper->standardizePath($GLOBALS['SYC_PATH']['tmp'], "TempSyncCtoDump.{$strRandomToken}"), "wb");
     // Create XML File
     $objXml = new XMLWriter();
     // XML Start
     $objXml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // Write meta (header)
     $objXml->writeElement('version', $GLOBALS['SYC_VERSION']);
     $objXml->writeElement('create_unix', time());
     $objXml->writeElement('create_date', date('Y-m-d', time()));
     $objXml->writeElement('create_time', date('H:i', time()));
     // End metatags
     foreach ($arrTables as $key => $TableName) {
         // Check if the current table marked as backup
         if (!in_array($TableName, $this->arrBackupTables)) {
         // Get data
         $arrStructure = $this->getTableStructure($TableName);
         // Check if empty
         if (count($arrStructure) == 0) {
         $objXml->writeAttribute("name", $TableName);
         if (is_array($arrStructure['TABLE_FIELDS'])) {
             foreach ($arrStructure['TABLE_FIELDS'] as $keyField => $valueField) {
                 $objXml->writeAttribute("name", $keyField);
                 // End field
         // End fields
         if (is_array($arrStructure['TABLE_CREATE_DEFINITIONS'])) {
             foreach ($arrStructure['TABLE_CREATE_DEFINITIONS'] as $keyField => $valueField) {
                 $objXml->writeAttribute("name", $keyField);
                 // End field
         // End fields
         // End table
     // Push structure into file.
     $strXMLFlush = $objXml->flush(true);
     gzputs($objGzFile, $strXMLFlush, strlen($strXMLFlush));
     // End structure
     foreach ($arrTables as $key => $TableName) {
         // Check if the current table marked as backup
         if (!in_array($TableName, $this->arrBackupTables)) {
         // Check if table is in blacklist
         if (!in_array($TableName, $this->arrBackupTables)) {
         // Get fields
         $fields = $this->Database->listFields($TableName);
         $arrFieldMeta = array();
         foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
             if ($value["type"] == "index") {
             $arrFieldMeta[$value["name"]] = $value;
         $objXml->writeAttribute('name', $TableName);
         for ($i = 0; true; $i++) {
             // Push into file.
             $strXMLFlush = $objXml->flush(true);
             gzputs($objGzFile, $strXMLFlush, strlen($strXMLFlush));
             $objData = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$TableName}")->limit($intElementsPerRequest, $i * $intElementsPerRequest)->executeUncached();
             if ($objData->numRows == 0) {
             while ($row = $objData->fetchAssoc()) {
                 $objXml->writeAttribute("id", $row["id"]);
                 foreach ($row as $field_key => $field_data) {
                     $objXml->writeAttribute("name", $field_key);
                     if (!isset($field_data)) {
                         $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "null");
                     } else {
                         if ($field_data != "") {
                             switch (strtolower($arrFieldMeta[$field_key]['type'])) {
                                 case 'binary':
                                 case 'varbinary':
                                 case 'blob':
                                 case 'tinyblob':
                                 case 'mediumblob':
                                 case 'longblob':
                                     $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "blob");
                                     $objXml->text("0x" . bin2hex($field_data));
                                 case 'tinyint':
                                 case 'smallint':
                                 case 'mediumint':
                                 case 'int':
                                 case 'integer':
                                 case 'bigint':
                                     $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "int");
                                 case 'float':
                                 case 'double':
                                 case 'real':
                                 case 'decimal':
                                 case 'numeric':
                                     $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "decimal");
                                 case 'date':
                                 case 'datetime':
                                 case 'timestamp':
                                 case 'time':
                                 case 'year':
                                     $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "date");
                                     $objXml->text("'" . $field_data . "'");
                                 case 'char':
                                 case 'varchar':
                                 case 'text':
                                 case 'tinytext':
                                 case 'mediumtext':
                                 case 'longtext':
                                 case 'enum':
                                 case 'set':
                                     $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "text");
                                     $objXml->writeCdata(base64_encode(str_replace($this->arrSearchFor, $this->arrReplaceWith, $field_data)));
                                     $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "default");
                                     $objXml->writeCdata(base64_encode(str_replace($this->arrSearchFor, $this->arrReplaceWith, $field_data)));
                         } else {
                             $objXml->writeAttribute("type", "empty");
                     // End field
