コード例 #1
ファイル: depends.php プロジェクト: negram/flyspray
  * show 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function show()
     global $user, $page, $fs, $conf, $db, $proj, $baseurl;
     $path_to_dot = array_get($conf['general'], 'dot_path', '');
     //php 4 on windows does not have is_executable..
     $func = function_exists('is_executable') ? 'is_executable' : 'is_file';
     $path_to_dot = $func($path_to_dot) ? $path_to_dot : '';
     $useLocal = !Flyspray::function_disabled('shell_exec') && $path_to_dot;
     $fmt = Filters::enum(array_get($conf['general'], 'dot_format', 'png'), array('png', 'svg'));
     $id = $this->task['task_id'];
     $page->assign('task_id', $id);
     $prunemode = Get::num('prune', 0);
     $selfurl = CreateURL(array('depends', 'task' . $id));
     $pmodes = array(L('none'), L('pruneclosedlinks'), L('pruneclosedtasks'));
     foreach ($pmodes as $mode => $desc) {
         if ($mode == $prunemode) {
             $strlist[] = $desc;
         } else {
             $strlist[] = "<a href='" . Filters::noXSS($selfurl) . ($mode != 0 ? "&amp;prune={$mode}" : "") . "'>{$desc}</a>\n";
     $page->assign('strlist', $strlist);
     $starttime = microtime();
     $sql = 'SELECT t1.task_id AS id1, t1.prefix_id AS pxid1, p1.project_prefix AS ppx1, t1.item_summary AS sum1,
                  t1.percent_complete AS pct1, t1.is_closed AS clsd1,
                  t1.closure_comment AS com1, u1c.real_name AS clsdby1,
                  r1.item_name as res1,
                  t2.task_id AS id2, t2.prefix_id AS pxid2, p2.project_prefix AS ppx2, t2.item_summary AS sum2,
                  t2.percent_complete AS pct2, t2.is_closed AS clsd2,
                  t2.closure_comment AS com2, u2c.real_name AS clsdby2,
                  r2.item_name as res2
            FROM  {dependencies} AS d
            JOIN  {tasks} AS t1 ON d.task_id=t1.task_id
       LEFT JOIN  {users} AS u1c ON t1.closed_by=u1c.user_id
       LEFT JOIN  {projects} AS p1 ON t1.project_id = p1.project_id
       LEFT JOIN  {list_items} AS r1 ON t1.resolution_reason=r1.list_item_id
            JOIN  {tasks} AS t2 ON d.dep_task_id=t2.task_id
       LEFT JOIN  {users} AS u2c ON t2.closed_by=u2c.user_id
       LEFT JOIN  {projects} AS p2 ON t2.project_id = p2.project_id
       LEFT JOIN  {list_items} AS r2 ON t2.resolution_reason=r2.list_item_id
           WHERE  t1.project_id= ?
        ORDER BY  d.task_id, d.dep_task_id';
     $edges = $db->x->getAll($sql, null, $proj->id);
     $edge_list = array();
     $rvrs_list = array();
     $node_list = array();
     foreach ($edges as $row) {
         extract($row, EXTR_REFS);
         $edge_list[$id1][] = $id2;
         $rvrs_list[$id2][] = $id1;
         if (!isset($node_list[$id1])) {
             $node_list[$id1] = array('id' => $id1, 'sum' => $sum1, 'pct' => $pct1, 'clsd' => $clsd1, 'ppx' => $ppx1, 'pxid' => $pxid1, 'com' => $com1, 'clsdby' => $clsdby1, 'res' => $res1);
         if (!isset($node_list[$id2])) {
             $node_list[$id2] = array('id' => $id2, 'sum' => $sum2, 'pct' => $pct2, 'clsd' => $clsd2, 'ppx' => $ppx2, 'pxid' => $pxid2, 'com' => $com2, 'clsdby' => $clsdby2, 'res' => $res2);
     // Now we have our lists of nodes and edges, along with a helper
     // list of reverse edges. Time to do the graph coloring, so we know
     // which ones are in our particular connected graph. We'll set up a
     // list and fill it up as we visit nodes that are connected to our
     // main task.
