コード例 #1
     * Vetos (denies) a login attempt, and forces the user to change his password.
     * This handler is triggered by the 'user.login.veto' event.  It vetos (denies) a
     * login attempt if the users's account record is flagged to force the user to change
     * his password maintained by the Users module. If the user does not maintain a
     * password on his Users account (e.g., he registered with and logs in with a Google
     * Account or an OpenID, and never established a Users password), then this handler
     * will not trigger a change of password.
     * @param Zikula_Event $event The event that triggered this handler.
     * @return void
    public static function forcedPasswordChangeListener(Zikula_Event $event)
        $userObj = $event->getSubject();

        $userMustChangePassword = UserUtil::getVar('_Users_mustChangePassword', $userObj['uid'], false);

        if ($userMustChangePassword && ($userObj['pass'] != Users_Constant::PWD_NO_USERS_AUTHENTICATION)) {
                'redirect_func'  => array(
                    'modname'   => self::$modname,
                    'type'      => 'user',
                    'func'      => 'changePassword',
                    'args'      => array(
                        'login'     => true,
                    'session'   => array(
                        'var'       => 'Users_Controller_User_changePassword',
                        'namespace' => 'Zikula_Users',

            LogUtil::registerError(__("Your log-in request was not completed. You must change your web site account's password first."));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Plugin.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
  * Add 'anotherfunction' Event handler .
  * @param Zikula_Event $event Handler.
  * @return void
 public function anotherfunction(Zikula_Event $event)
     // check if this is for this handler
     $subject = $event->getSubject();
     if (!($event['method'] == 'anotherfunction' && $subject instanceof Users_Controller_Admin)) {
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Users::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
         return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
     $view = Zikula_View_plugin::getModulePluginInstance($this->moduleName, $this->pluginName);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Extensions.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
  * Event handler here.
  * @param Zikula_Event $event Event handler.
  * @return void
 public function handler(Zikula_Event $event)
     // check if this is for this handler
     $subject = $event->getSubject();
     if (!($event['method'] == 'extensions' && $subject instanceof Users_Controller_Admin)) {
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Users::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
         return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
     // Zikula Modules and Themes versions
     $view = Zikula_View::getInstance('Users');
     $view->assign('mods', ModuleUtil::getModules());
     $view->assign('themes', ThemeUtil::getAllThemes());
コード例 #4
ファイル: ModUtil.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
  * Run a module function.
  * @param string  $modname    The name of the module.
  * @param string  $type       The type of function to run.
  * @param string  $func       The specific function to run.
  * @param array   $args       The arguments to pass to the function.
  * @param boolean $api        Whether or not to execute an API (or regular) function.
  * @param string  $instanceof Perform instanceof checking of target class.
  * @throws Zikula_Exception_NotFound If method was not found.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException  If the controller is not an instance of the class specified in $instanceof.
  * @return mixed.
 public static function exec($modname, $type = 'user', $func = 'main', $args = array(), $api = false, $instanceof = null)
     // define input, all numbers and booleans to strings
     $modname = isset($modname) ? (string) $modname : '';
     $ftype = $api ? 'api' : '';
     $loadfunc = $api ? 'ModUtil::loadApi' : 'ModUtil::load';
     // validate
     if (!System::varValidate($modname, 'mod')) {
         return null;
     // Remove from 1.4
     if (System::isLegacyMode() && $modname == 'Modules') {
         LogUtil::log(__('Warning! "Modules" module has been renamed to "Extensions".  Please update your ModUtil::func() and ModUtil::apiFunc() calls.'));
         $modname = 'Extensions';
     $modinfo = self::getInfo(self::getIDFromName($modname));
     $path = $modinfo['type'] == self::TYPE_SYSTEM ? 'system' : 'modules';
     $controller = null;
     $modfunc = null;
     $loaded = call_user_func_array($loadfunc, array($modname, $type));
     if (self::isOO($modname)) {
         $result = self::getCallable($modname, $type, $func, $api);
         if ($result) {
             $modfunc = $result['callable'];
