/** * The muboardSelectorTemplates plugin provides items for a dropdown selector. * * Available parameters: * - assign: If set, the results are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out. * * @param array $params All attributes passed to this function from the template. * @param Zikula_Form_View $view Reference to the view object. * * @return string The output of the plugin. */ function smarty_function_muboardSelectorTemplates($params, $view) { $result = array(); $result[] = array('text' => $view->__('Only item titles'), 'value' => 'itemlist_display.tpl'); $result[] = array('text' => $view->__('With description'), 'value' => 'itemlist_display_description.tpl'); if (array_key_exists('assign', $params)) { $view->assign($params['assign'], $result); return; } return $result; }
/** * The muboardSelectorObjectTypes plugin provides items for a dropdown selector. * * Available parameters: * - assign: If set, the results are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out. * * @param array $params All attributes passed to this function from the template. * @param Zikula_Form_View $view Reference to the view object. * * @return string The output of the plugin. */ function smarty_function_muboardSelectorObjectTypes($params, $view) { $result = array(); $result[] = array('text' => $view->__('Categories'), 'value' => 'category'); $result[] = array('text' => $view->__('Forums'), 'value' => 'forum'); $result[] = array('text' => $view->__('Postings'), 'value' => 'posting'); if (array_key_exists('assign', $params)) { $view->assign($params['assign'], $result); return; } return $result; }
/** * The muvideoValidationError plugin returns appropriate (and multilingual) * error messages for different client-side validation error types. * * Available parameters: * - id: Optional id of element as part of unique error message element. * - class: Treated validation class. * - assign: If set, the results are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out. * * @param array $params All attributes passed to this function from the template. * @param Zikula_Form_View $view Reference to the view object. * * @return string The output of the plugin. */ function smarty_function_muvideoValidationError($params, $view) { $id = $params['id']; $class = $params['class']; $message = ''; switch ($class) { // default rules case 'required': $message = $view->__('This is a required field.'); break; case 'validate-number': $message = $view->__('Please enter a valid number in this field.'); break; case 'validate-digits': $message = $view->__('Please use numbers only in this field. please avoid spaces or other characters such as dots or commas.'); break; case 'validate-alpha': $message = $view->__('Please use letters only (a-z) in this field.'); break; case 'validate-alphanum': $message = $view->__('Please use only letters (a-z) or numbers (0-9) only in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.'); break; case 'validate-date': $message = $view->__('Please enter a valid date.'); break; case 'validate-email': $message = $view->__('Please enter a valid email address. For example yourname@example.com .'); break; case 'validate-url': $message = $view->__('Please enter a valid URL.'); break; case 'validate-date-au': $message = $view->__('Please use this date format: dd/mm/yyyy. For example 17/03/2010 for the 17th of March, 2010.'); break; case 'validate-currency-dollar': $message = $view->__('Please enter a valid $ amount. For example $100.00 .'); break; case 'validate-selection': $message = $view->__('Please make a selection.'); break; case 'validate-one-required': $message = $view->__('Please select one of the above options.'); break; // additional rules // additional rules case 'validate-nospace': $message = $view->__('This value must not contain spaces.'); break; case 'validate-upload': $message = $view->__('Please select an allowed file type.'); break; case 'validate-datetime-past': $message = $view->__('Please select a value in the past.'); break; case 'validate-datetime-future': $message = $view->__('Please select a value in the future.'); break; case 'validate-date-past': $message = $view->__('Please select a value in the past.'); break; case 'validate-date-future': $message = $view->__('Please select a value in the future.'); break; case 'validate-time-past': $message = $view->__('Please select a value in the past.'); break; case 'validate-time-future': $message = $view->__('Please select a value in the future.'); break; case 'validate-unique': $message = $view->__('This value is already assigned, but must be unique. Please change it.'); break; } $message = '<span id="advice-' . $class . '-' . $id . '" class="validation-advice z-formnote" style="display: none">' . $message . '</span>'; if (array_key_exists('assign', $params)) { $view->assign($params['assign'], $message); return; } return $message; }
/** * * get the mail content for the message to send * returns array $messagecontent */ public function getMailContent($from, $fromaddress, $toaddress, $forum, $title, $text, $url, $kind, $parent) { $serviceManager = ServiceUtil::getManager(); $handler = new Zikula_Form_View($serviceManager, 'MUBoard'); $messagecontent = array(); $messagecontent['from'] = $from; $messagecontent['fromaddress'] = $fromaddress; $messagecontent['toaddress'] = $toaddress; $messagecontent['subject'] = $entry . $from . $ticketcategory; if ($parent == 0) { $messagecontent['body'] = $handler->__('Another issue was created by an user on ') . '<h2>' . $from . '</h2>'; } else { $messagecontent['body'] = $handler->__('Another posting was created by an user on ') . '<h2>' . $from . '</h2>'; } $messagecontent['body'] .= $handler->__('Title of posting') . '<br />' . $title . '<br /><br />'; $messagecontent['body'] .= $handler->__('Text') . '<br />' . $text . '<br /><br />'; $messagecontent['body'] .= $handler->__('Visit this issue:') . '<br />'; $messagecontent['body'] .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a><br /><br />'; $messagecontent['body'] .= $handler->__('You get this messsage because you did a subscription for a forum!') . "<br />"; // We build the url for the email message $host = System::serverGetVar('HTTP_HOST') . '/'; $url = "<a href='"; $url .= "http://" . $host . ModUtil::url('MUBoard', 'user', 'display', array('ot' => 'forum', 'id' => $forum['id'])); $url .= "'>" . $handler->__('Forum') . " " . $forum['title'] . "</a>"; $messagecontent['body'] .= " " . $handler->__f('You can quit the subscription if you visit the %s!', array($url)); $messagecontent['altbody'] = ''; $messagecontent['html'] = true; return $messagecontent; }