     $connected = array();
     $levelsdown = 0;
     $levelsup = 0;
     function ConnectsTo($id, $down, $up, &$connected, &$edge_list, &$rvrs_list, &$levelsdown, &$levelsup, &$prunemode, &$node_list)
         if (!isset($connected[$id])) {
             $connected[$id] = 1;
         if ($down > $levelsdown) {
             $levelsdown = $down;
         if ($up > $levelsup) {
             $levelsup = $up;
         $selfclosed = $node_list[$id]['clsd'];
         if (isset($edge_list[$id])) {
             foreach ($edge_list[$id] as $neighbor) {
                 $neighborclosed = $node_list[$neighbor]['clsd'];
                 if (!isset($connected[$neighbor]) && !($prunemode == 1 && $selfclosed && $neighborclosed) && !($prunemode == 2 && $neighborclosed)) {
                     ConnectsTo($neighbor, $down, $up + 1, $connected, $edge_list, $rvrs_list, $levelsdown, $levelsup, $prunemode, $node_list);
         if (isset($rvrs_list[$id])) {
             foreach ($rvrs_list[$id] as $neighbor) {
                 $neighborclosed = $node_list[$neighbor]['clsd'];
                 if (!isset($connected[$neighbor]) && !($prunemode == 1 && $selfclosed && $neighborclosed) && !($prunemode == 2 && $neighborclosed)) {
                     ConnectsTo($neighbor, $down + 1, $up, $connected, $edge_list, $rvrs_list, $levelsdown, $levelsup, $prunemode, $node_list);
     ConnectsTo($id, 0, 0, $connected, $edge_list, $rvrs_list, $levelsdown, $levelsup, $prunemode, $node_list);
     $connected_nodes = array_keys($connected);
     // Now lets get rid of the extra junk in our arrays.
     // In prunemode 0, we know we're only going to have to get rid of
     // whole lists, and not elements in the lists, because if they were
     // in the list, they'd be connected, so we wouldn't be removing them.
     // In prunemode 1 or 2, we may have to remove stuff from the list, because
     // you can have an edge to a node that didn't end up connected.
     foreach (array("edge_list", "rvrs_list", "node_list") as $l) {
         foreach (${$l} as $n => $list) {
             if (!isset($connected[$n])) {
             if ($prunemode != 0 && $l != "node_list" && isset(${$l}[$n])) {
                 // Only keep entries that appear in the $connected_nodes list
                 ${$l}[$n] = array_intersect(${$l}[$n], $connected_nodes);
     // Now we've got everything we need... let's draw the pretty pictures
     //Open the graph, and print global options
     $lj = 'n';
     // label justification - l, r, or n (for center)
     $graphname = "task_{$id}_dependencies";
     $dotgraph = "digraph {$graphname} {\n" . "node [width=1.1, shape=ellipse, border=10, color=\"#00E11E\", style=\"filled\", " . "fontsize=10.0, pencolor=black, margin=\"0.1, 0.0\"];\n";
     // define the nodes
     foreach ($node_list as $n => $r) {
         $col = "";
         if ($r['clsd'] && $n != $id) {
             $r['pct'] = 120;
         // color code: shades of gray for % done
         $x = dechex(255 - ($r['pct'] + 10));
         $col = "#{$x}{$x}{$x}";
         // Make sure label terminates in \n!