             $controller = $modfunc[0];
             if (!is_null($instanceof)) {
                 if (!$controller instanceof $instanceof) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException(__f('%1$s must be an instance of $2$s', array(get_class($controller), $instanceof)));
     $modfunc = $modfunc ? $modfunc : "{$modname}_{$type}{$ftype}_{$func}";
     $eventManager = EventUtil::getManager();
     if ($loaded) {
         $preExecuteEvent = new Zikula_Event('module_dispatch.preexecute', $controller, array('modname' => $modname, 'modfunc' => $modfunc, 'args' => $args, 'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'type' => $type, 'api' => $api));
         $postExecuteEvent = new Zikula_Event('module_dispatch.postexecute', $controller, array('modname' => $modname, 'modfunc' => $modfunc, 'args' => $args, 'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'type' => $type, 'api' => $api));
         if (is_callable($modfunc)) {
             // Check $modfunc is an object instance (OO) or a function (old)
             if (is_array($modfunc)) {
                 if ($modfunc[0] instanceof Zikula_AbstractController) {
                     $reflection = call_user_func(array($modfunc[0], 'getReflection'));
                     $subclassOfReflection = new ReflectionClass($reflection->getParentClass());
                     if ($subclassOfReflection->hasMethod($modfunc[1])) {
                         // Don't allow front controller to access any public methods inside the controller's parents
                         throw new Zikula_Exception_NotFound();
                 $postExecuteEvent->setData(call_user_func($modfunc, $args));
                 if ($modfunc[0] instanceof Zikula_AbstractController) {
             } else {
             return $eventManager->notify($postExecuteEvent)->getData();
         // get the theme
         if (ServiceUtil::getManager()->getService('zikula')->getStage() & Zikula_Core::STAGE_THEME) {
             $theme = ThemeUtil::getInfo(ThemeUtil::getIDFromName(UserUtil::getTheme()));
             if (file_exists($file = 'themes/' . $theme['directory'] . '/functions/' . $modname . "/{$type}{$ftype}/{$func}.php") || file_exists($file = 'themes/' . $theme['directory'] . '/functions/' . $modname . "/pn{$type}{$ftype}/{$func}.php")) {
                 include_once $file;
                 if (function_exists($modfunc)) {
                     return EventUtil::notify($postExecuteEvent)->getData();
         if (file_exists($file = "config/functions/{$modname}/{$type}{$ftype}/{$func}.php") || file_exists($file = "config/functions/{$modname}/pn{$type}{$ftype}/{$func}.php")) {
             include_once $file;
             if (is_callable($modfunc)) {
                 return $eventManager->notify($postExecuteEvent)->getData();
         if (file_exists($file = "{$path}/{$modname}/{$type}{$ftype}/{$func}.php") || file_exists($file = "{$path}/{$modname}/pn{$type}{$ftype}/{$func}.php")) {
             include_once $file;
             if (is_callable($modfunc)) {
                 return $eventManager->notify($postExecuteEvent)->getData();
         // try to load plugin
         // This kind of eventhandler should
         // 1. Check $event['modfunc'] to see if it should run else exit silently.
         // 2. Do something like $result = {$event['modfunc']}({$event['args'});
         // 3. Save the result $event->setData($result).
         // 4. $event->setNotify().
         // return void
         // This event means that no $type was found
         $event = new Zikula_Event('module_dispatch.type_not_found', null, array('modfunc' => $modfunc, 'args' => $args, 'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'type' => $type, 'api' => $api), false);
         if ($preExecuteEvent->isStopped()) {
             return $preExecuteEvent->getData();
         return false;
     // Issue not found exception for controller requests
     if (!System::isLegacyMode() && !$api) {
         throw new Zikula_Exception_NotFound(__f('The requested controller action %s_Controller_%s::%s() could not be found', array($modname, $type, $func)));
コード例 #5
ファイル: HookUI.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
    public static function moduleservices(Zikula_Event $event)
        // check if this is for this handler
        $subject = $event->getSubject();
        if (!($event['method'] == 'moduleservices' && strrpos(get_class($subject), '_Controller_Admin'))) {

        $moduleName = $subject->getName();
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission($moduleName.'::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        $view = Zikula_View::getInstance('Extensions', false);
        $view->assign('currentmodule', $moduleName);

        // notify EVENT here to gather any system service links
        $localevent = new Zikula_Event('module_dispatch.service_links', $subject, array('modname' => $moduleName));
        $sublinks = $localevent->getData();
        $view->assign('sublinks', $sublinks);

