?> </label> </p> <p class="checkbox"> <input name="show" type="checkbox" id="show" value="1" <?php checkIfChecked($result->getShow()); ?> /> <label for="show"><?php echo gettext("Published"); ?> </label> </p> <?php if (is_AdminEditPage('newsarticle')) { $sticky = $result->get('sticky'); ?> <p class="checkbox"> <input name="truncation" type="checkbox" id="truncation" value="1" <?php checkIfChecked($result->getTruncation()); ?> /> <label for="truncation"><?php echo gettext("Truncate at <em>pagebreak</em>"); ?> </label> </p> <p><?php echo gettext("Position:"); ?> <select id="sticky" name="sticky">
/** * * Returns an array of News article IDs belonging to the search categories */ function subsetNewsCategories() { global $_zp_zenpage; if (!is_array($this->category_list)) { return false; } $cat = ''; $list = $_zp_zenpage->getAllCategories(); foreach ($list as $category) { if (in_array($category['title'], $this->category_list)) { $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($category['titlelink']); $cat .= ' `cat_id`=' . $catobj->get('id') . ' OR'; $subcats = $catobj->getSubCategories(); if ($subcats) { foreach ($subcats as $subcat) { $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($subcat); $cat .= ' `cat_id`=' . $catobj->get('id') . ' OR'; } } } } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `news_id` FROM ' . prefix('news2cat') . ' WHERE ' . substr($cat, 0, -3); $result = query_full_array($sql); $list = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $list[] = $row['news_id']; } return $list; }
</div> <div <?php if (is_AdminEditPage("page")) { echo 'class="box"'; } ?> style="padding:15px; margin-top: 10px"> <table> <tr> <td class="topalign-padding"><?php echo gettext("Title:"); ?> </td> <td class="middlecolumn"> <?php print_language_string_list($result->get('title'), 'title', false, NULL, 'title', 91, 'zenpage_language_string_list', 10); ?> </td> <td class="rightcolumnmiddle" rowspan="6"> <h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("Publish"); ?> </h2> <div class="box-edit"> <?php if (!is_AdminEditPage("category")) { ?> <p><?php echo gettext("Author:"); ?> <?php