                 // End row
         // End table
     // End data
     // End database
     $strXMLFlush = $objXml->flush(true);
     gzputs($objGzFile, $strXMLFlush, strlen($strXMLFlush));
     if ($booOnlyMachine == false) {
         // Write header for sql file
         $today = date("Y-m-d");
         $time = date("H:i:s");
         // Write Header
         $string .= "-- syncCto SQL Dump\r\n";
         $string .= "-- Version " . $GLOBALS['SYC_VERSION'] . "\r\n";
         $string .= "-- http://men-at-work.de\r\n";
         $string .= "-- \r\n";
         $string .= "-- Time stamp : {$today} at {$time}\r\n";
         $string .= "\r\n";
         $string .= "SET SQL_MODE=\"NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO\";\r\n";
         $string .= "\r\n";
         $string .= "-- --------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
         $string .= "\r\n";
         $objFileSQL->append($string, "");
         $string = "";
         // Run each table
         foreach ($arrTables as $key => $TableName) {
             // Check if table is in blacklist
             if (!in_array($TableName, $this->arrBackupTables)) {
             // Get data
             $arrStructure = $this->getTableStructure($TableName);
             // Check if empty
             if (count($arrStructure) == 0) {
             // Write SQL
             $string .= "-- \r\n";
             $string .= "-- Dumping table {$TableName} \r\n";
             $string .= "-- \r\n";
             $string .= "\r\n";
             $string .= $this->buildSQLTable($arrStructure, $TableName);
             $string .= "\r\n";
             $string .= "\r\n";
             $objFileSQL->append($string, "");
             $string = "";
             // Get fields
             $fields = $this->Database->listFields($TableName);
             $arrFieldMeta = array();
             foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value["type"] == "index") {
                 $arrFieldMeta[$value["name"]] = $value;
             $booFirstEntry = true;
             for ($i = 0; true; $i++) {
                 $objData = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$TableName}")->limit($intElementsPerRequest, $i * $intElementsPerRequest)->executeUncached();
                 $strSQL = "";
                 // Check if we have some files
                 if ($objData->numRows == 0) {
                     // if end reach insert ';'
                     if ($booFirstEntry != true) {
                         $strSQL .= ";\r\n\r\n";
                     $strSQL .= "-- --------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n";
                     $objFileSQL->append($strSQL, "");
                 // Start INSERT INTO
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $strSQL .= "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $TableName . " (`";
                     $strSQL .= implode("`, `", array_keys($arrFieldMeta));
                     $strSQL .= "`) VALUES";
                 // Run through each row
                 while ($row = $objData->fetchAssoc()) {
                     $arrTableData = array();
                     foreach (array_keys($arrFieldMeta) as $fieldName) {
                         if (!isset($row[$fieldName])) {
                             $arrTableData[] = "NULL";
                         } else {
                             if ($row[$fieldName] != "") {
                                 switch (strtolower($arrFieldMeta[$fieldName]['type'])) {
                                     case 'blob':
                                     case 'tinyblob':
                                     case 'mediumblob':
                                     case 'longblob':
                                         $arrTableData[] = "0x" . bin2hex($row[$fieldName]);
                                     case 'smallint':
                                     case 'int':
                                         $arrTableData[] = $row[$fieldName];
                                     case 'text':
                                     case 'mediumtext':
                                         if (strpos($row[$fieldName], "'") != false) {
                                             $arrTableData[] = "0x" . bin2hex($row[$fieldName]);
                                         $arrTableData[] = "'" . str_replace($this->arrSearchFor, $this->arrReplaceWith, $row[$fieldName]) . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $arrTableData[] = "''";
                     if ($booFirstEntry == true) {
                         $booFirstEntry = false;
                         $strSQL .= "\r\n(" . implode(", ", $arrTableData) . ")";
                     } else {
                         $strSQL .= ",\r\n(" . implode(", ", $arrTableData) . ")";
                     if (strlen($strSQL) > 100000) {
                         $objFileSQL->append($strSQL, "");
                         $strSQL = "";
                 if (strlen($strSQL) != 0) {
                     $objFileSQL->append($strSQL, "");
                     $strSQL = "";
     if ($booOnlyMachine == false) {
     $strFilename = date($this->strTimestampFormat) . "_" . $this->strSuffixZipName;
     if ($booTempFolder) {
         $strPath = $GLOBALS['SYC_PATH']['tmp'];
     } else {
         $strPath = $GLOBALS['SYC_PATH']['db'];
     $objZipArchive = new ZipArchiveCto();
     $objZipArchive->open($strPath . $strFilename, ZipArchiveCto::CREATE);
     if ($booOnlyMachine == false) {
         $objZipArchive->addFile("system/tmp/TempSQLDump.{$strRandomToken}", $this->strFilenameSQL);
     $objZipArchive->addFile("system/tmp/TempSyncCtoDump.{$strRandomToken}", $this->strFilenameSyncCto);
     $objFiles = Files::getInstance();
     if ($booOnlyMachine == false) {
     return $strFilename;