コード例 #6
  * Debug toolbar rendering (listener for 'theme.prefetch' and 'theme.postfetch' events).
  * @param Zikula_Event $event Event.
  * @return void
 public function debugToolbarRendering(Zikula_Event $event)
     if (!$event->getSubject() instanceof Zikula_ErrorHandler_Ajax) {
         if ($event->getName() == 'theme.prefetch') {
             // force object construction (debug toolbar constructor registers javascript and css files via PageUtil)
         } else {
             $toolbar = $this->serviceManager->getService('debug.toolbar');
             $html = $toolbar->getContent() . "\n</body>";
             $event->setData(str_replace('</body>', $html, $event->getData()));
コード例 #7
ファイル: PluginManager.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
  * Available plugins list.
  * @return array List of the available plugins.
 public static function getPluginsAvailable()
     $classNames = array();
     $classNames['category'] = 'FilterUtil_Filter_Category';
     $classNames['default'] = 'FilterUtil_Filter_Default';
     $classNames['date'] = 'FilterUtil_Filter_Date';
     $classNames['mnlist'] = 'FilterUtil_Filter_Mnlist';
     $classNames['pmlist'] = 'FilterUtil_Filter_Pmlist';
     $classNames['replaceName'] = 'FilterUtil_Filter_ReplaceName';
     // collect classes from other providers also allows for override
     // TODO A [This is only allowed for the module which owns this object.]
     $event = new Zikula_Event('zikula.filterutil.get_plugin_classes');
     $classNames = EventUtil::getManager()->notify($event)->getData();
     return $classNames;
コード例 #8
     * Format a variable for HTML display. This method is recursive array safe.
     * @param string $var The variable to format.
     * @return string The formatted variable.
    public static function formatForDisplayHTML($var)
        // This search and replace finds the text 'x@y' and replaces
        // it with HTML entities, this provides protection against
        // email harvesters
        // Note that the use of \024 and \022 are needed to ensure that
        // this does not break HTML tags that might be around either
        // the username or the domain name
        static $search = array(

        static $replace = array('"&#" .
                                sprintf("%03d", ord("\\1")) .
                                ";&#064;&#" .
                                sprintf("%03d", ord("\\2")) . ";";');

        static $allowedtags = null;
        static $outputfilter;
        static $event;
        if (!$event) {
            $event = new Zikula_Event('system.outputfilter');

        if (!isset($allowedtags)) {
            $allowedHTML = array();
            $allowableHTML = System::getVar('AllowableHTML');
            if (is_array($allowableHTML)) {
                foreach ($allowableHTML as $k => $v) {
                    if ($k == '!--') {
                        if ($v != 0) {
                            $allowedHTML[] = "$k.*?--";
                    } else {
                        switch ($v) {
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                $allowedHTML[] = "/?$k\s*/?";
                            case 2:
                                $allowedHTML[] = "/?\s*$k" . "(\s+[\w:]+\s*=\s*(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'))*" . '\s*/?';

            if (count($allowedHTML) > 0) {
                $allowedtags = '~<\s*(' . implode('|', $allowedHTML) . ')\s*>~is';
            } else {
                $allowedtags = '';

        if (!isset($outputfilter)) {
            if (ModUtil::available('SecurityCenter') && !System::isInstalling()) {
                $outputfilter = System::getVar('outputfilter');
            } else {
                $outputfilter = 0;

        if (is_array($var)) {
            foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
                $var[$k] = self::formatForDisplayHTML($v);
        } else {
            // Run additional filters
            if ($outputfilter > 0) {
                $event->setData($var)->setArg('filter', $outputfilter);
                $var = EventUtil::notify($event)->getData();

            // Preparse var to mark the HTML that we want
            if (!empty($allowedtags)) {
                $var = preg_replace($allowedtags, "\022\\1\024", $var);

            // Encode email addresses
            $var = preg_replace($search, $replace, $var);

            // Fix html entities
            $var = htmlspecialchars($var);

            // Fix the HTML that we want
            $var = preg_replace_callback('#\022([^\024]*)\024#', create_function('$m', 'return DataUtil::formatForDisplayHTML_callback($m);'), $var);

            // Fix entities if required
            if (System::getVar('htmlentities')) {
                $var = preg_replace('/&amp;([a-z#0-9]+);/i', "&\\1;", $var);