         $label = $r['ppx'] . '#' . $r['pxid'] . " \n" . ($useLocal ? addslashes(utf8_substr($r['sum'], 0, 15)) . "\n" : '') . ($r['clsd'] ? L('closed') : "{$r['pct']}% " . L('complete'));
         $tooltip = $r['clsd'] ? L('closed') . ": {$r['res']}" . (!empty($r['clsdby']) ? " ({$r['clsdby']})" : '') . ($r['com'] != '' ? ' - ' . str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $r['com']) : '') : $r['pct'];
         $dotgraph .= "FS{$n} [label=\"" . str_replace("\n", "\\{$lj}", $label) . "\", " . ($r['clsd'] ? 'color=black,' : '') . ($r['clsd'] ? 'fillcolor=white,' : "fillcolor=\"{$col}\",") . ($n == $id ? 'shape=box,' : '') . "href=\"javascript:top.window.location.href='" . CreateURL(array("details", 'task' . $n)) . "'\", target=\"_top\" " . "tooltip=\"{$tooltip}\"];\n";
     // Add edges
     foreach ($edge_list as $src => $dstlist) {
         foreach ($dstlist as $dst) {
             $dotgraph .= "FS{$src} -> FS{$dst};\n";
     // all done
     $dotgraph .= "}\n";
     // All done with the graph. Save it to a temp file (new name if the data has changed)
     $dotfilename = sprintf('cache/fs_depends_dot_%d_%s.dot', $id, md5($dotgraph));
     $imgfilename = sprintf('%s/%s.%s', BASEDIR, $dotfilename, $fmt);
     $mapfilename = sprintf('%s/%s.%s', BASEDIR, $dotfilename, 'map');
     //cannot use tempnam( ) as file has to end with $ftm extension
     if (!$useLocal) {
         //cannot use tempnam() as file has to end with $ftm extension
         $tname = $dotfilename;
     } else {
         // we are operating on the command line, avoid races.
         $tname = tempnam(Flyspray::get_tmp_dir(), md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)));
     //get our dot done..
     file_put_contents($tname, $dotgraph, LOCK_EX);
     // Now run dot on it, if target file does not already exist
     if (!is_file($imgfilename)) {
         if (!$useLocal) {
             require_once 'Zend/Rest/Client.php';
             $client = new Zend_Rest_Client('http://webdot.flyspray.org/');
             $data = base64_decode($client->getGraph(base64_encode($dotgraph), $fmt)->post());
             file_put_contents($imgfilename, $data, LOCK_EX);
             $data = base64_decode($client->getGraph(base64_encode($dotgraph), 'cmapx')->post());
             file_put_contents($mapfilename, $data, LOCK_EX);
         } else {
             $tfn = escapeshellarg($tname);
             shell_exec(sprintf('%s -T %s -o %s %s', $path_to_dot, escapeshellarg($fmt), escapeshellarg($imgfilename), $tfn));
             $data['map'] = shell_exec(sprintf('%s -T cmapx %s', $path_to_dot, $tfn));
             file_put_contents($mapfilename, $data['map'], LOCK_EX);
             // Remove files so that they are not exposed to the public
     $page->assign('map', file_get_contents($mapfilename));
     $page->assign('image', sprintf('%s%s.%s', $baseurl, $dotfilename, $fmt));
     // we have to find out the image size if it is SVG
     if ($fmt == 'svg') {
         if (!$remote) {
             $data = file_get_contents(BASEDIR . '/' . $file_name . '.' . $fmt);
         preg_match('/<svg width="([0-9.]+)([a-zA-Z]+)" height="([0-9.]+)([a-zA-Z]+)"/', $data, $matches);
         $page->assign('width', round($matches[1] * ($matches[2] == 'pt' ? 1.4 : ($matches[2] == 'in' ? 1.33 * 72.27 : 1)), 0));
         $page->assign('height', round($matches[3] * ($matches[4] == 'pt' ? 1.4 : ($matches[4] == 'in' ? 1.35 * 72.27 : 1)), 0));
     [TC] We cannot have this stuff outputting here, so I put it in a quick template
     $page->assign('taskid', $id);
     $page->assign('fmt', $fmt);
     $page->assign('graphname', $graphname);
     $endtime = microtime();
     list($startusec, $startsec) = explode(' ', $starttime);
     list($endusec, $endsec) = explode(' ', $endtime);
     $diff = $endsec - $startsec + ($endusec - $startusec);
     $page->assign('time', round($diff, 2));
     $page->setTitle($this->task['project_prefix'] . '#' . $this->task['prefix_id'] . ': ' . L('dependencygraph'));