        return $var;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Listeners.php プロジェクト: projectesIF/Sirius
     * Checks if the user is member of clients group and if it should be member of it
     * @author Albert Pérez Monfort
     * @return bool true authetication succesful
    public static function sendMail(Zikula_Event $event) {
        $args = $event->getArgs();
        $args['html'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('html', isset($args['html']) ? $args['html'] : 0, 'POST');
        $args['toaddress'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('toaddress', isset($args['toaddress']) ? $args['toaddress'] : null, 'POST');
        $args['cc'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('cc', isset($args['cc']) ? $args['cc'] : null, 'POST');
        $args['bcc'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('bcc', isset($args['bcc']) ? $args['bcc'] : null, 'POST');
        $args['subject'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('subject', isset($args['subject']) ? $args['subject'] : null, 'POST');
        $args['body'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('body', isset($args['body']) ? $args['body'] : null, 'POST');
        $args['attachments'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('attachments', isset($args['attachments']) ? $args['attachments'] : array(), 'POST');
        $args['stringattachments'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('stringattachments', isset($args['stringattachments']) ? $args['stringattachments'] : array(), 'POST');
        $args['embeddedimages'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue('embeddedimages', isset($args['embeddedimages']) ? $args['embeddedimages'] : array(), 'POST');
        // include php mailsender class file
        if (file_exists($file = "modules/SiriusXtecMailer/includes/mailsender.class.php")) {
        } else {
            return false;

        // include php message class file
        if (file_exists($file = "modules/SiriusXtecMailer/includes/message.class.php")) {
        } else {
            return false;

        $enabled = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'enabled');

        if ($enabled == 0) {
            // Add processed flag
            //$args['processed'] = 1;
            //$result = ModUtil::apiFunc('Mailer', 'user', 'sendmessage', $args);
            //return $result;
            return false;

        $idApp = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'idApp');
        $replyAddress = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'replyAddress');
        $sender = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'sender');
        $environment = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer','environment');
        $log = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'log');
        $debug = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'debug');
        $logpath = ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'logpath');

        $mail = new mailsender($idApp, $replyAddress, $sender, $environment, $log, $debug, $logpath);

        // add body content type
        $contenttypes = ModUtil::func('SiriusXtecMailer', 'admin', 'getContentTypes');

        // set HTML mail if required
        if (isset($args['html']) && is_bool($args['html'])) {
            if ($args['html']) {
                $bodyType = 'text/html';
            } else {
                $bodyType = TEXTPLAIN;
        } else {
            $bodyType = $contenttypes[ModUtil::getVar('SiriusXtecMailer', 'contenttype')];

        $message = new message($bodyType, $log, $debug, $logpath);

        // add any to addresses
        if (is_array($args['toaddress'])) {
            foreach ($args['toaddress'] as $to) {
        } else {
            // $toaddress is not an array -> old logic
            // process multiple names entered in a single field separated by commas (#262)
            foreach (explode(',', $args['toaddress']) as $to) {

        // add any cc addresses
        if (isset($args['cc']) && is_array($args['cc'])) {
            foreach ($args['cc'] as $cc) {

        // add any bcc addresses
        if (isset($args['bcc']) && is_array($args['bcc'])) {
            foreach ($args['bcc'] as $bcc) {

        // add message subject and body
        $subject = $args['subject'];
        $body = $args['body'];

        // add attachments
        if (isset($args['attachments']) && !empty($args['attachments'])) {
            foreach ($args['attachments'] as $attachment) {
                if (is_array($attachment)) {
                    if (count($attachment) != 4) {
                        // skip invalid arrays
                    $message->set_attachByPathOnAppServer($attachment[1], $attachment[0]);
                } else {
                    $message->set_attachByPathOnAppServer(basename($attachment[0]), $attachment[0]);

        // add string attachments.
        if (isset($args['stringattachments']) && !empty($args['stringattachments'])) {
            foreach ($args['stringattachments'] as $attachment) {
                if (is_array($attachment) && count($attachment) == 4) {
                    $message->set_attachByContent($attachment[1], $attachment[0], $attachment[3]);

        // add embedded images
        if (isset($args['embeddedimages']) && !empty($args['embeddedimages'])) {
            foreach ($args['embeddedimages'] as $embeddedimage) {
                $message->set_attachByPathOnAppServer(basename($embeddedimage), $embeddedimage);

        //add message to mailsender
        if (!$mail->add($message)) {
            // message not added
            return LogUtil::registerError(__f('Error! A problem occurred while adding an e-mail message to \'%1$s\' (%2$s) with subject \'%3$s\'', array($args['toname'], $args['toaddress'][0], $args['subject'])));

        // send message
        if (!$mail->send_mail()) {
            // message not sent
            return LogUtil::registerError(__f('Error! A problem occurred while sending an e-mail message to \'%1$s\' (%2$s) with subject \'%3$s\'', array($args['toname'], $args['toaddress'][0], $args['subject'])));
        return true; // message sent    